Those two words were like some kind of spell, taking away all of his strength. Ye Ming stood there and did not turn around.

But even still, he seemed to be able to feel the cold gaze on his back. 

The one thing he regretted most in his entire life was taking that child away that day. At first, it was just for revenge. He was desperate to make Jiang Sheng experience the suffering that he’d gone through, so he stole away his child and vented the powerless despair and hatred he felt toward the world onto this innocent child, hurting him, abusing him, as if all of that was retaliation against Jiang Sheng instead…

He spent five years like this. Then, one day, he suddenly woke up and saw this tiny, skinny child looking at him timidly. It felt like he’d woken up with a start from a long nightmare.

He asked himself, What in the world are you doing?

From the moment you started studying medicine, you pledged to abide by your conscience and honor to help the dying and heal the injured, to dedicate your entire life to medicine, to help those in need. 

But the cruel reality had beaten him down in the end, and hatred had turned him into a sewer-dwelling rat that loathed even itself.

Cut off from the rest of the world, his soul had been imprisoned in the depths of hell.

He suddenly thought then that he couldn’t continue to go wrong like this. He hated Jiang Sheng, but none of it had anything to do with this child.

Finally, he brought the child out of the house, planning to set him free. But when they got to the station…he looked at the child’s little face. The child was instinctively clutching his hand tight, and his dark, black eyes watched the unfamiliar world with fear and unease.

He didn’t know a single person other than himself.

Even if Ye Ming had hurt him like that, the child still didn’t want to leave him, because he was the only person in his world.

He stared at him in a daze and thought, If my son were still alive, he should also be about this age…It would be perfect if my son were still alive…

He knew he should release his grip, but in the end, he couldn’t let go of that tiny hand. 

The two of them, one big, one small, tightly held each other’s hand and returned to their home again.

He made a selfish decision. He wanted to raise this child as his own.

He named him “Ci”—meaning to bid farewell to the past, to start anew. His life was no longer directionless; he could raise a child whom he could consider his own. To him, he was the sole antidote for an incurable ailment.

And so revenge turned into mutual dependence. In those most painful and desperate days, there were countless times that he’d wanted to give up and free himself. It was this child that let him continue to persist and live on. In him, he found the point of his own existence. 

He selfishly kept him by his side, convinced by his own lies, and stole what didn’t belong to him.

Because of his hatred and selfishness, he made mistake upon mistake.

Until the year that Jiang Ci turned sixteen. He’d bought him a birthday cake, and when he watched this child call him Dad and say, let’s be together for the rest of our lives, with that incomparably devoted and sincere expression, he finally couldn’t believe his own lies any longer, and he nearly started crying.

I am not your dad. 

I’m the person that kidnapped you, hurt you, and deceived you. Originally, you could’ve had a wonderful family, birth parents who loved you, and a life filled with sunshine. Yet I destroyed all of it, pulling you into my dark abyss with no regard for you.

I turned you into my son’s living substitute and gave you my so-called tender affection; I meant to steal all that originally shouldn’t have belonged to me.

When you find out the truth one day, you’ll hate me.

But I can’t keep treating you as the son of my enemy. My love for you is like love for my own son; it’s already penetrated deep into my flesh and bone. It’s rare for some things to be that clear…You gave me a chance to heal and start over, yet the only thing I can do for you is to let you go. 

This ridiculous act of revenge that’s gone on for sixteen years should come to an end. You should return to your real family’s side.

Just because I don’t want to hurt you anymore.

In all my life, I won’t be able to let go of my hatred for Jiang Sheng, but that has nothing to do with you. You’re one of the people I love the most.

Ye Ming clenched the medical file very forcefully. His fingertips whitened and trembled slightly. 

Pc atja rqila rfmbcv, atf qjlcoei wfwbglfr atja tf’v rfjifv jkjs lc atf ybaabw bo tlr tfjga yegra ogff ecmbcagbiijyis.

Lf mjwf ab atlr vlrajca mlas, frmjqlcu ojg, ojg jkjs. Lf vlvc’a fnfc tfrlajaf ab ifa ub bo tlr tjaf jcv obgufa jybea atf qjra. Lf qgbyjyis pera mbeivc’a yfjg ab ojmf atlr mtliv’r tjafoei ujhf, rb, ilxf j mbkjgv, tf gjc jkjs.

