Qin Yi held his mobile phone so tightly that his hand shook. After a while he let go and the mobile slid to the floor.

Ye Ming stared wordlessly at the mobile phone which had fallen on the ground. His brain was completely blank. After he didn’t know how long, he felt a shadow fall over him.

He looked up and saw Qin Yi standing before him.

Ye Ming’s face was extremely pale. His eyes were full of complex emotions and he finally opened his mouth and made a hoarse sound, breaking the suffocating silence in the room. “Did you… hear everything?”

The sorrow and pain in Qin Yi’s eyes as so deep that no bottom could be seen. He said slowly, “You never told me that my mother came to see you.”

Ye Ming looked away. “I didn’t think there was any need.”

“Really? Was it not because you were scared that I would become angry with her?” Qin Yi laughed lowly. The laugh was full of misery. “So… you rejected her cheque and took away a measly one million, you hid your illness and prepared to die alone in some far away place, and only left me a letter. This was your so-called betrayal…”

Ye Ming saw Qin Yi’s appearance and the pain in his heart spread like a wave.

He had originally thought Qin Yi would be able to let him go. He thought he would be able to forget this despicable scum who had betrayed him and go back to his family and once again become the young master Qin that was admired by everyone. He thought that Qin Yi could do it…

This approximately was the biggest mistake he had ever made in his life.

Qin Yi’s eyes were red. He stared fixedly at Ye Ming as though he could look through him and see his soul. He said slowly, “Right now do you still want to tell me… that you don’t love, and that you don’t care about  at all?”

Ye Ming forced his eyes open wide. He was scared that if he blinked then tears would fall.

Qin Yi added, “Right now do you still want to tell me that you don’t want me, and that you want to leave me?”

Ye Ming couldn’t speak.

After a long time Ye Ming slowly opened his mouth. He could only saw two words. Forgive me.”

Qin Yi shook his head. His timbre of his voice was low and his eyes filled with anguish. “The person who should ask for forgiveness, is me.”

“I once promised you that no matter I would protect you and never let you come to harm. But I didn’t even know that you were sick….”

“I didn’t know that you wanted to see me this much. If I had known earlier then I would have found you, even if I had to turn the world upside down. I didn’t know that you still loved me. If I had known….”

“Forgive me. I didn’t do the things I should have. It’s my fault. Forgive me.”

Qin Yi raised his hand and paused. Then he slowly pulled Ye Ming into his embrace. He closed his eyes. Something wet and salty flowed down his face.

Now I finally understand why you felt you had no choice but to leave in this manner. I finally understand it was… because you didn’t want me to be left with nothing.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -5, the current blackening value is 5]

Ye Ming was embraced by Qin Yi and felt the warmth of his arms. This warmth melted the cold loneliness in his heart and made it hot once again. It brought him a strength and bravery he had never had before, as though he could face any trial.

Just like before, it was also this person who had stood by his side without any hesitation, and helped him face all difficulties.

Why are you so good to me? When I clearly have nothing to give you….

Qin Yi lowered his head and tenderly kissed Ye Ming’s eyes. He said, “You said the reason you came back is to see me once again with your own eyes. So, don’t say you want to leave again.”

Ye Ming sniffed and didn’t say anything.

Qin Yi then said, “I’ve already become very strong. My mother also won’t oppose us. I won’t lose any person or anything again because of you. So… don’t say you want to leave again.”

Ye Ming’s felt as though there was something scratching at the back of his throat.

Qin Yi added, “If you don’t want me to be sad, then don’t say you want to leave again.”

Ye Ming suddenly raised his head and kissed Qin Yi’s lips. He looked into the other person’s eyes and saw in Qin Yi’s pupils the reflection of himself. The two of them were embracing each other. This kiss was innocent and didn’t carry any feelings of desire. Even so, it carried a strong feeling of nostalgia.

It was just as it was those years ago.

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with determination. He said, “I will never say again that I want to leave you.”

I once made a wrong decision. I experienced it already and tried my best. I also hurt you but it was of no use. If you need me so much…

Then, until the end, I won’t leave you again.

I will accompany you under the last moment of my life.

Qin Yi tightly embraced Ye Ming. He wanted desperately to meld this person into his body. This time he wouldn’t lose him again, never again.


