Chapter 2325 Time to Leave the Guild!

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2325 Time to Leave the Guild!

Another two years have passed for Minos' party in Zocarro!

After decades in this world, after decades since they learned about the place in the far north of Oqia, Minos' group would finally move forward with their plans to return to the Spiritual World!

That morning, Minos and his companions submitted their notices to the guild that they would be taking some time away from the organization to deal with personal matters.

They had already given up their positions in the guild the day before and used some of their merit points to buy the right to postpone mandatory missions until they returned to the guild.

Thus, at dawn on this new day, Minos and his traveling companions found themselves face to face with those who had come with them from the Spiritual World but who would remain in the guild to further strengthen themselves.


"Good luck on your journey back to the Spiritual World," Maximilian said to the five natives of this planet who were about to leave.

"We will wait for you here. Your Majesty, I hope to hear about the end of the damned aliens from The Adamant Land when you return." Said another of these individuals.

"Your Majesty, give this to my family. Don't worry. There's nothing in this Zocarro spatial ring. Here are just my riches accumulated while I was still in the Spiritual World and a letter," said a man who had once been a subordinate of the Sista family but who didn't intend to return to his planet.

Minos accepted this spatial ring and other things that the people who would stay behind wanted him to take on this journey.

Minos smiled at this group and said. "Now it's time to separate. We may not see each other for decades, then be careful. Take advantage of the opportunities along the way, but be careful. Everyone here knows how dangerous this world is."

While staying behind was logically more interesting for these men's spiritual growth, it was also the most dangerous path. To overcome it, these men would have to face dangers like those Minos had faced as a member of the Armhands over the past few decades.

"Here at last," Ruth commented with a beautiful smile, feeling the good sense of once again embarking on this journey to resolve the War of the Worlds.

They had been busy strengthening themselves in Armhands for much longer than they had planned, but neither of them regretted it.

As much as they had hated Armhands for forcing them to join the guild and slowly improve their position on the island, they now viewed their time there positively.

Why? Simply because if they left this world, they would face dangers that could kill even Sovereigns. Without the experience and opportunities they had in Armhands, it might have taken them much longer to reach the level they were at now.

They might already be dead if they had tried to go to the north of Oqia prematurely. But after joining Armhands, they understood the dangers that lay ahead and were better prepared.

Minos smiled at his wife and agreed with her positive tone. It had taken them a while, but they were finally going on this journey.

"We will fly north for the next few weeks, following the Silent Mountain Trail," Minos told his five companions. "When we reach the Dreaded Expanse, we'll see if we can trust the information about the route to the northern coast."

The group agreed and soon flew north, following the Silent Mountain Trail, a region used as a route for those interested in traveling further north from Oqia.

But this was just the beginning of a long journey. By the time they reached the northern tip of the continent, where they could access the sea and go to the island with access to the artificial moon of Zocarro, it would take them between 4 and 6 years to complete this first part of the journey, even considering their current speeds.

Previously, the party had reached Zocarro at the southern end of Oqia. From there, it would have taken them 15 years to reach the northern tip of the continent, given their cultivation at that time.

However, they had already traveled some distance from the area they had reached in this world, and they had also grown much stronger over the past few decades. Therefore, the journey from Examire would be much shorter.

Still, there were many dangers ahead of them, and it could take several more years before they reached the northern coast of Oqia, from where they could set out for the island they had to pass through before leaving this planet.

And so began the great journey back to the Spiritual World!