Chapter 2435 The Fight Begins

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2435 The Fight Begins

While Minos was moving at high speed toward where he should find his group in no more than an hour, Kendrick and his companions found themselves in a tricky situation not long after he had used his powers for the last time.

Thinking they had escaped from the two level 111 individuals, their group would come across a group of 5 level 110 Sovereigns after only 45 minutes on the run.

The first two members of the group to use the sacrifice of their Flashdrain parasites were fighting, both temporarily at the peak of level 109, the maximum their parasites could take them.

Ruth was putting her innate ability to good use, trying her best to help those two fighting the five opponents in the patch of forest they were now in.

Her remaining companions were in position, surrounding Kendrick, Grisdi and the two Stuart sisters, the weakest of the group at the moment, eyeing their surroundings with anticipation.

The five enemies weren't taking it easy. While dealing with those two opponents, temporarily much stronger than they should have been, they attacked with their sights set on Kendrick in particular.

The level 114 Sovereign's order, already aware of Kendrick's entry into his world, was clear. Kill the young God of Gates while they had the chance!

The three Sovereigns of The Enchanted Realm who had almost reached Kendrick were already dead, and Minos was on the move. To calm the situation in this world, they needed to deal with Kendrick, or the worst could happen: an escape from very dangerous elements!

While they were fighting the robot and the human, both at the peak of level 109, the five local Sovereigns were taking it in turns to get close to Kendrick.

The robot and his companion tried to fight on the defensive, but facing five individuals stronger in level than them, even if they didn't have stronger spiritual foundations than their own, was quite complicated.

As soon as she had achieved this substantial improvement in her powers, she felt her senses, speed, ability to resist and support her companions, improve greatly.

The two members of her group, who had been struggling the longest, immediately felt this as they noticed their energy reserves improving. Meanwhile, Ruth connected her powers to all her companions, before shouting to Vico, Callie, Abby and Gloria.

"Fight with everything you've got! My innate ability will protect your bodies and help you recover instantly when you're injured or use up your powers."

Utilizing those exact words as her motivation, she fearlessly leaped towards an enemy of level 108, engaging in hand-to-hand combat to defeat that being.

Only four of her companions wouldn't be able to fight off the 10 opponents surrounding them. But as soon as she moved, the combat situation changed, becoming more advantageous for her group.

Gloria and Abby were to protect the weakest of the group, while Vico and Callie flew towards one of the weakest enemies there.

Ruth quickly reached her target's face with a punch so powerful that the creature's entire existence shook before it was thrown with substantial force to the ground.

Seeing that, the level 111 Sovereign, the only one of that level in the area, opened his mouth in shock at the strength of this woman, who was displaying a level 108 temporary cultivation, but who seemed capable of hurting even him.

"Shit! Is it within their capabilities to do that?" As he signaled the situation of his group to his superiors, this individual asked for their help.

They had just been sent by headquarters to deal with this group, but they did not know that the enemies could use a sacrifice as strong as this!

'We need more reinforcements! This group will neutralize us and continue on the run, maybe even catch up with Kendrick's father!' He sent this message to headquarters, feeling that he needed more personnel.

Headquarters was already aware of Minos' arrival and had sent even stronger men to neutralize him. But, as it turned out, Kendrick's group alone could cause immense problems for these forces before being neutralized!