Ming Chong put down his knife and fork and used the napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth. He stood up and walked slowly in front of Ye Ming. He bent down and stretched out his hand. He said calmly, “Do you need my help?”

Ye Ming looked at him with rage. “Pa!” It was the sound of him hitting Ming Chong’s face! He clenched his teeth and said raspily, “What is it that you want… I already gave you the company, let me go…”

Ming Chong retracted his hand and his phoenix eyes crinkled with laughter. “Why do you want to go? Isn’t staying by my side good? I’m not unfair. Back then everything that you could give me, I will give back to you and more. We can be just as we were before.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were red. Even in his wildest dreams he couldn’t have imagined that Ming Chong would use such insane, underhanded methods. And he still dared to say that they would be as they were before?

Ming Chong’s eyes lowered and he said in a deep voice, “Also, are you sure you want to leave this way? Isn’t President Lin afraid of losing face?”

Ye Ming’s anger overflowed. He clenched his teeth and said painfully. “You… depraved…”

Ming Chong’s mouth carried a smile however his dark eyes were filled with extreme crazed paranoia. “So what if I am?”

If an innocent and good person can only foolishly lose everything, then I’d rather be a depraved villain. That way at least I can obtain the things I want, including you.

Ye Ming had already bitten his lips so hard they bled. He stared at Ming Chong with dead eyes and didn’t say anything.

Ming Chong saw his look and said, “It seems like you don’t want my help.”

After that he turned around, went back to the dining table and continued to eat.

Ye Ming felt so angry he wanted to pass out but he didn’t want to ask Ming Chong for help. In the beginning he was able to maintain his clarity but now his consciousness was slowly ebbing away. He said in a weak voice, “Let me go, let me go….”

Ming Chong stood up and walked over. He leaned over and grasped his chin and stared at this man’s handsome face which he had longed for for so long and his eyes darkened.

From the moment you stepped into this place, then forget about leaving me. You- can only be mine.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening +10, the current blackening value is 55.]

Ming Chong picked Ye Ming up and carried him to the second floor. Ye Ming grasped Ming Chong’s tie and wouldn’t let him leave.

Ming Chong stared at him lovingly. Why weren’t you like this from the beginning? Don’t make me angry, don’t cheat on me, don’t betray me. If you had always been obedient like this how good would it have been…. why did you force me to treat you like this?

He smiled slightly. “If you say you love me then I’ll help you.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were dazed and spiritless. He mimicked Ming Chong’s words without hesitation, “I love you….”

Ming Chong smiled. He lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s lips forcefully.

Who cares if my methods are despicable and underhanded. The most important thing was the result. Who cares if you are a cheating playboy? In the end you still belong to only me. And I will never give you another opportunity to betray me!


[Ye Ming: Wu…..]

[888: What is it?]

[Ye Ming: People… are really full of contradictions. Reflecting.jpg]

[888: …..] What’s this scum on about?

[Ye Ming: I said “I love you” so many times but he didn’t believe it…. But as soon as I don’t say it he thinks of all these methods to make me say it. If a pancake fell from the heavens you keep thinking it’s a trap, only the one you obtain through extreme methods you feel is dependable. Don’t you think it’s very contradictory? Why can’t you just believe that pancakes fall from the heavens? Some people win prizes! It’s called luck ^_^]

[888: He he.] What luck. Obviously it’s the misfortune of eight lives. He must have destroyed the world in a previous life to meet someone like you in this one.

Ye Ming could only feel that his body was very heavy and powerless. He couldn’t move without effort. It seems Ming Chong was very careful and was scared of him running. After all he was a grown man, if he really fought back there would be a degree of danger and difficulty.

Ye Ming tried to get off the bed but he couldn’t stand steadily and fell to the ground. Luckily the ground was covered with a thick carpet so it didn’t hurt.

He opened the door and clutching onto the railing, slowly descended the stairs. He saw that Ming Chong had already prepared breakfast downstairs. When he heard movement he raised his head and looked up smiling. “You woke up.”

Ye Ming looked at him coldly. He didn’t speak and walked towards the door. The front door couldn’t opened so he started walking around, looking for an exit.

Ming Chong embraced him around the waist from behind. He rested his chin on his shoulder and said softly, “Only I know the passcode. Also, don’t bother trying the windows. You can’t get out.”

Ye Ming’s heart felt cold. In the beginning he had wondered by Ming Chong would buy a house here. It wasn’t for convenience at all but instead to put a cage to trap him in!

But… how did he dare!

Ye Ming took a deep breath and tried to calm the fire in his heart. He did his best to say in a calm voice, “Let me go and I won’t pursue anything that you’ve done until now.”

