Ye Ming felt like there was a haze over his eyes. He had never been so frightened by the person standing in front of him.

If he agreed and became this ridiculous male Empress, his parents and relatives would be ashamed to death of him. If he didn’t agree then… he would be a dead person, and his father and mother will be plunged into despair because of his death. And also he would never again see the light of day.

He stood like this on the precipice of a cliff. No matter if he went forward or backwards, he could only end up a pile of bones at a dead end.

Li ZeChen keenly felt the person in his arms trembling. His heart felt pity but his face was expressionless. He knew that if his heart softened, then this person would definitely find a way to reject him.

It’s best that you don’t reject me…. because I really, really don’t want to use the second method to treat you.

Li ZeChen gathered Ye Ming tightly in his arms, then disappeared into the night. It didn’t take long for them to return to the Imperial Palace. He gently placed Ye Ming on the bed. He reached out his hand, then Ye Ming sucked in a deep breath and found that he could speak again.

Ye Ming’s face was pale. He hurried to support himself to sit up and then just as he wanted to kneel down, he remembered Li ZeChen’s request from before and suppressed the urge. Instead he raised his head and looked at him. His voice quavered, “Emperor…”

Li ZeChen lightly caressed Ye Ming’s lips. His voice was tender, “Wen Qing you don’t need to reply at once. You can think about it slowly. Zhen will wait for you.”

He held Ye Ming in his arms and stared seriously into his eyes. In his eyes there was the light of hope. “However, you probably won’t make zhen disappointed, right?”

Ye Ming’s body was extremely rigid. He didn’t move at all. Although Li ZeChen’s voice was very gentle, however when it landed in his ears, it had the ability to steal away his soul.

This person was like a vicious tiger. Step by step he would force you backwards. Perhaps this vicious tiger would act like a harmless cat in front of you, but if you angered him, he would unhesitatingly open his mouth and rip you into pieces.

As for Ye Ming, not only could he not gamble but he also didn’t have anywhere to run.

Li ZeChen lightly patted Ye Ming’s back, and said appeasingly, “It’s late and you should rest.”

Ye Ming heard that Li ZeChen wanted to rest and for a moment his body went soft with relief. He lowered his eyes and said, “This minister respectfully sends his Majesty on his way.”

No matter what, as long as he could temporarily escape this person it was good… when Li ZeChen was by his side it was as though there was an enormous mountain on top of him, suffocating him.

Li ZeChen made a helpless expression and slowly raised his eyebrow. “Did zhen say he was going to go? You want to escape zhen this much?”

Ye Ming stared at him with slight terror. You’re not going? Then do you instead to stay here to pass the night?!

Li ZeChen clapped his hand and very quickly some eunuchs and maids came in. He said, “Help the young master to bathe.”

“Yes.” The palace maids said. They then respectfully said to Ye Ming, “Young master please follow us servants.”

Ye Ming stood there and didn’t move. He looked at Li ZeChen and his eyes had fear but Li ZeChen only smiled at him…. Ye Ming stood there for a while longer and then finally gritted his teeth and followed the palace maids away.

The maids and eunuchs had already prepared the water. A jade step had been placed beside the tub, and on top of the water there floated flower petals. Everything was very fragrant. They humbly helped Ye Ming take off his clothes and then said gently, “Young master if you need anything from us servants, you just need to call.”

Then they lowered their heads and backed out of the room.

Ye Ming saw that they had gone and walked into the bathtub and sat down comfortably.

[Ye Ming: Ah…. this is too enjoyable. It would be even better if someone came now to give me a back massage.]

[888: You can call someone to give you a massage. Outside there are more than ten people waiting to wait upon you, available at your beck and call, he he.]

[Ye Ming: ….. ke, there’s no need.]

After all right now he should express reluctance! How could he be in the mood to ask a young girl to give him a back massage? No, it didn’t make sense… he had to control himself!

Although he couldn’t call someone to give him a massage however Ye Ming still soaked comfortably.  Inside the bath water some valuable Chinese medicine had been mixed in, it made his blood flow freely. After soaking he felt sleepy and reluctant to get up.

Although he didn’t make a noise however at regular intervals, some eunuchs would come in to help him change the water. Even though he didn’t give any instructions however they served him very well.

Ye Ming raised his head and looked at the ceiling. He closed his eyes. This was too enjoyable, he didn’t want to get up. Just as he was about to fall asleep, through a haze he saw someone reach out and embrace him, taking him out of the bath.

This person’s movements were very gentle. One hand supporting his back and the other supporting his knees, allowing him to nestle in his embrace.

