Quick glossary

Side characters :

Zuo Yu – Wen Qing’s friend, intended brother-in-law

Zuo YiFang – Zuo Yu’s younger sister, Wen Qing’s intended bride

Li ZeYuan – Li ZeChen’s brother, the previous Crown Prince

Ch 40 – Stirring up trouble everyday~

Zuo Yu stared at the figure before him in a state of shock. Even if it was but a glimpse, he would never mistake that face for anyone’s but Ye Ming’s…. It was no wonder he felt such a deep sense of familiarity when gazing at this person, as if they had met before.

But how was this possible?!

Wasn’t Ye Ming in a state of deep unconsciousness? He even went to visit him personally in the Qi residence. How could he appear here by the Emperor’s side, and bearing this sort of identity? If this was really Ye Ming, than who is the person lying in the Qi residence?

Countless questions vied for an answer in Zuo Yu’s head. He scanned their surroundings warily, before determining that they were alone, then walked decisively towards Ye Ming!

Ye Ming had not left the Imperial palace for a long time. Right now, he was taking in the sight of the mountains in the distance, savouring this temporary illusion of freedom, completely oblivious to anyone else’s presence. Suddenly he saw someone approaching him, and was startled to realise that Zuo Yu was here as well! His expression fell, and he quickly turned to leave.

Zuo Yu did not expect Ye Ming to attempt leaving upon seeing him, he picked up his pace and grabbed hold of Ye Ming’s wrist in a tight grip. His voice was tense and laden with trepidation: “Wen Qing, is that you?”

Ye Ming’s face went white, he remained mute. If he replies, Zuo Yu would definitely recognise him…. he could not let this happen. Leaving aside how he wasn’t willing to be caught in such a scandal if his identity was uncovered, he was also worried that Zuo Yu would fly into a rage and defy the Emperor, thereby bringing disaster on himself.

But compared to Zuo Yu, who practised martial arts all year round, his own physical strength of a scholar wasn’t enough to allow him to shake off Zuo Yu’s hold on his wrist. Anxiety bubbled up in him.

Zuo Yu couldn’t understand at first why Ye Ming was so eager to avoid him, but he wasn’t stupid by any means, and he soon figured out Ye Ming’s mind. For Ye Ming to appear by the Emperor’s side as his male pet, to be recognised by Zuo Yu would be cause for embarrassment and shame. Avoiding him was only natural….

But having uncovered such a secret today, he could not turn a blind eye to this! He believed that Ye Ming was not one to sell himself to obtain the favour of the Emperor, he must be facing some difficulty to be in this situation.

Zuo Yu looked at Ye Ming fixedly. “Wen Qing, I know it’s you. Can you tell me what is going on?”

Ye Ming did not expect Zuo Yu to have already recognised him. The hour was growing late, who knew when Li ZeChen would return. If Li ZeChen sees him tangled with Zuo Yu, trouble was sure to rise.

He gritted his teeth and finally spoke, “You let go of me, leave me alone.”

When Zuo Yu heard Ye Ming’s familiar voice, the last vestiges of doubt finally dissipated from his heart. If this is Ye Ming, then the one in the Qi residence could only be a fake!

And who else in this world could abduct the eldest son of the prominent Qi family, replace him with a fake, put on the appearance of having fallen into a coma, and smuggle him into the Palace, except for…. the one who wields supreme power and authority.

Zuo Yu thought back to how Li ZeChen had always seemed to favour Ye Ming, and a absurd notion slowly grew in his mind. It was too preposterous. Anger flared in his eyes.

Zuo Yu’s voice sank: “Is His Majesty forcing you to stay by his side?”

Ye Ming was too ashamed to form a reply to this humiliating question, and lowered his voice: “Just pretend you haven’t seen me today.”

Zuo Yu was incredulous, but Ye Ming was not denying his allegations. The facts were right in front of him, there was no way for him to not believe this! He did not release his grip on Ye Ming’s wrist, and pressed on anxiously: “How could you ask this of me, do you know how worried your parents are? Do you know how worried I was? And also… how worried my sister was for you?”

When Ye Ming thought back of his family and friends, his eyes turned red from grief. But he couldn’t allow Zuo Yu to risk himself for his sake. He replied numbly: “I know, but….. It’s best if you forget about me, pretend that I’ve died, tell YiFang…. not to wait for me…”

The sadness and helplessness in Ye Ming’s voice only served to increase the distress Zuo Yu felt for him.