But I didn’t expect that we’d still meet in the end.

Jiang Ci’s right hand gripped his left hand tightly, nails piercing the back of it until lines of blood appeared. The pain made him become calm and clear-headed. 

Even though they had been separated for eight years, no matter how this person’s appearance changed, he could still recognize him with one glance!

The darkness at the bottom of his eyes began to gather together, and unbearable pain once again bubbled up in his heart. His thin lips parted, and he said icily, “You don’t seem to be very happy to see me.”

I’ve been thinking and thinking about you, but you?

You just turned on your heels and walked away. 

As coldhearted and ruthless as you were eight years ago, you didn’t spare me any thought.

“Why don’t you turn around? Because you don’t dare to face me?” Jiang Ci said, looking at Ye Ming’s back.

Finally, Ye Ming slowly turned around. He looked at the youth on the hospital bed. He finally had the opportunity to carefully examine him. It turns out you’ve grown to look like this…

I actually really wanted to see you, but I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. 

Jiang Ci narrowed his eyes slightly. His pupils shrank, and he stared intently at the man in front of him.

The man’s appearance was still just as handsome and bright as before, but the passage of time had made him look even more steady and mild, like a finely aged wine that had settled after time. His unwitting tenderness made people feel intoxicated.

He was wearing a white coat and holding a medical file. His identity was obvious.

It seemed he had lived pretty well for the past couple years. 

It’s good that you’re still living well.

This was Jiang Ci’s first thought. At first when he’d been abandoned, he hadn’t wanted to believe it. He was convinced Ye Ming had gone through some difficulties against his will, or he’d gotten into an accident. Unwilling to give up, he’d waited for him in their former home. Even though he knew he’d stolen him, he still wanted to demand an explanation, still as lowly as before.

But no matter how long he waited, he couldn’t get it.

Later, he thought, eight years have passed; perhaps that person already died. Otherwise, why had he never shown up? If he really cared for him at all, why would he leave without a word? Were those ten-something years that they’d depended on each other for really a complete lie? 

But now, all of his doubts disappeared.

You’re still alive and well—so I can no longer deceive myself into believing that you’d gotten into an accident.

This was Jiang Ci’s second thought.

If you really cared about me, how could you bear to leave me and disappear like that? While you were living well in a different city far away, did you ever think about all the suffering that I went through after you left me by myself? 

You’re truly a selfish and coldhearted person.

A liar, a criminal. After you gave me the charity of your gentleness, you then ruthlessly snatched all of it away, forcing me to accept the cruel truth.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value +30, current blackening value 90]

The corners of Jiang Ci’s lips lifted slightly, but his eyes were ice-cold. “We haven’t seen each other in so long; don’t you have anything to say to me?” 

Say something. As long as you say something, I’m willing to listen.

I’ll give you an opportunity to explain.

Ye Ming’s lips parted slightly. What could he say? Ever since the moment he left, the moment he abandoned him, he’d already predicted today’s situation. All of this had been a twisted mistake from the start.

A reluctant and guilty look swept through his eyes. Finally, he simply said, “I’ll have another doctor see you.” 

After he finished speaking, he turned around and began to leave.

Suddenly, the veins in Jiang Ci’s forehead pulsed and his fists clenched tightly. He shouted coldly, “You can’t leave!”

The bodyguard at the door had already gotten the sense that something was wrong. He immediately blocked the door and looked at Ye Ming icily.

Ye Ming looked at the tall, large bodyguard wearing a black suit. He breathed in deeply and considered the difference in their strength. Finally, he turned back and said, “What do you want to hear?” 

Oh, you’re really calm, huh.

You did something so despicable, yet you don’t even feel a shred of regret, living a free and leisurely life as before—why?

At this moment, the bitterness in Jiang Ci’s heart hissed like a viper and spread through his gut. Unbearable hatred turned his eyes as dark as an abyss. He used all of his strength to bring the ruthless urges in his heart under control.

