Madam Qi anxiously looked at Ye Ming. “What happened to you? Could it be that you’re feeling ill?”

After all, it wasn’t long ago that Ye Ming had been in a coma for several months. Her first thought was that Ye Ming might have fallen ill again. How could that be any good? 

Ye Ming’s complexion was deathly pale. He forced himself to smile. “I’m fine. I have worried Mother…”

Madam Qi still wasn’t reassured. “Are you really fine? We’d better summon a physician to examine you.”

Ye Ming grasped Madam Qi’s hand, quietly saying, “I’m truly fine, there’s no need.” He paused briefly and appeared to hesitate a little, but still grit his teeth and asked, “What you were talking about just now…Could you tell me more…?”

Madam Qi thought of those rumors and became unbearably angry. She scowled fiercely and said, “She dared to tarnish your reputation; next time, I’ll absolutely have a proper quarrel with her!” 

Ye Ming’s lips moved slightly, but he was unable to speak. But all of this was the truth…

If even a mere fifth-rank official’s wife dared to speak like this in front of his mother, clearly there were already many others speaking about him behind his back. Perhaps even the entire capital already knew…when he thought of how his mother had received such a humiliation because of him, Ye Ming felt even more guilty and pained.

Ye Ming wanted to console Madam Qi, but at the same time, he was unable to feed her lies. In the end, he couldn’t actually say anything at all.

He returned to his own courtyard, his complexion suddenly gloomy.

Zi Zhu saw Ye Ming’s expression and asked, concerned, “Gongzi, what happened? Are you unhappy about something?”

Ye Ming looked at her, his gaze complicated and pained. He seemed to want to say something but hesitated.

Zi Zhu’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that gongzi already knew of the rumors outside? How could that be any good?! She hid the worry in her eyes and asked, “Does gongzi want to rest?”

Ye Ming fixed his gaze on her for some time. Suddenly, he asked, “You knew long ago what people have been saying, did you not?” 

Zi Zhu’s expression finally changed. She kneeled down immediately, voice trembling. “Nubi…”

Ye Ming smiled bitterly, saying, “Today, someone told these rumors to my mother.” He appeared to be unable to continue. He returned to his room, closing his door heavily.

Zi Zhu anxiously went to knock on the door, but there was not a single sound inside. She was extremely worried.

Truthfully, the emperor knew of the rumors soon after they began spreading, and he had punished Imperial Concubine Liang severely—he’d sent her to the Cold Palace under the pretense of punishing her for some other fault of hers…but this matter had already spread outside of the palace. Even if the emperor could punish Imperial Concubine Liang and execute those conniving scoundrels, he still couldn’t kill off all of those aristocratic ladies or every official’s wives and children just for the sake of containing the rumors. 

If he really did that, he’d instead be confirming the rumors outside, and there might even be political upheaval.

Zi Zhu had been very on edge, afraid that Ye Ming would be hurt and distressed if he heard the rumors outside. But she didn’t expect that this day would still come.


Ye Ming shut his door and did not leave his room for many days on end. 

[Ye Ming: How’s the situation outside?]

[888: It’s just as you expected.]

[Ye Ming: …So it’s not very good ^_^]

These days, Madam Qi didn’t really like to leave the residence either. Ever since Madam He said those words to her face, every time she went out, she always had the feeling that everyone was looking at her strangely. Furthermore, every time she brought up Ye Ming’s marriage, everyone would avoid it like the plague, for fear that they would be contaminated even a little bit. 

Those people were deferential and strange toward her, as if she’d really become the emperor’s mother-in-law. But she could not afford to bear this kind of deference!

There was a lot of anger simmering in her heart these days—more anger than she’d ever felt in her entire life combined.

Finally, there was a day that Grand Tutor Qi also came back in a rage.

He had never gotten along well with the Chief Cabinet Minister. They often had differing political views, but today, he’d just been too much! He went so far as to ridicule him by saying that he gave away his son to please the emperor! Could this type of accusation be carelessly thrown around? 

When Grand Tutor Qi returned home, he couldn’t help but complain to his wife a bit, but he didn’t expected that his wife didn’t appear surprised at all.