Ye Ming’s head moved and his chin hit someone’s chest. He opened his eyes and went still. When he raised his head he saw that Li ZeChen was holding him. An expression of fright and embarrassment rose into his eyes. His face went red and he began to struggle, wanting to push Li ZeChen away.

Li ZeChen’s grip tightened and he didn’t let Ye Ming escape his embrace.  He showed a helpless and indulging smile. “If zhen didn’t come, would you not come out for the entire night?”

Ye Ming bit his lower lip and his eyes glimmered. His voice shook slightly. “Can your Majesty put this minister down? This minister can walk by himself….” Being held like this by Li ZeChen made him feel very embarrassed.

Li ZeChen sighed deeply. He held Ye Ming and placed him down on a nearby bed. He said in a low voice. “Are you this frightened of zhen?”

He didn’t mind that Li Zechen’s body was making his clothes wet. He took a towel from one side and began to wipe down Ye Ming’s wet body.

Although the movement was quite ordinary, but because Ye Ming thought about Li ZeChen’s feelings towards him, he felt very awkward. He was a man but he was being embraced by another man. However he didn’t dare to struggle and could only let Li ZeChen wipe him  down.

Li ZeChen carefully helped Ye Ming dry his body and didn’t even forget the gap between his toes. He saw that the person in his arm’s entire body was red. Because he had been soaking so long, his skin had developed wrinkles. He felt both helpless and his heart hurt.

Ye Ming felt so awkward that he was about to draw blood from biting his lip. Finally Li ZeChen wrapped him in a robe and then placed him on the bed. “Don’t move and go to sleep.”

Although he had escaped the awkward situation from before, Ye Ming tightly clutched his clothes and stared uneasily at Li ZeChen.

Li ZeChen saw Ye Ming’s fearful expression and couldn’t help sighing. His heart was very heavy. He didn’t want Ye Ming to be so frightened of him. Although he could gain his person with underhanded methods, however he still couldn’t obtain his heart.

He couldn’t make him not frightened of him.

It was a shame but this was the only method he had. Everyone thought that he was high above, supreme among men, and that he could easily obtain anything he wanted.

But no one knew that he couldn’t even do something simple like win the person he loved.

Li ZeChen took off his wet clothes and exposed his wide shoulders and narrow waist. He had a slender but powerful body. Then he took a  wide-sleeved long robe that had been placed on a nearby shelf and then finally got into the bed beside Ye Ming. He reached out and pulled him into his embrace.

He said softly to him, “Don’t be scared. Zhen just wants to hold you.”

Although Li ZeChen said this and he really didn’t make any moves, however Ye Ming could smell a manly scent. Being held tightly in his hot arms, although clothes separated them, however the temperature was enough to make him melt. How could he possibly fall asleep?

Ye Ming kept his eyes open like this but Li ZeChen really seemed to go to sleep. He closed his eyes and very quickly his breathing evened out.

It didn’t take long before Ye Ming couldn’t hold on any longer. His eyelids drooped and he finally fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Li ZeChen was already no longer by his side.

Ye Ming got dressed, had breakfast and then sat looking depressed inside the room, not doing anything.

[Ye Ming: Usually when a guy says “I just want to hold you, I just want to rub a bit, I won’t go in, 99% of the time it’s a lie.]

[888: ?]

[Ye Ming signed painfully: However Li ZeChen is that 1% exception.]

[888: ………]

So you are very disappointed?


Ye Ming began a period of living that can be called peaceful. Everyday the idle days inside the Imperial Palace “tortured” him. Even if he wore brocade and silk, ate the most precious produce of the seas and mountains, and there were servants at his beck and call, Ye Ming continued to behave as though the Gods owed him eight million dollars.

As the Emperor, Li ZeChen was extremely majestic in front of others. Even if he simply raised his voice slightly, people would kneel down to beg his forgiveness. But in front of Ye Ming, he was always gentle and considerate. No matter what kind of face Ye Ming gave him, no matter how cold he was, he was always patient.

He definitely didn’t continue to force anything upon him, merely waiting upon him with good food and good drinks. Every night he would hold him to sleep but they would only kiss. He never did anything to the end.

Just like this more than ten days passed. Ye Ming felt like it was time to reduce the blackening a little. Li ZeChen wasn’t any type of Mr. Perfect. By contrast, he had many serious problems.

On this night Li ZeChen came back. The two people ate dinner like normal then Li ZeChen held Ye Ming to sleep.

Ye Ming looked at the man in front of him. He tightly thinned his lips as though he was considering something seriously. Finally he opened his mouth. “Your Majesty… do you really like this minister?”

Since directly rejecting him didn’t work, perhaps he could try curving the pathway in order to save the country.

