Chapter 2373 Destruction of the Wormhole

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2373 Destruction of the Wormhole

Soon after Minos and his group left Irpoll, they began their slow return to The Adamant Land.

Although they could make the journey back in about 9 weeks, as the group intended to destroy the wormhole as they traveled, it would take them a little longer.

How could someone destroy a wormhole? The process was relatively simple. As long as one had the power, energy and patience, destroying a wormhole would only require tearing down the space walls of the tunnel and closing the path.

They needed to close the path by making the tunnel's side walls close in on themselves, causing them to come together at all points of contact. One could do this little by little, closing the overgrown path as they went, or they could simply destroy everything simultaneously through one entrance.

The second option would require an absurd level of power that none of the travelers had. There wasn't even a being that strong in this area of the universe. As such, the group was traveling and destroying the path, having already disconnected the entrance in Irpoll to this wormhole.

Minos was now closing the wormhole behind his spaceship. The robot commanded the spaceship, while Ruth rested and the level 103 man helped him keep the destruction under control so as not to affect the group.

Abby, Gloria and Vico were watching the path behind them being forcibly closed, something that would guarantee peace and tranquility for the forces of the Spiritual World for at least a few decades.

At the end of the current route, they would have the entire path to The Adamant Land destroyed and anyone trying to get from Irpoll to the world of the Mechanic Empire would have to create an entirely new path, something slow, difficult and costly to do.

This was enough for the group to establish their dominance over The Adamant Land and the Stuart family to make their way to Zocarro, maybe even grow stronger.

The next few weeks would basically be for them to travel slowly while, now and then, they would swap shifts, with others taking over Minos' task and giving the whole group space to rest as they progressed.


Over three months after the start of the group's slow journey, they arrived at their destination, back in The Adamant Land after the civilization of Irpoll had been wiped out.

Minos and his three strongest companions were currently finishing destroying the spatial distortion they had just passed through, returning the area to normal, with no more of the classic signs of that kind of place.

When they had finished, the four of them sighed in relief, coming back having used up 30% of their energy, but finished their aim of destroying the path to Irpoll.

After just over six weeks of travel, his spaceship passed through the spatial distortion of his destination, arriving at the place where rebels, local natives, had destroyed the forces of the Mechanic Empire and regained their long-lost independence.

As soon as they arrived on that world of bestial creatures, Minos and his fellow travelers realized how much weaker that world was compared to their homeland.

"How did the Mechanic Empire lose control of this world?" Gloria muttered as she sensed the local spirituality, capable of nurturing cultivators up to level 97.

It would be unreasonable for a level 100 being to appear in this world, given how weak the natural laws were there!

"Amidst the many fronts of the war, they probably neglected this world," Vico commented, seeing that the journey there would be quick and easy.

"How are we going to deal with them?" Abby asked her husband as she sensed many of the locals noticing their arrival and moving to hide, fearful of the group that had a God in their numbers.

Minos looked down at where they were floating inside his spaceship and said. "Let's show them what we're capable of. The strongest will naturally come to us to surrender."

They landed their spaceship on a continent where, according to the level 103 robot, were the strongest natives of that world.

Minos and his companions sensed the rodent society, super-

advanced by local standards, before he revealed his aura, making half the world tremble with his overwhelming powers.

The skies darkened, while the temperature dropped, with dark fog rising around much of the planet, now almost entirely in Minos' hands for him to manipulate as he wished.

Lightning, similar to Tribulation Lightning, flashed while the continent shook as if it were facing the biggest earthquake in its history.

Minos then mentally transmitted his message to all those within his reach.

'Natives of Gohoc, my name is Minos Stuart. I have just exterminated the Mechanic Empire and the civilization of Irpoll. Your civilization now has a choice to make.'