Chapter 2319 Political Matters in the Armhands

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2319 Political Matters in the Armhands

Meeting one of the four groups of Recruits he was currently responsible for, Minos soon heard from these individuals about their missions, their problems, and other relevant information about their lives.

When dealing with groups like these, the job of a Junior Officer like him was mainly to guide these Recruits on how to grow in this place, become useful, and perform positive deeds for the organization.

One of the many things that made Armhands such a successful and powerful force was that its high-ranking members knew how to turn weaker members from individuals who hated the guild into loyal and dedicated guild members.

When Recruits first joined the guild, they hated the place and everyone above them. However, as they grew stronger and had opportunities, they would see the benefits of this place and being part of this system.

Almost everyone who became an internal member of the guild eventually left all or most of their resentment behind and became loyal, joining this force in its quest to reach the Upper Realm.

Junior Officers like Minos were responsible for the first part of this work: advising the external members under their charge on how to deal with their problems and grow in the guild.

So, after hearing these Recruits' updates, Minos would tell them what to avoid and do in each situation.

He also informed some of these individuals of opportunities. Another important part of Minos' job was to identify those most worthy of the guild's investment and pass on opportunities to them.

People in the role of Minos earned merit points when people under their supervision earned merit points. Even if it weren't their duty, they would still try to help those with more potential grow faster because of it.

Rhett had done this with Minos in various ways over the years. Now, he was doing it with the external members he had supervised during the selection exams he had conducted over the past few months.

When he had finished with this group, he watched them leave the building where Officers like himself usually worked in the external part of the city.

Minos clenched his fist. As much as he was respected and feared by many, that didn't mean everyone on the external or internal part of this city made things easy for him.

Some of these people were Minos' direct rivals, people who had either lost positions to him or were about to lose certain things that only a winner could obtain.

This was the case with the other two judges, who wanted a higher position and had Minos as their main competitor.

That was not the case with the man in front of Minos. This person belonged to Emperor Stuart's faction, and for that very reason, he knew that in a few years, this person would leave for a long journey outside of Armhands.

That meant Minos would temporarily leave his position and cease to be their competitor for that period!

For the judge in front of Minos, that was enough to not have to see this human as his rival.

"Those bastards never tire of finding ways to get in my way," Minos commented. "This nonsense doesn't make sense. Ruth earned 700,000 merit points in the Black Heart mission. Why would she go after external guild members to get more merit points?

Even if she found a way to punish 50 external members a day and did it for months, she still wouldn't get even 1% of what she currently has in her account."

Punishing 50 insiders a day was impossible. There weren't that many problems in the external area of the city daily. Even the most experienced Law Enforcers couldn't handle more than 4 offenders a day on average.

The Junior Officer smiled at Minos' words because such protests really didn't make much sense from that point of view.

Still, the judges could judge the protests of those external members and cause problems for Ruth.

Minos then said. "Very well, since those two want trouble, I'll take their case and judge it with a possible hint of corruption within our group in mind."

"Corruption?" This individual changed his expression.