Of course, Madam Qi was very angry at first. But after hearing it so often, she trampled down her fury and no longer displayed it as clearly as she had at first. She knew her husband was busy, and it was not good to bother him with these rumors from the rear court, so she never mentioned it. It wasn’t until today, when she heard her husband speak of it, that she finally realized that even the men knew about it, and it had even been used to attack her husband. It was clear now that these rumors weren’t limited to just the rear court. Finally, deeply aggrieved and indignant, she told him what she had experienced all this time.

Hearing about it, Grand Tutor Qi’s expression immediately became grave. His heart sank. This rumor had actually already been spread so widely? And yet they themselves only found out about it now!

He loathed those lowly sycophants the most. He also did not believe in using flattery to boost himself up. How could he possibly do this kind of thing? These people dared to make up even these types of rumors? Was someone deliberately trying to attack him? 

Grand Tutor Qi thought about it, then had someone summon Ye Ming.

Tf Zlcu delmxis mjwf bnfg. Xgjcv Keabg Hl jrxfv Tf Zlcu rbifwcis, “Gb sbe xcbk tbk atf qfbqif bearlvf jgf rqfjxlcu jybea sbe gluta cbk?”

Tf Zlcu tjv jigfjvs wfcajiis qgfqjgfv tlwrfio. Lf ibkfgfv tlr fsfr jcv rjlv, “Tbeg rbc xcbkr.”

Xgjcv Keabg Hl ragemx atf jgw bo tlr mtjlg. “Snfg rlcmf atf fwqfgbg jrmfcvfv atf atgbcf, sbe tjnfc’a fnfc rffc tlw, jcv sbe kfgf jirb lc j mbwj obg wjcs wbcatr! Ccv sfa atf qfbqif bearlvf mjc jmaejiis ralii rqgfjv atfrf glvlmeiber gewbgr, tbk qgfqbrafgber!” 

When Ye Ming saw that his father was this infuriated, he felt even more guilt and self-blame. He didn’t even dare lift his eyes and could only say, “Father, calm your anger.”

With a stern gaze, Grand Tutor Qi spoke clearly, “Even if the emperor was friendly with you before he ascended the throne, that was only the friendship between gentlemen. Yet once it reached these people’s mouths, it became unbearable to hear!”

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Ye Ming’s eyes. He pursed his lips and didn’t speak.

Grand Tutor Qi’s character was sharp, unlike Madam Qi, who was preoccupied with her anger. He noticed Ye Ming’s unusual reaction and furrowed his eyebrows. He suddenly had a terrible premonition. 

If this matter was completely unfounded and baseless, then right now Ye Ming should be very angry along with them, but he seemed…ashamed and distressed instead. Moreover, from beginning to end, he didn’t try to stand up for himself at all.

It couldn’t be…Did something really happen between him and the emperor?

Grand Tutor Qi was alarmed by his own thoughts. He was very clear about his son’s character. He was certainly not the type of person who couldn’t understand the severity of a situation, and he was even more unlikely to have any foul relations with the emperor.

Initially he hadn’t suspected Ye Ming at all, but…Ye Ming’s current behavior made him uncertain. 

Grand Tutor Qi stared into Ye Ming’s eyes. His tone suddenly grew heavy, and he slowly asked, “Tell me, you and the emperor don’t have any relationship, right? If you say that you don’t, your father will not let them continue to talk about you like this, even at the risk of my life.”

Madam Qi was discontented when she heard this. “There is certainly no relationship! Do you not understand our child’s character? Moreover, at that time, he was about to get married; how could he and the emperor be involved? What kind of question are you asking him!?”

But Grand Tutor Qi said, “Don’t interrupt. Today, I want to hear him personally give me an answer!”

Madam Qi looked at her husband’s solemn appearance, then looked at Ye Ming’s grave expression, and her words stalled. 

Ye Ming looked at his father. Sorrow and guilt flitted through his eyes.

His father was an honest person. Such a noble and steadfast man had suffered such humiliation because of him. He himself had already made mistake upon mistake. Was he supposed to continue fooling his loved ones, even now? And let them find out about this unbearable truth from outsiders?

He himself should bear the weight of the mistakes he made.

Ye Ming shut his eyes and slowly bent his knees, kneeling to Grand Tutor Qi. 

