Mother Qin’s voice faltered. “Get, get married?” In her lifetime she actually heard her son say he wanted to get married?!

Qin Yi said, “Yes. But I want to pick the person myself. Do you have any objections?”

Mother Qin was so touched she wanted to cry. As long as her son could walk out from the shadow of that time, then of course he could pick the person! She didn’t have any requirements, as long as they took care of her son. As long as they weren’t like Fang Xiao it was enough! She hurried to say, “No objections, no objections! Do you… already have someone in mind? Why don’t you bring them home some time?”

Qin Yi said, “We’ll see.”

Mother Qi initially didn’t have much hope, who would have expected she would suddenly get this unexpected good news! She hung up joyfully.

Qin Yi loosened his fingers and the phone slid onto the couch.

He got up slowly and picked Ye Ming up. He lowered his head and kissed his lips. The kiss was filled with a lingering love but at the same time a fatal despair.

It was like a farewell to the past.

Probably I no longer have the ability to love another person but I will make myself continue to walk forward on the road that no longer contains you.

I will slowly forget you. Even if I have to bleed until it’s bloody, I will slowly dig you eat from inside my heart. I can do it.

I definitely, definitely can stop loving you.


When Ye Ming woke up the next day, his entire body felt weak. It had been too stimulating and too exciting!

{T/N: I get the feeling Ye Ming has M tendencies hahah….}

[888: Have you finished playing? The blackening value was increased by 10, it’s now sitting at 75.]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[888: Your life is plummeting downnnnnnnn, he he.]

[Ye Ming: Qin Yi found out about thing and also saw He ShaoChen. Increasing the blackening value is normal. It doesn’t matter, I will lower it again ^_^]

[888: You seem very confident.]

[Ye Ming: Even if Qin Yi didn’t set the trap, He ShaoChen would have appeared eventually. He’s not a big problem. As long as we clear up the misunderstanding it will be okay. If we plan properly he can even become a big help. In order to reduce Qin Yi’s blackening value, the crucial point will be how to let him know I didn’t have a choice.]

[888: You didn’t have a choice?]

[Ye Ming: Originally it’s like that ah, because of your rule that I have to leave within three days. However I can’t use that excuse so I have to think of a different one. I’m also in a difficult situation. Baby.Is.So.Pitiful.jpg]

[888: …..]

Actually in the beginning 888 somewhat understood Ye Ming so he didn’t stop him. But afterwards how did it become like this? 888 thought about it and thought it shouldn’t be his problem, it must be because his host was too trash ba.

Ye Ming rested for a few days and his body recovered. These days Qin Yi didn’t come to see him and appeared very busy. He wasn’t worried about it and lived carefree.

After a few days, 888 suddenly gave Ye Ming a piece of news.

[888: Just now, Qin Yi got engaged with someone! You should be getting the news soon.]

[Ye Ming: Oh~ no~ he’s not going to come ask me for a break up fee right….]

[888 laughed coldly: I don’t think he needs your break up fee. But you need to think about what to do. If it continues this way, you’ll be “game over”.]

[Ye Ming: Calm down. It’s definitely a contract marriage. You think it’s possible to find someone you love to get married to in such a short period of time? If it was possible then he wouldn’t have waited that long. He just wants to draw the line with me, and also make me suffer a bit.]

[888: …..] mmp

{T/N: “mmp” i.e. Chinese slang basically something like motherf*er}

[Ye Ming: But it’s not a big deal. Someone like me will cooperate tenderly to act with him, and besides I think it’s time to let him know about the “truth” ^_^]

[888: … I just want to ask, what kind of “truth” are you planning to invent?]

[Ye Ming: For now I’ll keep it a secret~~]

[888: Oh.] You want me to chase after you and keep asking you? Keep dreaming.

This day Ye Ming watched TV as usual. These days he usually watched the financial channel as normal. At last he got some news on the TV. The famous young entrepreneur from the Qin family was engaged! The female party’s identity had been kept secret. What kind of goddess was she?

Ye Ming finished watching the TV and then went to look in the newspapers. Unsurprisingly he found some related news.


When Qin Yi returned home it was already two in the morning. He looked tired. The business negotiation today really took a lot of energy.

He opened the door and found to his surprise that there was still a light in the living room.

The Ye Ming who usually slept early was today sitting there quietly, waiting for him.

Qin Yi raised his eyebrow. He saw the newspaper sitting in front of Ye Ming and understood.

Ye Ming turned his head to look at Qin Yi. He thinned his lips and there was a complicated expression in his dark eyes, as though he wanted to say something but he couldn’t.

Qin Yi gazed at him. His expression was very cold. He didn’t have any intention of talking to him and directly walked past him.

Ye Ming didn’t think that Qin Yi would ignore him even after knowing he was waiting for him. Especially after this kind of thing, didn’t Qin Yi have something to say to him? Ye Ming sprang to his feet and reached out to grab Qin Yi’s arm. His eyes were red and he slowly opened his mouth. “Wait.”