[888: Why has the blackening value not been eliminated yet? To me it looks like he’s completed accepted your nonsense explanation.]

[Ye Ming: Why is it nonsense?]

[888: Is it true then?]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: Let me tell you, it’s not right to prejudiced against people, hmph!]

[888: I am a serious, professional and responsible system. I have a lot of data to analyze to assess the situation correctly. I will not possess any kind of prejudice.]

Ye Ming’s expression was stubborn. He kept feeling like he had been insulted by 888 in some kind of roundabout way. Was this his misconception?

[888: So why is there still a blackening value of 5?]

[Ye Ming: The reason 5 points are still left is because he still had some small knots or unmet desires in his heart. It doesn’t change his love for me at all but everyone will still have some things that are not fully satisfied in their hearts. It will be taken care of with time.]

[888: Oh.]

Humans were really troublesome and boring.

After that day the misunderstandings between the two people were completed eliminated.

Qin Yi completely lived at the hospital. It was as though they had returned to the past. There was no distance or barrier between them. They lived each day as though it was their last.

Ye Ming ate a lot of medicine every day and had a lot of injections. This process was very painful but for Qin Yi’s sake it did is best to cooperate with treatment. He didn’t want to make Qin Yi disappointed again.

He wanted to live for Qin Yi. Although this wish was elusive, it was hard to let go of.

In order to spend more time with Ye Ming, Qin Yi had practically moved his entire office to the hospital. Unless it was impossible not to, then he wouldn’t leave. Time was extremely precious to him.

Slowly everyone in the hospital began to know that this was a loving couple. It was a pity that one of them had a terminal illness, it really made one feel sorrowful.

On the same level there was a middle aged female patient called Auntie Zhao. She was also staying in the hospital due to cancer. Her husband and son often came to see her and they appeared like an extremely loving family. After she met Ye Ming, she quickly became friends with him.

Auntie Zhao’s son and Ye Ming were around the same age. So she took very good care of Ye Ming like an elder. This day her husband and son came to see her and brought her gifts. She immediately happily brought her family members to to visit Ye Ming’s room.

When Auntie Zhao came Qin Yi was just helping feed Ye Ming.

Ye Ming thought this was unnecessary but Qin Yi insisted on feeding him. It made him feel very embarrassed and when he saw he had guests he glared at Qin Yi in dissatisfaction.

Qin Yi smiled and put down the spoon in his hand. He also knew Auntie Zhao and was very grateful that she often came to spend time with Ye Ming. He said politely, “You came.”

Auntie Zhao saw this young intimate couple and couldn’t help but smile. She pushed her son forward and said, “Go on and put the things over there.”

Auntie Zhao’s son was a tall and skinny shy youth. In order to express his filial piety he obediently placed the items into the hospital room as instructed.

Ye Ming said with a helpless smile. “What are you bringing gifts again for? I already told you there’s no need.”

Auntie Zhao smiled happily. “Ai, this child of mine went to G province for a business trip. He heard that this local snack was very delicious so he bought me some. It’s impossible for me to eat so much, so I brought you some to try.”

Auntie Zhao’s son exposed an embarrassed expression and shook his head.

Ye Ming looked at this family’s happy appearance and couldn’t help revealing an envious expression. He said gratefully, “How can I repay you?”

Auntie Zhao said, “What repayment? These aren’t expensive things.”

Ye Ming couldn’t speak anymore.

Qin Yi held his hand and smiled at Auntie Zhao. “Thank you.”

Auntie Zhao also liked Qin Yi a lot. This young person was not only handsome but was extremely caring and loving towards Ye Ming. It was just like a “oppa” from a television drama. She immediately turned around and looked at her husband. Sighing she said, “Look at Qin Yi. Not only are you not as handsome as him but  you’re not even half as caring as him. You should really learn from other people.”

Mr. Zhao had a helpless expression. Actually he was also very warm and caring ah, the most important factor was that he wasn’t as handsome as Qin Yi ba.

Ye Ming couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

Auntie Zhao and her family sat for a while but said that they didn’t want to get in the way of the young couple and so she brought her husband and son and left. One old and one young man both carefully attended to her every need. It was no wonder she was able to preserve such a youthful heart at her advanced age. It really made one feel envious.

