Ye Ming closed and opened his eyes and found he was back in the system space.

888 asked him: “Do you want to go on to the next mission?”

Ye Ming said: “Okay. Previously we delayed so much time so let’s hurry up and leave.”

888 didn’t say anything. Very quickly Ye Ming felt the space around him spin and knew that he had successfully transmigrated.

Ye Ming heard the familiar sound of the system prompt and reviewed the memories in his mind. On his face a relaxed smile appeared. “So it’s this world.”

In this world his name was Qi MingYan. He was the son of the Prime Minister and the Crown Prince’s study companion.

However his romantic target was not the Crown Prince Li ZeYuan, but the unfavored Fifth Prince Li ZeChen.

Compared to the pampered and loved since birth Crown Prince Li ZeYuan, Li ZeChen was much more pitiful. His mother was a palace maid that the Emperor had took a fleeting interest in. But because she got pregnant and was able to successfully to give to a son, she was given a Beauty title.

Although Beauty Wang had a son, however her position was not high. It was hard for her to survive in the palace and she needed to be constantly on guard against the plotting of other concubines. The Emperor also didn’t take any interest in her son. He had many children, so how could an unimportant princeling enter his eye? Because Beauty Wang was not favored, so it caused Li ZeChen to constantly be bullied by the other Princes.

Beauty Wang was not an intelligent woman. She was also very narrow-minded. In her own home she had been an unfavored daughter of a concubine. She originally that that if she climbed onto the Emperor’s bed then she would be able to fly to the heavens in one stroke, how could she have known that a woman who didn’t have the Emperor’s favor, even having a son was no use. She didn’t have the techniques of the other concubines, and as time passed and she saw that she would not be favored again, she gradually also began to lose interest in Li ZeChen.

Li ZeChen was constantly bullied by his brothers and sisters. Even his mother didn’t care about him very much, and only treated him as tool to be used to obtain status. If it wasn’t for the fact that he matured early, was very good at protecting himself, as well as having a personality that could endure, then he probably would have died a long time ago.

When Ye Ming entered the Palace as a study companion at the age of eight, the Crown Prince Li ZeYuan was ten years old and Li ZeChen was eight.

An eight year old child, even if he looked serious and grave on the surface, deep down his heart was still soft and longed for love and attention. Ye Ming was very good at coaxing small children.

Although Ye Ming could not publically and openly get close to Li ZeChen and become friends with him, but every time when others didn’t notice then he would secretly take care of and help him. He displayed his kind intention towards him…. Although in the beginning Li ZeChen was very suspicious of Ye Ming’s behaviour, however as time passed, he was slowly moved by Ye Ming’s warmth and gentleness. He became less cautious towards him. Although his face was still cold, however he had already slowly let him walk into his heart.

Like small droplets which over time condensed into a large flow, in this way Ye Ming cared for Li ZeChen. Almost without realizing it, the affection rate reached over 50%.

A few years past and the children became youths and slowly understood the sensation of love. Li ZeChen looked at the Ye Ming who had blossomed into a beautiful and jade-like youth, and his feeling slowly started to change. Not only did he admire and like him, but he began to desire to obtain this person.

However Ye Ming was a person who was beside Li ZeYuan. Li ZeYuan also liked Ye Ming and had a secret crush on him. It was impossible for Li ZeChen to even get close to him…. he was also scared to let anyone know about the closeness between him and Ye Ming.

Li ZeYuan’s position in the court was not comparable to Li ZeChen’s. With Li ZeYuan’s favor, Ye Ming’s days in the court was like a fish in water. Everyone knew that he was favored by the Crown Prince. Everyone in the palace was not afraid of sidelining an unimportant prince like Li ZeChen but they would never dare to offend Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was aware of Li ZeYuan’s feelings towards him, however he didn’t do anything and allowed the other’s secret crush to continue. Because he also needed to utilise Li ZeYuan’s help. Only this way would he have enough sway in the Palace in order to help Li ZeChen more, so he only pretended he didn’t know about Li ZeYuan’s feelings.

