At that time Ming Chong was driving. In the space of a red light he casually looked down at his mobile phone and saw on the screen Ye Ming looking at him with a smile…. and then coldly using the knife to cut his wrist back and forth. The fresh blood spurted out. In that instant felt like everything in front of his eyes became a sea of blood.

He furiously swung the steering wheel, and not caring about the traffic lights or the other people on the road, turned the car around and sped back!

Because he was in too much of a rush and was distracted, he smashed into the curb on the side of the road and nearly died! But Ming Chong didn’t care, he continued speeding back, he knew he couldn’t delay even a second.

It was his fault… because he was scared of Ye Ming running away so the windows and doors could only be opened by him. At that moment he was overcome with regret and despair.

Ming Chong used a full half an hour before he finally got back. The ambulance he called arrived at practically the same time.

With unsteady movements he rushed to open the door and immediately saw Ye Ming lying in a pool of blood. His wrist had five or six deep cuts and the skin was bared open, and the blood spilled out staining his body and the floorboards red. His face was white and without color, his eyes tightly shut and underneath his eyes were deep blue eyebags.

Everything went dark in front of Ming Chong’s eyes. Shaking uncontrollably he picked Ye Ming up and lowered his head and pressed it against his chest. He lowly heard Ye Ming’s heartbeat… At this moment the doctor rushed over and hurried to stop the bleeding. Then they lifted Ye Ming onto the stretcher and placed him on the ambulance.

Ming Chong’s arms were empty, just like the feeling inside his heart. He opened and closed his hands and his fingers were stained with blood. This was Ye Ming’s blood….

He didn’t want to say by his side this much?

Even if he had to die, he wanted to leave.

Ming Chong knelt on the ground and stared listlessly at his two hands. In his ears rang the ambulance’s sirens. Everything in front of his eyes was red, as though his entire world had been sunk into blood.

But.. he still forced himself to stand up and follow the doctor onto the ambulance.

He couldn’t give up like this. Right now he still had things to do.

Ye Ming lay on the stretcher. His wrist had already been bandaged up and there was a blanket covering him.

Ming Chong clutched his hands together and placed it over his forehead. Right now he felt like he couldn’t lift his head to look at Ye Ming. He had thought he could use force to possess this person, he thought he could control everything.

However he had forgotten one thing. He had forgotten about the possibility that Ye Ming would rather die than stay by his side. If a person didn’t even fear death, then what did he fear? How could he keep him then?

Would he only be able to keep a corpse?

The ambulance reached the hospital very quickly, Ye Ming was wheeled into the surgery. Ming Chong sat outside and his nails dug into his palms. In his mind he only had one desire.

Did they get there in time? Would they be able to save him? Would Ye Ming…. die?

If he died… then what should he do?

No, he had to live!

After some time the doctor finally came out. “Mr. Ming, the patient is out of danger.”

These words finally settled Ming Chong’s racing heart. He opened his mouse and sat hoarsely, “Thank you.”

The doctor nodded. “It’s my duty, you don’t need to thank me.”

Ming Chong held onto the wall and got up slowly. He was silent for a long time and then finally, after gathering his courage, walked into the hospital room.

Ye Ming lay there quietly. He hadn’t woken up yet.

Ming Chong stood by Ye Ming’s bedside and stared into his face. After some time he closed his eyes. It was as though he had all life in his body.

If I knew that in order to keep you, you would pay this kind of price, then I would have chosen to let you go.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -10, the current blackening value is 15.]


[Ye Ming: Ah… have I been sleeping for a long time?]

[888: Not long, just one day.]

[Ye Ming: Am I at the hospital?]

[888: Of course, where else would  you be if not at the hospital. Unless it’s at the morgue.]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: Can you not talk to me like this! As a system shouldn’t you have some basic respect towards your host? Don’t you know you might destabilize my mood, leading to a mission failure?]

[888: Oh, so honorable host, can I ask if you would like to remove the pain barrier?]

[Ye Ming: Big brother, I’m wrong QAQ.]

[888: Stop wasting time. That’s right, if you have an unstable mood then you should take three deep breaths. I heard this method has been tried and tested by other hosts.]

[Ye Ming: …..]

Ye Ming took three deep breaths and calmed himself down.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw Ming Chong by his bedside. It looked like he hadn’t gone home the whole night.

Ming Chong wasn’t really asleep. As soon as Ye Ming moved he woke up. He raised his head and his eyes were bloodshot. For a few moments he and Ye Ming simply stared at each other.

