Ming Chong stood in the doorway of the boardroom. Behind him was Ye Ming’s anxious and frightened looking secretary who had been unable to prevent him.

Ming Chong had once worked here so a few old employees still recognized him. However back then Ye Ming felt that being in a relationship with his subordinate wasn’t something that should be told to others, so it was always an underground romance.

Thus everyone only felt surprised that the Ming Chong who had suddenly disappeared back then suddenly reappeared, and didn’t connect anything to Ye Ming.

As for Ming Chong’s current identity, because he had always been lowkey and had never publicized his photo or video, so not many people knew. Only a few of the high level managers in the company was aware.

Ye Ming had a bad feeling because right now Ming Chong didn’t look quite right. He turned his head and said to the Vice President Liu, “Today we will just finish up here. You guys go out first.”

Although Vice President Liu wasn’t quite sure what was going on between Ye Ming and Ming Chong, but he had the feeling that the relationship was simple. Thus ming Chong’s actions today made him feel very anxious. He hurried to gather up everyone out and closed the door behind them.

Ye Ming saw that they had all gone out and sighed a little bit in relief. He said to Ming Chong, “What can’t be said on the phone and you had to come here?”

Ming Chong coldly glared at Ye Ming. It looks like you’re very surprised ah… are you scared of people knowing about our relationship?

Ye Ming’s indifferent attitude recently had really provoked Ming Chong’s anger, so today he couldn’t suppress his feelings and rushed over here.

But when he arrived he only received this suspicious question from Ye Ming.

Ming Chong suddenly recalled that five years ago when their relationship was at its most passionate, Ye Ming still had never openly admitted their relationship. When in the presence of the company and in front of outsiders, Ye Ming never displayed any intimacy with him. He had always preserved his image of a “perfect president” in front of others.

At that time although Ming Chong wasn’t happy however he didn’t take it too much to heart. But now…

Of course Ye Ming didn’t want to publicize his relationship with a temporary fuck buddy. Because he never really cared about him thus of course he didn’t care about how other people viewed him. And this way once they separated he wouldn’t have to bear any responsibility.

Every moment you were with me, you never ever considered a future together.

How could he not have realized this back then?

The snake inside Ming Chong’s breast reared its ugly head. He smiled coldly. “It seems like you’re very scared of me coming over?”

Ye Ming’s gaze was confused. He wasn’t sure what Ming Chong was thinking. Clearly everything had been peaceful recently, how come he had become like this suddenly? He hesitated then said, “I don’t mean it that way. I just felt like it’s unnecessary. If you have any needs you can tell me directly. Anything I’ve agreed to I’ll definitely fulfill.”

Ming Chong pressed closer to Ye Ming. He lowered his head and looked into his eyes. “Really? Then right now I need you to fulfill your obligation.”

Ye Ming’s expression changed. “Right now it’s daytime.” And they were in the company’s boardroom!

Ming Chong’s voice became dangerous. “Just now didn’t you say you’ll fulfill anything you’ve agreed to?”

Ye Ming thought this guy had completely lost his mind. But he still forced himself to be patient and said, “I don’t have any intention of rejecting you. It’s only that right now isn’t appropriate. I already agreed that I would come over tonight….”

Ming Chong’s eyes flashed. He grasped Ye Ming’s neck and pushed him forcefully down towards the boardroom table. He said mockingly next to his ear, “Why all the pretense? It’s not as though we haven’t done it here before in the past. Back then you really liked it….”

Ye Ming’s expression froze. Before… they had really done it secretly in the office before. However it was at night when there wasn’t anyone else at the company. But right now it was the afternoon and the door wasn’t even locked.

The most important thing was back then they were in love, and right now the intent was probably to humiliate him that’s all…..

Ming Chong grabbed Ye Ming’s hands and pressed it behind him against the glass pane of the boardroom table, making him unable to resist his advances. He lowered his head and kissed his neck.

Ye Ming didn’t think Ming Chong would really do this here. His gaze was angered and he started to struggle. But he was also scared of making too much noise and causing other people to notice. Thus he wasn’t able to get out of Ming Chong’s gasp.

He could feel Ming Chong’s movements become more and more perverse. His eyes were extremely humiliated and his expression was ugly. He said in a low voice, “Stop this!”

Ming Chong breathed near his ear. He said mockingly, “What do you say we let other people see how their polite and perfect President Lin is really a whore who can’t live without a man and spreads his legs every night to beg other people to fuck him. If they knew, what do you think they would say….”

