Chapter 545: Can the child be saved?

Chapter 545: Can the child be saved?

Chapter 545 Can the child be saved?

The moonlit night was hazy, and the palace lanterns were hung on the eaves.

There is a dark cloud hanging over the palace.

In the Zhenghe Hall, the emperor has not yet woken up.

The family of three gathered together for a midnight snack, and even the courtyard had a meal.

Du Wan glanced at the old man from time to time and found that he was getting bolder and bolder, "Have you prepared your medicine?"

"Princess, you've been up for a long time, but the emperor hasn't woken up yet, so he didn't pour it out." Yuan Zheng answered respectfully, and even looked at Prince Consort Du secretly, as if accusing him and asking him to take care of it. My own daughter, " majestic dean, has to cook medicine every day, and has almost become a little medicine boy."

Du Huima laughed and scolded, "What are you talking about? You can't be a little medicine boy."

Father is right, he is at most an old medicine boy! Du Wan suddenly answered with a smile.

Du Qian lowered his head and smiled sullenly.

Du Prince Consort was stunned for a moment, then pointed at his daughter. He wanted to scold her but was reluctant to do so, so he finally said, "Wanwan, you must know how to respect your elders."

"Yeah, I know." Du Wan responded obediently, "But who makes me an honest child."

Du Qian turned around abruptly, laughing so hard that his shoulders shrugged, and it was hard not to laugh out loud.

The hospital just doesnt matter, its really not a big deal.

Compared to being called a little drug boy when you are still young, the old drug boy sounds better.

Simply finding a topic, Yuan Zheng said: "It's a bit late at this hour. It's best to wake up the emperor and let him eat something before drinking medicine."

"It's almost time to wake up." Du Qian thought about the time in his mind, "This man has been sleeping for more than three hours."

The court just thought that this person is not a good person.

It is said that the Xie family is still kneeling outside the palace, and they really have to wait until the emperor wakes up to mention it.

Just as Du Qian said, the emperor woke up.

The chief steward, who was guarding the bedside, was the first to know.

Dingbei Hou has a very good reputation, especially for giving up the position of Crown Prince to his eldest brother's son, which won him a lot of praise.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, Dingbei Hou is really too kind to his eldest brother's only bloodline in the eyes of outsiders. Not only did he let him inherit the title, but he also personally took him to visit his family friends and took him out and about. military camp.

You must know that Xie Zhang was sent to study literature by him.

Xie Zhang was able to become an official, and he did it well. He seemed to have relied on himself along the way.

This is quite surprising. Compared with Xie Hong, Xie Zhang is like a picked-up son.

The family arrived at the funeral of Concubine Xie. The women were all crying, and the men were also wiping their tears.

Xie Zhang stepped forward and lit a stick of incense, then offered it up with both hands, his eyes showing great forbearance.

After offering incense, he quietly exited the mourning hall.

People came to the garden at the back, and after a while, a palace man came.

Xie Zhang asked: "What happened in the palace these days?"

"After the imperial concubine was poisoned, the emperor was also poisoned and was carried back to the Zhenghe Hall for treatment. All the imperial doctors from the Taiyuan Hospital went there. Soon the Imperial Guards blocked the palace and protected the Zhenghe Hall. In addition, the Queen The empress has also been grounded, I heard it was related to poisoning."

The palace man also talked about the appearance of the princess, the secret arrest of the princess and the commander of the guards, and the arrest of a large number of palace residents, etc. These were all things that could be heard on the surface. information.

Xie Zhang asked again: "Is there anything else found?"

Also, the princess seems to have had fetal contractions.

That stupid woman!

Xie Zhang's eyes flashed with disgust, but he still asked, "Can the child be saved?"

"I went to inquire about it. The imperial doctor said it would take two days to know."

Okay, you go down first.

Xie Zhang didnt like Qin Yuyu, but he didnt want the child to be gone.

He was wrong. The chess piece he thought he had in his palm suddenly stabbed him.

In the previous game of chess in the palace, he was not a chess player, but at most a bystander, pushing the situation along the way.