Ming Chong received the answer he wanted but the hate in his heart didn’t abate even a little. He suddenly had an overwhelming urge to throw caution to the winds and ask this person: can you go to bed with anyone without a care? Is that way you accepted my terms so easily?

But in the end he didn’t ask… because this person was originally like that anyway.

Ming Chong slowly smiled. “Then it’s settled.”

They went back to Ming Chong’s hotel. This wasn’t Ye Ming’s first time here. Before they had also done it a few times here. Back then he naively thought that they could go back to the way things were before…

Ye Ming tilted his head and pulled on his tie. He said with a faint smile, “Since it’s a contract, then there has to be something formal right.”

Ming Chong smiled and took out a ready prepared contract. He pushed it in front of Ye Ming. “Have a look. If there isn’t any problems then please sign.”

Ye Ming carefully looked over it. It look like after what happened last time Ming Chong knew that Ye Ming wouldn’t trust him easily again. As a result this contract was very clear. It contained how much Ming Chong would invest, and the proposal for the management of the projects. The things that Ye Ming needs to give and his obligations were also very clear. The most important one was that he had to be his lover for a year, and this meant he had to fulfill his desires at any time, and during this time he was not allowed to have physical relations with anyone else.

He mockingly smiled to himself. It look like he was really an untrustworthy person. Two people who didn’t trust each other who still insisted on clinging to each other.

Ye Ming signed his name without hesitation. The he raised his eyebrow with a smile. “Do you need me to fulfill my obligation right now?”

Ming Chong nodded but only looked at him deeply. He didn’t make any movements.

Ye Ming paused then realized his meaning. He smiled faintly then threw his tie onto the ground. He took off his jacket and then unbuttoned his shirt…. He walked on his long legs towards Ming Chong, threw his arms around his neck and kissed him.

There was a dark look in Ming Chong’s eyes and he swallowed abruptly. In these last few years there had been a lot of people who had tried to seduce him, including those who were young and very beautiful…. But there had not been a single person like the one before him now, who could with a casual movement steal his heart.

No matter his current status, the power this person had over him didn’t change a bit.

He had once given all the passion and love he had to this person and then when they had parted, buried it all with him. But now that they had met again, everything began to be uncovered.

Ming Chong couldn’t control himself any longer and violently pressed Ye Ming onto the bed!


When it was over Ye Ming couldn’t move. Today Ming Chong had been more violent than he had on any other previous occasion.

Ming Chong held Ye Ming in his embrace and bit his ear. He smiled, “President Lin, am I the best f** you’ve had?”

Ye Ming’s eyelashes were wet. He didn’t speak. This type of question gave him a humiliated feeling.

But Ming Chong seemed to care about the answer a lot. Since he didn’t get an answer he pressed Ye Ming down again and said mockingly, “Why aren’t you speaking? Is it because you’ve been f***ed by too many people, so you can’t remember?”

Ye Ming’s expression changed. He struggled to get out Ming Chong’s embrace. He said hoarsely. “I don’t have any obligation to reply to this kind of question.”

Ming Chong’s eyes became colder. His voice began to sound dangerous and he laughed lowly. “Seems like it’s not me. Perhaps I need to try harder.”

After speaking he pressed down Ye Ming again underneath him.

After a hour Ye Ming couldn’t help crying and begging, “It’s you, it’s you. Enough…”

Ming Chong grabbed his hair and dragged him up. He kissed his lips and there was laughter in his eyes. “Then you should have said so earlier. Why did make me force you, en?”

From this day, only I can touch you, only I can possess you!

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -10, the current blackening value is 70.]

Ye Ming closed his eyes and didn’t look at him. His eyelashes were trembling and his face was very red. It was impossible if it was from passion or humiliation.

Ming Chong saw it and laughed mockingly. Who are you putting on this act for? Are you not this kind of person? Before me and after me, you went to bed with so many people… back then the whole reason you kept me by your side, wasn’t it simply because you enjoyed me f***ing you?’

