Chapter 2463 Post-Auction Conflict Resolved

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2463 Post-Auction Conflict Resolved

In the five minutes of fighting, Minos would focus on his wives and children. After all, they were the ones he cared about or was interested in the most. But he would pay attention to all of his companions, not just his family. Geett the latest novels at

Of his wives, he was very sure of Abby, while of his children, Kendrick was the one who attracted the most attention.

With Abby's ability, she was like a one-person army. With Kendrick's powers, which were similar to Minos', he could fight above his level and make a big difference in the battle.

But even though they weren't as impressive as these two, Ruth and Gloria, as well as Lily and Hollie, also showed a lot of potential.

Ruth had her support skills and great physical strength. With Minos' help, she even killed a level 108 opponent with her bare hands!

As for Gloria, Minos couldn't help but imagine how much she could gain by absorbing the item he had purchased at the auction, which could completely change her.

Hollie would grow up to be another member of the family who could fight above her level. All she had to do was get stronger. For now, she still had a long way to go, as she was the weakest of the group.

Lily didn't seem to have the same potential as the others, but Minos didn't doubt her. Despite lacking extreme talent and skills, she had more will to fight and become stronger than Kendrick and Hollie could put together!

After seeing her fight with anger and bloodlust, Minos sighed and wondered how this must be related to Isabella's tragedy.

The only silver lining was that Lily could go on because of her perseverance and will to win.

He saw that clearly in today's battle. Even though she was weaker than Kendrick, Lily still killed the same number of opponents as her older brother!

Minos hadn't tested his strength that well, but everyone else had tested their abilities very well.

They all felt that they still needed to cultivate and train on Zocarro for a while to reach their best condition. But in general, they could fight against those who were at the same level or only slightly weaker than them. Some could fight above their level, and all could improve if they adapted to the planet.

This was enough per hour to keep them busy for a while with their necessary training and cultivation routines.


The group made it to the southern coast of Ganaway Refuge, arriving at the place from which they would leave for Oqia a few hours after leaving the central area of the island.

Minos secured a safe and suitable area for Gloria, Lily, the robot, Callie, and Kendrick to cultivate while they absorbed or took advantage of the opportunity he had acquired at the auction.

He had obtained two other artifacts from the auction using the resources left behind by the dead from the previous battle, but no one on his team was compatible with those artifacts.

As soon as he left the group, Minos went in search of the crew that would take his people to Oqia once the last of the five had finished what they had started.

As he had done before when he left Oqia and came to the Ganaway Refuge, Minos looked for a reliable crew that wouldn't threaten his group or even try to rob them in the middle of the sea.

The sea ahead was dangerous enough to frighten Sovereigns, so an experienced and reliable crew was a must.

But with the Incorruptible Heart on his side, Minos would be able to find the group to take his people to Oqia the same day they arrived on the south coast of the island.

After paying for the boat reservation, he returned to wait for his people and quickly went to cultivate himself in anticipation of their departure from the island.

It was finally time for him to return to Oqia and face the problems that surely awaited him!