Ye Ming closed then opened his eyes and found he had returned to the system space.

888 asked him: “Do you want to rest for a bit, or do you want to go directly into the next mission?”

Ye Ming smiled and said, “Go on the next mission ba, there’s nothing fun about staying here in this run down house.”

Data ran down on the white walls of the room. After a while 888 replied, “The next world has been chosen. Prepare to transmigrate.”

[Ding! Transmission complete.]

Ye Ming looked around and knew which world he had returned t o.

In this world the body he transmigrated to was called Lin XuanWen. He was the President of a real estate company. Although the company wasn’t extremely large, but he definitely still belonged in the ranks of successful and wealthy people. However although Lin XuanWen appeared like an elegant person on the outside, in reality he was a typical playboy CEO.

The romance target was called Ming Chong. Although he was from a ordinary family but he was a first-class beautiful man, the kind that people became enamoured with with just one glance.

At the time of Ye Ming transmigrating, Ming Chong had just come to interview for the company. Taking advantage of this opportune moment, he hired Ming Chong without hesitation and began to romance him. Ming Chong also had a strong impression of the handsome and stylish Ye Ming. One thing lead to another and the two of them rolled onto the bed and become f*** buddies.

Ming Chong’s appearance was not only handsome beyond compare, but his sexual prowess was also very good. His personality was warm and passionate and Ye Ming could not have been more pleased with him. In order to successful romance him, he deviated from Lin XuanWen’s usual playboy personality. From losing his body to losing his heart, they lovingly spent over one year together and finally the affection level reached 100%.

At this time Ye Ming had to leave.

With Lin XuanWen’s identity, breaking up couldn’t have been more simple. At that time by luck Lin XuanWen’s previous f*** buddy Wang Heng came back to look for him and invited Ye Ming to come out to eat.

Ye Ming agreed without hesitation. He returned home extremely drunk and there was a kiss mark on his neck. The Ming Chong who had been waiting the entire night at home for him immediately misunderstood that he and Wang Heng had had relations, and angrily started an argument with him. At that point Ye Ming had asked in an impatient manner, “Who do you think you are? What right do you have to meddle in my business? I was just playing with you, did you really think I was being serious?”

After that the two of them broke up.

After recalling this, Ye Ming’s expression was a bit awkward.

[888 sighed: Back when you came into this world, you shamelessly and unscrupulously used your position of power to coerce your subordinate into a relationship and stole innocent young man’s heart in order to satisfy your sexual desires. Then he cruelly threw him away without a second thought.]

[Ye Ming: What satisfy my sexual desires? Clearly this was for the mission objective!]

[888: Satisfying your own sexual desire.]

[Ye Ming: Mission objective!]

[888: Sexual desire.]

[Ye Ming: Mission objective!]

[888: Sexual desire.]

[Ye Ming: ….] All right then, it was just a little bit….

[888 summarized: You won’t have a good end after toying with someone’s emotions.]

To this, Ye Ming couldn’t retaliate. Painfully he reviewed all of his memories. Right now it had been 5 year since he had left this world.

In this 5 years, Lin XuanWen had continued being the President as normal, but there hadn’t been a single news of Ming Chong.

Ye Ming thought this was rather odd. Back then after the argument, Ming Chong slammed the door on his way out and then Ye Ming had left the world. But even if they had broken up, they still lived in the same city, how come there wasn’t even a single bit of noise from him?

Had something happened to him? Ye Ming was slightly worried.

[Ye Ming: Where did Ming Chong go? And after I left the body continued to live here not deviating from its normal life? What if after I left Ming Chong came back? Didn’t you say the caretaker system is not allowed to go near the mission target?]

[888: This kind of accident won’t happen. Because at that time he wouldn’t have come back.]

[Ye Ming: How can you be so sure?

[888: You made it clear you were just playing with him. Did you really think he would  come back and want to get back together with you? Don’t even think about it, he’s very proud ah.]

[888: Anyway even if he did come back, then the body would just go die. There’s not a problem.] In actuality, the body’s death after mission completion was the normal practice of things. That fact that the main system had actually helped take care of the body for Ye Ming was what 888 couldn’t understand.

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: He he. Anyway, what’s his situation now?]

[888: The information has been sent to you.]

Ye Ming read it and then stared stupidly. Wasn’t this a big wealthy family dog blood story ah!]