Li ZeYuan was also scared of frightening Ye Ming so he never openly expressed his feelings. The relationship between the two people was pure.

At that time Li ZeChen had no power to fight with Li ZeYuan so he could only endure. All the way until he reached the age where he could leave the Palace to set up his Manor, only then did he began to show his genius and capability. He completed his tasks very effeiciently and slowly began to obtain the Emperor’s notice. Slowly he became important and his wings slowly began to become stronger.

It was only at this time that Li ZeYuan realized that his quiet and silent younger brother had been hiding his ambitious. Somehow he had become his biggest political rival and the two people began to battle openly.

After some years, the Emperor became ill. Under the pressure and force exerted by Li ZeChen, Li ZeYuan in order to obtain the Emperor’s throne decided to take the risk of forcing the Emperor to abdicate. Instead he fell into a trap created by Li ZeChen. The Emperor never expected that the Crown Prince he had always loved and favored the most was this impatient, even couldn’t wait for him to die before stealing the throne. He wasn’t even as filial as Li ZeChen. In anger he took the title of Crown Prince away from Li ZeYuan.

Li ZeYuan finally lost to Li ZeChen. A month later the Emperor passed away because of his illness and the throne was given to Li ZeChen. Li ZeChen immediately imprisoned Li ZeYuan.

In all of the above proceedings, Ye Ming was like a bystander watching a drama unfold. Occasionally when there was a chance he would do a few things to increase Li ZeChen’s affection level.

However his method in this world of increasing the affection level was different to the other worlds. From the very beginning to the end, he had never openly expressed any words of like or love to Li ZeChen. He only subtly and silently showed him warmth and care. Slowly he melted his young man’s heart of darkness. He purposely didn’t do anything that was obvious, however he still let Li ZeChen feel his care, however this type of feeling had no clear name or shape.

If you wanted to think it meant something then it could. However if you wanted to say it wasn’t then that was also possible.

From the beginning to the end Ye Ming preserved his position as a high-level white lotus, he never gave anyone a real and definite answer, however he constantly orbited around these two brothers and made Li ZeChen fall deeply in love with him. 888 called him a green tea bitch.

Ai, no matter if it was a white lotus or a green tea bitch, in this manner Ye Ming successfully maxed out Li ZeChen’s affection rate to 100%. However in this whole time the two people had never had any intimate actions and had never confirmed their relationship.

Ye Ming had completed his mission and was preparing to leave. However at this time the Li ZeChen who was finally sitting upon the dragon throne suddenly opened his mouth and confessed his feelings to Ye Ming.

The reason that Li ZeChen had been so ruthless in trying to obtain the throne, other than for the purposes of making himself stronger, the bigger reason was in order to snatch Ye Ming from Li ZeYuan’s hands. Right now he possessed the entire world, no one could stop them, so he hurried to confess his feelings towards Ye Ming.

He also felt definite that Ye Ming also felt the same way about him.

Ye Ming was about to leave, how could he accept Li ZeChen’s love confession? Thus he pretended to be extremely shocked, and claimed that his feelings towards him had always been a pure master-servant respect and dedication. He didn’t have any other greater feelings. He even said he was in love with his female cousin Zuo YiFang and that he was about to get married.

Li ZeChen had been filled with expectation and excitement about his love confession. He originally thought Ye Ming would definitely agree but instead got this kind of answer. He was unimagineably hurt.

Yes, Ye Ming’s fake kindness and “white moonlight” act had maxed out Li ZeChen’s affection rate and then he turned around and told him that he liked women! He was a straight man!

{T/N: White moonlight refers to the typical and unrealistic “first love” that appears in most Asian dramas, you know the first person that the protagonist ever liked who always seems unimagineably perfect. Kind of like “the one that got away”.}

You thought I liked you? Well you were mistaken! You misunderstood. I completely didn’t have those intentions towards you ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

[888: What’s wrong with you. Why did you have to create this kind of “going home to get married” fatal situation?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: But originally I always had a agreement with my cousin since childhood ah… anyway, what’s Li ZeChen’s blackening level currently ne~ ^_^]

[888: 90.]