Qin Yi opened the snacks that Auntie Zhao had brought and took a look. With great interest he broke one and gave it to Ye Ming to try. He smiled and said, “What do you think?”

Ye Ming said, “It’s delicious.”

Qin Yi ate a bite from Ye Ming’s hand. He said in a serious voice, “It really is delicious. I have to think about what to buy them in return.”

Ye Ming said helplessly, “Aren’t you very busy? Why are you worrying about this kind of thing?”

Qin Yi looked very serious. “This is a very important matter! Small things can be left to the secretary. But your friends must be treated with attention and care.”

The light in Ye Ming’s eyes moved. He looked at Qin Yi sideways as though he felt impatient with him but when he turned away the expression in his eyes changed one that was both moved and sorrowful.

If only they could stay like this forever, how good it would be….


Qin Yi went out in the afternoon. He had a very important meeting that he had to attend to personally. But in the evening he really brought back a present and then went personally with Ye Ming to visit Auntie Zhao. This high and mighty president was, beside Ye Ming, just a normal and attentive boyfriend.

Another simple day passed just like this.

In the evening Qin Yi held Ye Ming and lay on the bed. They didn’t move and just held each other and felt each other’s heartbeat. It was as though time had stopped and they could forget their helplessness for a short while.

Ye Ming didn’t know how long had passed but he felt as though he couldn’t sleep. He secretly opened his eyes and found that Qin Yi wasn’t asleep either and was looking at him.

Ye Ming felt a bit uncomfortable and said, “You’re peeking at me.”

Qin Yi’s black pupils had a warm glow in the evening. The arms holding Ye Ming tightened and he said lowly, “I just want to look at you a bit more.”

Because I’m scared in the future I won’t have any more chances.

Ye Ming lowered his eyes because he didn’t want Qin Yi to see the sorrow in his eyes. Even if he was treated carefully everyone knew… that time was still cruelling slipping away from him.

He was silent for a long time and then suddenly said, “Auntie Zhao must be very happy.”

Qin Yi said, “Is it ah…”

Ye Ming burrowed his face in Qin Yi’s chest. He said, “Actually before I also thought about it. Maybe in twenty years we will be like them. Loving each other and maybe we can raise a few children, and have a family….”

We would have a family to call our own, just like all the other couples in the world.

Qin Yi knew that from this angle Ye Ming couldn’t see his pain. So he said in a relaxed voice, “I also think like this.”

Ye Ming paused and then said emotionally, “I’m not like you. Ever since I was young I didn’t have a father or a mother. They probably also didn’t want me… but I think that although I didn’t have them in the first half of my life, but in the second half of my life I had you. In the end I will definitely have a family of my own. I will also possess the right for happiness.”

Qin Yi said with determination, “You definitely will.”

Ye Ming smiled suddenly. He raised his head and said, “Yes. Right now I’m very happy because I have you.”

“The only thing that I feel guilty about it is that you… originally you were so happy. You could have had 120% happiness but because of me, now it is incomplete. You gave me everything that I ever wanted but I can’t give you anything.’

Qin Yi looked at him and said seriously. “You have given me more than you can ever imagine.”

Ye Ming exposed a pained expression. “Do you still remember the letter I left you back then?”

“Oh. That letter. I have always kept it. Every day I would work until my head was pierced with thorns just so that after you returned you could see how powerful I had become and make you regret leaving me.” Qin Yi said with this with deliberate casualness. “Right now finally I don’t have any more need. I want to mount it up as a warning to myself to treat you better, in case I’m not careful one day and you run away again.”

Ye Ming couldn’t help but laugh. After laughing he looked seriously at Qin Yi again and said, “I’m sorry, back then I made you sad.”

Qin Yi said, “Everything that’s past is already past. How many times do you want to apologize? Why don’t we apologize one hundred times to each other now and then promise never to say it again?”

Ye Ming suddenly reached out and blocked Qin Yi’s mouth. He said slowly, “But there was a sentence in there that was said from my true heart.”

Qin Yi went still.

Ye Ming raised his head and lightly kissed the back of his hand that was covering Qin Yi’s lips. His eyes were filled with affection. He said, “The sentence was…. Don’t force yourself so much and goback ba.”

Qin Yi felt like his eyes were stinging.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -3, the current blackening value is 2.]