Chapter 2379 Group Defined

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2379 Group Defined

Upon entering Minos' office, the three Gods of the Spiritual World, but also the level 103 Sovereign, soon came across Emperor Stuart, alongside the two level 102 Sovereigns.

Sarah and Rowan had just left after a conversation with their father and had greeted these men and women before they settled down in Minos' office.

Minos looked silently at Vico and Callie before asking Aurae. "What is your choice regarding our departure from the Spiritual World? My group is preparing the last details before our departure between 35 and 50 days from now."

The blonde woman with pointed ears smiled and said sincerely to Minos. "I appreciate the opportunity. But I will stay in the Spiritual World to observe the planet while new Gods do not emerge. I know your state has Divine Medicines, and it's only a matter of time before we recover some level 99 Demigods to get new Gods to replace us all. But until then, it could take a few decades. I'll stay to help finish rebuilding the planet and be ready for trouble. Diiscover new stories at

When the first God after your departure appears, I intend to send them to The Adamant Land and wait for the next one to replace me in the Spiritual World.

I'll leave for Zocarro when one of your children goes on this journey."

"I see," Minos commented as he looked into Aurae's green eyes. "That's good. Staying behind isn't bad. Those who leave now will have a better chance of advancing more quickly, but it will be more dangerous. Those who go later will take advantage of what my group builds in the meantime."

They all agreed, with Vico and Callie understanding this point, but still wanting to go ahead with their intention to leave the Spiritual World.

Minos looked at these two individuals with a serious expression on his face before presenting his proposal. "Rowan and Sarah have decided that they will stay in the Spiritual World. They're both sure and won't go back in their words. Then I have two new Zocarro slots available in my group."

Vico and Callie changed their expressions, both realizing Minos' invitation.

"However, I have one condition for bringing you with me," Minos said before either of them could ask questions or celebrate the opportunity.

If Sarah and Rowan wanted to go to Zocarro with him now, he would take them, even though they were weak. But since they wouldn't, he took the strongest people he could with him.

"I see... How long do you think it will take for them to return?" she asked.

"For those in the Spiritual World, I believe it will be a few decades, less than a century. It took Maximillian about 40 years to reach the peak of level 103, so I imagine that with 50 years in Zocarro, he must have reached level 104. To reach level 107, it will probably take him 70 to 100 more years. So for us, the time for that to happen should be about two centuries."

It impressed her, even though she already knew how extraordinary Zocarro was.

Hearing how 'easy' it would be to progress to the 11th stage in Zocarro made Aurae's heart flutter with uncertainty. But she stood by her choices.

"That's impressive. One day, I still want to experience what it feels like to cultivate in Zocarro," she murmured.

One Sovereign smiled and said to her.

"You'll still feel it. In a few decades for you, you'll be in Zocarro to experience the wonders of cultivating in that great world."

The group chatted leisurely for a few minutes, with the Sovereigns there talking about how incredible it was to cultivate in Zocarro, with tones full of desire to return, but also curiosity. Although they had lived there for around 50 years, the truth was that they knew a tiny fraction of the planet.

They were still weak by Zocarro standards, so they still had a lot to explore!

The group split up to continue their local affairs. Aurae would remain in the city to follow the last days of Minos and company in the Spiritual World, seeing the prosperity of the empire up close in the presence of Emperor Stuart.

Soon it would be time for him to set off on his space journey!