[Ye Ming: Shocked.jpg. But I didn’t do anything to him! All it was was saying that I don’t actually like him and that I’m getting married? Why is the blackening so high!]

[888: How do I know what you humans are thinking? Maybe he feels that you should have some kind of feelings towards him? Otherwise why would you sway back and forth in front his eyes all those years, and not let any opportunity to increase the affection rate pass by. Although you never said “I like you”, however from your behaviour it’s obvious that you care about him?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

Ye Ming touched his chin. It looked like he needed to make preparations for the worst.

Actually at the time of his leaving, he actually felt a bit uneasy. Although he had pretended that he didn’t know Li ZeChen’s feelings and had never liked him, however a 100% affection rate was no laughing matter and he was aware that his behaviour was ambiguous and open to misunderstanding.

{T/N: Remember YM truly (although also stupidly) believes that his breakup in each world is to the benefit of the MLs and will help them move on. However in this world he did suspect that LZC wouldn’t be able to move on hence his uneasiness.}

Now it appeared that Li ZeChen clearly was not able to put down his feelings. As the Emperor, what did he want that he could not obtain? That’s why after being rejected his blackening value was so high. No matter how gently and innocently Li ZeChen behaved towards him on the surface, it didn’t change the fact that he was an Emperor who had obtained his position through ruthless methods.

And also because of his childhood experiences, his personality also tended towards being cruel and dark.

[Ye Ming: Hm, it seems like not much time has passed since I left?]

[888: That’s right. Time flows differently in each world. In this world you’ve only left for half a year.]

For Ye Ming many years had passed but to Li ZeChen, Ye Ming had rejected him only half a year ago. And right now it was very soon going to be Ye Ming’s marriage day.

Ever since he had been rejected, Li ZeChen had never again raised this matter. He didn’t put Ye Ming into an uncomfortable situation, and he definitely did not see him again in private. He appeared as though he had completely given up, however the experienced Ye Ming immediately knew that this was all a pretense.

According to Li ZeChen’s personality and methods, he definitely would strike sooner or later.

[Ye Ming: I’m a bit scared.]

[888: Why? Are you scared of Li ZeChen’s revenge?]

[Ye Ming: I’m scared that how come Li ZeChen still hasn’t come to revenge himself. If he doesn’t move soon then I’m really going to be married ah. What should I dooooooooooooooo!]

[888: ……]

[Ye Ming: My cousin’s blood relationship to me is within three generations, how could I be a beast and marry my cousin?! Also I don’t want to hurt her. If I can’t give her a good sex life how can I marry her! This marriage can’t happen!”

[888: Sex life?]

[Ye Ming: I only like men ah QAQ]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: I wouldn’t do anything crazy and perverted like marrying her ah and trap her in this loveless marriage!!]

[888: …..]

In order to preserve his image, 888 used a lot of effort not to laugh. He didn’t think that this fellow would still have this little bit of morals.

Ye Ming was quite anxious. Li ZeChen clearly had not put things down however he was good at enduring. In an entire half year he hadn’t done anything. He even continued to treat the Qi family with the same importance and favor as he always had. Even Ye Ming couldn’t think what Li ZeChen was thinking exactly.

The Qi family had been an esteemed family with political power for over a hundred years. They had given birth to countless first and second places in the Imperial Examination, as well as high-ranking officials and ministers. In this life Ye Ming’s father Prime Minister Qi was very powerful and esteemed. His personality was righteous and good and as the Emperor’s chief advisor, Li ZeChen respected him very much.

And the Zuo Family was the greatest military family in the country. Zuo YiFang was the daughter of General Zuo and his main wife. Ever since young she had been spoilt and pampered.

{T/N: The actual title of the General is “Protecting Nation General”, I’ve seen it in a couple of historical novels and shows and it seems to be the most important General and the highest ranking military title. Correct me if I’m wrong.