He stared at Ye Ming and didn’t speak. Actually in his heart he had a lot of things he wanted to say, but after seeing this person he couldn’t say a single thing. Once they had been so intimate, but right now they had no words for each other.

Ye Ming looked at him calmly. After some time laughter appeared in his eyes. He opened his mouth and said, “I said it before, you can’t keep me locked away.”

Ming Chong’s eyes immediately became red.

How could this person be so cruel? In his heart he must know that he couldn’t bear to really hurt him, and couldn’t bear to see him die…. he knew that if he did this then it would force Ming Chong to let him go.

So that’s why he chose to do this kind of thing to make his position clear.

But Ming Chong couldn’t blame him. Because it was his mistake first and he couldn’t be forgiven. He had no right to blame anybody else.

Ming Chong’s eyes were filled with anguish. He said in a raspy voice, “Rest assured, I won’t imprison you any longer.”

Ye Ming gazed at him. He said quietly, “That’s good. If there isn’t anything else then I would like to rest. Young master Ming you must be busy, you don’t need to stay here.”

Ming Chong tightly pressed his lips together. Although from the beginning to the end Ye Ming had never said anything provoking, however compared to that, his cold and distant way of speech was even more painful. He could barely control his feelings.

But he had already made one mistake. This was the price he had to pay. He couldn’t make the same mistake again.

So he could only suffer and bear the pain. He couldn’t be impulsive.

Ming Chong stood up. “You rest well. I’ll come to see you again later.”

Ye Ming said emotionlessly, “It’s not necessary.”

This time Ming Chong didn’t reply but only turned around to leave. His tall and broad back carried with it a lonely and sorrowful impression.

He chose to give Ye Ming his freedom but that didn’t mean he could let go.

Ye Ming watched as Ming Chong left, then closed his eyes and continued to rest. He was staying in a VIP hospital room and the service was very good. Also Ming Chong had hired a nurse privately for him and also his wound weren’t too serious to begin with. So it wasn’t hard to bear.

After Ming Chong left he went out to walk around a bit. He found out that Ming Chong really wasn’t keeping him under surveillance anymore. There wasn’t even any bodyguards at the door.

[Ye Ming: This isn’t scientific ah. He didn’t look as though he was ready to let go.]

[888: He never had that intention. Around you there’s 6 people in plain clothes watching. Also the nurse whose taking care of you also reports to him.]

[Ye Ming: Oh!]

That sounded more like it. How could Ming Chong let go all of a sudden. If something changed suddenly then there was definitely something going on. Now it looked like he had learned to be smarter. Although he didn’t imprison him, but he was still able to monitor his every movement.

This way he could keep him under watch but at the same time not annoy him. Very considerate!


In the evening Ming Chong came again. He didn’t care about Ye Ming’s aloofness and stayed in the hospital room, refusing to leave. Ye Ming had no way of forcing him to leave but no matter what Ming Chong did he would just ignore it.

Ming Chong knew Ye Ming didn’t want to talk to him so he also didn’t annoy him. When he had time he would come to accompany Ye Ming. And when he was around he would always serve Ye Ming personally, helping him pour tea and water.

After a few days passed like this Ye Ming finally couldn’t take it any longer. “What are your intentions?”

Ming Chong deeply suppressed the emotions in his dark eyes. He said, “I just want to stay by your side.”

Of course I know what you want to do. But I’m asking you about your intentions! Clearly you don’t trust me and the person who wants revenge is also you. But now you’re putting on this face of deep emotional attachment… are you plotting to try and sway me?

Ye Ming looked at him deeply. “But I don’t need you to do this. Everything has already finished between us.”

Ming Chong’s face was pained. He said lowly, “I know you can’t forgive me…. but please give me a chance to make amends.”

Ye Ming looked at him for a while and then sighed. He smiled gently. “How many times do I need to tell you that we can’t go back? Since the misunderstanding has already been cleared up and you don’t intend to lock me up any longer, then we should just let things pass.”

Ming Chong’s eyes were very pained but at this time he heard Ye Ming speak again.

“Also you’re wrong. I can forgive you.”

Ming Chong froze. His eyes showed unexpected joy as though he couldn’t believed what he was hearing. “You-”

Ye Ming lifted the corner of lips. “I forgive you, so you can go.”

In the future we will walk down our own paths and become strangers. What’s the point of using our whole lives to miss someone or hate someone.

Hate was actually something that required a lot of effort.