These few days Ye Ming had always been very cold. Although he was still very respectful, however he did his best to maintain his distance. He had never asked any questions like this. Li ZeChen’s eyes were excited. The fact that Ye Ming was willing to talk to him and ask him questions was a good sign.

He said without hesitation, “I do.”

Ye Ming’s face was slightly red. He couldn’t understand why Li ZeChen was so attached to him. He tried hard to liken these feelings in his mind to that of between men and women. He paused for a moment then said, “However this minister thinks that… your Majesty doesn’t really like me.”

Li ZecChen showed a hurt expression. He said in a low voice, “Even now, do you still question zhen’s feelings for you?”

He had practically dug out his heart to show this person.

Ye Ming actually didn’t question it. As the Emperor, for Li ZeChen to show this kind of tolerance and spoiling attitude towards him, even in the previous dynasties no one could have matched Li ZeChen’s deep level of emotion. However he still could not accept these feelings.

Ye Ming slightly opened his lips. His voice was very light and his eyes bright. “‘In order to obtain one person’s heart, I vow to stay together never leaving until the hair grows white…’ {T/N: This is from LZC’s poem remember}, actually this minister really agrees with this sentiment. Also this minister feels that, if one really liked someone, then there definitely won’t be room in one’s heart for anyone else.”

If he got married to his cousin, then he definitely marry any concubines as it would hurt her, however Li ZeChen….

Ye Ming looked at him. “However in the Emperor’s harem, there isn’t just this minister. An Emperor’s harem has three thousand, how can the Emperor say that he likes this minister alone? The Emperor is only momentarily impulsive, and to bear ridicule from the whole world for one momentary impulse, this minister really feels it isn’t worth it.”

{T/N: “The harem has three thousand”, this is a common phrase indicating the many people living in the harem. It doesn’t mean LZC (or any Emperor really, at least I hope….) having three thousand concubines.}

It was true. Li ZeChen’s harem wasn’t empty!

After he became the Emperor, in order to consolidate strength, he did the same as the other Emperors and married many concubines in order to fill the inner palace. Right now there were more than a dozen concubines in the harem. Although it wasn’t a lot, however it also wasn’t little.

It was only that, he had never allowed any of these women to appear before Ye Ming.

Li ZeChen heard Ye Ming’s words and stilled. Then he suddenly smiled.

Not only did he not show any panic or distress, but instead looked extremely joyful. He tightly held Ye Ming and said emotionally into his ear, “Wen Qing, are you jealous?”

If Ye Ming cared about these women, then that was good news to Li ZeChen. That meant that at least Ye Ming wasn’t completely heartless. If he didn’t care about him at all, then why would he care if there were women in his harem?

So that meant… Ye Ming cared about him a little?

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening -15,  the current blackening value is 70.]

Ye Ming did not expect that Li ZeChen would react in this way. He couldn’t help but look embarrassed and said in a low voice, “Your Majesty, your ‘like’ is just like this… ma…”

Li ZeChen lowered his head and licked Ye Ming’s lips, then kissed him deeply.

Ye Ming was kissed until he was breathless. Then he thought about the fact that Li ZeChen treated him the same way as his women, and felt even more embarrassed.

Li ZeChen deeply looked at Ye Ming’s face. Then finally he couldn’t bear letting him be in distress any longer and let him go reluctantly. He said with a low voice and a smile, “Zhen has never touched any of them. Zhen only wants to be with you. It was always like that in the past, and it will always remain this way in the future.”

Ye Ming looked at him with disbelief. “How could this possible….”

There was laughter in Li ZeChen’s eyes. He said in a low and peaceful voice, “How is it not possible? Is there anyone who dares to question what zhen does?” He wasn’t like those weak and useless Emperors. In this Imperial Palace, he was the only voice of power. Even the Dowager Empress didn’t dare to say much to him.

As the Emperor, if he couldn’t do as he wished and was controlled by others, then what was the point.

Ye Ming completely couldn’t understand this. He opened his eyes wide, “Then why did you marry them?”

Li ZeChen stared into Ye Ming’s eyes and said affectionately, “Because if I did so, then when I finally married you, there would be less talk outside. If you don’t like them, then after we are married, zhen will find an opportunity to send them away from the Palace.”

Li ZeChen had been plotting to obtain Ye Ming for a long time. Everything that he did he thought far into the future. As soon as he became Emperor, he began to fill the harem.

Although he had no intention of taking any of those women, but as a Emperor, if the harem was empty then people would talk. In that situation then when he wanted to pressure them to accept Ye Ming as Empress, then Ye Ming would bear the brunt of the ill talk.