Ming Chong kissed his neck and his warm breath blew against Ye Ming’s face. He said in a low voice with laughter, “Do you really think I would let you go?”

Ye Ming’s lips were pale. Just then he was just trying a last ditch attempt. He didn’t have much hope. If Ming Chong dared to imprison him then it was clear that he was desperate. He clenched his teeth and said, “Haven’t you thought about the consequences of my disappearing?”

Ming Chong smiled lightly. “What consequences? I’ve already investigated. Right now you don’t many people close to you. And you previously told Vice President Liu that you wanted to travel around and relax. You also personally turned over the company to me. I should thank you for cooperating with me to this degree… right now I don’t think anyone would worry about your whereabouts in the short term.”

Ye Ming didn’t think that Ming Chong had included all of this in his plans. Clearly he had been plotting for some time. Then he said coldly, “Then what if someone tries to contact me?”

Ming Chong said, “I already used your phone to text message some of your close friends, expressing that you have sold the company and your mood isn’t good so you want to go out into the world and leave things behind for a while. I said that for the short term you won’t be using this mobile number, and that upon your return you will contact them.”

After speaking he held Ye Ming’s chin and turned his head around. He looked in his eyes and said smiling, “So you can relax and live here with me. Just trust me and I will handle everything.”

Ye Ming’s face was pale and he reached out his hand to hit Ming Chong but Ming Chong clutched his wrist. “Don’t waste your energy on useless fighting. You should save your energy for the bedroom, what do you think?

Ye Ming raged, “You-”

Ming Chong saw Ye Ming’s angry appearance. His handsome and pale face, and hsi pink lips slightly parted and trembling… he suddenly thought this person was extremely seductive when he was angry and he couldn’t help lowering his lead and kissing him. He held Ye Ming’s waist tightly, pinning him in his arms. He kissed Ye Ming until the other person almost couldn’t breathe before releasing him.

Ye Ming entire body felt powerless. He almost fell onto the ground. Ming Chong simply picked him up and placed him on the couch. He said gently, “Eat breakfast first…. no I should say lunch.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were red. His chest rose up and down quickly and his eyes were filled with sorrow and disappointment.

Did this person really understand what he was doing? Does he really want me to hate him? Yes… he wronged him first, but to take revenge to this extent against him for something like that…. it made him question his love for this person.

Do you want to completely destroy every single beautiful memory I have?

Ming Chong stroked Ye Ming’s face and saw the cold disappointment in his eyes. An indescribable pain rose up in his heart but it was suppressed quickly by his unwillingness to let go.

Do you hate me now? Then do you understand how much I hated you back then?

How much I love  you is also how much I hate you.

Ming Chong laughed mockingly and then turned around and brought Ye Ming’s lunch to him.

Ye Ming didn’t want to fight with food. Only with a full stomach could he think of a way to escape. Ming Chong couldn’t stay here all the time.

Ming Chong smilingly watched Ye Ming eat. He knew what Ye Ming was thinking. However he was very confident in the surrounds. This was the cage he had carefully constructed for Ye Ming. It was impossible for him to escape.

Both people had their own thoughts but at least the scene was peaceful.

After lunch Ming Chong began getting intimate with Ye Ming but taking consideration that they had had done it violently only the night before, he didn’t do anything over the top. Before he left he kissed Ye Ming’s forehead and said like a husband leaving his wife at home, “Stay in the house obediently. I will try to come home early tonight.”

Ye Ming said coldly, “If you don’t come back that’s okay too.”

Ming Chong raised his eyebrow and said in a mock sorrowful voice, “If you say that I will feel very sad….”

Ye Ming laughed coldly.

He waited for Ming Chong to leave and then began to carefully inspect the house to try and find a means for escape. His investigation was very thorough but this place had been created by Ming Chong like a steel fortress. Both the front door and the balcony all haad digital locks and only Ming Chong could open them. Everywhere there were cameras. All the windows were made of tempered glass, even if he smashed it with a chair it didn’t break. Even all the vents had been sealed, and the air was controlled by central air conditioning.

Ye Ming was so tired he panted but he didn’t have any results.

[Ye Ming: I feel so sad. These cameras are really annoying. Even if I’m by myself I have to keep acting.]

[888: If you want a reward you have to prepared to make a sacrifice. When you chose the “little black room”, didn’t you think about the consequence of 24 hour surveillance?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: Whatever, once should be enough. I’ll look for another half hour then I’m going back to my room to sleep!]

[888: ……] This trash can’t even keep it up for one hour!

Ye Ming looked around a full circle and finally gave up. He furiously swept everything on the table onto the floor and then lay down on the couch. He turned his face away from the camera it couldn’t capture his expression.