“No…” Ye Ming’s face went pale. He had the feeling that Ming Chong might really do it so he was so terrified his entire body froze. He said in a low voice, “Don’t be like this….”

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming’s terrified expression. Oh, so you also know how to feel fear ah…

Ye Ming bit his lips and his eyes were red. “I already did everything that you want. Why are you still being like this?”

Ming Chong grasped his chin and bit his lips, kissing him. He saw Ye Ming’s face become red due to anger and fear but at the same time he was scared to resist too forcefully and cause noise, so he could only be suffer helplessly.

Yes… this was right. I will tear down that fake and haughty mask of yours. The way you look now, that’s what you deserve!

Ming Chong’s eyes were dark and he laughed lowly. “If you don’t want to be discovered by others then be quiet. Although I don’t care if  you call out… that way everyone can appreciate how seductive President Lin can be ah….”

Ye Ming looked at him red eyes. His fingers were pressed so hard they were white. This perverted bastard!

At this time there was suddenly the sound of knocking on the door. The secretary’s voice floated inside, “President Lin, can I come in right now?”

Ye Ming’s pupils dilated. He took in a frightened breath and tried his best to control himself. He said in a cold voice, “No you can’t!”

The secretary didn’t come in. After some time there was the sound of footsteps moving away.

Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief. Just before a wave of horror had overtaken his sense of logic. He could only think about how to prevent someone from discovering him and Ming Chong together.

Ming Chong lowered his head and his laughter was dark. “It looks like you don’t like me ah, you’re so scared of someone discovering our relationship.”

Ye Ming’s body trembled. His eyes were troubled and pained and he said in a low voice, “This is a completely different matter….”

He saw Ming Chong’s cold eyes and his heart felt uncontrollable pain. It turns out in your eyes, I’m this kind of person ah. I finally know how much you hate me…..

I also finally know what it feels like to be played with and destroyed by someone that I love. And to think I thought I could bring you back, how ridiculous and laughable.

Ye Ming laughed mockingly. After a while his voice became calmer. He said, “Since you hate me, why do you insist on clinging onto to me? What’s the point?”

Ming Chong paused and his face changed.

Ye Ming continued, “Anyway it’s impossible for me to obtain your forgiveness. Right now you have already revenged yourself against me, aren’t you satisfied?”

Ming Chong’s fingers tightened into a fist and it trembled.

Clearly he had obtained his objective, this person had finally admitted that he was beyond forgiveness, but why did he still not feel happy? Instead he felt even more suffocated and pained.

Was this what he wanted?

Did he want to revenge himself against Ye Ming or did he want Ye Ming to love him? What was it that he wanted in the end?

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -5, the current blackening value is 45.]

Ming Chong loosened his hold and stepped back. The suffocated feeling again filled his chest. This was the first time he didn’t do it to the end and let Ye Ming go.

Actually he really wanted to throw caution to the winds and continue. But when he saw Ye Ming’s eyes he felt a kind of sudden terror. As though if he continued he might really lose this person…

Thus, Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming coldly. “Don’t forget. Right now it’s still a long way away from one year.”

This said, he turned around and left with large strides.

Ye Ming coldly and calmly looked away. He stood up and organised the clothes that had been messed up. After waiting a while for Ming Chong to get further way, he then left the board room.


After that day Ming Chong didn’t contact Ye Ming for a few days.

Ye Ming wasn’t worried. He simply prepared the documents and waited for Ming Chong to call him.

888 saw Ye Ming’s behaviour and thought he was a really good pretender. Back then the one who had desperately wanted Ming Chong’s help was him, and now he was just going to throw it all away?

[888: It’s only been three months, did you change your mind?]

[Ye Ming: Yes ah. If I don’t make a fuss, Xiao Ming will really think I don’t have a temper. The blackening has been lowered significantly already so now it’s time for him to have a careful look at his own feelings. Clearly he loves me to death, but he stubbornly would rather die than let go of his pride.]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: Big brother, don’t you think I have it tough? I feel like every day I’m raising a child. Bullied.jpg]

[888: I think in terms of childishness, no one can beat you. Don’t blame others. Every time you feel like you feel like you’re going through hardship you should reflect just how the blackening value came about. Then you’ll be able to find peace.]

[Ye Ming: …..] When Ye Ming reflected he really wanted to cry tears of regret.