Since you agreed to my terms then you should know your place.

He loosened his hold and coldly got up and went to the bathroom.

Ye Ming was finally free of Ming Chong. He moved his body slightly. His body was still very sore and painful, especially in that difficult to open place. He rested for a while then just barely was able to get out of bed. His legs still trembled.

Although it was like this he still forced himself to put on his clothes and leave this place.

Ye Ming returned home and went to take a shower. Then he planned to keep sleeping. Today was really overdoing it.

[Ye Ming: Ai, husband {T/N: actually written “old gong”, which sounds the same as husband”} won’t believe I love him….]

[888: Not believing is right.]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: But he’s still a good person. When I give him something voluntarily he doesn’t want it, instead insists he on giving a high price for it and even wrote up a contract to strenuously protect the rights of both parties. What can I say? I can only thank him.]

[888: …..]

Ye Ming happily went to sleep.


Ming Chong held up his end of the bargain. Although this time they didn’t make any big announcements but as long as the funding arrived, the company quickly returned back to normal operations.

The projects began to move in the direction as designated by Ming Chong and things quickly became busy.

During the daytime Ye Ming busied himself at work and at night he satisfied Ming Chong’s desires. He practically had no time to himself. One day he received a phone call and once he looked at the caller ID, he became distracted.

This person Wang Heng can be said to be a debt that the playboy Lin XuanWen owes. Before Ye Ming transmigrated over, he was the bed partner that Lin XuanWen had spent the most time with. The two people should have had feelings towards each other, only in the end they separated for some reason.

Afterwards Wang Heng came back to chase him, but at that time he was already with Ming Chong.

Originally Ye Ming neither liked or disliked Wang Heng, and treated him like an NPC. However he felt somewhat guilty about using him at the end. But regarding that matter… Wang Heng also had a hand in it, and Ye Ming only played along.

Ye Ming thought about this but still ended up picking up the phone. “Hello?”

The person on the other end was silent for a moment. Then he heard Wang Heng’s voice. “XuanWen, Ming Chong is back.”

Ye Ming said quietly. “I know.”

Wang Heng’s voice had some bitterness: “You’ve already met, is that right?”

Ye Ming replied, “Yes.”

Wang Heng paused. “I heard about what happened between you guys. Back then at the press release, he deliberately wanted to humiliate you is that right? But why did you still accept this funding at the end? Did he threaten you?”

Ye Ming’s voice became colder. “Don’t think too much. It’s only that I need some funds right now that’s all and his terms were agreeable.”

Wang Heng hurried to say, “Don’t you know I can also help you?”

This time it was Ye Ming turn to be quiet. Finally he spoke. “Back then the reason that Ming Chong would misunderstand and leave…. although I was the main reason, but what you did, do you think that I don’t know?”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

Ye Ming said quietly, “Since it’s in the past I won’t blame you. But don’t meddle in our affairs any more, otherwise we can’t be friends anymore.”

After he spoke he directly hung up the phone.

[888: Kekeke, what a pretender. That day didn’t you clearly know everything but still chose not to do anything?]

[Ye Ming: The only reason I know is because you showed me ah, but according to the normal logic of things I shouldn’t know. Bullied.jpg.]

[888: Why are you making excuses for yourself? If it wasn’t for you going to see your old lover, none of it would have happened.]

[Ye Ming: I already deeply reflected on my mistake so this time I definitely won’t have allow any room for misunderstandings with Wang Heng. Look! Even though I nearly went bankrupt I didn’t ask him for help. I’ve put my whole heart on Xiao Ming’s person, to win back love the first step is honesty!]

[888: Cold.jpg]

Ye Ming’s words were but good but actually deep in his heart, Wang Heng’s caused a lot of turbulence as it made him recall the events of that day.

That evening he had met with Wang Heng, Ming Chong secretly followed him and saw him kissing and embracing together with Wang Heng after getting drunk…. as a man, how could he could tolerate the humiliation of wearing a “green hat”. Of course Ming Chong came out to prevent it.

