Chapter 2363 Going to the Sea of Ancestors

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2363 Going to the Sea of Ancestors

After meeting Ruth, Minos' group spent a few moments together, reuniting the woman with her children, Hollie and Rowan. For both, only 15 years had passed. For Ruth, however, it had been over 50 years since she had last seen her children. Seeing them again today touched her to see they were still alive and had grown in the intervening years. Their appearance was still the same, but they showed more maturity in all their gestures and words, and they had grown spiritually.

Not just them, but all of Minos' children and Ruth's harem sisters were different, stronger, more mature and hardened by the war.

Not that she and Minos hadn't changed a lot. But they obviously thought of these people much more in terms of how they were in the past when they left the Spiritual World.

Either way, it was good to be reunited. Seeing her parents there also took a worry out of Ruth's heart, who had worried about the situation of her mother, father and sister all these years.

Seeing them again that day made her feel relieved that the worst hadn't happened and that she had returned to her world in time.

"How is the Edwardstone family?" Ruth asked when she saw that none of Isabella's relatives were there.

Abby explained. "Isabella's mother and stepmother must be in the far north. As for Harold, unfortunately, he died in battle a year ago."

"Sigh! So this misfortune happened..." Minos muttered as he laid one of his hands on Lily's head, who had lost a lot in this war.

"Many people died in the battle," Gloria commented. "Forrest, Eduard, Elena, Eda, Ivy, Brooke, Celeste, Regina, you name it, the list is long. We lost many people."

Ruth and Minos could only regret hearing so many names of close friends who had perished over the past 15 years.

The family had survived, but not without many scars that would never fully heal!

"You are right. The Spiritual World is my home and I'll do what I can to help you, but I can't live here anymore." Minos said in a resolute tone, displaying the certainty of someone who had pondered it extensively.

"I will solve the problems of the Spiritual World, destroy all our enemies, ensure the safety of the planet and also create a stable method to leave here and go to Zocarro. After that, I'll take my family to Zocarro.

Unfortunately, I can't take many people. Even if you want to go to Zocarro, I can only take you part of the way. I'm not rich enough to take a large group of people to that planet. The cost of the trip is really very high."

Minos knew that these three Gods would be interested in accompanying him to Zocarro. But even if he wanted to take them with him, it would be difficult, simply because he didn't have the means to pay for the spaceship tickets.

All he could do was make sure that these people had a way to leave the Spiritual World and go to Zocarro.

This method would not be as fast and good as the one he had used to return home. If any of them wanted to make such a journey, they would have to travel little by little, increasing their power and wealth on their way to Zocarro.

The three understood, imagining how difficult it must be to travel across the universe.

"Anyway, I'll talk to you about it in the next few days or months. If you want to come with me, I can drop you off in an area of the universe where you can cultivate beyond level 100. That should be better than staying in the Spiritual World for the rest of your lives."

"If we all leave, who will take care of the Spiritual World?" Kendrick asked.

"Your grandparents, your aunt, Dillian, Emlyn, Kyla. There are many people who can help control the Spiritual World in our absence. I'm going to leave them some things to help them become stronger and have defense methods and high-level technologies. Then the world will recover and protect itself, even in our absence," he said, having already thought of the things necessary to make his words come true.

"Are you going to give up the empire and everything you've built?" Sarah asked with difficulty in her tone.

She understood her father's motive, but she couldn't help but lament the idea of abandoning an empire they had built from the ground up and brought to the pinnacle of the Spiritual World.