[Ye Ming: Task complete! Now I’m successfully turned the situation around and become the victim lalalalala.]

[888: …….]

[Ye Ming: Did I just dump him once? He dares to imprison me! Obviously he’s more in the wrong here. In the future when he brings up the fact that I played him I can use this to slap him in the face hahahaha! From now on the person that occupies the higher moral ground is me!]

[888: ….] He really wanted to beat this person to death.

Ye Ming went to sleep happily. When he woke up it was already evening.

He felt a person kissing him. He opened his eyes slowly and it took awhile for his swimming vision to clear up. He saw Ming Chong’s handsome face and his eyes went cold and he quickly turned his head around.

Ming Chong didn’t mind. He knelt down and pulled Ye Ming tightly into his arms. He stroked his neck and said, “Come and eat.”

Ye Ming suppressed his expression but didn’t speak. Right now he felt it was impossible to communicate with Ming Chong!

After eating Ming Chong took him to the bedroom. He pressed him down on the bed and did him once, “feeding” his lower half until it was full too, making Ye Ming’s entire body tremble with anger.

After the act Ming Chong held Ye Ming in his arms. Ye Ming’s face was expressionless and after some time he said in a hoarse voice, “You want to retaliate against me to this degree? Just because I dumped you once?”

Ming Chong paused and then said softly, “Yes.”

Ye Ming closed his eyes as though he was extremely disappointed in the other person. He didn’t speak again.

Ming Chong enjoyed the feeling of the other person’s warmth in his arms. Holding this person tightly against him he could feel his presence beside him.

Actually when Ye Ming asked the question before, Ming Chong’s first instinct was to say “No”.

Because in that moment he couldn’t help admitting that actually this wasn’t just for revenge. If it was only because he had been dumped and played, would he remember it five years?

If it was only because of hate? Then it would be enough to steal his company and everything he owned.

No the fact that I can’t forget is because… I still love you.

Ming Chong closed his eyes. The reason I returned is because I wanted to obtain you once more…

Yes, this was the real reason I came back.

Revenge was only the excuse I used because I can’t let you know that I still love you. That way you would only use me again, lie to me again, leave me again…

You would treat me as an existence that didn’t matter again.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -10, the current blackening value is 45.]

Although Ming Chong had imprisoned Ye Ming in the villa however he didn’t restrict his movements. The villa was very big with three levels and a basement, the facilities were very complete. When Ming Chong was home he would occasionally take him out for a walk however he would not go far from the house in order to ensure that Ye Ming didn’t have a chance to escape.

In the beginning Ye Ming pretended that he hadn’t given up on the notion of escape however Ming Chong was extremely careful and didn’t give him any chances, so slowly he went along and gave up the pretense.

888 was very dissatisfied with this.

[888: Don’t tell me you are planning on going on like this forever?]

[Ye Ming: How can that be? I haven’t given up! I’m only just momentarily hiding my intention because I can’t find a means of escape.]

[888 laughed coldly: Want me to help you report to the police?]

[Ye Ming: …….]

[Ye Ming: Ai, the policeman uncles are very busy, there’s no need to worry them over these kind of small matterse right? And anyway reporting to the police won’t get rid of the root of the problem. You need to give us some time together, I will soften his attitude and make him begin to feel guilty. This is the correct next step ma.]

[888: He he. Then what’s your next move?]

[Ye Ming: I’ve been missing for this long. Normal people won’t be worried however there’s one person that’s definitely worried! I am waiting for my helpful backup. He will definitely come to save me! ^_^]

[888: …..]

Over ten more days passed like this. This day Ming Chong was holding Ye Ming to sleep and suddenly heard the sound of a commotion coming from outside.

Ming Chong’s eyes went cold. He stood up and went to the window to look and his face changed. It was Wang Heng trying to break him! He didn’t know how he had found this place, but the bodyguards he had hidden around the villa immediately came out the stop him.

Wang Heng couldn’t get close so he raised his head and looked towards Ming Chong and yelled, “Is it you that locked up XuanWen?”

Ye Ming heard the sound and got up. He also saw Wang Heng outside and an expression of surprised joy crossed his face.

Wang Heng saw Ye Ming at the same time. With a look of desperation he said, “XuanWen I knew you were here!” After saying that he wanted to rush inside but he was pushed by the bodyguards onto the ground!

The events of that day had been turned around. This time it was him that couldn’t get close to that person!

Ming Chong saw Wang Heng’s red and angry eyes, and his gaze become icy cold.

He glanced deeply at Ye Ming and then kissed his lips gently. He said lowly, “You seem very happy to see him?”

Ye Ming looked at him coldly and didn’t reply.

Ming Chong laughed carelessly. He turned back around and gave an order. “Bring him in.”

