Li Xu’an settled Ye Ming into a quiet villa. He hired specialized doctors and caretakers, and he often personally accompanied him as well.

Ye Ming’s illness wasn’t very severe to start with, so now that he had left the environment he was in and was no longer being stimulated by Jiang Sheng, he finally gradually woke up again, though Li Xu’an still didn’t dare let him hear anything about Jiang Sheng. 

On this day, Li Xu’an saw the news.

The chairman of the Jiang conglomeration, Jiang Sheng, had resigned, and the Ministry of Justice was currently investigating his unlawful conduct. Li Xu’an sighed. He now understood just how much Jiang Ci cared for Ye Ming.

For him, he didn’t even hesitate to send his own biological father to jail.

At last, Ye Ming no longer had to feign madness. Every day, he lived a life of leisure. Everyone was afraid of upsetting him, so they accommodated his every need like he was their ancestor. He didn’t need to mention just how pleasant his everyday life was. 

[Ye Ming: This is the treatment that only psychiatric patients get. Happy.jpg]

[888: You should probably know that typical psychiatric patients aren’t treated this way. Do you need me to broadcast to you how a psychiatric hospital treats its patients?]

[Ye Ming: Aiya, my good son and Old Li definitely couldn’t bear to treat me like that o(∩_∩)o~]

[888: …]

Though his day-to-day life was very laid-back, he still had to complete his mission, so Ye Ming kept a close watch on Jiang Ci at all times.

[Ye Ming: My good son’s a very upstanding person at the end of the day. This is the product of my good teachings~]

[888: …] He couldn’t actually deny it, but he didn’t want to admit it, or else this spicy chicken would become too self-satisfied.

[888: Reminder that there are 4 blackening points left.] 

[Ye Ming: I remember (⊙v⊙)]


Mrs. Jiang watched indifferently as the People’s Procuratorate took Jiang Sheng away. This person’s selfishness and coldness was the reason her son had been taken away, the reason mother and son had been separated for sixteen years…How had she been deceived by this person’s facade?

But to regret was useless. The time they’d lost could not be recovered, and her son could never return completely—half of his heart was left behind with someone else. 

Mrs. Jiang had once hated Chen Zhao terribly, hated the person that stole her child. Every day and every night, as she wept and wept, she would curse him bitterly. But when she finally understood the full truth…she suddenly found that she couldn’t hate that person anymore.

But perhaps she couldn’t forgive him either, because she’d rather be dead than lose her child.

She couldn’t forgive that person.

Jiang Ci had thought his mother would blame him, but in fact, Mrs. Jiang never spoke a word of criticism to him. She only looked at him complicatedly, sighed, and then carried on as if nothing had happened. 

But the more she was like this, the more anguished Jiang Ci felt. He had personally destroyed the family that—at least in his mother’s eyes—had been perfect, caused her to lose the husband who loved her, and exposed the cruel truth.

He didn’t want to hurt her.

Even though his mother acted as if she didn’t care, he knew she must be very sad.

Because of Jiang Sheng’s resignation, the company’s board members proposed Jiang Ci take over the position of chairman. Jiang Ci protested but became chairman in the end; it was just that he didn’t feel the slightest bit happy or proud. 

When one already had enough money, any more money became nothing more than just a number. He didn’t need this position to prove himself, nor could he bring himself to feel comfortable replacing his father in everything.

He had let him down.

Once Jiang Ci had settled the affairs at home and at the company, he drove to another city alone. In his hand was the address Li Xu’an had given him.

One day, out of the blue, this address had been sent to his phone by an anonymous sender from a number he didn’t recognize. It was only an address, but he knew it was from Li Xu’an. 

Here, a cluster of villas sat at the edge of a man-made lake. The surface of the lake reflected the shimmering night stars, utterly tranquil. Jiang Ci parked his car off to the side and looked toward the faint, flickering lights up ahead.

He knew Ye Ming was right over there. In fact, he really wanted to go over and see him, but he also didn’t have the face to do that again.

So what if he’d taken revenge against Jiang Sheng? There was no way to heal the wounds of the past.

So what if he knew he was wrong now? There was no way to take back the mistakes he made, either. 

Jiang Ci didn’t want to be noticed, so he always left when day came and returned at night, and then he would sit there all night long.

A few days later, he figured he should probably leave. There was no point in staying anyway. Li Xu’an would take good care of Ye Ming.

But one night, someone suddenly came over and knocked on his car window.

Li Xu’an had noticed Jiang Ci’s car a long time ago. The security around here was very high and had long since taken note of the car that always parked there without going anywhere, and they had told the homeowner, Li Xu’an, about it, worried that this might be someone with unfavorable designs on him. 

Li Xu’an took a look and told security not to mind it. That was Jiang Ci’s car.

The truth was, ever since Jiang Sheng had fallen from grace, Li Xu’an had been waiting for Jiang Ci to appear. He didn’t believe Jiang Ci would give Ye Ming up. And sure enough, Jiang Ci came, but to his surprise, he didn’t seem like he intended on coming in at all. Instead, he just stayed outside in his car for days on end.

Li Xu’an felt that he really ought to dislike Jiang Ci, but somehow, seeing him like this made him a bit distressed.

He thought about it. If it were him, he probably wouldn’t have been able to bring himself to do what Jiang Ci had done. His love wasn’t so stubborn or intense. He was willing to take care of Chen Zhao, to start a family with him, and to live a peaceful life with him, but if Chen Zhao didn’t want it, he definitely wouldn’t insist, either. He wasn’t dead set on him. 

