Qin Yi felt like his body was as heavy as a thousand jun but he still slowly reached out his arms and folded Ye Ming into his embrace. He waited until the person in his arms became slowly quiet and still, and then he bowed his head and kissed Ye Ming’s hair. His voice was low and hoarse. “I think you don’t actually want to leave.”

{T/N: “Jun” is an ancient measurement system. One jun is approximately 30 “jin” or 15kgs}

Ye Ming didn’t reply.

Qin Yi lowered his eyes. “If you really didn’t want to see me again, then why did you come back?”

Ye Ming’s body suddenly stiffened. He clenched his teeth together and the hands that clutched Qin Yi’s arm trembled. He pressed his lips together and didn’t say a thing.

Qin Yi’s eyes became warmer and a resolute expression flashed through them. “So I won’t let you leave again. If you think that making this decision is too painful then let me make it for you.”

“This time, I won’t let you leave again.”

These kind of painful and difficult choices shouldn’t be borne by you alone.

“I’m sorry. Previously I shouldn’t have treated you like that…” Qin Yi bent down and looked into Ye MIng’s eyes. He said slowly, “But I still love you and you still also love me so…. let’s not be separated again, okay?”

Ye Ming blinked his eyes. Something seemed to have flowed out and was sliding down his cheeks.

He had already pushed himself to the limit. He had already done the most cruel and heartless things. If even this was not enough to make this person not love him, then what was the point of persisting?

Wouldn’t it just hurt this person more?

He opened his mouth but in the end he could not speak those words of rejection.

Qin Yi didn’t receive any words of assent but he was also not cruelly rejected. To him this was already an extreme encouragement and there was a spark of light finally in his eyes again.

He embraced Ye Ming and said seriously, “You can definitely get better. You have to.”


When Ye Ming woke up it was another day of beautiful weather and sunshine. He walked over to the window and opened the curtains and breathed in the fresh air.

[Ye Ming: My YiYi is such a good man. When I think about the fact that I have to leave him behind, I really feel reluctant.]

[888: Really?]

[Ye Ming: To be honest I thought this mission would be pretty difficult. I didn’t think the conclusion would be this simple. A 100% affection rate can really make a person’s love stubborn to this extent. I really feel quite cruel. If I had known this from the beginning, then I wouldn’t have wasted my time doing those things.]

[888: If you think it’s cruel you can give up.]

[Ye Ming: If I give up then aren’t all my previous efforts in vain? It wasn’t easy to reach this day. To give up on something halfway is not my style.]

[888: Back then I tried to tell you not to mess about.] This bastard is suddenly being serious, I’m really not used to it.

[Ye Ming: But the most important thing is… if I give up, then how will I repay your experience points ne ^_^]

[888: ……]

[888 said in a serious tone: If  you’re going to do it, please complete the mission seriously!]

Today was a weekend. Qin Yi had pushed away all his duties and came to the hospital very early.

He smiled at Ye Ming. “Is it boring to always stay in the hospital? Let’s go out and eat today.”

Ye Ming looked at him with a complicated expression and didn’t reply.

Qin Yi was already used to Ye Ming’s silence. He didn’t mind and directly kissed the top of Ye Ming’s head. His eyes were were warm and there was a smile on his face. “If you don’t say anything I’ll just treat it was though you’ve agreed.”

Ye Ming turned his head away as though he couldn’t be bothered arguing with him.

Qin Yi smiled and took out the clothes he had prepared and laid it out on the couch. He said, “Do you want to get changed yourself or do you want me to help you.”

Ye Ming licked his lips and said hoarsely, “Did I agree to go out with you?”

Qin Yi nodded. “You want me to help you get changed. Fine.”

After speaking he picked up the clothes and immediately backed Ye Ming into the corner. He rubbed Ye Ming’s cheeks and his warm breath blew against his ear. “We haven’t been intimate for a long time. I really miss you.”

His handsome face was very close and his voice was filled with emotions. In an instant the atmosphere became charged.

This rogue! Ye Ming could not help but blush. He pushed Qin Yi away. “I can change myself.”

Qin Yi looked somewhat disappointed but he backed away. However he didn’t leave and just stood there watching Ye Ming change.

Ye Ming had been sick for a long time, seemingly swallowed by the loose hospital gown. Now that he took off his clothes he looked even more frail. The sickliness drowned out his beauty. He seemed to also know that his current appearance wasn’t good so he turned away to face the wall, showing his back to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi’s gaze rested on Ye Ming’s thin and frail back. At an angle that Ye Ming couldn’t see his eyes flashed with an anguish and sorrow that was quickly suppressed.

Ye Ming slowly changed his clothes. He knew that Qin Yi was watching him so he initially felt nervous but afterwards he calmed down. No one could be attracted by his current appearance. There was also a possibility that Qin Yi wouldn’t like him anymore after seeing him like this.

Just as he was thinking this he suddenly felt a pair of arms embrace him from behind. Qin Yi rested his chin on the back of his neck and said lowly, “It’s not ugly. I won’t dislike you.”

Ye Ming’s eyes went red. Perhaps it was because he was sick but those simple few words made his emotions shake uncontrollably.

Even though Qin Yi didn’t see Ye Ming’s expression however it was as though his heart knew intuitively what he was thinking. He added, “Also you don’t need make any fake speeches anymore. It won’t work on me.”

There was no point in fighting. Just like this Ye Ming was taken away by Qin Yi.

He hadn’t left the hospital for a long time. In this rare chance he felt the liveliness and freshness of the outside of world and his eyes were filled with an inexplicable emotion. Qin Yi held Ye Ming’s hand tenderly and walked slowly. He took Ye Ming to a high class restaurant next to the ocean. He had booked a seat next to the window where one could see a wide panorama of the sea not far away.

