Chapter 2561 Goal of the Dragons

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2561 Goal of the Dragons

Within moments, the three winged beings arrived at an area of black, rocky terrain where irregular holes in the ground spewed columns of smoke and jets of hot water at irregular intervals.

There was a large arch in a more polished part of the area where what looked like the remains of dragons made up the surrounding decoration.

Aside from these huge, yellowish bones, nothing but rocks and black earth made up this place of tens of thousands of square meters.

The gray dragon nodded toward the arch of bones and said, "This is an ancestral site of my tribe. Here are some of the oldest remains of my ancestors, dragons who lived over 20 million years ago.

Unfortunately, most of our ancestors have disappeared into space, or their remains have long since decayed. The passage of time is cruel to all living things, Minos."

"But these remnants of our ancestors are special," the weaker dragon said, advising Minos. "They have remnants within them, powers capable of clearing the mind and heart, awakening dormant powers in the souls and bodies of dragons."

"You must enter it and activate the blessing that remains within you. This will take you through the most important qualitative evolution of your journey." The old dragon spoke loudly and confidently, his eyes shining as he looked toward the entrance to the land where the ivory archway stood.

Minos felt he was being watched by a supernatural force, for he felt something even stronger from those huge bones than he had ever felt from anything he had seen in the Spiritual World. Even the corpse of Fah'um of Dunov didn't show such impressive signs as those coming from the open graveyard in front of him.

Seeing two large dragons standing in front of the bones arch, Minos asked his guides, "Won't it be a problem for me to enter it?"

"Do not worry, for us dragons, the only thing that matters is your connection to an ancient relative of the race. Only the remnants of our ancestors can decide whether you deserve to be rewarded or banished.

Minos didn't know it, but not only those with the lineage of someone with access to the Upper Realm could enter this special place. Those who shared his lineage would automatically advance one quality grade upon entering the Upper Realm.

What did this mean? All humans, seraphim, hydras, and dragons could benefit if Minos developed divine abilities related to them and reached the Upper Realm!

Humans and seraphim were already virtually guaranteed a qualitative advance if Minos succeeded in his journey to the Upper Realm, but now the dragons were working to join the groups that would benefit from him!

'He doesn't need to know this detail yet. It won't hurt him, but we'd better take the chance and make sure that his next divine ability is related to the Dragon's Gaze. There's no need to give our place to the hydras.' The old dragon said, his teeth showing as an exuberant smile appeared on his face.

'I'm sorry to keep this from you, but it won't hinder you in any way... We're just going to make sure that you help those who have been with you the longest. And you'll benefit from it.' The gray dragon thought to himself, eager to have the opportunity to become a Supreme Dragon with Minos' help.

Dragons were among the most powerful and talented beings in the universe. But despite their long history, no dragon had ever advanced to the point where they could enter the Upper Realm.

Even when the race had Celestial-level dragons, they failed to enter the Upper Realm - the same fate as most non-Celestials.

Now, however, the leader of the race had different plans, having changed some of his plans four years ago when he first heard from Minos.

As the four dragons watched Minos begin his journey, the gray dragon's necklace glowed, and someone very far away and powerful was watching everything that happened there.

Minos didn't know it, but at that moment, a powerful level 124 dragon was watching him from the other side of the planet.

'An heir of the seraphim, uh? Well, that won't be a problem. He can inherit the powers of my tribe as well. And with his exceptional talent, it won't take more than a thousand years for him to enter the gates of the Upper Realm, opening the path for me and my brothers!'

A huge black creature sleeping around a huge active volcano, he thought to himself, feeling everything that happened near his emissary.