Originally, while watching Ye Ming, Grand Tutor Qi had held onto a sliver of hope, hope that his guess was wrong, but now, seeing Ye Ming kneel without a word, he suddenly gripped his chest and took a step back. He pointed a trembling finger at him speechlessly.

When Madam Qi saw this, she felt a bit as though she had finally seen the truth. There was an astonished look in her eyes, as if she were afraid to believe it.

Ye Ming knocked his head heavily against the ground. Choked with sobs, he said, “Sorry.”

At this point, there was no point in quibbling. He had resided in the palace for serveral months. Li Zechen had favored him to the utmost degree. The people who had seen him weren’t uncountably many, but were certainly not few, either…The truth was bound to come out eventually. There was no secret under the sky that would remain a secret forever. 

Actually, from the moment he entered the palace, this day was bound to arrive. He just hadn’t thought it would come so soon.

“You—you unfilial son!” Grand Tutor Qi coughed fiercely, voice trembling, “Hai…do you know exactly what you have done…?”

Infuriated, he grabbed a teacup from the table, hurling it at Ye Ming!

The teacup broke the skin on Ye Ming’s forehead. The tea, mixed with blood, trickled down, but he remained kneeling on the ground, motionless. 

Madam Qi saw that Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with endless despair. Formerly, she had been someone who loved her son most dearly, but this time, she didn’t reach out to stop the furor. It was as if she had become disheartened.

Ye Ming didn’t dare to look at his parents. It was all because of him that his parents were disappointed in him. He had humiliated his family. If it had just been him that was disgraced, it would’ve been fine, but he had implicated his family—this was what made him suffer the hardest.

Grand Tutor Qi clutched his chest and shouted, “You, get lost! The one you should be kneeling to is not me, but all of your ancestors and forefathers!”

“Someone come! Send this unfilial son off to kneel at the ancestral hall! Do not let him out without my permission!” 


Li Zechen anxiously paced about the imperial study. The expression in his eyes was endlessly remorseful. He had been careless. He didn’t expect that Imperial Concubine Liang would actually dare to do this kind of thing! He had definitely already brought her people under strict control to ensure that she wouldn’t talk freely, that she wouldn’t spread word of the matters within the palace, but he didn’t expect that it would still spread in the end.

Where exactly had he made a mistake?

In the face of the gossip outside, Li Zechen felt this powerlessness for the first time. 

He could kill Li Zeyuan and everyone who opposed him, but in the end, he couldn’t possibly kill every single person who gossipped…Even the most brutal tyrant couldn’t kill everyone over a rumor.

Also, if he did that, he would really be confirming the rumors, forcing Ye Ming to carry the burden of the vicious accusations and condemning him with no hope of return!

He thought and thought, and realized that there was actually nothing he could do.

With a wave of his arm, Li Zechen swept everything off the table! He once again thought of Imperial Concubine Liang’s deeds, and an ice-cold, fierce look flashed in his eyes. Killing this woman directly would be letting her off easy. He wanted her to suffer all kinds of torment before dying! 

Just then, a eunuch lightly walked in and handed Li Zechen a slip of paper.

When Li Zechen opened it and saw its contents, his expression changed. He hastily changed into casual dress and said gravely, “To the Grand Tutor’s residence!”

Ye Ming had already kneeled at the memorial hall for a full day and night, during which time he hadn’t consumed either a single grain of rice or a single drop of water. His body was already in poor health; how could he bear it? Li Zechen was distressed for him and felt remorseful. Even though he was well aware that doing so was unwise, he still anxiously left the palace that very night! He couldn’t wait anymore!

At this time, it was very deep into the night. There was no one on the streets. As Li Zechen covertly set out, no one knew of his departure. 

The Qi residence’s porter didn’t expect that someone would arrive so late, in the middle of the night. He drowsily went to open the door and saw a man with a cold, intent expression. At first, he wanted to berate him, but without knowing why, he was unable to say anything when he looked at the other person. Even if the man did not say a word, his imposing air still caused his breath to stutter.

Behind the man stood two tall, black-clothed, sword-wielding imperial bodyguards. They looked at him coldly, scaring him so badly his legs trembled.

Li Zechen endured the anxiety in his heart and said heavily, “I came to see the Grand Tutor.”

After some consideration, in the end, he didn’t directly reveal his identity. He didn’t want to give people another opportunity to churn out gossip and was very cautious. 