After a week Ye Ming finally received Ming Chong’s call. He took the documents he prepared and went over.

Ming Chong was sitting in the hotel suite’s living room couch. He looked at him coldly and said, “Come in.”

Ye Ming looked at Ming Chong. There was a flash of longing in his eyes but then he seemed to make up his mind and walked in slowly.

He didn’t sit down as usual but instead directly but the documents on the table and stood opposite Ming Chong. “Thank you for your help thus far but after some careful consideration, I feel like I don’t have the right to accept your help. This is a deed for the equity transfer of my company. I’m willing to sell my shares at a low price. Everything will belong to you. If there isn’t a problem, then let’s cancel the previous contract.”

Ming Chong didn’t expect that Ye Ming would say this. His eyes became dangerously cold. He said with clenched teeth: “What. Did. You. Say?”

Ye Ming smiled softly. He had finally managed to say these words. There was a feeling of release. He smiled and said, “I think if there only exists hate between us, then there is no point continuing the relationship. It’s not good for me nor for you. Let us… part well.”

Ming Chong was frozen for a moment before realizing what Ye Ming was saying.

Let us… part well? This guy actually wanted to “part well” with him?! He wanted to leave him again? When he wanted he wanted and when he didn’t he would just throw him away?

Who do you think I am? Do you think I’m your toy?!

Ming Chong used all his might to restrain his violent impulse and said piercingly, “I refuse!”

Ye Ming looked at him emotionally. He suppressed the longing in his heart and said strenuously, “I’m not seeking your permission. I’m simply telling you. I’m a free person. That contract wasn’t legal in the first place, it was only a private agreement between us.”

“However since you did actually provide the funding so I don’t want to take advantage of you. This is to recompense you.”

After he spoke he turned around and left.

What wasn’t his… shouldn’t be something he could hope for. Now they had only returned back to the beginning and correct the mistakes.

Ming Chong didn’t move. He heard Ye Ming’s cool words and saw his back moving away.

This wasn’t his first time seeing the back of this person. When this person needed him he would pretend to love him the most in the world. Once he didn’t then he would throw him away without hesitation. Who needed your recompensation?!

Ming Chong felt as though there was a layer of red in front of his eyes, as though he had returned to five years before.

Just as Ye Ming was about to push open the door and leave, Ming Chong suddenly rushed over. He threw him against the wall and pressed close against his face. Their noses were almost touching. His voice came between clenched teeth. “Have I agreed… to your leaving?”

Ye Ming’s face went white and his gaze was dazed. Did he really want to leave? Of course he didn’t…. He had been waiting for him for five years.

In these five years, he had thought of him  at every moment. He had thought that as long as Ming Chong came back then he would apologize to him and win him back. But only when the time actually arrived did he realize that everything he had imagined was only fantasy.

He hadn’t even have time to enjoy the reunion before the cruel truth slapped him in the face. The person he had waited for had come back… but at the same time, would never come back.

I don’t want to leave you. But if I stay it will be even more painful, so it’s better to leave and let go of you.. as well as let go of myself.

These complex emotions appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. He only repeated once again, “i said it already, I’m not seeking your permission. Right now please let go of me.”

These words made Ming Chong’s rationality snap. You want to abandon me once again? How can I let you? I once swore that once I returned, I would never once again become that person that you can easily throw away!

I’m not that person anymore!

Ming Chong raised the corner of his lips and used his hand to tightly clutch Ye Ming’s wrist and press it against the wall. He lowered his head and kissed him. His eyes were red and filled with violence.

Ye Ming didn’t expect that Ming Chong would suddenly go crazy. He was kissed until he cried out. The place were their lips touched was tinged with the taste of blood, and his appeared agonized.

What’s the point of continuing like this… what’s the point….

Ye Ming forcefully threw off Ming Chong’s hand. The next moment he slapped him vigorously across the face!

With the sound of “pa!”, Ming Chong’s face was knocked aside. On his white skin appeared a red imprint of a hand. This sound was as though the flipping of a switch, stopping all of his violence in its tracks.

Ye Ming’s chest rose up and down. His eyes were pained and he slowly opened his mouth. There wasn’t the sliver of warmth in his voice. “I did wrong you, but you should know, I don’t owe you anything.”

He paused and a faint smile appeared on his lips. He said slowly, word by word, “Who made the rule that just because we were together, that we can never break up?”

“Who made the rule that just because you love me, that I have to love you?”