Ye Ming glanced at Ye Ming’s hand that held him. In an irritated manner he pulled open his collar. He said expressionlessly, “It’s late. If you have something to say, say it tomorrow.”

Ye Ming stared fixedly at Qin Yi’s eyes. Qin Yi’s expression was very calm and cool, there was no intention of explaining anything to him. No… Qin Yi didn’t have any intention of even speaking to him. If it wasn’t for him seeing the news himself, would he just keep remaining stupidly ignorant of everything?

Ye Ming’s heart felt cold. He wanted to laugh at himself. He took a deep breath and said, “No,  I want to say it now.”

“Are you getting married?” Ye Ming looked at Qin Yi in the eyes. Every word was like foot trampling on his heart, making him feel suffocated.

But still he asked the question.

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming. The air stagnated for a few seconds then he laughed lightly. “Yes I am. What of it?”

What of it? When facing his question, his reply was those casual three words: what of it?

Ye Ming’s eyes went dark. That’s right, what was wrong with him… since this person no longer loved him, why did he still stay by his side? Right now Qin Yi had finally woken up, so it was also time for him to leave.

Otherwise was he supposed to stay here and watch Qin Yi marry someone else, and become a undignified mistress?

Ye Ming’s lips trembled slightly. He said hoarsely and shortly, as though he was using all the energy in his body, “Since it’s like this, can you let me go?”

Qin Yi’s eyes became sharp and cold, falling like a knife onto Ye Ming’s body. “I think I should remind you, 1) you don’t have any right to ask me about my personal matters, 2) you also have no right to leave on your own.”

Ye Ming laughed. He lowered his eyes. “I know. I won’t ask you about it anymore. But I just don’t want to continue this way. I just need to repay your money right? Why don’t you just call the police, that way it can be said that I’ve paid the price. What do you think?”

Qin Yi’s chest heaved and his eyes become increasingly dark. You really want to leave so much?! You would rather sit in a jail cell than be by my side! You really can’t stand to be with me to this extent?!

Back then you wanted to leave then you left. How could the same thing happen again? You say you want to leave then you just leave?!

Qin Yi grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist and pressed his violently against the wall. Coldly he stared into his eyes. “What are you making a fuss about? Do you have any right to make a fuss? Do you think I don’t pay you enough? You want to haggle to raise the price?”

Ye Ming stared at him, not opening his mouth.

Qin Yi suddenly took out a wad of bills and stuffed it into Ye Ming’s collar. He said scornfully, “Today I don’t have any interest in taking care of you. Take the money and go back quietly. As a prostitute, don’t put on any airs and look for trouble.”

After speaking he released Ye Ming, turned around and started walking up the stairs. Only in his heart he knew that was about to lose control.

Ye Ming wordlessly took out the money. Slowly he ripped it up and the shredded pieces scattered around on the floor like snow.

These things… what was the use of them.

He kept enduring this whole time. He accepted all of Qin Yi’s humiliation. The only reason was because he owed that person. But right now he didn’t want to endure any longer. From the very beginning everything was a mistake. From the moment they saw each other again, they had been walking further and further down this  wrong path….

He should pay the price for what he had done but it shouldn’t be like this. This could only bring them both more pain.

That wasn’t what he wanted.

The sound of things being ripped echoed in the cold and empty living room. It was an ear-piercing sound.

Very slowly, Qin Yi turned his head around… and looked into a pair and calm gaze full of dark determination.

At that moment Qin Yi keenly realized that Ye Ming wanted to leave. He wanted to end everything! Even though the person was standing right there, but he was about to vanish, no one could stop him.

Just like three years ago.

The blood rushed to Qin Yi’s head, his cold penetrating gaze landed on Ye Ming’s body.

That time three years ago… what kind of determination did you have in your heart to leave so ruthlessly?

You shouldn’t have… provoked me in this way!

Qin Yi  turned around and walked back. He stood in front of Ye Ming and his mouth moved. “You. Want. To. Leave?”

Ye Ming didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

“Why?” Qin Yi reached out and touched Ye Ming’s cheek. Lowly he said, “You don’t even want the money anymore. Is it that you’ve found a better partner to succeed me? Or is it… you think that I’ve been ignoring you and feel dissatisfied?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with casual mockery but he didn’t explain himself. “You can think whatever you like.”

After speaking he turned around. Even if Qin Yi called the police or used any kind of methods it didn’t matter. Right now his only desire was to leave this suffocating place!

But he didn’t walk two steps before he was grabbed by Qin Yi from behind and violently pushed onto the floor!

The author says:

Ye Ming: My husband is getting married but the bride isn’t me, what should I do?

888: Prepare a big red packet and all your heartfelt blessings.

Ye Ming: No! I love him. I definitely won’t let him marry someone else!

888: I will pay the money for the red packet for you.

Ye Ming: I thought about it carefully and it’s not good to destroy other people’s happiness. Even though I’m very sorrowful, I can only give them my blessings ba….

Qin Yi: ??? Come here. I promise I won’t hit you!