The porter took in Li Zechen’s imposing air, which made him tremble uncontrollably. He forgot to even ask after the other person’s identity and just stumbled inside.

Grand Tutor Qi had originally gotten ready to rest. He didn’t expect that someone would pay him a visit this late at night, and the porter couldn’t even say what that person’s identity was. He wrinkled his brow, draped his outer garment over himself, and went out.

Once he clearly saw the person standing at the doorway, Grand Tutor Qi’s expression changed abruptly.

When Li Zechen saw Grand Tutor Qi come out, his eyes filled with guilt and self-blame. However, he watched Grand Tutor Qi kneel toward him straight away, coldly and stiffly saying, “This humble official greets Your Majesty.” 

Li Zechen’s expression changed slightly, immediately reaching out to support him, but Grand Tutor Qi was determined to remain kneeling on the ground, unwilling to get up. He looked at him with an icy gaze and said haltingly, “Chen’s residence is simple and crude. I am afraid that it cannot accommodate Your Majesty’s honorable body. It would be better for Your Majesty to return!”

“Grand Tutor Qi, please rise.” Li Zechen already felt guilty; how could he let Grand Tutor Qi kneel to him?

No matter what, Grand Tutor Qi was unwilling to rise. He said stiffly through gritted teeth, “As long as Your Majesty does not leave, chen does not dare rise.”

His tough temperament rose forth. He wasn’t afraid of Li Zechen getting angry. 

Seeing him like this, Li Zechen knew that unless he killed him, he would not be able to step foot into the Qi residence today. With sorrow in his heart, he fell silent for a long time, before finally saying, “It’s zhen’s fault.”

After he was finished speaking, he turned around and left at once.

After Li Zechen left the door of the Qi residence, he turned a corner before finally stopping.

The imperial bodyguards by his side asked respectfully, “Will Your Majesty return to the palace now?” 

Li Zechen clenched his fists, gazed heavily at the Qi residence, and said, “No.”


Ye Ming had knelt in the ancestral hall for a day and a night. Although he had 888 to shield the pain, he was still unbearably hungry. He didn’t even need to pretend to be on the verge of collapse.

[888: What are you doing? It’s not like there’s anyone watching. You can rest for a bit.] 888 felt very unused to seeing his host so dedicated to his work. 

[Ye Ming: It would be nice to slack off, but it’ll be a disaster if I’m accidentally exposed. It’s still best to tread safely, ai…]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: Also, we can’t know for sure when the emperor will arrive. I put in so much time, I don’t really want to take a quick break right now anymore. The more hurt I am, the more heartache he’ll definitely feel…]

[888: …] 

Ye Ming knelt, posture upright. As he looked at the memorial tablets before him, he said silently, I’m sorry, ancestors, I’ve brought shame to you. I’ve sinned, I’ve sinned…but when I finish my mission I’ll leave. I promise I won’t stay here and tarnish the century-old Qi reputation…Please forgive me, please forgive me…

His two legs had already numbed, and he was using the last of his strength to remain upright. His vision was a bit fuzzy.

Li Zechen was dressed in black from head to toe. He saw a subordinate across from him signal at him, indicating that there was currently no one passing by. In a flash, he leapt down from the tree and gently pushed open the door to the ancestral hall.

It was dim inside of the ancestral hall, and the atmosphere was dreary. The figure of a man dressed in all white knelt there, perfectly straight. As if he finally couldn’t bear it anymore, he swayed a little and collapsed toward the ground. 

Without thinking, Li Zechen quickly rushed over. He caught Ye Ming’s body, leaning him into his embrace.

The young man had already knelt for a day and a night, and blood stained his knees. His complexion was pale, there was dried blood on his forehead, and his lips were chapped. His appearance was very pitiful. His eyes were blank; it seemed he hadn’t been able to react yet.

After a while, he was able to make out the person holding him, and his eyes widened in immense astonishment. He struggled as if wanting to leave.

In a normal situation, Li Zechen would release his hold, but if he let go now, Ye Ming would fall to the ground, so how could he have the heart to do that? Li Zechen felt endlessly pained for him. He untied a water flask from his waist and brought it to Ye Ming’s lips. He said softly, “Drink some water…” 

Ye Ming was silent for a moment. Finally, he stopped moving, but still refused to drink his water. He opened his mouth and said hoarsely, “Your Majesty should not have come here.”