Ming Chong’s face was colourless. That tiny bit of joy was completely gone…. He looked into Ye Ming’s eyes and understood his meaning. However he wished he didn’t understand.

Suddenly he wished that Ye Ming wouldn’t forgive him.

If he didn’t even want to hate him anymore, then what was he in his heart?

Ming Chong’s smile was extremely bitter. After some time he managed, “I’m sorry.”

Other than this, he didn’t know what else to say.

In these last few years in order to climb up he had used ruthless methods. He had encountered many difficulties and traps, but he had never felt as helpless as he did now. Because right now no matter what method he used he could not win back this person’s heart.

Even if he dug out his heart, this person would probably not even take one look.

But…. I still cannot leave you.


Ming Chong didn’t restrict Ye Ming’s movements, but he would still appear at the hospital where Ye Ming was. He was very constant.

Ye Ming’s personality was always one which was polite and professional. He never offended anyone, and he certainly would never argue with anyone in public. So although he didn’t like Ming Chong’s behaviour, however he also couldn’t do anything about it.

Ming Chong was also very familiar with Ye Ming’s personality. He knew he definitely wouldn’t cause a scene, so that’s what he used this kind of method to stay by his side.

Even though Ye Ming never gave him a pleasant expression, however as long as he could still see him, Ming Chong was already satisfied.

In order to stay by Ye Ming’s side, he didn’t even return home for Grandfather Ming’s birthday. He only sent his subordinates to bring a present for him. This was a first time for him. After all in order to stand firm in the Ming family, he needed Grandfather Ming’s support. All these years he had treated him extremely respectfully, so his behaviour this time caused a lot of talk within the Ming family. What was going on with Ming Chong, he didn’t even come back for this kind of important event?

A few days later Ye Ming felt that he pretty much recovered.

[Ye Ming: I think I can leave the hospital now, really being at the hospital is pretty boring.]

[888: Really? I think you like it a lot, he he.]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: *Cough*, that isn’t important. The important thing is, it’s almost time for the next step! There’s no point to continue staying at the hospital.]

[888’s words were cold: Oh, so you still have a next step.]

[Ye Ming: Of course I do. I’ve even memorized all my lines! There’s lot of things that Ming Chong wouldn’t have been able to accept before and would only have thought I was lying. But right now it’s just the right time to let him know how much I really love him and care about him. I can definitely eliminate his blackening.]

[888: He he.]

These days Ming Chong was very busy. Because some people had reported what the things he had done to Grandfather Ming, so he had no choice but to return home to see his family. But even if he wasn’t present, he could still obtain news about Ye Ming. It didn’t take him long to receive the information that Ye Ming had left the hospital.

Ming Chong sorted out the matters at his home and then immediately rushed to the airport to come home. He didn’t rest for two days and two nights.

As soon as Ming Chong’s flight landed, he asked his subordinate, “Where is he now?”

The subordinate gave the address to Ming Chong.

Ming Chong looked at the address in is hands and his expression changed. He didn’t even change his clothes and immediately got into the car. He gave the order, “Let’s go immediately.”

At night there wasn’t many people on the road and it was very quiet without any traffic. So Ming Chong arrived at his intended destination quickly.

Ming Chong raised his head and looked at the familiar building. That residential building which had some age to it, had some windows which were lit up. He didn’t need much time before he found his home.

This was his own home. But he hadn’t come back for a long, long time.

Ever since he and Ye Ming had confirmed their relationship, he had moved into Ye Ming’s home and left this apartment vacant. Then the day they had broken up… he had returned by himself to this cold and empty home, and realized he really had nothing.

He had organised things simply and then left immediately. Originally he only wanted to temporarily leave his city of heartbreak but he didn’t think that after entering the Ming family, he didn’t return for five years.

Even after returning to the city this time, he didn’t return to this place. After all it was only and cold and empty apartment, what was the point of coming back.

But why was Ye Ming here? Ming Chong’s eyes were complicated and there was a suspicion in his heart…. He hesitated and then slowly walked up the stairs.

The front door of his home was only lightly closed and not locked, he gently pushed it and it opened straight away.

This apartment wasn’t big. The dining room and kitchen were together, it wasn’t more than a few tens of square meters. Nothing had changed from before, it was just as it was when he had left…

But this wasn’t normal. If someone hadn’t been living at a place for five years, there should be dust everywhere. There should be a damp and moldy smell and dead air. It shouldn’t be like this, clean and tidy, as though someone had been living here and cleaning it constantly.