Jiang Ci looked at the nametag on his chest, slowly saying, “So this is how Doctor Chen treats his patients? It’s really disappointing…but someone like you, who doesn’t have a conscience, probably wouldn’t be a suitable doctor.” 

He gazed at him coldy. “Say, if I reveal to the hospital that you were once a kidnapper, do you think you’ll still be able to have your current job and everything else?”

Ye Ming’s expression finally changed a little, but he still didn’t say anything.

No matter what excuses he gave, he couldn’t erase his past mistakes. If Jiang Ci was determined to report him, then that was his rightful retribution.

He didn’t hold any reluctance toward it. If he were to point out the one regret he had in his life, it would be that he couldn’t give Jiang Sheng his rightful retribution. 

Jiang Ci saw that Ye Ming’s face seemed slightly ashen, and he finally revealed a smile. He said meaningfully, “But it isn’t that this matter can’t be discussed at all. After all, you did leave me alive back then and graciously let me go. So…as long as you come see me once a day while I’m staying at this hospital, I’ll help you keep this secret. What do you think?”

At this, Ye Ming was a bit surprised. He looked at Jiang Ci, puzzled.

Did he not hate him, even though he’d treated him like that? All he had to do was visit him once a day, and he wouldn’t be reported? He was letting him go this easily?

Ye Ming vaguely felt that things weren’t this simple. Jiang Ci’s gaze seemed to want to swallow him whole, but…how could he refuse this demand? Didn’t he want to see him? 

This didn’t seem to be a threat to him, and instead seemed to be bait, luring him happily and willingly in.

Ye Ming said, “That’s all?”

Jiang Ci said, “That’s all.”

Ye Ming looked at him intently for a moment, then lowered his eyes and said, “Alright, I agree.” 

Jiang Ci smiled. His expression seemed to have already become calm again. The hatred in his eyes had also disappeared without a trace. As if he had reunited with a friend after a long time apart, he smiled gently and said, “Don’t forget it, Doctor Chen.”

After he finished speaking, he gave his bodyguard a meaningful glance.

The bodyguard, York, received Jiang Ci’s permission, and moved away from the door, letting Ye Ming leave.

After Jiang Ci saw Ye Ming leave, his expression immediately darkened. The smile on his face also disappeared without a trace. His hands tightly gripped his blankets, and he pursed his lips, not saying a word. 

The bodyguard York had already been with Jiang Ci for many years. Although in the beginning, it was Jiang Sheng who sent him to Jiang Ci’s side, he had already long been won over by Jiang Ci. Now, he was his trusted subordinate and was absolutely loyal to him.

York prudently closed the door and asked Jiang Ci, “Young Master, is there a problem with that person just now?”

Jiang Ci’s expression grew complicated. A painful look of struggle flitted through his eyes, and he said, “Have someone investigate his experiences these past few years. Also, keep him under observation; don’t let him escape no matter what. It’s very likely he’ll try to run.”

York responded with an affirmative. He’d always taken his job seriously and didn’t talk too much. He was prepared to leave when he heard Jiang Ci call out to him again. 

Jiang Ci looked at him seriously and said, “This is one of my personal grievances. Help me do this job well and don’t tell my father about it for now, understood?”

He knew how much Jiang Sheng hated Chen Zhao. If he discovered Chen Zhao’s whereabouts, he’d definitely destroy him by any means.

York nodded his head and left to make arrangements immediately.

Jiang Ci lay down, tired. Actually, he didn’t even know what he was doing himself. The moment he saw Ye Ming, his excitement and joy probably overcame his resentment. It was too bad that this person had still let him down in the end. 

He shouldn’t have once again held any expectations toward him at all…

Despite this, he also didn’t want to send him to jail and see him die. He knew that handing this matter over to his father to take care of might be the correct thing to do, but he instead hid this matter.

Before he properly thought through how he wanted to get revenge against this person, he just wanted to tie this person to his side so that he was unable to escape his control.

I won’t let you have another chance to abandon me. 


Ye Ming returned to his office, made a cup of tea, picked up a newspaper, and started reading.

[888: He let you go just like that???]