Knowing Wen Qing, how was it possible for him to have voluntarily abandoned his family and his fiancée to be the Emperor’s male pet….. he has been trapped by Li ZeChen all this time, how sad and desperate he must have been!

That tyrant!

Zuo Yu’s face was tight as he said, “I will plead with His Majesty for your release!”

Ye Ming’s face turned white as a sheet at his words, his voice rose in alarm: “Enough! Do you know what you are saying?”

Zuo Yu’s eyes were faintly red. “He is our Emperor, but he abducted his subject to keep in the Palace. Such a ridiculous thing, is it wrong of me to try to make him see reason?”

Ye Ming did not expect Zuo Yu to be so willing to risk his life for his sake. All the more reason why he could not permit him to pay such a price for Ye Ming. But Zuo Yu’s determined expression made it clear that he would be difficult to dissuade. Ye Ming grew even more worried. As he fretted silently, he suddenly spotted Li ZeChen, who had returned. He finally began shouting: “I was willing! His Majesty did not force me, please stop minding my affairs!”

Zuo Yi stared at him blankly for a moment, then ground his teeth. “I don’t believe you.”

Ye Ming grew more panicked by the second. “Let go now!”

Zuo Yu looked rather stunned at Ye Ming’s stern tone and and firm attitude, but he still refused to let go of Ye Ming’s hand. At this moment, his mind was a chaotic mess, full of shock and confusion.

Li ZeChen had originally wanted to give Ye Ming some time alone, and so he had not hurried back. He had brought down a few wild deer before returning to the camp.

However, Ye Ming was not where he left him. Li ZeChen asked for his whereabouts from the guards, and set out to search for Ye Ming by himself. He did not expect to see Zuo Yu as well, nor for him to be holding on obstinately to Ye Ming. A strong killing intent flashed in his eyes!

Li ZeChen drew out the sword at his waist and brandished it, the edge of the blade rested against Zuo Yu’s throat. He ordered coldly: “Let go!”

Zuo Yu felt the cold touch on this throat before the edge of the blade broke the skin. He looked up to see Li ZeChen standing in front of him, facing him with barely restrained fury. He finally released his hold on Ye Ming reluctantly, his face twisting as he knelt on the ground: “Wēi chén greets Your Majesty.”

Note: Wēi chén (微臣) – this humble servant/official  

Ye Ming quickly stepped away once the grip on his wrist was loosened. Seeing how Li ZeChen held the sword at Zuo Yu’s neck, he whispered anxiously, “Your Majesty, I… let’s go back.”

Li ZeChen did not move. His eyes narrowed, a cold light slowly filtering through: “He recognised you, didn’t he?”

Ye Ming went stiff. He didn’t understand what Li ZeChen meant, and didn’t know if he should answer or keep silent.

Zuo Yu knelt straight-backed on the ground, looking at Li ZeChen’s murderous countenance and Ye Ming’s sorrowful profile. Deep pain and sadness filled him. Ye Ming had always been a genteel young noble, a class above the others, for him to be forced into such a demeaning role…..

He suddenly said: “Replying to Your Majesty, wēi chén did indeed recognise Young master Qi.”

Li ZeChen tilted his sword, slicing open the skin at Zuo Yu’s throat. As blood dripped down, he said slowly, “You should not have recognised him.”

Zuo Yu had never felt closer to death than at that moment, but as he gazed at Ye Ming, he answered firmly: “Your Majesty abducted one of your subjects into the Palace, this is the action of a tyrant. It can be concealed for a while, but not for a lifetime. Wēi chén’s life is not worth much, but the Emperor must not continue down this sinful path!”

Li ZeChen did not expect Zuo Yu to be so bold as to disregard his own life to rebuke him. His eyes were cold and pitiless. “It seems that you are truly ready to face death today?”

When Ye Ming heard Zuo Yu uttering those words, he knew it was over. He actually called Li ZeChen a tyrant to his face, this has truly roused Li ZeChen’s fury. Ye Ming suddenly darted over and knelt down in front of Zuo Yu. “Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Li ZeChen was already in a terrible mood, seeing Ye Ming so worried about Zuo Yu only served to fan the flames of his rage and envy. He spoke coldly: “He recognised you. Zhèn cannot allow him to leave!”

Note: Zhèn (朕) – I (imperial use)

Ye Ming thought Li ZeChen meant to kill Zuo Yu to silence him. His face turned pale as he prostrated himself on the ground. “Your Majesty please, he… he won’t divulge it!”

Li ZeChen dragged Ye Ming back to his feet, and held him tightly in his arms. He snapped out an order: “Guards, take Zuo Yu away and lock him up to await for zhèn to deal with him!”

