Chapter 297: The crown prince’s strange tricks to win favor

Chapter 297: The crown prince’s strange tricks to win favor

Chapter 297 The Crown Princes Strange Tricks to Win Favor

Du Consort Du took Su Che with him as an errand.

This matter spread to a small extent among some aristocratic families in the capital, and some people were amazed.

At the same time, some people suspected that the Princess Mansion made such arrangements because it wanted to humiliate the Su family and take revenge. There are still a very few people who doubt that if the Su family is wiped out, will there be a chance to make a comeback?

When Du Qian heard what his sister had done, he came to him worriedly and said, "Sister, what do you think? Send Su Che to his father?"

Isnt there no one who can help my father? He is a top talent after all. With him helping my father, my father will be able to do things more easily.

Arent you afraid of something happening?

"What are you afraid of? His family is all in the house." Du Wan wants to make the best use of everything and don't waste it if it can be used to its full potential. "Brother, I have observed the Su family for a while and found that except for Su Yu, My mind is quite clear."

Du Qian thought thoughtfully, "How about I go find one too?"

Okay, that Su Lu is quite interesting. He can carry it clearly and has a good outlook on life.


Why are you lying to me?

Then let the steward transfer him to my yard.

Du Qian believed what his sister said.

Immediately tell my confidants to handle the matter.

Du Wan was surprised to see him anxious, "Brother, do you need to be so anxious?"

"Why are you not in a hurry? You are in a hurry." Du Qian thought that his father was showing off in front of him, saying that his sister was worried about his hard work, so she gave him someone to share his worries.

Now his sister also stuffed one next to him.

One for each person, everyone has it, thats fair.

Du Wan didnt know what the cheap brother was thinking, and he didnt know that father and son were competing over such a small thing. Brother, I also discovered a talent who is in trouble. Do you want to help him in times of need?


Taian Academy, Gu Li.

"Okay, I know."

Du Qian heard about Gu Li from Du Wan and decided to go there himself. As a result, when I went to the Gu family's shabby little house, I learned that it was no longer occupied. I thought something had happened to the Gu family, so I went to inquire more and found out the truth.

Pei Hao didn't think the little girl was blind. Her big eyes were very vicious. She could see through him at a glance when he pretended to be sick.

In a short while.

Gu Li, who had just changed into his official uniform, walked over with a bit of awkwardness.

Flying on the branch?

Gu Li was still feeling dizzy as if he was dreaming.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly be favored by Prince Pei and join the Imperial City Department as a minor chief.

This position used to belong to Mu Si'an. After Mu Si'an was promoted, the job had been vacant. Pei Hao couldn't find a suitable person to take over, so he just handed it over to Gu Li.

In fact, this profession is similar to secretarial work.

Pei Hao looked at Gu Li.

You are still young, so you are very reserved and a little nervous when standing in front of him.

He is very disgusted, thats it? Why should the little girl treat him differently? The more Pei Hao thought about it, the more bitter he felt.

No matter how sad Pei Hao felt, he still showed the seriousness on his face and arranged some things for Gu Li to handle. At the end, he said with disgust: "Try to live a good life from now on. Don't be miserable and an eyesore."

Yes, my lord.

Gu Li didn't care about Pei Hao's dislike and was very touched.

As the rumors say, Crown Prince Pei lived up to his name and was a truly upright gentleman. It was because he misunderstood and thought that the prince had some intentions, so he forcibly took his family away without his permission. Now it seems that he just came to cheer him up because he saw that his life was too miserable.

No, it also reminded him to live a good life.

Gu Li was somewhat wary of Pei Hao.

Because of Pei Hao's disgusting words, it disappeared into thin air.

At this time, Gu Li had no idea that the prince really suspected him. Knowing that his misfortune had attracted the attention of the little girl, he helped him to stop his misery.

The reason is very simple. If he continues to be miserable, the little girl will take action. Then, the two people will come into contact, and things in the future will become uncontrollable. When he heard that Du Qian had gone to Gu's house to look for someone, Pei Hao felt lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he picked the person up first.

Hu San saw Gu Lis expression of gratitude.

I just feel that I am young and too young, and I dont know that I have missed the opportunity to work for the king. Nowadays, many people are trying to get a job with the prince.

What does it mean to be a small chief executive of the Imperial City Department?

Gu Li retreats.

Pei Hao continued to handle official duties.

After a long time, he opened a secret book that Mu Si'an had sent back to Beijing.