[Ye Ming: If not that, then what? Have his bodyguard beat me up and hand me over to the public security bureau?] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: You didn’t really think that, did you? (⊙v⊙)]

[888: I was just simulating a normal human’s way of thinking.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

[Ye Ming: My obedient son would never treat me like that, humph! He’s not that type of cold-blooded, heartless person!]

[888: Hehehehehe.]

On the second day, Doctor Liu came back. He and his girlfriend’s date went very successfully, and he happily expressed that he wanted to treat Ye Ming to a meal. But Ye Ming wasn’t in the mood and could only make up the excuse that he wasn’t feeling well.

Greatly concerned, Doctor Liu asked if he was sick and if he wanted to take time off. Ye Ming said it was nothing. 

Ye Ming had agreed to visit Jiang Ci every day. His heart was struggling and hesitant. He knew that this wasn’t right; Jiang Ci must definitely hate him, yet he couldn’t keep himself from agreeing to his request.

He really, truly missed him.

He’d stolen him away from his biological parents’ side for so long; was he living well now that he was back in the Jiang family? Did Jiang Sheng treat him well? These were all things he urgently wanted to know, but unfortunately, he’d already lost the right to be concerned about him from the moment he let him go.

Jiang Ci wasn’t Ye Ming’s patient; it wasn’t convenient for Ye Ming to see him every day, so he claimed that Jiang Ci was the child of a former friend. This way, even if he went to visit him occasionally, other people wouldn’t be suspicious. 

That night, Ye Ming hesitated for a long time, but eventually walked into Jiang Ci’s hospital room.

Jiang Ci was sitting quietly on the hospital bed. On the table in front of him, there was a laptop. It seemed he was working. His side profile was austere, his expression steady. He was young, yet he had an air about him that made people not dare to look down on him.

Jiang Ci heard him and turned his head. His fingers gently tapped against the table and then closed the lid of his laptop.

One day was enough time for him to clearly investigate Ye Ming’s current situation. He had come to work at this hospital three years ago. He took his work seriously and had a good relationship with other people. It was said that he was Li Xu’an’s junior from school. Any news from before that couldn’t be found in such a short time. 

After all, after he had stolen him, he’d hid zealously, and he’d had to evade his father and the police’s pursuit. He was sure to have concealed his identity and covered his tracks.

If he didn’t happen to run into him here, perhaps he wouldn’t have been able to find him for the rest of their lives.

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming’s hesitant and uneasy appearance. He sneered internally. Looks like you’re truly afraid of seeing me, huh? Could you possibly have some shame in your heart after all?

He spoke indifferently, “Sit, no need to be formal.” 

Ye Ming sat on the nearby sofa. He was silent for a while, then said, “What do you need me to do?”

Jiang Ci seemed to consider this for a while. He said, “Peel an apple for me.”

Ye Ming stared blankly for a moment. He didn’t expect that Jiang Ci would make this kind of request. Did he not have anyone to peel apples for him? But he didn’t ask questions and only picked up an apple, lowered his head, and peeled it.

Because his head was lowered, he didn’t see Jiang Ci’s ardent, intent gaze on him.

Jiang Ci looked at the man concentrated on peeling an apple. Before, when they were still together, Ye Ming would tirelessly look after him whenever he got sick. He was so gentle and attentive, as if Jiang Ci really was his son…he would sit in front of the bed, asking him with a smile, Does Xiao Ci want to eat apples?

Jiang Ci was briefly distracted, but his heart hurt as if it were leaking blood.

In the end, those all became flowers in a mirror, and the moon in the water. Those were all things he could never obtain again, even if he craved it. Since the moment the truth was revealed, he could never again have that gentleness. Rather, now, if he wanted him to peel an apple for him, he had to use commands and threats.

If you didn’t want me, then why were you so good to me later? Why weren’t you just heartless and cruel until the end? 

In these past eight years, rationality and emotion had constantly warred in Jiang Ci’s heart.

His emotions made him unable to let this person go, always wanting to find excuses for him, wanting to see him, yearning for his return. But his rationality continuously ridiculed him. This person was a liar, and he had ruthlessly abandoned him, and Jiang Ci wasn’t his son.

He wasn’t willing to accept this cruel truth—to acknowledge that this person might have never loved him at all.