The child of the main wife has a higher status than the child of his various concubines. Remember in Ancient China, men only have one wife. All the others are concubines. The children of the concubines actually have to call the main wife “mother” rather than their own birth mother in order to show her due respect.}

Young lord Qi and young lady Zuo were about to get married.

Who knew how many young women who had admired young lord Qi, and how many youths who had admired young lady Zuo had their hearts broken all over the ground.

Ye Ming totally paid no mind to his status as the protagonist of hot gossip. Every day he longed for Li ZeChen to hurry up and make his move. After that he would respond accordingly. He didn’t believe he couldn’t beat him!

The day of the marriage was drawing ever closer and Li ZeChen still didn’t do anything. Ye Ming began making plans of his own.

If Li ZeChen really didn’t do anything, he would have to think of a method himself. Although it might have some impact on Zuo YiFang’s honor, however it was better than her getting married to him. Also General Zuo would definitely never let anyone bully his precious daughter. At the very worst Ye Ming would just be the bad guy himself.

{T/N: Although not specifically stated exactly what YM is going to do it’s probably something like running away from the wedding. This would still impact ZYF’s honor since it’s seen as something shameful for her. Just want to make sure people don’t think he’s actually going to do anything horrible to her lol}

However Ye Ming felt that Li ZeChen shouldn’t wait until after he got married to move against him. He loved him so much, how could he bear to see him marry another person? Go to bed with a woman? He definitely should make his move before the wedding.

After some time, two days before the wedding, Ye Ming heard 888’s notification.

[888: Li ZeChen’s people have come. Seems like you can finally see him again.]

[Ye Ming: Good job, my little baby!] {T/N: Referring to LZC not 888 lol…}

[888: …..]

As usual Ye Ming took a bath then went to his room to rest.

A masked guard wearing black clothes entered the Prime Minister’s manor soundlessly. He picked up the Ye Ming who was sleeping soundly on the bed and in the blink of an eye vanished into the night.


This time Ye Ming slept especially deeply. In a daze he opened his eyes and called the name of his body servant. There was no reply. He used his hand to prop himself up on the bed and looked around. When he saw where he was a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Right now he wasn’t at home any more. In front of him was a completely foreign place.

Ye Ming looked suspiciously around him. He found that there was a blanket over him and that on the table there was a tea set. Nothing in this room was not of the highest quality… he had been in the Palace for many years so it only took a glance to see that the flower vase was a Palace tribute.

He was in the Imperial Palace!

After confirming his location, Ye Ming could barely believe it. He only went to sleep, how did he enter the Palace?

His heart was chaotic. He immediately got off the bed and put on his shoes and prepared to walk out.

At this time the door was opened and two palace maids carrying a basin to watch the face and instruments for grooming came in. They respectfully said, “Young lord, you’ve woken up. Your servant will help you brush your hair and put on your clothes.”

Ye Ming completely didn’t understand his situation however in his heart he had a bad premonition. He completely ignored them and continued to walk out.

He didn’t take more than a few steps before a man’s figure appeared, walking towards him.

The man was wearing gold dragon robes. On his head was a gold crown. His face was elegantly beautiful beyond description and his aura was very powerful. Underneath his handsome brows was a pair of deadly black eyes that made it difficult for people to meet his gaze. It was clearly Li ZeChen!

Ye Ming felt as though he had walked into a dream. But he was after all a minister. His natural instinct was to kneel down and he said respectfully, “This humble minister greets the Emperor.”

Li ZeChen’s eyes were inexplicable. However the moment he saw Ye Ming he exposed a small smile. He walked over quickly and grabbed Ye Ming’s arm. He said with a smile, “Beloved minister, there’s no need to make the formal address.”

Ye Ming saw Li ZeChen and his heart was in turmoil. Of course he hadn’t forgotten about the scene where Li ZeChen had confessed to him half a year ago. But how could he agree to such a ridiculous request from the Emperor and turn himself into someone who used intimacy to gain favors?