Ye Ming was anxious and fearful. He watched helplessly as Zuo Yu was taken away by the guards, as he himself was unable to struggle out of Li ZeChen’s grasp. He was lifted up and carried away back to the carriage.

He was terrified for Zuo Yu, and kept pleading: “Your Majesty, please don’t blame him, he didn’t do anything….. he, he only spoke a few words with chén…. he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone else about it!”

Note: Chén (臣) – this servant/official

Due to his struggles, by the time they reached the carriage, Ye Ming’s hat had already fallen off. Li ZeChen reached out and gripped his chin, glaring into his eyes which had turned red from fright and anxiety. Hatred and jealousy rose in his heart. “You are so anxious to plead for his sake, are you no longer concerned about your own identity being exposed? And how are you so sure he wouldn’t reveal what he saw today?”

Isn’t your reputation your greatest concern? Do you trust him that much? Don’t you realise how bad things could be if such a situation was exposed? In the end…. Zuo Yu’s life is more important to you than your own reputation, so you can risk ruining yourself to set him free!

Initially, Li ZeChen had not actually decided to kill Zuo Yu, he had only wanted to imprison the man first to deal with later, but Ye Ming’s concern was really fueling his desire to kill him with his own hands! Why is it that you can be this protective of everyone, be this kind to everyone, but towards zhèn you remain constantly rebellious?

Is zhèn not giving you enough? We could have created a flourishing new age together, why are you so certain that we would become the laughing stock of the known world, do you have so little confidence in me?

After all’s been said and done, in the end, you simply do not care about me.

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening value +20, current blackening value is 70.]

Li ZeChen tossed Ye Ming into the carriage before climbing in on top of him, tugging open the belt at his waist. Ye Ming felt the rush of cool air over his skin, and saw the anger brewing in Li ZeChen’s eyes. With a burst of panic and unprecedented fear, he began struggling to escape but was dragged back. Li ZeChen pinned him down, and bit down hard on his neck.

Ye Ming was unable to push Li ZeChen away, his voice began trembling: “Your Majesty… this is the carriage… let’s go back first… please…”

He hated this the most, but knew that he had no right to refuse. He could only ask not to be taken here….

Li ZeChen gripped his chin and sneered, “Weren’t you flaunting your identity earlier? What’s wrong with doing it here then? If it were exposed, you can just let Zuo Yu reveal everything. He was so bold as to defy zhèn, do you think he will spare a thought for maintaining your reputation?”

Ye Ming’s lips were bloodless. “He… He was just…”

“He was just what?” Li ZeChen’s eyes were narrowed dangerously, his voice deep and menacing. “He was just worried about you, just cares about you, is that it?”


What followed next was very difficult to endure, as Li ZeChen handled him roughly for the first time. Ye Ming did his best to keep silent. When he thought of the attendants outside the carriage, and the lewd activities he and the Emperor were engaged in inside, he felt drowned in shame.

In the end, Li ZeChen carried him back into the Imperial Palace because he had no strength left to walk.

Li ZeChen placed Ye Ming on the bed and was about to withdraw his hand, but Ye Ming grabbed onto his sleeves and refused to let go. His eyes glistened with tears, his throat and collarbones were mottled with green and purple bruises. His voice was hoarse: “Your Majesty, Zuo Yu…”

Li Zechen’s eyes eyes turned cold, but then his gaze softened as he took in Ye Ming’s wretched appearance. In the end, he said: “Zhèn will not kill him.”

Having said that, he did not linger and left immediately.

[888: What was all that today? Were you trying to increase the blackening value on purpose?]

[Ye Ming: Of course not. This is all in preparation for the next step, and it’s also time to change our current situation; give Li ZeChen a little taste of danger. After all, we can’t continue to just stay here forever right?]

[888: But letting Zuo Yu find out about your situation may not have been a good idea, he’s not likely to keep it a secret for you.]

[Ye Ming: I’m counting on it. ^_^]

[Ye Ming: Brother, do you remember me asking you to find out about everyone’s movements and current situation after I got here?]

[888: Yes.]

At that time, Li ZeChen had just ascended to the throne. In order to to win the hearts of the people and demonstrate his magnanimity, and also to avoid the stigma of fratricide, he did not kill Li ZeYuan.

However, Li ZeYuan was not willing to be imprisoned for life. His mother was the  Zheng Guógōng’s eldest legitimate daughter, the strength of this familial tie can not be ignored. In addition, he was originally the Crown Prince with many followers of his own. Although Li ZeChen had publicly expressed no ill will towards the former Crown Prince, how many would actually believe that? The court changes with the ruler1, and to keep the company of a king is akin to keeping company with a tiger2.