Ye Ming finished peeling the apple and raised his head, silently handing the apple to Jiang Ci. 

Jiang Ci’s expression had already become indifferent again. When he took the apple, his fingertips touched Ye Ming’s, and a sort of terrifying throbbing feeling momentarily flowed through his entire body, making his hand almost shake and drop the apple on the floor.

Jiang Ci quickly took the apple and retracted his hand, but he didn’t eat it and only looked at Ye Ming deeply.

He had not touched him for eight entire years already.

Ye Ming was unable to meet Jiang Ci’s eyes, which seemed to be interrogating and blaming him. So he turned his head away slightly and sat there with his hands twisted together. 

Jiang Ci saw that Ye Ming seemed unable to sit still and suddenly smiled. “You can leave. Come back again tomorrow.”

Ye Ming lifted his head in astonishment. What on earth was he doing?

Jiang Ci’s voice lowered, and he looked at him meaningfully. He mocked, “You don’t want to leave?”

Tf Zlcu delmxis rabbv eq jcv ifoa klatbea ibbxlcu yjmx. 

Aljcu Jl kjamtfv Tf Zlcu’r oluegf ifjnf jcv atfc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv ibbxfv ja atf jqqif lc tlr tjcv vjhfvis. Vbwfktja tfrlajcais, tf tfiv la eq jcv abbx j ylaf. Pwwfvljafis jcv ecfzqfmafvis, tlr fzqgfrrlbc mtjcufv, jr lo tf tjv vbcf rbwfatlcu nfgs raeqlv, jcv tf tegifv atf jqqif ab atf oibbg tjgv! Ktf jqqif gbiifv lcab j mbgcfg jcv yfmjwf mbnfgfv lc vera, jr lo la kfgf j vlrmjgvfv qlfmf bo agjrt.

His eyes were filled with a pained look. Was he crazy? Even now, he was like a pitiful creature, begging that person to peel him an apple.

No, this wasn’t what he wanted at all!

The apple was undoubtedly sweet, yet he only found it bitter, disgusting, and nauseating. 

He should be getting revenge against him! Hurting him! Making him feel his own pain, making him experience the consequences of what he had done to Jiang Ci, making him receive punishment!

This was what was right!

Yet his two feet seemed to have sunk into a marsh, unable to turn, unable to leave, caught in his own trap and slowly sinking.

No matter what, he couldn’t forget everything he had once yearned for. 

York silently walked over, picked up the apple, and threw it in the trash. Because he’d helped Jiang Ci investigate Ye Ming, he already knew Ye Ming’s identity. It turned out that Ye Ming was the person that had kidnapped the young master back then.

He looked at Jiang Ci’s pained expression. He clearly should’ve hated that person too, yet he didn’t do anything.

Although the young master was young, he always did things cleanly and efficiently. This was York’s first time seeing such an irresolute side of Jiang Ci. York felt like he couldn’t understand it.

What is there to hesitate over regarding this kind of person? If someone dared to steal his own son, he’d definitely just kill him. 

“Young Master, do you need me to take care of him?” York offered. His thick-jointed hands clenched audibly, and his eyes revealed a cold light. “I promise the process will be clean and won’t cause any trouble.”

He had many methods to brutally kill a person.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes. “I have my own considerations. Just monitoring him for me is fine.”

York felt immensely regretful. He was prepared for a great display of his skill, but it seemed like the young master was unexpectedly a little bit unable to let go of that kidnapper…Was this the legendary Stockholm syndrome? Or had he been nurtured into having affection for him? He heard that back when the young master had just returned, he would always run away. It was very difficult to get him to finally stop messing around, and it had given President Jiang a massive headache. 

York felt that if he really couldn’t do anything, then he wouldn’t argue and would just let it be. This type of situation, where you couldn’t let him go but also weren’t willing to do anything…

Really, why would you do that?

After a while, Jiang Ci opened his eyes and indifferently said, “Tell Father that business on this end is experiencing some twists and turns. I might have to postpone my return for a bit.”

York shrugged. “Okay.” 


Ye Ming went to Jiang Ci’s hospital room to sit for a while practically every day. Jiang Ci didn’t need him to do anything and just had him occasionally pour him a cup of water or peel an apple. But he never drank the poured water and never ate the peeled apples.