{T/N: “Wear a green hat”: be cheated on.}

But the tragedy was that before he could even get near he was stopped by Wang Heng’s bodyguards. Not only could he not stop them but he was humiliated and thrown out.

If Ye Ming thought about it from his perspective, he felt as though this kind of humiliation would be hard to bear by any man. Not only did his lover cheat on him, but he himself was treated like the mistress and humiliated…

With this kind of feeling Ming Chong went home to wait for him, but in the end all he received was those words.

The more Ye Ming thought about it the more he felt he must have been crazy to dig such a big pit for himself back then. So now it didn’t matter if he said “I love you” a hundred times, Ming Chong’s only reply would be: I don’t believe you! I won’t be fooled by a human scum like you again.

And according to Lin XuanWen’s personal setting, he really was a playboy whose words were not very believable…

So right now even if Ye Ming had to kneel down and beg his grandfather and grandmother, he still could not ask Wang Heng for help. This was to demonstrate his conviction. He couldn’t let Wang Heng’s matter cause Ming Chong to blacken any further.

Time passed in this relatively peaceful manner for a month. One day Ye Ming received Ming Chong’s phone call, asking him to go to a villa to pick him up. Ming Chong was there to negotiate a business deal with someone and didn’t take his driver with him. It was far from the CBD and so he asked Ye Ming to come get him.

Ye Ming really was a very responsible lover. Not only did he warm the bed but he could be used as an on-call driver.

When Ye Ming arrived the dinner there was already finished. A few people sat inside a private room chatting and drinking. Ming Chong seemed to have drunk a lot and was already tispy. When he saw Ye Ming came, he didn’t care about others and directly pulled him over to him and said coldly, “How come you only came just now?”

Ye Ming frowned. He said quietly, “To get here I need to drive one hour and twenty minutes from the CBD. I already came as quickly as I could.”

The guests around them said loudly, “Ming Chong, is this your driver? His attitude isn’t very good!”

Ming Chong glared at them and the corner of his mouth turned down. “He isn’t my driver, he is my lover.”

All those people were shocked. And then they began to laugh awkwardly. “Lover ah… no wonder his temper is so bad….”

Ye Ming didn’t look at those people in the eye. He didn’t want to stay any longer. He pulled Ming Chong up and said, “Let’s go.”

Ming Chong followed Ye Ming to the car.

Ye Ming helped him put on his seat belt and then started up the car.

There wasn’t many people on the road at this time of the night. The moon was waning and a cold air blew in from Ming Chong’s window. His drunkenness faded slightly and he turned his head to look carefully at the Ye Ming who was driving.

That obviously handsome face was especially tender under the evening light. He didn’t have much expression and he looked forward. His serious expression really made one’s heart itchy.

Ming Chong looked and couldn’t tear his eyes away. He had once loved his person so much that he wanted to dig out his heart and liver, and fell into the trap laid by this person. It was a trap he couldn’t climb out of… he could only eat the bitter fruit he had given himself.

Even though it was like this, his heart still beat for this person. He wanted him. Wanted him so much he felt like he was going crazy….

Ming Chong opened his mouth. “Stop the car.”

Ye Ming looked at him, confused. “We’re almost there. Why do you want me to stop the car?”

Ming Chong looked at him with his dark pupils. His voice was cold and harsh. “I said stop the car!’

Ye Ming frowned. He didn’t want to fight with a drunk person. So he stopped the car by the side of the road and he was just preparing to speak when his mouth was sealed by lips that carried with it the strong taste of alcohol!

He felt his clothes being pulled aside. His eyes exposed a humiliated expression. He said angrily, “Are you crazy? If you want to do it, just wait until we get back!”

Ming Chong stared at him with a dead look. What am I going crazy for? That’s right ah, why am I so crazy that I can’t let go of you?! And even came back for you?