Note: Zhèngguógōng (郑国公) – Duke of Zheng, Zheng being a vassal state in ancient China.

Therefore, Li ZeYuan has been scheming to assassinate Li ZeChen and claim the title of Emperor for himself. Although he seemed to have been stripped of his freedom, he still had some connections and strings left to pull. Back then, Zuo Yu had been good friends with Li ZeYuan, and the Zuo family had close ties with the Zheng Guógōng’s household.

What Zuo Yu knows, naturally Li ZeYuan will know as well.

[Ye Ming: I needed Zuo Yu to pass the message on to Li ZeYuan. Li ZeYuan will definitely make use of this. Not to mention, he likes me too.]

[888: You obviously won’t even bat an eyelid while throwing someone into a pit, but how are you so sure that Li ZeChen will let Zuo Yu go.]

[Ye Ming: There’s no way Li ZeChen is unaware of Li ZeYuan’s plans, he may have already planned things out in advance and is only waiting for Li ZeYuan to take the bait. In this way he can have a proper and legitimate reason to get rid of Li ZeYuan once and for all. I think he also intends to make use of Zuo Yu……. if he is not willing to release Zuo Yu, it’s only because he doesn’t want me involved in this matter.]

[888: This brother-in-law of yours is trouble all over.]

[Ye Ming: That’s right. So losing this marriage arrangement with the Zuo family is actually a good thing, the crime of treason is not a small deal, best to stay as far far away as possible O(∩_∩)O~]


Li ZeChen truly lost his temper yesterday. He blamed himself for his carelessness in looking after Ye Ming and his oversight in letting him be recognised by Zuo Yu. Zuo Yu has always been secretly involved with the Zheng Guógōng, and in all likelihood was also loyal to Li ZeYuan. Now that he knows of Ye Ming’s identity, he would definitely inform Li ZeYuan.

And so Li ZeChen really did intend to kill Zuo Yu, but in the end he still held himself back. If he had killed Zuo Yu immediately, Ye Ming would have thought him cruel, and hated him for it.

The following day, when Li ZeChen felt sufficiently calm, he returned to Fengyang Palace.

Ye Ming was seated within the room, fretting and deeply worried. His breakfast was barely touched. For the first time, Li ZeChen had not stayed for the night, was he truly angered this time? What is Zuo Yu’s situation right now?

Upon seeing Li ZeChen arrived, he took the rare initiative to approach and greet him. After considering for awhile, he finally asked: “Your Majesty, about Zuo Yu….”

Li ZeChen’s eyes went dark, and his voice was chilly: “Zhèn has already said he will not be killed.”

You won’t kill him, but are you going to keep him locked up this way? Zuo Yu was implicated because of him; the more Ye Ming thought of this, the heavier his guilt. He clenched his teeth, and spoke hesitatingly: “Your Majesty, please let him go.”

“Let him go?” Li ZeChen narrowed his eyes.

You are always this kind, always willing to protect everyone. But have you given any thought to those who care for you in turn and seek to protect you?

Ye Ming’s heart sank at the sight of Li ZeChen’s cold indifference. He has fallen to this state, where even the people he cares for has been dragged down with him, but he was completely helpless…. what should he do to persuade Li ZeChen to release Zuo Yu?

Ye Ming closed his eyes painfully. He may as well give up, give up on this ridiculously meaningless resistance.

Since he can only stay by Li ZeChen’s side, perhaps he should be like those other women, and please the Emperor…. would this help him achieve his purpose? In the end, it costs nothing but his own dignity.

Ye Ming stood up slowly, his eyelashes fluttering. He suddenly reached up and untied his robes, letting it slide off and pool on the ground. He walked up to Li ZeChen, raised his head and kissed his chin gently. In a trembling voice, he said: “Your Majesty, chén…. will serve you….”

His movements were stiff and jerky, his voice unsteady, it was obvious that he was inexperienced at pulling on this type of act. His face was red with shame.

Li ZeChen looked down motionlessly at the person before him. Because Ye Ming’s head was lowered, he could only see Ye Ming’s dark hair, the straight bridge of his nose, the long trembling lashes which cast a faint shadow, and the delicately flushed cheeks.

All his painstaking efforts, all the methods he exhausted, and Ye Ming has barely given him much of a response, much less take the initiative…

But now, you are willing to go to this extent for Zuo Yu’s sake…. just because he is your friend who has shown you some care, you are now rushing to return the favour?