The two people kept up such a strange atmosphere when interacting.

[888: There’s no progress at all.] 

[Ye Ming: Oh.]

[888: How about you just directly tell him the truth? His blackening value can disappear faster.]

[Ye Ming: That’s not appropriate. First of all, my character shouldn’t know what Jiang Sheng said to him, so I shouldn’t rashly mention it. Also, even if I told him the truth, investigating it will be as hard as touching the sky. After all, there wasn’t any evidence to sort it out even twenty years ago. Second, even though it’ll be easy to lower his blackening value at first, Jiang Ci will become distant later on, creating a situation where we’re even with each other. In the end, this can’t erase the fact that I abandoned him. It can only show that I’ve gone through tough times. This method would be easy at first but difficult later. Right now isn’t the best time to bring out the truth yet.]

[Ye Ming: It’s best to first think of a way to lower his blackening value, then wait for him to discover it himself. This way, it’s difficult at first but easy later…Plus, it actually won’t be all that hard. After all, my good son won’t really do anything to me. His dad is the one who’s capable of being vicious.] 

[888: This method is easy for you, but not necessarily for him. Looks like you probably don’t like him much after all.]

[Ye Ming: …Who says I don’t like him!]

[888: Really?]

[Ye Ming: Aren’t I earnestly thinking of a way to eliminate his blackening value? First I need to figure out how to make him less angry. Right now, he hasn’t even thought it through himself. It’s not good for me to make a move. I can only continue observing him. Wronged.jpg] 

[888: Hehe.]

A couple days passed like this. Once, Ye Ming worked overtime, and Li Xu’an came to visit him, bringing some late-night snacks.

Ye Ming saw that and ate very happily. He thought to himself that this older brother was pretty good. A considerate, close guy friend. He was really satisfied with him!

Li Xu’an was Ye Ming’s senior by one year. He was a very mature and charming man, elegant and graceful. Even though he was a single father with a son, he was still the most eligible bachelor in the eyes of all the women at the hospital. It was just that this highly eligible bachelor seemed not to be swayed by feminine charms, making many people wring their hands and sigh. 

Truthfully, they were going in the wrong direction. Li Xu’an didn’t like women. Back then, his family had vehemently forced him to marry a wife; it would be weird if he were swayed by feminine charms.

Li Xu’an had accidentally run into Chen Zhao three years ago. It had taken him a long time to recognize himback then, as Chen Zhao had changed quite a lot. Also, it seemed that he’d gone through some hardships. He had vaguely heard that this junior schoolmate seemed to have experienced an unfortunate accident soon after graduating and then disappeared, but because they weren’t close, he didn’t pay close attention to it. He just kindheartedly arranged a temporary job for Chen Zhao.

Although Chen Zhao was reserved, he was very earnest and hardworking at his job, and he was also quite capable. Li Xu’an gradually felt reassured and let him officially work at his hospital, and sometimes even invited him to his house to eat.

Chen Zhao didn’t care much for anything else; he just particularly liked children, and he also was well-liked by them. After interacting with Li Siyang a few times, he came to like him a lot. 

Gradually, the two parties began to interact more.

Without knowing when it started, Li Xu’an slowly began valuing this person. He thought that if it was Chen Zhao, he was indeed someone suitable for spending their lives together; plus, his son also liked him.

Gradually, his heart was moved. Recently, he heard that Chen Zhao was always working overtime, so he brought some late-night snacks to visit him.

Li Xu’an had always been a gentle and considerate person. He said, smiling, “You’re not young anymore, you don’t need to be so dedicated to your work. It’s better to let those young people work more overtime.” 

Ye Ming was unable to say that he also didn’t want to work overtime, he just had no other way to stay and see Jiang Ci. After all, it was better to see him at night; it would be bad if they got into an altercation during the day.

He revealed a shy smile and laughed, “It’s nothing, I’m single anyway. Unlike them, I don’t have any family I need to accompany.”