Li Zechen felt immense heartache and remorse. It was all his fault for not keeping a close eye on Imperial Concubine Liang. He said quietly, “Sorry, it’s all zhen’s fault…”

Ye Ming’s expression was sorrowful and complicated, but in the end, he didn’t say anything much and only quietly sighed. “It doesn’t matter…”

It wasn’t clear if it was his current situation that didn’t matter, or the events from the past, or maybe…he simply felt helpless toward all of it. 

Li Zechen observed at the punishment that Ye Ming had received and thought of how Grand Tutor Qi would rather face death than allow him to enter the residence…

The emotion in his eyes was incomparably sorrowful.

Although he had long since anticipated that none of this would be easy, at that time, he’d believed he would be able to protect Ye Ming and give him the very best. But what he didn’t expect was…that some things would always end up contrary to his wishes. He didn’t expect that he would choose to let Ye Ming go.

It was true that he could use his authority to force the Qi family to yield so that Ye Ming wouldn’t have to kneel anymore, but this would make Grand Tutor Qi even angrier and sow discord between father and son, which would break Ye Ming’s heart. 

It was true that he could use the threat of execution to intimidate people into not daring to speak even a word of unpleasantry before Ye Ming, but he couldn’t control the people’s internal speculations, and he couldn’t prevent people from casting Ye Ming meaningful looks.

It was true that he was the emperor, but in the end, there were some things on this earth that he could not control.

Just as he couldn’t make Ye Ming yield to him in the past, neither could he force those rumors to disappear now…he had thought that becoming emperor would mean he would be able to obtain all that he desired, but in fact, he was so powerless he couldn’t even protect the person he loved.

Then what was all of that hard work from before? In the end, it had become a mere joke. 

Li Zechen held Ye Ming in his arms. A profound sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body. Even words of apology seemed so feeble.

If I had predicted this earlier, perhaps I would have let you go from the start.

[Ding, Li Zechen’s blackening value -3, current blackening value 2]

Li Zechen’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. In his eyes was a look of acute pain. He said quietly, “Zhen will leave in just a moment. Zhen only wanted to come see you out of worry that something had happened to you…” 

Ye Ming shook his head slightly. He gazed into Li Zechen’s eyes and understood his pain, his sorrow, his powerlessness.

Ah, this person truly loved him…He was an emperor, yet his love had delivered him to this point. It was just a shame that he couldn’t return his feelings in the end. There was no chance for the two of them.

Nowadays, the only thing he could do was to make sure that this mistake did not continue on.

Ye Ming slowly said once more, “Your Majesty, please leave.” 

Li Zechen closed his eyes, then opened them. When all was said and done, his feelings hadn’t been accepted. He had braved the risk of coming here to see this person, yet only received the word “leave” in return.

But he was unable to harbor any anger or unwillingness because the one who had created this whole mess was himself.

It was his mistake that had led everything to reach the point of no return.

Li Zechen chuckled bitterly and said, “Alright.” 

He held the person in his embrace, knowing that after he let go today, he would never have the chance to touch him again, never even have the chance to see him. Li Zechen felt that all of the blood in his body had run cold, and his every bone hurt furiously, yet he slowly…released his hold…

Just then, the distant sound of a voice was traveled inside. The servant on guard nearby said respectfully, “Madam, why have you come…ah, His Excellency instructed that no one is allowed to bring food inside…”

Madam Qi was very angry and disappointed by Ye Ming’s actions, but in the end, she still cared deeply for her son. How could she bear the thought of him kneeling in the frigid ancestral hall for a day and night without food or water? He had only just recovered from his illness; what if something happened to him again? In the end, her heart softened, and she brought food over. She commanded, “Open the door.”

The servant saw that he couldn’t stop the Madam, nor could he persuade her to leave, and finally went over to open the door, helpless. 

Ye Ming listened as the footsteps got closer and closer. He thought of how Li Zechen was still here, and his expression changed abruptly. He grabbed his clothes tightly, knuckles turning white, and his eyes revealed a look of terror and dread.

No…he couldn’t let his mother see that Li Zechen had come!