{T/N: You know the kind of big melodramatic drama revolving around the internal conflict of wealthy families… China makes a dozen of these a year. My parents love them. “Crazy Rich Asians” ain’t got nothing on these dog blood stories coming out of China. Michelle Yeoh’s mum character is practically a saint compared to some of these scheming bitc**…. Anyway I’m getting off focus ^_^.}

After breaking up with him, Ming Chong had left the city in despair. Unexpectedly he was then found by his birth father. It turns out he was the lost illegitimate son of a extremely wealthy and powerful family! The Ming Family was a big deal and could easily trample a dozen small bosses like Lin XuanWen.

Ming Chong’s father however wasn’t particularly successful and had only had one daughter. Therefore the patriarch of the family, Ming Grandfather was extremely pleased with this newfound sudden grandson and placed significant importance on him.

Ming Chong did not disappoint. After returning to the Ming Family for only a few short years he had already made waves and achieved successes, and obtained Ming Grandfather’s approval. He had replaced his cheap father and crushed his stepmother as well as a large bunch of aggressive uncles and cousins, and become the heir of the Ming family! Right now except for Grandfather Ming, he controlled all of Ming family.

[Ye Ming: What kind of setting is this? Qin Yi can be excused since he was already the crown prince of the Qin family. Ming Chong wasn’t even from a wealthy family and now he’s also flown into the sky and turned into an ancestor? It’s completely illogical!!]

[888: Are you surprised? Are you overjoyed?]

[Ye Ming: ….] Previously he wanted to act the role of the regretful playboy chasing back his ex-lover, but now it looked like this probably wasn’t going to work….

[888: This is the protagonist’s halo. Don’t be too jealous, it will make you old.]

[Ye Ming: ….]

[888: It looks like you won’t be forgiven so easily. Right now the other person is an elite and might look down on an old flirt like you. That’s what it called “don’t look down on a poor young man”….]

[Ye Ming: Cryingface.jpg]

Wait a second, when had he turned into an old flirt? Right now he was clearly in the prime of his life!

[888: But actually it’s not totally without good news.]

[Ye Ming: ???]

[888: According to my knowledge, Ming Chong has recently returned to G city. You can find an opportunity to meet with him and sincerely admit your wrongs. There might be hope.]

[Ye MIng: …. Since that’s the case, then I can only use my plan B! I’ll change the solution in accordance to the problem and just simply deny that I was ever playing with his emotions! You shouldn’t take the angry words of a drunkard seriously. After he left then I realized that I truly loved after all ah!]

888 couldn’t even bothered giving him a “he he”.

Ye Ming got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror. Although five years had passed, he hadn’t really aged. It looked as though he had taken care of himself well. A 30-something year old man, handsome and elegant, with deep-set dark eyes and an easy-going manner. When he smiled there was a godly warmth and gentleness.

Ye Ming was very pleased. He was just as good looking as before. He still lived in the same house as he did five years ago. That made sense. The system didn’t have time to make any large changes.

The only thing that wasn’t ideal was that these couple of the years the company had not been operating very successfully. G city wasn’t a first-tier large city and the property market had become saturated. Recently he had invested in a failed building enterprise, the sales volume wasn’t good and there also some other problems that arose. Right now the situation was tight and if he wasn’t able to come up with new funding, then there was a chance of breaking the revenue chain.

So although from the surface his company looked like it was doing well, actually it was walking on the edge of the knife, one step wrong and it could all come tumbling down.

Ye Ming had just come back and inherited this mess. But he didn’t mind. The only reason he had come back was to eliminate the blackening value of Ming Chong.

According to 888’s information, recently there was going to a commercial dinner/reception in G city. Ming Chong would come to attend. At that time it would be the opportune moment to meet him again.

Ye Ming made this decision and then got up to go to work.

The situation at work was known by all. The atmosphere was quite low. The workers all respectfully said hello to Ye Ming as he walked by.

“President Lin.”

“President Lin, you’re here.”

Ye Ming nodded at them all and then walked into his office.

He looked at some reports for ten minutes and then sighed deeply. “This is a huge mess. If only there was someone to take over it for me.”

[888: You want Ming Chong to take care of it for you? Isn’t your thinking a little bit too idealistic?]

[Ye Ming: Before you also thought Qin Yi wouldn’t give me money ^_^]

[888: ….] Goddamn.

[Ye Ming: Anyway, this company means nothing to me however to the workers outside this is a hard to come by job. If it was to go bankrupt would that be very sad? After all I still owe them two months salary which hasn’t been paid! I need to be a responsible boss!]

