Chapter 371: To make him feel at ease

Chapter 371: To make him feel at ease

Chapter 371 To make him feel at ease

Du Wan did not carry the baggage into the house, fearing that it would disturb Pei Hao's sleep.

She was under the eaves, finding a clean place to open and check.

Pei Hao didn't have many things. He was about to assassinate Qiao Qi at the time, so he wouldn't bring too many things with him. In addition to the necessary medicine, there is also a dagger and a knife, as well as the long sleeve of the Xiujian and a long sword. In addition, there is a lucky bag containing three peace charms, plus a hairpin.

Du Wan saw the hairpin and it looked a little familiar.

Well, isnt this exactly hers?

Du Wan still remembers the hairpin he pulled out of her head and held it in his palm. She felt a strange feeling in her heart, a feeling of being cared for and cherished.

The rest is some ready-made gold and silver and silver notes, no less than 10,000 taels.

These coins should belong to Wang Jin'er.

Hu San asked: "Princess, are everything complete?"

"A small jade bottle containing a medicine, isn't it?" Du Wan rummaged through it again, but still couldn't find the medicine. "It seems like he was lost?"

Hu San thought about it for a moment and said, "My subordinates didn't see it."

Du Wan put the things back into the bag, including the hairpin, "Put these away properly first, and give them to Prince Pei when he asks."

Wont the princess keep it for the prince?

"I'll forget it." Du Wan shook her head, "By the way, it's not a good place to stay for a long time."

"The prince cannot move for the time being, which will be detrimental to the recovery." Hu San is now always worried about the rebels attacking again. Now they are no different from being in a wolf's den.New novel chapters are published on

Du Wan said helplessly: "You're right. He can't be bumpy."

She was a little annoyed because she didn't bring Qi Yang Pills with her when she came. Also, why didn't you get some blood- and qi-tonifying pills from Master Yuantong? Pei Hao's current weakness was related to excessive blood loss. In addition, he didn't get timely treatment, which caused serious physical damage.

No, she seemed to have given Pei Hao Qi Yang Pills?

But its not in the baggage.

Du Wan felt a little sad thinking that she might have lost it again.

Although it was easy to buy it from the old monk Yuantong, she knew that the things were rare and could not be obtained casually.

Du Wan turned to Hu San and said, "Protect your eldest son, I want to go out for a while."


Hu San wanted to ask her where she was going.

Qiao Qi didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, and his heart trembled slightly.

The Qin Kingdom has such a princess, can the master really succeed in his future great cause?

Qiao Qi had no choice, so he turned around and left his confidants to clean up the mess. He returned to his mansion, and Du Wan also followed him back.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Du Wan came out again.

Hold in his hand two letters of surrender stamped by Qiao Qi!

By the way, its two copies.

Qiao Qi almost died of anger.

Du Wan insisted that he write two copies.

A copy should be posted in the most conspicuous place in Taichu County, where official letters are usually posted in the county government office.

The other copy was given to Hu San and asked to be sent to Mu Si'an. As for the situation at He Liang's side, Qiao Qilai is responsible for it. I think Qiao Qi will send someone to notify He Liang about his surrender tomorrow.

The Great Qin State treated those who surrendered very favorably. They did not necessarily have high-ranking officials and generous salaries. At least there was a clear rule that those who surrendered would not be killed.

Without this provision, who would dare to surrender?

He Liang received the news earlier than Du Wan expected. It was Qiao Qifei who sent him a letter.

When he learned that most of the generals in the rear were killed or injured, He Liang's mood was complicated. When he saw that Qiao Qi had written a letter of surrender, he felt that this day was like a dream, extremely strange.

"General? Why is it so urgent?"

The rebels in Moding County, a group of generals, large and small, quickly gathered.

He Liang asked them to circulate the secret letter sent by Qiao Qi one by one. Those who didn't know how to read asked the people next to them to read it out. Everyone felt extremely heavy.

Tu Zuo, who was carried away after being seriously injured, said, "It's good to surrender. I couldn't defeat him in the first place."

Nonsense, who said we cant beat him? Its not a good thing that you made trouble

A general was angry at Tu Zuo.

Tu Zuo stared at him sinisterly, "Do you think I can't do anything to you if I'm injured?"

Having been beaten and disabled, do you still feel that you are invincible?

"wait for me"

"That's enough!" He Liang shouted, "The leader has already written a letter of surrender. I want you to come here today to inform you, not to let you quarrel."

There is a subtext that is not said.

It means to obey orders if you want to surrender. Those who do not want to surrender can escape.