Chapter 367: Du Wan was so angry that she wanted to kill someone

Chapter 367: Du Wan was so angry that she wanted to kill someone

Chapter 367 Du Wan is so angry that she wants to kill someone

Du Wan does not allow accidents.

I dont want that one in 10,000 chance to happen.

So, Du Wan suppressed the anger in her heart and took no action for the time being.

Wang Jin'er just went in with the food, indicating that he didn't want to kill Pei Hao for the time being. Next, Wang Jin'er said a lot of words, and his hatred for Du Wan was revealed in every word, so he took revenge on Pei Hao. During this period, he also heard that Pei Hao's breathing was abnormal. It was probably Wang Jin'er who had done something.

"Oh, your wound is bleeding again." Wang Jin'er's voice had a perverted joy in it, "Your wound medicine is quite good, and you didn't die even after being injured like this."

Du Wan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

In her heart, Wang Jin'er is already a dead person...

More than two quarters of an hour passed.

Wang Jin'er then extinguished the oil lamp and climbed out of the cellar as if he was satisfied.

As soon as he came out, he turned around and wanted to block the cellar entrance again.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in the back of his head. Wang Jin'er's vision went dark and he passed out.

Du Wan kicked Wang Jin'er into the corner with the most pig shit. She endured it very hard and did not send Wang Jin'er to the west on the spot.

Then, Du Wan did not hesitate and got into the cellar entrance.

It was pitch dark inside, and I couldn't see anything. But the steps at the cellar entrance can still be seen to some extent due to the moonlight outside. Du Wan got in without hesitation and took out the fire seal from her body.

Fire and light together.

The situation in the cellar suddenly came into view.

Du Wan's eyes narrowed suddenly.

I saw a person lying on the bed in the corner, it was Pei Hao.

Pei Hao's condition was very bad. His hands and feet were tightly tied with thick ropes, and his mouth was gagged. It was probably because he was worried that he would make noise and alert people outside. The most shocking thing was the injuries on his body. There was no good spot on his body, and there was a wound on his chest tied with a thick white cloth, with bright red blood stains on it.

This is the new oozing blood.

Du Wan felt a lump in her throat and sore eyes when she saw him.

Lighting the oil lamp next to her with a fire stick, she rushed to Pei Hao and untied him with trembling hands. Pei Hao looks really miserable now.

The group returned to the pigsty.

Hu San's body was full of evil spirits, and when he saw the figure lying in the corner, he asked, "Princess, why is there someone here?"

"Oh, it's Wang Jin'er." Du Wan only said this and went into the cellar again.

Hu San asked the others to stay outside while he went in himself.

When he saw the miserable condition of the prince, Hu San, a grown man, couldn't hold back his tears. "Princess, the prince likes to be clean. I want to tidy up the prince first. Can you go out for a while?"


Du Wan was in a very depressed mood.

When she got out of the cellar, she couldn't help but look back and saw Hu San combing Pei Hao's messy hair.

The guards guarding outside were unaware of the situation in the cellar and remained silent.

Du Wan came out and pointed at the woman in the pig pen, and said angrily: "You should watch her carefully and don't let her run away. This person will be kept for your eldest son to deal with."


Not long after waiting, an old doctor came over on the back of a guard, and a stretcher was also prepared.

The old doctor carried the medicine box and went in to check it out. Fortunately, they didn't touch Pei Hao. He said that his left leg was seriously fractured and there would be no way to treat it if he was injured again.

A group of people carefully moved the unconscious Pei Hao out of the cellar.

Such a big movement, it is impossible not to alarm other people. It's just that the neighbors have been in panic for a long time and dare not come out to find out.

The family where Wang Jin'er is staying now heard the noise and wanted to come and check, but they were all stopped by the Pei family's secret guards. They were either knocked unconscious or were too smart to say anything.

Hu San and others went to a nearby courtyard where the old doctor lived.

The old doctor wanted to help Pei Hao treat his injuries. Only his apprentice was left to help, and everyone else was driven out of the house.

Pei Hao was in very bad condition and had a high fever. Fortunately, the old doctor's medical skills were as good as those of the imperial doctors in the palace. After a bowl of medicine, most of the fever was gone.

Du Wan was so anxious as she waited, she watched the whole process and never relaxed. As long as the old doctor didn't come out of the room, she wouldn't move.

"Hu San, where did you find this doctor?...Can you trust him?"

Trustworthy. He used to be a royal doctor in the palace, but then he committed some crime and was almost beheaded by the emperor. It was only the Duke of Zhen who begged for mercy that the death penalty was changed to exile.

This thing is such a coincidence, the place of exile is the southwest border.