[888: He he.]

Ye Ming went to work a few days, wearing a frown every day. All the workers thought he was troubled because of the company’s financial issues but actually all he thought about was meeting Ming Chong and finally the day of the reception came.

Ye Ming’s energy immediately improved.

Although he already knew everything about what Ming Chong had been through these few years, but according to Lin XuanWen’s setting, he didn’t know a thing.

This day Ye Ming wore a suit and his hair was slicked back, exposing his bright, clear and handsome face. He was not only good-looking but also wealthy, his aura was quite extraordinary. No wonder he’s never had any trouble in the romance market.

When he came to reception, quite a lot of people greeted him with smiles and called him “President Lin.”

Ye Ming smiled and nodded. Not long after his good friend President Liao came over to chat. He said softly, “XuanWen ah, today that mysterious young master from the Ming family is attending. Did you know?”

Ye Ming frowned. He said curiously, “The famous family from W City? Wasn’t there only a young lady heir?”

President Liao said mysteriously, “Your information is too far behind. These few years the Ming family found an illegitimate son. Right now that illegitimate son is doing really well and even trampled his sister’s glory underfoot. But young master Ming is very low-key, so not many people know him.”

Ye Ming said, “Ming family is from W City, it’s pretty far from here. Not knowing is normal.”

President Liao smiled. “That’s true. But right it’s better that you know. Ming family is powerful and wealthy. Now that they’re expanding over here so it’s an important time to start making acquaintances. Also isn’t your funding tight right now. If I can speak plainly, that property development is really wasted in your hands. However if young master Ming takes over it, there is a possibility of it being revived.”

Ye Ming thought about his company’s current condition and exposed a forced smile. “I’ll think about it.”

President Liao patted his arm. “Don’t overthink it. As long as you can make a bit of money out of it, it’s better than bankruptcy down the line. As long as you keep the mountain, you don’t have any fear of not having firewood to burn.”

Ye Ming nodded as though his thoughts were very heavy.

President Liao chatted a big longer then turned around to talk to other people.

Ye Ming stayed in the original spot. Then in accordance with 888’s notification, he turned around and went upstairs towards the bathroom.

He didn’t walk a few steps before he saw a man open the door into the corridor in front of him.

The man raised his head and revealed a handsome beyond compare appearance. He had dark eyes and short hair which fell over his forehead. His nose was high and his eyebrows were like swords, and a pair of phoenix eyes eyes carried a bright sharpness. His facial features were as though drawn by a great master, there wasn’t a single flaw. When combined together, it was a really unforgettable face.

He wore a casual suit and the top button of his shirt was unbuttoned. His demeanour was relaxed.

He also looked at Ye Ming and his footsteps stopped.

In the five years since he’d last seen him, Ye Ming didn’t seem to have changed at all. He looked well. Just as he imagined, this person hadn’t worried a single hair over his leaving. To him, he had only just been a temporary bed-warmer. When he liked him he held him in the palm of his hand like a treasure, when he was bored he simply discarded him.

In these five years this person probably hadn’t thought about him.

Ming Chong’s eyes became dark. However in these five years, he hadn’t be able to forget for even a second about the humiliation he had suffered that day. He thought that they were in true love…. but in the end it was only his unrequited fantasy.

This time when I return to stand before you, I’ll never become the plaything you can casually humilate again!

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening +10, the current blackening value is 70.]

In that moment these two people’s emotions were both in turmoil, they couldn’t find any words.

Ye Ming stared at Ming Chong for a while. Then as though he suddenly recovered he walked towards him with big steps. In a voice that trembled slightly he said, “You, you came back?”

Ming Chong stared at Ye Ming. After a moment he smiled in a faint and distant manner. He said, “Yes.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with joy and surprise. He had a bellyful of questions to ask Ming Chong. He wanted to know where he had been all these years, if he had been living well, and how come he didn’t get a single news from him? But he didn’t have a chance to speak before a waiter suddenly ran up and respectfully said to Ming Chong, “Young master Ming, everyone is waiting for you downstairs.”

Ming Chong nodded slightly. He didn’t look at Ye Ming again but instead made to walk straight past him.

Ye Ming turned stared at him disbelievingly. It took him some time before he was able to recover. Just as Ming Chong was about to pass, he reached out and grabbed his hand. He said in a shocked manner, “You…. you’re young master Ming?”