Just like… someone had been waiting for him to come back.

Ming Chong stared dazed for a few moments. He stood there frozen, looking at the light coming from the balcony. Suddenly he had a terrified feeling.

He was terrified because everything he wanted was so close to him, but he couldn’t see it.

These five years… all he needed to do was come back to have a look… and he would have received a completely different answer.

Ming Chong stood there for quite a few moments before he finally lifted his feet and walked inside.

Ye Ming was sitting on a chair in the balcony. In front of him was a pot of tea. He heard steps so he turned around. His dark eyes didn’t look surprised but instead calm. He said faintly, “You came.”

Ming Chong’s hands tightened. He said in a low voice with an almost undetectable tremor. “You knew I would come.”

Ye Ming leaned backwards. He said quietly, ‘Yes. You told people to follow me, isn’t that right?” He turned his head slightly and on his face was a helpless smile. “You are still the same as before.”

Ming Chong’s heart was pained. He knew what Ye Ming meant. He meant the same as five years ago.

That time he had followed him and at the time Ye Ming was very unhappy about it. He had blamed him for following him… now that he thought about it, being angry was normal wasn’t it? Because it showed he didn’t trust him.

He didn’t betray Ming Chong but instead something unfortunate happened to him. After he returned home he still had to face his lover’s suspicions. He must have been very sad.

As for Ming Chong, it was not until this day that he understood this.

Ye Ming lifted up the tea cup and sighed. “I didn’t think that you would just vanish like that. After you left… I would always come here to take a look, I thought that you would come back. If you came then I had a lot of things I wanted to say to you.”

“Also I was never scared of anyone discovering the relationship between us. At that time you were working at my company, if someone knew that you were in a relationship with the boss, do you think  that people would be more likely to slander me or you?”

Ming Chong’s face changed. He thinned his lips and didn’t say anything.

Ye Ming looked at him deeply. “I know that you don’t care about how other people see you. You just want us to have a normal relationship. But I didn’t want other people to point at you and talk about you…. I wanted to prepare and take care of everything before announcing our relationship. At least in the time we were together I thought about our future seriously, but I didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

Ming Chong thought about the things he had said to Ye Ming that time in the boardroom and the things he had done. Painful feelings of regret overwhelmed his heart.

He suddenly felt that he had no face with which to see this person. Clearly Ye Ming had been thinking of him the whole time, but he wasn’t capable of understanding it. He could only think from his own perspective, and took his true heart as playing.

Wang Heng was right. The him of back then was only an immature child, no wonder he didn’t think much of him.

Now he was finally stronger, but he was still just as blind.

The most laughable person was himself.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -5, the current blackening value is 10.]

Ye Ming turned the tea cup in his hands and lowered his eyes. “If I had known you cared about it so much, then I wouldn’t have hidden the relationship…. But the thing I regret the most is the words I said to you before you left.”

Ming Chong’s eyes were red. He said in a hoarse voice, “I don’t care about that anymore.”

Ye Ming shook his head. He said slowly, in a clear voice, “But I care.”

In these five years…. I would always replay the scene of when you left. When I think of the heartless words I said before you left, I would be tormented by pain and regret. No matter what happened, I shouldn’t have treated you like that. Heartless words are the most hurtful, and the words once said is like water that can’t be retracted. Once someone has been hurt, even if it heals, there will always be a scar.

“It’s not all your fault, I’m at fault too. It’s me that didn’t give you enough feelings of security.”

Ming Chong’s felt like his throat was frozen. He couldn’t speak. Actually those words back then were only spoken out of anger…. he shouldn’t have taken it seriously. But what about the things he had said?

It was worse by 100… 1000% percent.

And these words could never be taken back… the person who should blame himself wasn’t Ye Ming but himself.

Ye Ming smiled slightly. “Do you know? Right now I believe that you still love me.”

Ming Chong stared at him. The next moment he saw Ye Ming slowly pouring the water from the cup onto the ground. He looked at him with still eyes without any turbulence and slowly opened his lips. “It’s only that once the water has been poured out it can’t be retrieved. Once the mirror has been shattered, it can’t be made whole again.”

The water trickled to in front of Ming Chong. He felt the blood in his entire body go cold.

In this moment he finally understood, the most helpless thing in the world wasn’t misunderstanding, it wasn’t missing out on each other, it was when everything was finally exposed and you wanted to turn back…. only to find the road behind you had already vanished without a trace.