He felt that Li ZeChen’s request was completely humiliating! He and Li ZeChen had known each other for so many years. He had personally witnessed that lonely child step by step turn in to this dragon above men. He was happy for him and admired him, but he had never thought that Li ZeChen had this kind of feelings towards him so he rejected him without hesitation.

At that time Li ZeChen didn’t force him. He only turned around and left, letting Ye Ming breathe a sigh of relief.

In his half year Li ZeChen had never expressed that kind of desire again and also did not try to see him alone. Ye Ming though that Li ZeChen had completely put away those notions that he shouldn’t have, and was peacefully preparing to get married with his cousin. Who knew that once he woke up, he would be in the Imperial Palace. Could it be that the Emperor still remembered his request from back then?

Ye Ming’s heart sunk. He said slowly, “What does the Emperor… require….”

Li ZeChen only smiled slightly. He waved his hand and those maids put down all their things and left.

He held Ye Ming’s hand and sat on the bed. As though he was with his good friend he said in an intimate manner, “Zhen hasn’t seen this beloved minister for many days and missed him. So zhen decided to invite the beloved minister to come to the Palace to meet me.”

Ye Ming looked into Li ZeChen’s bottomless eyes. He couldn’t guess what he was thinking, however this type of “emotions” was difficult for him to accept. He thinned his lips and said, “If his Majesty wants to see this minister you can directly call me, you don’t need to use this kind of method.”

Li ZeChen looked at him deeply.

The youth’s face was very handsome. His face was white and because he had only recently woken up, his eyebrows were not completely open yet. His black hair was also a little bit messy and fell over his dark eyes. Those elegant eyebrows, bright pupils and pink lips… every inch of him tormented his thoughts and dreams, however at the same time this person forced him to maintain a pure distance and didn’t let him get close.

But in this wide world he is only person that no matter what underhand method, I have to obtain at all costs.

Originally I didn’t want to use this kind of method to force you. However you are about to get married and it’s impossible for me to keep enduring.

A deep emotion was brewing inside Li ZeChen’s dark eyes. He smiled deeply at Ye Ming and said, “Zhen was scared that beloved minister wouldn’t want to see zhen, so that’s why zhen had no choice but to use this kind of method of invite beloved minister into the Palace.”

Ye Ming heard these words and how could he not understand the meaning behind Li ZeChen’s words. Why wouldn’t be want to see him? Of course it was because he wouldn’t agree to his request.

He really didn’t want to believe that the Emperor would do this kind of wanton thing. He straightened his body and said, “This minister doesn’t really understand His Majesty’s meaning. Any day that the Emperor wants to see this minister, as long as you call then I would not dare to refuse. But right now I need to go home momentarily.”

Li ZeChen saw Ye Ming’s attitude and the smile on his face slowly faded. “Beloved minister is in such a hurry to go home. Is there something wrong?”

Ye Ming’s face was very ugly. Obviously Li ZeChen already knew the answer but was asking anyway! However he was the Emperor and he was the servant. Ye Ming could only suppress the anger inside his heart and said respectfully, “This minister is getting married tomorrow.”

“Get married” these two words, he clenched his teeth and deeply emphasized these words.

You are the Emperor but you forced a minister to enter the Palace, isn’t this something that only a tyrant would do? Ye Ming prayed that Li ZeChen would realize his mistake and retract his hand and move away from the cliff. He shouldn’t do  this kind of laughable thing that would make the world laugh at him.

Li ZeChen looked at Ye Ming and his expression was dark.

Actually in your heart you understand. You know about my feelings for you however you pretended not to… if you didn’t have a single bit of feeling towards me, then why did you treat me so well over these years? Why did you make me fall in love with you?

Right now you want to get married? Too bad… from the day you disturbed me, you can only be mine!

Li ZeChen slowly opened his mouth. “Then zhen is afraid that beloved minister will be disappointed. This marriage, zhen thinks it would be better if it does not occur.”

As soon as Li ZeChen said these words, Ye Ming’s heart became chaotic.