You treat everyone with such kindness……

Li ZeChen’s eyes were black slits, the pain of his roiling emotions gathered like a dark maelstrom, seemingly unable to form any words.

He gently lifted Ye Ming’s chin. “Are you trying to win zhèn’s favour?”

Ye Ming’s expression was one of extreme humiliation, but he forced calm on himself and answered: “It was chén’s duty, to serve Your Majesty….”

Your duty? Then why weren’t you this obedient in fulfilling your duty before? Li ZeChen gazed at Ye Ming’s face fixedly, his tone mocking: “In that case, you had better serve zhèn well. If zhèn is pleased with you, zhèn may consider releasing Zuo Yu.”

Hearing this, Ye Ming mustered his courage and reached out to wrap his arms around Li ZeChen’s neck, closed his eyes, and kissed him again.

Li ZeChen’s heart was cold, knowing that Ye Ming was only doing this for Zuo Yu’s sake..… but how could he resist the warmth and closeness of this person. He lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming fiercely.


The next day, Li ZeChen sat at the edge of the bed, looking sideways at Ye Ming who lay on the bed. “Zhèn is very satisfied, hence zhèn will release him.”

Ye Ming breathed out a sigh of relief at his words, and replied respectfully: “My thanks to Your Majesty.”

But Li ZeChen’s face was stony. He got up, dressed, and left.

He thought he would no longer care, even if Ye Ming were to hate and blame him and no longer looked at him, he would be able to accept it, so long as he kept Ye Ming by his side, but he now realised….. to ignore one’s heart’s deepest desires is never that easy.

There will still be envy, there will still be pain, but… it’s just that he has never shown it.

Zhèn should not release Zuo Yu, but since you begged zhèn, zhèn can only promise to do so.

During this period, there were floods in the South which caused a displacement of many of its victims. Li ZeChen had many issues to deal with, he was extremely busy, to the point where he began spending nights in the royal study room, and spent less time with Ye Ming.

Since that day, Ye Ming has given up on resisting, or perhaps he has given up on himself. He no longer rejected Li ZeChen, and was perfectly obedient, just like an actual male pet.

To protect the people around him, to let them live well, he has to please Li ZeChen. This is the only thing he could do. For them, he will put aside this meaningless resistance.

Thinking of this way, it no longer seemed too difficult to accept.

Li ZeChen would occasionally visit the Fengyang Palace. Ye Ming would always approach him to greet him, assist him in changing his robes, and in bed, slowly accepted his advances. He was no longer as stubbornly unyielding as he used to be.

He made no sound, he raised no fuss, he asked for nothing. It seemed that he had finally gotten used to this way of life.

However, Li ZeChen felt that the current Ye Ming was like a walking corpse, his heart was closed off, leaving only the empty shell who does what it thinks is right and necessary.

He wasn’t doing this for Li ZeChen. It was all for the sake of his own parents, for Zuo Yu, for Zuo YiFang.

Li ZeChen held this person in his arms everyday, but he only felt pain, but still he wasn’t able to let go. Like a man freezing to death in the dark of winter, dressed in thin clothes, finally finding a stove amidst the snow and ice, he wouldn’t let go, even when the heat of the stove was burning his flesh.


Today, Li ZeChen was involved in a deep discussion with his ministers. He came back late, but Ye Ming was still awake.

Li ZeChen was somewhat hungry. He sent for some food to be brought over, so that Ye Ming could accompany him to eat. He was tired, and did not plan on doing anything, and only thought of retiring early. He was just about to leave when he realised Ye Ming was watching him, waiting.

Li ZeChen knew immediately that Ye Ming had something to say to him, else why would he have stayed up so late to wait for him? Although he was tired, he asked mildly: “Did you have something to say to zhèn?”

Ye Ming looked at Li ZeChen, his hands fisted tightly beneath his sleeves. He was silent for awhile, before speaking haltingly: “Your Majesty… an heir is important, one should occasionally spread the favour, to allow for the continuation of the Imperial bloodline…”

Li ZeChen took a deep breath, his eyes tightened, then he swept everything from the table onto the floor! There was a resounding crash, pieces of porcelain bowls and broken spoons were sent scattering. The painful anger he had been suppressing in these past few days could no longer be controlled! He rounded on Ye Ming in a rage: “Do you really wish to push zhèn away that much!”

[888: What you just said was rather hurtful, it’s not really nice is it?]

[Ye Ming: Really? (⊙v⊙) ]

[888: ……]