Chapter 2548 Towards the Seraphim World

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2548 Towards the Seraphim World

Arriving at the Artificial Moon, Minos left behind the four Zocarro natives, who felt sick after arriving there by instant transport, and made his way out of the area.

Passing the men on the outskirts, behind the organization of the grandiose space station, Minos soon made his way to the counters.

Meanwhile, the tattoo of six wings on one of his hands warmed until, after years of waiting, the soul fragment of the seraph revealed itself to Minos.

'We're finally here, huh?' The soul fragment commented in a good-natured tone, pleased their agreement was coming to fruition.

'Where do we go now? You told me about the journey to the Seraphim World when I returned to Zocarro, but you didn't give me the exact names of the places we have to pass through to get there.'

'Hmm, about that, you should buy tickets to the Fern Leaf Nebula. I don't know what stops you have to make to change ships, but there are certainly companies on the route between our position and the Fern Leaf Nebula.

The journey itself won't take long. Two years if we're lucky, four if we're not.

There is a secret spatial distortion of my master in this galaxy. Through this distortion, we can reach the Seraphim World. You must concentrate on this part of the journey. When you reach the Fern Leaf Nebula, I will lead you to my world... Unfortunately, I am running out of power. I'll disappear if I keep talking.'

'Fern Leaf Nebula? It's okay. Don't worry, I'll get to this galaxy. When I do, I'll tell you to come back.'

'Good luck. At your current level, I doubt this will be a dangerous journey, but be aware. The universe can be surprising',' said the seraph before disappearing back into Minos' tattoo.

Looking down at his hand, Minos noticed the tattoo was becoming more transparent than ever, a sign it would disappear not too far in the future.

Later today, he would settle all of this and then look for a good place to farm in seclusion for the next few months.

His travels over the past few years had been uneventful, but he hadn't had much time to cultivate. He planned to make up for it in the next few months!

Reaching level 107 would be even harder than reaching level 106, so he intended to push himself in these months, and also when his journey to Omicron Aquarii began.


In the blink of an eye, time would fly and Minos' months of seclusion on the Artificial Moon would come to an end.

Awakening from his meditation with a timer he had prepared himself, Minos would put on his clothes and armor before grabbing a bite to eat on his way to the boarding area of this gigantic station.

Following the directions he already knew and the recommendations on his ticket, he was soon at the gate from which his crew would depart on this journey.

This time he wouldn't be traveling in a huge spaceship with dozens of crew and hundreds of passengers. The ship to Omicron Aquarii was smaller, a spaceship that could comfortably carry a maximum of 30 beings at a time.

So boarding didn't take long. As soon as he arrived at the boarding gate and the crew of 12 began to board, Minos entered the ship and met several beings from races he had never seen before.

Something striking about this group of crew and passengers going to Omicron Aquarii was their cultivation. The weakest of them was a level 113 Sovereign, while the captain of the ship was a level 117 Supreme, as strong as the Commander of Armhands himself.

'No wonder the passage was so expensive. This is no ordinary crew.' Minos thought to himself as he entered his cabin, then followed the recommendations and prepared for departure.

In a few moments, the captain would announce the group's departure, and soon the ship would leave the Artificial Moon!