Chapter 2488 Enemy Decision

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2488 Enemy Decision

The moment the four coffins in front of Minos opened, the eyes of the level 110 experts resurrected by Abby widened.

"Your skills are truly impressive, Minos. I don't know how much time has passed, but for us it was only a few seconds with our eyes closed." Said one of the corpses as it left its coffin and looked in the direction of the six enemies coming towards it.

Of the six creatures with lion's bodies, bat's wings, and scorpion's tails dripping lava, four were level 110 monsters and two were level 111.

"Are these our enemies today?" asked one of the four creatures summoned by Minos.

Minos smiled and said. "Yes, can you solve this problem for us?"

One of the corpses looked at Minos out of the corner of its eye and realized the human's intentions.

'Are you hiding? You're obviously planning something more interesting.'

"Fire Manticores, impressive creatures, especially in a scorching area like this volcano peak. However, dealing with this old man here won't be easy." The strongest of them said as he raised one of his hands in the air, feeling the thrill of being able to fight again. The moment he acted, sounds of air being cut appeared in the area, with several cracks appearing in the air. Then, suddenly, the body of that corpse disappeared from around Minos and quickly appeared behind one of the two level 111 enemies.

The Fire Manticore looked back, its eyes blazing with pure hatred, its mind altered to see these individuals as its mortal enemies.

It moved its tail to strike the enemy. But the corpse pointed a spear-shaped weapon at the enemy's stinger and struck hard, unafraid that it was one level stronger.

"But that's what we expected. Besides, our group is stronger than that. We have the power of a level 114 sovereign. He wouldn't be able to handle us even if he used everything he has." Said the level 113 Sovereign, the one who was most interested in Minos' death after Jembei.

He might not have the same ambitions as Jembei, but he was very interested in what might be in Minos' space ring!

According to rumors already circulating in the guild, Minos had returned very wealthy, and because of the combined strength of his group, many believed he had found some great treasure on his travels.

"It will be a good fight. But he shouldn't stand a chance against us. His fight against those manticores is proof of that." Jembei told his companions, even though he admitted how strong Minos was.

"Besides, one of his companions is undergoing the test of the Eternal Fire Flower, one of them lost his energy earlier to deal with the previous enemy, and Minos is already exhausted from fighting the manticores. Once this battle is over, he and his four level 110 allies won't be in the best fighting condition!"

The seven people looked at each other at Jembei's words, which were actually quite reasonable.

Dealing with Minos wouldn't be as easy as it seemed. But they had been expecting it ever since they had heard of his return.

"Let's continue. I think we have a real chance here." Said one of the two level 112 Sovereigns in the group as he clenched his fists in determination.

Jembei felt it was time to act as the fifth of the six Fire Manticores died to the group of five attacking them.

He poured his energy into a teleportation crystal attached to himself and his six companions, quickly activating the spatial movement of his group toward the summit of the Eternal Pyre.

In a single instant, they crossed several kilometers and arrived at the place where Minos had just killed the last of the six opponents thrown at him to test him that day.

"You took your time," Minos said with a smile on his face, startling the newcomers with his unexpected words.