Chapter 582: The prince is a devil

Chapter 582: The prince is a devil

Chapter 582 The king is a devil

Many of the courtiers below looked up at Du Wan secretly.

They found that Du Wan did not look at them, but just looked at the Minister of the Ministry of War with a smile. It was not really a smile, but they always felt that Du Wan's smile was cool.

Fortunately, I am not looking at myself.

Hence, many officials in the court looked at Ma Shangshu of the Ministry of War, either openly or covertly.

Ma Shangshu was sweating coldly and knelt down in panic, "I hope the emperor will see clearly. Wei Chen has never hoarded food. In order to show Wei Chen's innocence, Wei Chen is willing to open the granary at home and accept the investigation."

Niu, a very ruthless person.

Just listening, Du Wan sneered again, "The granary at home? Oh, that's awesome, Master Ma, you have built a granary at home? Ask which minister in the court has a granary in his home? At most, there is a small one. Little Miku.

It was a slip of the tongue, I just made a slip of the tongue.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Ma Shangshu was sweating profusely because he was rushed out.

The emperor felt a little depressed, but he felt a lot more relieved after being so messed up by Du Wan.

Du Wan turned to look at the emperor, meaning to wait for the emperor to speak.

As a result, the emperor actually looked forward to it and continued to look at her.

Du Wan twitched the corner of his mouth, cleared his throat, and spoke again, "Okay, since Ma Shangshu is willing to open his family's granary for inspection in order to prove his innocence, which of you is willing to do the same as Ma Shangshu in order to prove his innocence?"

The courtiers below were shaking terribly.

Damn Mr. Ma!

Whenever you say something bad, you must mention this.

Ma Shangshu dared to say this, probably because he knew that he didnt have much food stored at home.

Some ministers' homes are different. Not only are the large granaries filled, but many rooms are also temporarily used as granaries.

The emperor finally opened the gold hand, "As the princess said, who of you dares to open the family's granary in order to prove innocence?"

Everyone was as silent as a cicada.

Ma Shangshu felt that he was finished. Even if this test was over, he had offended many people.

With Du Qian, a sinister young man, directing behind the scenes, Du Wan, a powerful force to suppress, and his son assisting from the side, there is nothing that the three of them cannot accomplish.

Sure enough, no matter how those officials denied the hoarding of grain.

The emperor still issued an order to investigate the granary of Ma Shangshu's family. At the same time, in order to show fairness and justice, other families would also have people go and take a look. Then, he ordered Pei Hao to lead the imperial guards to personally investigate the granaries of each house. Then Xie Zhang and Mu Si'an were arranged to assist and follow Pei Hao's orders.

Du Wan hurriedly jumped down and patted the hem of her clothes, "Your Majesty, I, the princess, will come with me and take a look."

Yes. The emperor blurted out and agreed.

Du Qian just wanted to stand up and follow him to have a look, but the emperor looked at him and said, "Qian'er, it's time for me to drink medicine at this time. From now on, you will be in charge of the government on my behalf. You must be responsible for everything in the northwest." Lets discuss the outcome.

Then Du Qian expressed concern about his identity and asked him to go back to drink medicine as much as possible and have a good rest. He would have no problem leaving this place to him. He also promised, "If we can't reach an outcome after the discussion, we will never retreat."

The civil and military officials below, the king of the county is a devil.

No matter how the civil and military people behaved, the emperor was content and allowed the chief steward to help him leave.

In fact, many people are well aware that Du Qian is now using the name of Northwest to keep all civil and military officials in this hall and prevent them from spreading the news outside and causing trouble.

The people in this palace are not just officials.

Even the **** standing guard was not good at leaving the hall.

When the emperor left, he only took the chief steward with him, and even the accompanying eunuchs stayed behind. This is to prevent someone among them from spreading the affairs of the court outside the palace.

It is always good to err on the side of caution.

Because of Du Qian's strict defense, no news was received from the outside.

Pei Hao brought a large number of imperial guards and notified Gu Li to arrange for officers and soldiers from the Imperial City Division to maintain law and order and seal roads.

Then the Praetorian Guard was divided into three.

It was Du Wan who suggested that Xie Zhang and Mu Si'an each lead a team of guards. "When you go to search, search for food first. If you find the location of the food, don't rush to move it. Write it down first and leave it to some people to look at. Wait, then move on to the next one. This is to prevent others behind you from receiving the news and take precautions."

Du Wan added, "Also, check the general ledger."

"What account book?" Mu Si'an asked, "Looking for the account book of official corruption?"

No, Im going to the principals wife to get the account book of the annual grain harvest.