But if there were women in the harem then it wasn’t the same story. Although these people would still think his actions ridiculous, they at least wouldn’t give Ye Ming the title of having destroyed the nation. Their resistance to having a male Empress would also be minimized.

He had been planning for many years. His only desire was the openly and righteously possess Ye Ming. He wanted to reduce the hurt that Ye Ming would suffer. That’s why until he felt that his position and power was stable, he had never confessed to Ye Ming. Unless he felt like he was completely in control of the situation, he would never have made a move on Ye Ming.

As for these women, they were stepping stones that he had used in order to pave the way for a male Empress.

Ye Ming was completely speechless. He originally thought that his words could make Li ZeChen rethink. He thought he could move him. However who knew that he would obtain this kind of shocking response! Li ZeChen had done all this for him… but he wasn’t moved at all. Instead he only felt that Li ZeChen was even more frightening. His character was too cold and cruel.

These women… they were innocent.

And all of this made Ye Ming feel deep guilt. He felt as though he was the villain who had brought calamity upon his nation and its people!

Li ZeChen looked warmly at Ye Ming. He said gently, “So now you can rest assured. Zhen only has you in his heart.”

Ye Ming couldn’t speak. Li ZeChen’s actions showed that he had been planning for many years. Long before he had confessed to Ye Ming. Then how could Ye Ming find any way to move him? His heart felt heavy and he felt suffocated.

Li ZeChen lightly kissed Ye Ming and then pressed his face into his chest. He smiled and said, “Go to sleep, don’t think too much.”

[Ye Ming: emmmm….. this child’s three views are a little bit distorted.]

[888: You just found that out now?]

[Ye Ming: I’ve never seen such a high level Li XiaHui in this world. Although this level of control is admirable, but what about all those beauties? All of them are in the prime of their life, they didn’t even get to sleep with the Emperor once and now they have turned into unwanted women. So pitiful!]

{T/N: Li XiaHui is a historical figure. When he was cultivating, a women once tried to seduce him however he was unmoved. So basically just referring to someone who isn’t able to be swayed/seduced.}

[888: Whose fault is this….]

[Ye Ming: Of course it’s his! As a untainted and lofty white lotus, I will definitely lead by example and let him feel the might of the guardian of the correct three views!]

[888: …..]

This person had the gall to say that he wanted to lead someone else by example???


Ye Ming was trapped in the palace. Just thinking about the “Qi MingYan” that was unconscious for more than ten days in his home and the tears of his mother and the anxiety of his father, made his days and nights restless and he was very depressed.

Li ZeChen however was the same as always. Every day he left early. If he had time he would come back to accompany Ye Ming, or ask Ye Ming to read to him.

Although he didn’t force Ye Ming, however Ye Ming couldn’t relax at all. If he continued dragging out the time, it wouldn’t affect Li ZeChen. Instead it was him that couldn’t afford it any longer.

Li ZeChen saw that Ye Ming was unhappy and felt pity for him. However he couldn’t allow Ye Ming to leave the Palace. He could only find various ways to amuse him. Anything valuable and interesting in the Palace he brought to Ye Ming’s palace. Everything used in this place was the finest that the Imperial Palace had. Only the things that were discarded by Ye Ming would be sent to the other Palaces.

On this day it began to rain outside. Ye Ming didn’t leave the room one step.

He saw Li ZeChen come back and looked at him indifferently. He sat there unmoving. It can be seen as a form of silent protest.

Li ZeChen sighed. He went over and held Ye Ming’s shoulders. He lowered his head and said beside his ear, “Wen Qing, are you unhappy again?”

Ye Ming thinned his lips and didn’t speak. He turned his head away slightly and avoided Li ZeChen’s intimacy.

Li ZeChen’s eyes darkened. These days he had humbled himself in order to placate Ye Ming. He was on the verge of digging out his heart to show him. However Ye Ming wasn’t moved the slightest. In Li ZeChen’s heart he felt inevitably frustrated.

As the king of this land, if the Emperor wanted someone he didn’t need to go to such pains. He could directly make an order… it was only because he couldn’t bear to distress Ye Ming, so that’s why he tried to make him happy. However Ye Ming didn’t care about this at all.

Li ZeChen paused and thought of something. He said casually, “Zhen’s secret guards told zhen that recently Zuo Yu came to visit you. He seemed very concerned about you and has been everywhere trying to find a doctor that can treat you.”

Ye Ming stilled. Zuo Yu was Zuo YiFang’s older brother. He was also his close friends and the two people’s relationship was very good. It wasn’t unusual that Zuo Yu would be so concerned about him.