At this moment he couldn’t think of anything except for possessing this person. Even if he couldn’t obtain his heart, but at least he would make his body remember him! Ming Chong pressed Ye Ming’s wrist down by his side and smiled. “Why are you getting angry? Didn’t you agree to satisfy my desire at any time?”

Ye Ming clenched his teeth. “But not right now!”

Ming Chong said carelessly, “What’s the difference between now and later?”

Ye Ming said angrily, “You’re drunk.”

Ming Chong said, “I’m not drunk.”

Ye Ming didn’t want to accompany him to do this kind of crazy thing in public. He struggled to free his hand and then pushed open the door. He wanted to leave him alone to calm down but a hand grabbed his tie and dragged him back inside!

The drunk Ming Chong’s strength was very violent. He used his jacket to bind Ye Ming’s hands behind him and then he tore off his clothes!

Ye Ming was so angry he was speechless but he couldn’t overpower Ming Chong. This bastard really started doing it outside.

Ming Chong didn’t care at all about Ye Ming’s resistance. The more he resisted the more force he used. Right now do you not like me so much? Is it humiliating to be treated like this by someone you didn’t think worthy of you? But it’s too late. No matter how much you don’t like me, don’t ever think about leaving me. Right now you only belong to me!


It was unknown how much time had passed. By the time Ming Chong became sober, it was almost sunrise.

He frowned and looked at the person in the car.

Ye Ming had fainted. His clothes were torn and ripped and his body was covered in bruises. There was blood between his lips. It was unknown when he had bitten it open. The image was very pitiful.

Ming Chong’s eyes darkened. Although he couldn’t remember everything but it was clear that last night he had lost control.

Concern flared in his heart but the next moment he laughed mocking at himself. What was the point of being concerned about this person? This was what both of them had agreed to. If not for him providing money, this person probably wouldn’t look at him in the eye.

Ming Chong told himself this but his heart still felt stuffy. He didn’t feel any joy.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening – 10. The current blackening value is 60.]

Ming Chong placed his jacket on Ye Ming’s body. Then he drove the car back to the hotel.

When Ye Ming woke up he found himself being held by someone. Warm liquid slid down from his forehead and someone was helping wash him from behind…. He moved slightly and turned around and saw Ming Chong’s handsome and beautiful face. The events from last night flashed through his mind and Ye Ming’s eyes became cold. He said hoarsely, “I can do it myself.”

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming’s eyes and his heart felt stuffy. But the words that came out of his mouth were ice cold. “Since you’re awake then wash yourself. Do you think I want to help you?”

Ye Ming’s face went pale. He lowered his eyes and covered his anguished expression.

Ming Chong released him, pushed open the door and left.

Ye Ming’s eyes were sad. Once they had loved each other a lot. But now they had come to his point. Once the mistake was made, then the wounds couldn’t be healed. Once he had thought that as long as  he stayed by Ming Chong’s side, he could find an opportunity to change Ming Chong’s mind but that was probably just a fantasy.

Once the dam had been broken, the water couldn’t be pulled back.

When Ye Ming came out Ming Chong was sitting on the couch drinking tea. His long legs was crossed and he raised his eyes to glance at him.

Ye Ming’s lips moved but in the end he didn’t say anything except, “If there isn’t anything else, then I’ll be going first.”

Ming Chong didn’t reply and just looked at him coldly.

Ye Ming thinned his lips and then turned around towards the door. His face betrayed a pained expression but he quickly hid it. He turned the door knob and opened the door.

[888: Okay, you can stop acting. He can’t see you anymore.]

[Ye Ming: …..]


Ye Ming sighed and returned back to his home. He dedicated himself to being a professional lover for two months but he had only won back twenty blackening points.

[Ye Ming: President Wang is very patient ma. He still hasn’t come to find me. I didn’t think he would be able to sit still for so long.]

[888: Aren’t you afraid of Ming Chong misunderstanding you again?]

[Ye Ming: There’s no reward without risk ah. One way or another I have to unravel the knot in his heart. I have to let Xiao Ming know that back then I never slept with Wang Heng.]

[888: But you still kissed.]