Not long after the dishes began arriving. It was all the food that Ye Ming liked to eat. When he saw it an expression of nostalgia rose into Ye Ming’s eyes. “You still remember.”

Qin Yi smiled. “Of course I do.”

Ye Ming felt a little sad. He lifted his chopsticks and tried a mouthful and suddenly said. “We’ve been here before! Back then we had only just met. You were still pretending to be a poor, ordinary guy. That meal was paid for by me. I spent one month’s salary.”

Qin Yi: “……”

Ye Ming raised his eyebrow. “Back then were you laughing at me inside your heart?”

Qin Yi covered a cough with his hand. After a while he nodded.

Ye Ming was slightly angry. “You really were laughing at me?”

Qin Yi looked at him deeply. His eyes were filled with tender laughter. He said, “Yes. I was thinking how could there be someone so stupid that they would spend their entire month’s salary just to invite me out to eat a meal. They must really, really like me. His face is so thin so I had better be more proactive ahd chase him.”

{T/N: “Face is thin”, opposite of face is thick so basically someone who is easily embarrassed and cares a lot about what other people think about them. So Qin Yi realized that Ye Ming went to great pains in order to try and impress him so he thought he’d better make his intentions more clear and chase him back to make things easier for him.}

Ye Ming’s expression was frozen.

Qin Yi then said, “I didn’t think I’d successfully chase you down so quickly. So really it was a case of both of us being secretly in love with each other. The situation couldn’t have been more perfect.”

Ye Ming clutched his chopsticks tightly. The food he’d just picked up shook and landed inside his bowl.

He felt that he shouldn’t have come. This way he would only lose the battle more quickly!

Qin Yi said, “But now everything is better. We’re together again. Every day, no matter where you want to go to eat I can take you. Your husband is very rich, you don’t need to worry about saving my money.”

Ye Ming said darkly, “Who’s trying to save you money.”

Qin Yi said in a bullied tone, “Back then when were together who was the one that was always so frugal. Don’t want to buy this, don’t want to pay for that. You always kept saying that there was plenty of things that required money so it shouldn’t be spent carelessly.”

But afterwards you forcibly pretended to love money…. and I actually believed you.

Ye Ming turned his head. He knew what Qin Yi was trying to do. He knew that Ye Ming  would respond better to soft rather than hard tactics and took him here to use the past to try and move him!

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming’s averted face and his sullen and stubborn look. His eyes were filled with laughter. In order to try and make Ye Ming happy he had tried his utmost and finally some result was showing. As long as Ye Ming still cared about the past then there would definitely be a way to make his open his heart to him again.

There was finally a glimmer of hope rekindled in Qin Yi’s heart. He thickened his face and went to sit by Ye Ming’s side. He was just about to continue to tease him when he suddenly heard a unexpected voice.

“Brother Yi, are you eating here?” Young master Huang and some of his companions were walking by, recognized Qin Yi and came over enthusiastically.

Qin Yi’s face was momentarily facing away from them and immediately darkened. It was as though a cloud of misfortune had appeared over his head. How could he be so unlucky as to run into these guys! And the worst thing was before he could stop him young master Huang spoke again.

Young master Huang had noticed the Ye Ming and said in surprise. “It turns out that Brother Yi is bringing your little lover to eat. Haha, so it turns out you haven’t gotten sick of him yet.”

Ye Ming turned his head around. His expression was very indifferent and his eyes were cold.

Qin Yi’s heart sunk and he suddenly stood up. He said coldly, “Shut up.”

Young master Huang was surprised. He stared at Qin Yi with a confused expression. What had he said wrong? Why had Qin Yi gotten angry?

Qin Yi knew that he was the person was the most wrong in this situation. He couldn’t fully blame young master Huang but he definitely would not stand anyone insulting Ye Ming again. His sharp gaze swept over the gathered people. This was a good opportunity to make everything clear.

His eyes were very as he said, “He is my boyfriend not my “little lover”. From now on take care to be more respectful, do you understand?”

Young master Huang and his companions all stared, shocked. They looked at Ye Ming and then looked at Qin Yi.

Somehow when they weren’t looking, the little lover got promoted?!

Qin Yi didn’t care if they could accept it or not. There would definitely come a day when they realized he was serious but right now he couldn’t let them interrupt his time with Ye Ming. He waved his hand in an impatient manner. “Hurry up and leave.”

Young master Huang could see that Qin Yi didn’t welcome them. Although he had no idea where the thunder had come from today, however it was clear that the best solution was to quickly get out of there.

But they hadn’t even left a few steps before they saw He ShaoChen walking towards them.

That’s right. Today they had asked He ShaoChen and a few other rich second generations to eat together. Young master Huang hurried to give He ShaoChen a few meaningful looks. Today Qin Yi wasn’t quite right and it was best to leave him alone.

Who knew that He ShaoChen ignored it as though he couldn’t see it. He directly walked up to Ye Ming, smiled and said, “You’re here today too.  What a coincidence.”

The ignored Qin Yi’s face changed. Clearly He ShaoChen didn’t have good intentions ah.

He ShaoChen looked apologetically at Ye Ming. He said sincerely, “I thought about what happened last time and it’s my mistake. But we can still be friends right? Since we’ve run into each other, let’s eat together.”

How could Qin Yi agree to it. He said icily, “There’s no need!”

He ShaoChen turned to look at him. He smiled softly and said provocatively, “I didn’t ask you. Besides… didn’t you guys already break up? What’s it to you if I pursue him.?”

Young master Huang and co: “????”

This world was changing too quickly it was impossible to react!