Li ZeChen said with some heat, “He isn’t even your relative, but he’s even more anxious than your actual family. He cares about you so much, is it possible that he likes you?”

Recently Ye Ming was very sensitive about this kind of matter recently. When he heard Li ZeChen’s words he felt a bad feeling. He said seriously, “He is only this minister’s good friend. It’s only because of the marriage arrangement between our families, that’s why he would care a little more.”

Li ZeChen nodded his head. He said lightly, “It’s best if he doesn’t have any thoughts towards you. But it seems like he is much too idle. He should focus on his own matters instead of running around outside all the time. Next time zhen will give him some things to do.”

The Zuo family was a military family. Zuo Yu was currently the leader of the imperial guards. It would be very easy for Li ZeChen to find something for him to do.

Ye Ming’s expression was very ugly. Zuo Yu was only concerned about him and Li ZeChen was already this dissatisfied. Now he would be dragged down for no good reason.

This type of love really made him shudder.

He always thought that Li ZeChen was more capable than Li ZeYuan and would be a good Emperor. Also Li ZeYuan’s actions in trying to force the previous Emperor to abdicate was not ethical. So he had always supported Li ZeChen…. But in this period of time, seeing Li ZeChen’s conduct, it really made him feel it was more and more ridiculous. He was completely a tyrant! It really made one’s heart disappointed and cold.

Had Ye Ming mistaken him?

These days every time Ye Ming thought about his current situation and thought about what he could do, he felt that now that things had already gotten to this point, he had run out luck. Li ZeChen would definitely not change his mind, but Ye Ming would also definitely not agree to be his Empress.

If things kept dragging out in this manner, there was no benefit to him and it wouldn’t change anything. It would only make things more and more difficult to handle.

At this moment, he finally made a decision in his heart!

A look of despair flashed through Ye Ming’s eyes. He suddenly stood up from the bed and slowly walked towards Li ZeChen. He lifted the hem of his robe and knelt down. He looked into Li ZeChen’s eyes.

Li ZeChen also looked at him. Originally he could have stopped him however this time he didn’t. He looked into Ye Ming’s eyes and had a bad premonition. It was as though he already knew what Ye Ming was about to say. However he didn’t want to accept it.

Ye Ming opened his mouth slowly, “His Majesty has given me two choices. Right now I have made up my mind.”

Li ZeChen’s gaze went cold for the first time. He interrupted, “You don’t need to reply right now. Zhen isn’t in a hurry.”

“No.” Ye Ming’s voice was very determined. His eyes were very bright and he said gravely, “This minister already has his answer in his heart. There is no point to wait any longer.”

He kow-towed heavily three times. He used a lot of force and a “dong dong dong” sound could be heard. On his forehead appeared the oozes of blood. Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with determination. He said, word by word, “It is utterly impossible for this minister to become the Empress.”

If he didn’t become the Empress, then he could only die.

However he would prefer to be a dead man! He still definitely couldn’t be Li ZeChen’s Empress and let the whole world ridicule them!

YiFang, I am sorry. I can’t marry you and make you my wife. I hope that in the future, you can meet a better person…

Father, mother, this child is not filial and cannot accompany you… however if you knew about this, you would definitely support my decision.

Although I am only a strengthless scholar, however I have pride in my bones. How can I become this ridiculous male Empress? Without loyalty, without filial piety, without justice.. since I can’t then let this world be rid of the person called Qi MingYan!

Li ZeChen stood up suddenly. His hand were behind his back and the color was blue and violent. Although he tried to control himself however his eyes still showed a terrible anger.

He waited for such a long time. He used all his effort and humbled himself like a child. He was willing to do anything… but in the end he still only got this answer.

If it was anyone else dared to provoke him this much, he would never have tolerated it for so long. However… the person in front of him wasn’t the same. So even though Li ZeChen was very angry right now, however he still suppressed himself with deadly effort.

Li ZeChen’s voice was cold as frost. He said slowly, “You can think about it again…”

Zhen will give you a chance to change your answer.

Ye Ming smiled. His eyes were clear as the stars and there was no trace of hestiation in his voice. “This is my answer. I won’t change it.”

Li ZeChen’s eyes become as cold as ice. This is your answer? This is your answer!

You would rather die than be zhen’s Empress, is that right?!

The air immediately became stifled with a pressuring feeling.

Suddenly Li ZeChen reached out his hand, snatched Ye Ming and threw him onto the bed. He looked at him with dark eyes and his voice was very gloomy. “Fine! Then zhen will fulfill your wish.”

[Ding! Li ZeChne’s blackening +20, right now the current blackening value is 90.]