Li Xu’an saw that Ye Ming said it unconcernedly, but when he heard it, he felt somewhat sad. At their age, being alone wasn’t anything worth bragging about. In the end, people will always want a partner. It was just that he’d never met the right person. Nowadays, there were too few people who could settle themselves down. After getting past the carefree age, he just wanted to find someone to spend his life with, whom his son could also accept.

But what about Chen Zhao? Why was he alone this whole time? Without even a child? 

Li Xu’an couldn’t ask too much. In the past, he’d inquired about it indirectly, but Chen Zhao was extremely unwilling to talk about the past; he’d probably been hurt before. He smiled and said, “It’s up to you. It’s fine as long as you don’t tire yourself out. Eat while this is still hot.”

Right away, Ye Ming began happily eating, but he made sure to stay reserved. After he ate and drank his fill, he yawned.

Li Xu’an noticed and smiled helplessly. “I just said to not get too tired. Why don’t you rest for a while? I’ll stay here and watch over things for you. If something comes up, I’ll wake you.”

Ye Ming said with embarrassment, “That won’t be good, will it? Li ge should go home earlier. Siyang will be scared at home by himself.” 

Li Xu’an smiled. “He’s not an elementary schooler anymore, what does he have to be afraid of? Plus, if he knew I was keeping you company and not messing around outside, he wouldn’t have any objections.”

Ye Ming was about to protest again, but Li Xu’an was being very stubborn, so he could only close his eyes and rest on the lounge chair.

Li Xu’an sat to the side and played on his phone. He looked very comfortable and relaxed. This interaction actually seemed to resemble that of a husband and wife that had been together for many years.

Ye Ming closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. 

[Ye Ming: This is bad. Just now, I ate too happily and forgot to go see my good son. Who knew Old Li would refuse to leave after coming?]

[888: …Do you still remember your proper business?]

[Ye Ming: QAQ]

Li Xu’an nonchalantly looked at his phone. After a while, he saw that Ye Ming seemed to have already fallen asleep, and he turned his gaze toward him. His eyes contained a somewhat unsubtle look. 

He’d been single for these past couple years. He didn’t like to play around like those young people anymore, and being single seemed pretty okay. But once you had feelings for someone, it would suddenly feel a bit beyond control.

Li Xu’an looked at the clear silhouette of Ye Ming’s face. His thick, neat eyelashes cast faint shadows below his eyes. His lips were a light pink and looked very soft; they ought to taste pretty nice.

If you looked closely, his skin was still smooth. Although he wasn’t as dazzlingly, flashily beautiful as those youths, his countenance was like a trickling stream, well worth a second glance, and you also felt very comfortable interacting with him. If Li Xu’an’s partner was this person, he might not get tired of him.

Right now, this person was sleeping right in front of him. Suddenly, Li Xu’an was a little bit unable to control his desire to get close to him. He had always been worried that Chen Zhao wouldn’t accept his feelings, so he suppressed the sentiments in his heart. But right now, his feelings began to stir again. 

Li Xu’an bent his waist slightly and gazed at Ye Ming’s face from up close. He saw that he was deeply asleep and couldn’t help but lightly press a kiss to his forehead. His eyes were tender.

Do you know that, actually, I like you?

Jiang Ci arrived at the office and saw precisely this scene of Li Xu’an gently kissing Ye Ming.

He had originally been waiting in his hospital room for Ye Ming to come. Although he hated this person, he also couldn’t help but look forward to his visit. It felt like his entire day was spent just waiting for that short moment of arrival. 

But today, Ye Ming didn’t come on time.

Jiang Ci thought that maybe he was busy, so he waited a while longer, but Ye Ming still didn’t come…He finally stood up, leaned on his crutches, and left the hospital room.

Who would’ve thought he would see this kind of scene?

Ye Ming quietly sleeping on the chair, so comfortable and peaceful, while another man looked at him with tender affection and kissed him, as if they were a pair of sweethearts deeply in love…This scene was so beautiful it made people envious to the point that their eyes would drip blood. 

Ah…so this was the reason you didn’t come see me? Because right now, your heart is occupied by a different person.

What am I in your eyes?!

Jiang Ci tightly gripped the crutches in his hands. The envy and resentment in his eyes were practically tangible. All he wanted to do was barge inside and separate them without a thought for anything else!