Chapter 2528 Mission Completed

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2528 Mission Completed

After four minutes of rushing to the base of the hill where the Firestone Mines portal had once stood, Minos looked back to see confirmation of his target's destruction. Stopping far enough from the top of the mountain to avoid being caught in the explosion that burned the outskirts of the peak, he summoned some sort of capture artifact from his spatial ring.

'Almost all of them are dead...'

Minos thought as he saw the enemies who had tried to follow them instead of disarming the bombs dealing with their own problems because they had been too close to the explosion at the moment of detonation.

Unlike the three level 114 Sovereigns, who no one in the area could tell if they were alive, the people who were supposed to chase them were alive. However, after being hit by various aftereffects of the explosion, some of them were disoriented, their ears bleeding while they could barely walk. Others had their bodies on fire, and some had suffered from the strong winds and objects thrown about by the blast.

Two beings had stones or sticks piercing their bodies and were in no condition to continue the chase they had started seconds ago.

"I'll send you two back to the guild. I should be fine on my own." Minos said to the three corpses beside him, both of them looking in the direction of the destruction.

"Good luck."

"This problem is more complicated than it looks."

They all had smiles on their faces, but their words were more serious than their expressions of satisfaction at today's battle gave way. Rread latest chapters at

"I know," Minos said. The three of them entered their coffins and disappeared. Moments later, they were teleported back to the faction's cave.

After gathering the evidence he needed to collect his merit points, Minos left the area with enough evidence to show the guild how his mission had been misjudged and to request a change in the merit points he should receive.

He headed back the way he had come, his cultivation returning to level 105, while none of his former allies were anywhere near him.


As Minos and his allies fled, one of the least injured survivors of the explosion a few moments ago was now at the edge of a stream, finally extinguishing the flames that had reached his body.

While his face wrinkled at the situation he found himself in, his limbs convulsed, his deep burns making him feel the inferno in his own flesh.

"We are finally starting! It's time to confront those old demons and put them in their place!"

"Elder, are you ready?"

The great beaver opened his mouth, forming a mischievous smile as he narrowed his enormous eyes. "Prepare our troops. We will attack The Blue Field in response to this aggression!"

Each of the Supremes there rose from their seats, bowed their heads, and promised to return with good news.

"Our next target will be the Aspiring Thuns. In the meantime, prepare our allies to deal with the Bitter Predators and Ebonbrowns."

"Yes, Elder. We'll do our best!"

When he was alone, the big beaver looked out over the balcony of the hall and smiled as he thought of the outstanding leader of Firestone Mines.

'What can you do now, old friends? It's time to return to the worlds you came from. Let's rid our planet of these pests!'


The days flew by, and soon Minos returned to the guild after his recent long journey.

However, as soon as he arrived in the city, he noticed a change in the general atmosphere of the area, a tension in the air that made the normally lively and bustling area more cold and apathetic.

As he passed the guild entrance, he realized something had happened during his absence and rushed to check on his people.

Before going to the Missions Hall to complain that the level of the quest he was about to complete was much higher than the sector expected, he went to his faction's cave.

Luckily, when he arrived there, everything seemed to be fine, and the members of his party were there to relieve him of any immediate group problems.

However, that didn't mean that the guild was fine.

"Although the guild is fine, while you were away, we received news of an attack on The Blue Field, Father. I think enemies of the guild are moving against us!" Kendrick told his father what little he knew.