Wang Heng was brought in by the bodyguards. Because of the scuffle from before his clothes were messed up and there was dirt on his face. His appearance was quite pitiful.

He saw Ming Chong and Ye Ming walking down from upstairs. He wanted to rush over but was again stopped by the bodyguards. His expression changed and lots of thoughts flashed through his brain. Back then when Ye Ming vanished he thought something wasn’t quite right. Although other people didn’t pay much attention, he had never given up on finding Ye Ming.

Although everything appeared normal on the surface however he still found evidence that Ye Ming most likely had not left and then through various clues found this place. It turns out he had really been captured by Ming Chong!

Ming Chong really did such a perverted and insane thing, even Wang Heng didn’t expect it.

Wang Heng knew that that he couldn’t be impulsive. He was scared that Ming Chong would harm Ye Ming so he said seriously, “You shouldn’t treat him like this. If it’s still because of what happened back then, then you should blame me. I’m the one who chased him, but he never agreed.”

Ming Chong sat Ye Ming down on the couch and then sat down by his side. He folded his hand on his knees and said smiling, “You already told me this all before. If this is all you want to say, then don’t bother.”

At this point Ming Chong was clear that Ye Ming and Wang Heng weren’t together right now. However the scene he saw back then was like a knife that he couldn’t pull out from inside his heart.

And it wasn’t just that but also Ye Ming’s emotions. Even if there wasn’t Wang Heng, there would be Zhang Three and Li Four {T/N: Random names like John Smith, Joe Citizen, indicating random imaginary people}…. He was the kind of person that never treated anyone with real emotions. In the end probably there wasn’t much difference between him and Wang Heng.

They were only poor fools who had fallen in love with this fickle and despicable person.

Wang Heng also knew that these words were not enough to move Ming Chong. He saw the Ye Ming who sat there wordlessly without moving. His face was pale white and he was wearing a sleeping robe. On his neck were many blue bruises and scars…. no matter what he couldn’t let Ming Chong treat him in this way!

Wang Heng’s eyes flashed with a complex emotion. He thinned his lips and then said, “You already know that back then it was me that invited XuanWen out. But do you know the reason that he agreed to come out? It was because he wanted to tell me that he didn’t want me to look for him anymore. He said that he already found someone he wanted to settle down with. That person was you.”

Ming Chong didn’t believe this for a second. He said coldly, “Your storytelling skills are not bad. You can keep on talking.”

Wang Heng looked at him deeply and sighed. “There was some things I didn’t want to say originally but now I have no choice. After all they’re somewhat shameful so XuanWen probably didn’t tell you. But right now I’ll tell you. If you don’t believe me and want to treat it like a story, that’s okay too.”

“XuanWen told me he wanted to settle down with you and live peacefully. He only wanted to be friends with me. However I wasn’t willing to let him go. Other than a face, what else did you have? You weren’t mature and you weren’t worldly. You were suspicious and sensitive, just a young man whose head was full of empty passion. How were you worthy of him settling down? I was extremely angry, so I did something wrong. I purposely made him drunk and tried to rape him.”

Ming Chong suddenly straightened his back. His voice went dark and cold. “What did you say?!”

Wang Heng laughed mockingly. He looked at Ye Ming and saw that Ye Ming still didn’t have any expression. He then took another deep breath and continued, “So at the time that you came over, you happened to catch us kissing. From your angle you could only see my face right? Actually it was just me forcing a kiss on him…. Also at that time I saw you and deliberately wanted to use it provoke you. I wanted you to misunderstand and break up with him, that way I could show XuanWen what an immature kid you were.”

Ming Chong’s hands were clenched. His eyes were full of cold violence. He said, “Keep going.”

Wang Heng had said this much so there was no point hiding anything further. He continued, “At that time XuanWen didn’t know you had come by. He continued to resist me and then left in anger. I had done so many wrong things and thought that I was totally finished, however I didn’t think that not long after I heard you guys had broken up and that you had even left the city. Everything happened as I had planned.”

“I originally thought that Ye Ming had finally woken up and went back to chase him however in these years he has always distanced himself from me, and never reciprocated anything. I know that he has always blamed me because of what happened. And then as soon as you came back… he got back together with you. Isn’t it clear who the person in his heart is?”

“Even when his company was in danger I offered to help him however he rejected me and even hid from me. Because of what happened with you, I couldn’t even be friends with him. This is the truth about what happened those years ago. I don’t know why you broke up afterwards…. but at least when XuanWen was with you, he never betrayed you.”

Wang Heng looked at Ming Chong seriously and said, “If this is the reason that you’re taking revenge against him, then you couldn’t be more wrong!”