[Ye Ming: But we never slept together! I definitely rejected him ah!]

[888: It’s only the difference between fifty and a hundred steps.]

[Ye Ming: …..]

This day when Ye Ming finished work he heard 888 tell him that Wang Heng had come to find him. He was standing in front his home waiting for him. When Ye Ming his spirits rose immediately. The Wang Heng he had been waiting for had finally made his appearance!

Although after reuniting, Ming Chong had not mentioned Wang Heng once but Ye Ming didn’t believe for a second that Ming Chong didn’t care about this matter any more. He had only made his assumptions about what happened and couldn’t bother speaking about it.

Ye Ming thought about this and didn’t have any more motivation to work. In the remaining time he stared at his phone. It didn’t take long for him to receive Ming Chong’s text message. It was still to ask him to go to the hotel that night. Ye Ming sighed with relief. It looked like all the prerequisite conditions for tonight’s drama had been met.

He pretended he hadn’t seen it. He didn’t reply to Ming Chong’s message. After he finished work he went directly home.

He had just come out of the lift when he saw the tall and handsome man standing in front his door. He looked as though he had been waiting a long time.

Wang Heng’s face was very heavy. When he saw Ye Ming however a joyous light flashed through his eyes. He said emotionally, “XuanWen, you’ve come home….”

Ye Ming however showed a surprised expression. He said coldly, “What are you doing here?”

Wang Heng saw Ye Ming’s attitude and felt very hurt. He really liked him but back then he had let go of the opportunity and when he came back to chase Ye Ming again, Ye Ming already had someone else he liked.

In the beginning Wang Heng hadn’t thought much about Ming Chong. He was only a powerless and insignificant little brat, other than his face he had nothing. He didn’t have anything with which to fight Wang Heng. Ye Ming was probably just playing with him. But he never expected that Ye Ming genuinely liked Ming Chong. Even though he had seized the opportunity when he was drunk to kiss Ye Ming, however in the end Ye Ming still rejected him. And even distanced himself from him due to Ming Chong’s matter.

Wang Heng said seriously to Ye Ming: “Do you know what people are saying about you outside? In order to preserve your company, you crawled into young master Ming’s bed. So old and still so shameless. That kind of thing. You don’t even care about your own position. Ming Chong doesn’t love you anymore. If he even cared about you a little bit, he would let people spread those slanders about you. You shouldn’t be with him anymore.”

Ye Ming already knew this but when Wang Heng said it out loud it still hurt a lot. He said unhappily, “I told you before not to meddle in my affairs. I can be with whomever I want. It’s my freedom.”

Wang Heng started to feel angry. “Do you understand or not? Ming Chong isn’t the person you know any longer! I investigated a lot of matters regarding him. Do you know what he did in order to stabilise his position inside the Ming family? He can even be so cruel to his own family members! The people who offended him all came to terrible ends. Do you really think you’re an exception? The reason he came back this time is to revenge himself upon you!”

Ye Ming’s hand tightened into a fist. His body trembled. Of course he understood this. He didn’t need Wang Heng to remind him. He clenched his teeth and said, “So what?”

Wang Heng said helplessly, “I don’t want to see your hurt.”

Ye Ming sighed. He knew Wang Heng wasn’t wrong. He was speaking honestly. It was him that couldn’t accept the reality and even got angry with him. He forced himself to calm down and said slowly, “Thank you for your concern. However today I still have some things to do, so I won’t invite you inside to sit.”

His desire to send away the guest was very obvious.

Wang Heng didn’t want to leave just like this. He reached out and wanted to hold Ye Ming’s hand but Ye Ming avoided him.

At this time the elevator made a “ding!” noise and the door slowly opened.

Ming Chong stood inside and raised his head. Today his text message to Ye Ming had not been returned. He had gone to the company but didn’t find him and so came straight over to the house.

Look what he found. Ye Ming was with Wang Heng…. this image was just like five years ago. The jealousy and hate in his heart couldn’t be controlled!