Chapter 2438 Kendrick's Last Words

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2438 Kendrick's Last Words

Everyone watched as Kendrick's black hole formed, swallowing the surrounding space as the brown-haired young man directed it at the level 112 corpse.

The energy in the area was swallowed up by this massive region of space, causing the exhausted level 111 individual in the area to stare in disbelief at Kendrick's power.

He felt if he had to deal with it in his current state, exhausted and having temporarily lost a level to Kendrick, he would be in serious trouble.

'It seems like the God of Gates isn't just dangerous because of his divine ability...' This individual thought as he stepped back.

The level 112 corpse looked at it in admiration for Kendrick, seeing he would have to use everything he had to deal with this boy.

"Those were nice last words. Now I will show you what power really is!"

The lifeless body exhibited a peculiar phenomenon by bringing his hands closer towards each other, eventually intertwining his fingers in front of his chest.

Large metal structures formed in the surrounding air, with enormous weapons charging at Kendrick while dark energy surged from the corpse's hands.

'Let's see how much he can take.' As he focused his thoughts inward, he channeled his energy into obliterating Kendrick's menacing black hole.

Although unfamiliar with the black hole, he swiftly comprehended its inner workings. He was astonished. If someone wasn't much stronger than it, this individual would have had no choice but to run as far away as possible. Facing the black hole would be foolish!

But for someone at his level, this area of space wasn't that frightening. Knowing what he had to do, the level 112 corpse stole the internal pressure of the black hole, making it tremble as it encountered an enemy more voracious than itself.

Meanwhile, Kendrick flew through the area, dodging as best he could from the weapon-shaped metals that followed him.

"Shit!" He muttered, a horrified expression on his face as he flew around the area while his sisters attacked the enemy metal weapons that were chasing him.

'Is he talking about his own father?' The corpse thought to himself and turned his weapon on Kendrick's body, making the young man suffer a little more.

Abby despaired at the deadly attack on her son, neglecting the other opponents as she left the formation and tried to attack the damned corpse.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" she shouted with horror in her voice.

"No, Abby!" Ruth shouted as she saw the level 111 enemy closest to her harem sister take the opportunity to make a deadly attack on the blue-haired woman.

Appearing in front of Abby, Ruth took the creature's blow instead of her harem sister.


Ruth screamed as she felt her intestines ripped open as her party lost control of the situation, with the three enemies acting quickly to injure nearly all of them.

Grisdi saw it all happen in the blink of an eye as she lay near to Kendrick, her eyes welling with tears.

'I told you not to do this!' she cried again, seeing she would die in this terrible place and her world would probably lose the war after the death of all of them.

"Kendrick! I'll hunt you down in my next life!" She screamed, feeling furious and wishing she could kill the young man herself.

The level 112 corpse saw the situation of this group deteriorating rapidly, and his group's victory was assured.

He did not hesitate before pulling the weapon out of Kendrick's body, causing him to open his eyes wide and let out a last scream of pain.

Kendrick felt his body grow cold as the light in his eyes was replaced by darkness, and he felt the loneliness of death approaching to embrace him.

'So... this is how I die?' he asked himself as he saw the sky above this area through the darkness of his eyes, noticing a golden glow miles above where he could see clearly.