His whole body felt cold. The person in front of him was no longer the youth from yesteryear who needed his protection, but instead was a ruthless tyrant, he only did what he wanted without regard for the consequences.

But he still definitely could not acquiesce to his request! Not even mentioning that he already had a fiancee, if he agreed to Li ZeChen and entered the Palace as a male concubine, then how humiliating would it be for the Qi family! They would be laughed at by everyone!

Ye Ming suddenly knelt down in front of Li ZeChen. He heavily banged his head against the ground in a kowtow. With a steadfasts gaze he looked into Li ZeChen’s eyes. “Your Majesty, please allow this minister to leave the Palace.”

Li ZeChen’s saw the determination in Ye Ming’s eyes. In this moment jealousy reared itself like a poisonous snake inside his breast. What part of me isn’t good? As long as you open your mouth, I can place the entire world at your feet and make into the most honorable and esteemed person. However instead you treat me like a snake.

Clearly, you previously treated me very well….

Why is it that when I can now finally protect you, you suddenly say that you don’t like me?!

The feeling of his heart twisting made Li ZeChen’s voice become colder. His eyes carried a dangerous light. “Beloved minister is in such a hurry to leave the Palace, it must be because you can’t let go of your fiancee. Zhen has also see young lady Zuo before, she really is a very elegant and noble girl…”

Ye Ming felt that Li ZeChen’s voice was becoming more and more strange. His heart was panicked and without thinking he blurted out, “Don’t hurt her!”

Li ZeChen laughed coldly. I didn’t even finish my words, what are you scared of? You’re so concerned about her. You love her this much?! If there is no way to make you love me, then why do I need to care about your feelings?

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening +5, the current blackening value is 95.]

Li ZeChen flung aside his billowing sleeves as he got up. He looked down at the young man kneeling in front him. The man’s back was very straight, he was neither humble nor overbearing. That handsome face carried with it a red flush. Probably it was because he was panicked… his pale lips were slightly opened as though inviting people to have a taste. His bright eyes carried a tempting light.

Li ZeChen could no longer suppress the desires of his heart.

He didn’t know when he had fallen in love with this person. Perhaps it was many, many years ago. When he still existed inside that dark corner looking out, only this person turned back around to smile at him. Probably at that time he had already fallen deeply.

He had constantly, constantly followed this person, like a moth drawn to a flame. Although he already knew the result, however he could control his actions.

Li ZeChen slowly smiled. As though he was scared of frightening Ye Ming, he made his voice soften. “Don’t worry, zhen won’t hurt her. It’s cold on the ground. Beloved minister hurry and get up.”

Ye Ming stilled. Just before Li ZeChen’s face was clearly very dark and he had thought he was about to something crazy, but who knew the next moment he had recovered his calmness and smile.

No matter what as long as Li ZeChen was willing to take a step backwards then nothing could be better. Ye Ming got up from the ground but before he had even properly stood up, he was pulled into a solid embrace. The next moment a kiss full of aggression landed on his lips!

Ye Ming felt the arms clutching his waist. His gaze naturally fell on the handsome face close to his and his eyes were filled with shock! The next moment he felt the kiss deepen more and more.

He finally got his wits back. In his eyes a humiliated and angry look appeared and his body shook.

Just thinking that he was being assaulted by another man, his heart was filled with anger and humiliation… and the worst thing was that this wasn’t any man but someone he couldn’t deny! This man was his Master!

Li ZeChen turned his body and pushed Ye Ming onto the bed.

Ten years had passed and now he finally kissed those soft lips. He found out that it was even sweeter and more delicious than in his fantasies. His heart was filled with satisfaction and he didn’t want to let go. He only wanted to use more force and completely possess this person!

Li ZeChen clutched Ye Ming tightly in his arms. He touched his face and his breath landed on his ear. His eyes were warm and tender. “Be zhen’s Empress, okay?”

[Ye Ming: So direct… so unexpected…]

[888: Don’t get so excited. You’re already so thrilled your voice is trembling, you have to hold on! Don’t agree by accident.]