Chapter 2339 Beginning of the Universal Journey

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2339 Beginning of the Universal Journey

Upon embarking on the spaceship that would serve as their abode for the ensuing weeks, Minos, along with his companions and fellow passengers, navigated the intricate passageways of the colossal six-story metallic behemoth.

Within this vast spacecraft, four of the six tiers were designated for the accommodation of approximately a hundred voyagers embarking from the Artificial Moon.

Spanning two of these levels were 40 cabins, offering a range of accommodations from solitary retreats to communal spaces, designed to cater to the varied needs of individuals seeking travel, camaraderie, or a secluded respite.

Fortuitously, Minos and his entourage secured a spacious cabin capable of hosting up to eight beings, allowing them to journey together in a blend of comfort and privacy without the necessity of separation.

Moreover, a distinct level was devoted to fostering interaction among the ship's clientele, where individuals could mingle, conduct exchanges, and savor culinary delights within the confines of the ship's marketplace.

Despite its primary function as a vessel for interstellar travel, potentially spanning several months for certain destinations, the crew ensured the provision of an array of services on this communal deck, enhancing the overall experience of their cosmic voyage.

The pivotal services aboard the spacecraft revolved around gastronomy and cultivation within specialized chambers. Given the limited capacity, not all passengers could engage in cultivation simultaneously, necessitating a reservation system for access to these areas.

While these amenities were partially complementary, they weren't entirely without cost. Each passenger was allocated one hour of cultivation time and one complimentary meal per day; any additional consumption required payment.

The fourth level, accessible to passengers, diverged from commercial activities, offering instead a sanctuary of leisure spaces designed for relaxation and enjoyment throughout the journey, devoid of any commercial establishments.

This spacecraft stood as a standard of service diversity, promising an enriching experience for its occupants. Diiscover new stories at

Upon their arrival, Minos and his companions were swiftly acquainted with the ship's extensive offerings, courtesy of crew members who welcomed the ensemble of approximately a hundred travelers departing from the Artificial Moon, heralding the start of an unforgettable odyssey.

As the passengers stood around in their cabins, the captain of the spaceship was given the go-ahead to leave.

"Starship 666, you are cleared for departure. Proceed to departure in space warp corridor 328R. Space ahead is stable, with a small zone of temporal instability 4 million kilometers ahead. Have a safe journey."

"Artificial Moon, Starship 666, roger that. Thank you for confirming conditions and we're ready to go." Said the captain as he signaled his men to move the ship.

Not long after, the ship moved, accelerating little by little until, four seconds later, the ship went into space warp and crossed space so fast that it simply disappeared halfway down corridor 328R.

For the passengers, experiencing this advanced space travel technology for the first time felt akin to undergoing instantaneous teleportation, leaving many feeling queasy as they departed from the Artificial Moon.

However, the discomfort wasn't severe enough to induce vomiting. The sensation was mainly due to feeling anchored by their seats during the sudden acceleration, which initially took a toll on their bodies.

This unsettling feeling wouldn't linger indefinitely. Throughout the first hour of their journey, the group would continue to experience these effects, which would start to diminish after the first thirty minutes. Eventually, as their seatbelts disengaged, the discomfort would fade away entirely, allowing them to acclimate to the journey ahead.

At that moment, the group looked at the screen showing images from outside the spaceship and could no longer see Zocarro or the Artificial Moon. The robot, the best navigator in Minos' group, couldn't help but be surprised when he noticed on the travel map that they had already left Zocarro's home solar system.

"Incredible!" He commented to his group, while the humans there, no longer feeling so bad about the effects of this journey, slowly got up from their seats to stretch their legs.

Minos felt his heart beat faster and told the three level 102 Sovereigns to go and make their appointments in the cultivation rooms, while the robot should also go and improve his strength, but without being in the same hurry as the three of them.

The robot had recently advanced to level 103, so it was likely that he wouldn't have a chance to improve his level until he returned from the Spiritual World. However, those three at level 102 might be able to reach level 103 in the next two years.

So the group would soon disperse to the common area of the ship, where several people between levels 100 and 105 would travel with them for part of the way.