As for the characters, I’m a ‘Holy Knight’ and Lida is a ‘Dragoon’.

“Wow, Oojirou’s character is so cool! Looks like you’ve been playing a lot.”

“I’ve been playing for three years now, and my secondary account is pretty good, so I think you’ll be able to play comfortably.”

When we went out to the starting city of Pleiades, it was crowded with players. It’s a globally popular MMORPG, with more than 100,000 players.

“So what am I supposed to do?”

“Well, there’s a special dungeon that only my guild can enter, so I guess I’ll just relax and hunt there.”

“Is there such a thing?”

“Hmm. I belong to a guild created by that Haruka-san. The name is “Cherry Blossom”. …… Oh, just in time, the guild master has logged in.”

The name “Oblivion” was also logged into the chat. This is Haruka’s character name. It seems she hasn’t logged in in two weeks. It’s been three weeks for me too.

“Oh, I knew you were here, Dogma-kun~”

“Lida too? Ah, Hayes the Dragoon.”

Hayes Lv.81

A dragoon, a dragon knight with the dragon attribute. His weapon of choice is the Paradox, an S-class dimensional sword that can only be equipped to the Dragoon race.

“Good evening~. Nice to see you……”

“Hello~. Well then, we’re off to conquer the Celestial Tower.”

–and well, Haruka-san was heading for the [Celestia Attack Quest] that she had been working on for a long time.

“Hey, Oojirou. What’s the Celestial Tower?”

“It’s a quest, there’s a tower called Celestia with 1000 floors. Basically, it’s a situation where players who are out of shape just keep going up.”

“Hmm …”

“Well, it’s a hard world to get into if you haven’t played much of it. Well, let’s warp.”

I used the transfer item [Oreall]. I pulled Lida’s character and headed for the dungeon.


When we got to the front of the exclusive dungeon, there were several knights standing in front of us.

“Hey, there’s a lot of people here.”

“Oh, they’re still here, aren’t they? That’s a baseless guild trying to rob a base.”

“I didn’t know this game had such an element.”

“Yeah, yeah. Player killers are also encouraged.”

Apparently, the protection for the exclusive dungeon had just expired. And …….

“We’ve been waiting for you, Dogma! Give us the private dungeon you’re occupying.”

The leader of the knights shouted.

His name is Demise.

“No, I’m not a guildmaster.”

“Shut up! You’re practically a guildmaster!”

“I didn’t know that. But, you know, it’s …….”

“Did you notice, Dogma? Yes, I killed your guild members! Seven of them, roughly! There are twenty of us, so numbers are no match for us.”

So they targeted me while Haruka-san was in Celestia. I haven’t logged in in three weeks. Up until now, the effectiveness of the “base protection” and other guild members had protected it, so it must have been manageable.

But today, the protection had just expired, and the other side was attacking us with twenty people. That’s no way to lose.

Then, there were only two of us.

It’s a desperate situation.

–But I’m an experienced gamer.

I’m a Lv. 99 holy knight, and I have the world’s only holy sword, Excalibur. I was one of the top players in this game. Now I’m a former one…

“Wow, what should we do ……?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this.”

There are twenty enemies.

All of them are around Lv. 70, but they’re not far behind me. I pulled out Excalibur to avenge the loss of my comrades.

“Oh!” “Oh, my God, that’s Excalibur!” “Oh God!” “Hey, Demise….., this is not good!” “Can we win?” “There’s 20 of us!”

“Don’t be scared ……! There’s nothing to be afraid of if we all work together! Let’s go!”

Demise gives those instructions, but even before he does, I swing my sword and take out three of them at once.

“E…… ohhhhh!”


“When did this happen!!”

I accelerated, taking them down one by one, and then another. In the blink of an eye, I was halfway there. But it’s a pity that Lida doesn’t get a chance to play.

“Lida, you’re a Dragoon, so you can summon dragons.”

” Seriously? How am I supposed to do that?”

“There’s the [Summon] skill. You can activate it by pressing F4 on your keyboard.”

“Wow, that sounds interesting!”

The moment Lida pressed “F4”, a huge magic circle appeared on the ground. A huge Blizzard Dragon appears from there and promptly shoots out a breath.

We won.