At least in this aspect, he couldn’t beat Jiang Ci.

Now, though…Li Xu’an thought about it. He probably wouldn’t be getting the chance to confess his feelings in this lifetime.

He finally understood why Chen Zhao had been single all this time. It was because he could never walk out from the shadow of losing his wife and son. He could never let anyone else into his heart. And he wasn’t gay, either. If he confessed, he would only make him feel uncomfortable and guilty, and therefore push him away. It was better to say nothing and remain friends.

In any case, Li Xu’an couldn’t bear it anymore and finally came over and knocked on Jiang Ci’s window. 

Jiang Ci didn’t think Li Xu’an would come to him first. He rolled down the window and looked at him complicatedly.

Li Xu’an smiled faintly. “Since you’re already here, might as well come in for a cup of tea.”

Emotion flickered in Jiang Ci’s eyes. He looked at Li Xu’an, completely taken by surprise. What did he mean? He was letting him see Ye Ming? Did he not blame Jiang Ci?

Li Xu’an sighed. He must be getting old—that was why he was getting soft and finding this stinking brat a bit pitiable. But thinking about it, it wasn’t only because of Jiang Ci, but also because of Chen Zhao. 

Chen Zhao must care a lot about Jiang Ci, or else he wouldn’t have silently endured his sorrow or bore Jiang Ci’s misplaced blame.

Dfmjerf tf vlvc’a kjca ab mbcalcef wjxlcu wlrajxfr bg ab xffq tegalcu atlr qfgrbc, fnfc lo la wfjca tf kbeiv tjnf ab reoofg tlwrfio.

Lf ibnfv tlw ilxf tlr bkc mtliv.

Ol We’jc rjlv, “Jtfc Itjb lr mifjg-tfjvfv cbk. Ktf vbmabg rjlv tf’r nfgs rajyif jcv cbatlcu yjv rtbeiv tjqqfc. Po sbe kjca ab rff tlw, mbwf lc. Po sbe vbc’a vjgf ab, atja’r olcf abb. Tbe akb kbc’a tjnf jc fcv abufatfg jcskjs. Pa’r cba cfmfrrjglis j ubbv atlcu ab ulnf eq fjgis.” 

Jiang Ci studied him for a moment before suddenly opening the door and walking out.

Expressionlessly, Li Xu’an turned around and walked ahead.

Ye Ming was sitting at home, dressed in casual indoor clothes. He was thin, but his eyes were sharp and bright. He was obviously doing much better than before. When he heard the door opening, he smiled and turned around, saying, “Li ge came again? You don’t actually have to stay here with me all the time, I’m fine—”

Then his voice came to a stop. He had seen Jiang Ci walk out from behind Li Xu’an. 

Jiang Ci looked at the man in front of him. After many months, he finally got to see him again.

In these months’ time, he had been constantly worried. He wanted to know if he had recovered and how he was doing here at Li Xu’an’s place. Now, it seemed he didn’t need to worry anymore. Ye Ming had recovered well, and Li Xu’an had taken very good care of him.

Sure enough…as long as he got away from Jiang Ci, he would be just fine…

Jiang Ci was the only one who hurt him. 

This was also the reason Jiang Ci didn’t dare show himself. But after thinking about it for a long time, he finally decided to come and see Ye Ming once. He owed Ye Ming an apology.

An apology that came from his own mouth.

The smile on Ye Ming’s face gradually faded, and his gaze became complicated.

Ever since he became clear-headed again, he’d asked Li Xu’an about some things. Li Xu’an told him frankly that Jiang Ci had already let him go, and that it was him who had asked Li Xu’an to take him away. 

So Jiang Ci hadn’t lied to him. He really did let him go.

Why would he let him go?

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming. With great difficulty, he forced out two words: “I’m sorry.”

For a second, Ye Ming looked absent. Then he saw the pain and guilt in the depths of Jiang Ci’s eyes, and he was no longer doubtful. What else could make him let go except for that one reason? 

Ye Ming quietly said, “You know everything.”

Jiang Ci slowly nodded.

Seeing the pain in Jiang Ci’s eyes, Ye Ming remembered how he had once left him without even a goodbye, and he sighed. He looked intently at Jiang Ci. “Then why did you come back?”

Since you know everything, you ought to understand that we shouldn’t see each other again, and we can’t return to the past. 

After a long moment, Jiang Ci said, eyes sorrowful, “I owe you, so I should make it up to you.”

Ye Ming suddenly smiled and shook his head. He said, “I accept your apology, but you don’t need to make anything up to me. You should not and cannot make amends for someone else’s mistakes.”

Jiang Ci said, “But I hurt you, too…”

Ye Ming shook his head again, his eyes deep as the ocean. “That was what I owed you.” 

All of a sudden, Jiang Ci couldn’t say anything.

Truthfully, he had still been holding onto a shred of hope just now, hope that he might still have the opportunity to stay by Ye Ming’s side, even if it were only to atone. But when they really met again, he realized that he didn’t even have this opportunity.

Ye Ming wouldn’t even give him this opportunity.

Ye Ming said, “I forgive you, but you should go back now.” 

His words drifted into Jiang Ci’s ears, light as a feather. He couldn’t stop the rims of his eyes from turning red; he was like a very nervous child who had just made a mistake and then suddenly heard his father say it was fine. But what followed “it’s fine” was: Go. It’s fine because you’re not my son. 

He had obtained the forgiveness he couldn’t hope to receive, but it had come in such a cruel way.

But what else could he do about it?

He ought to be content with his forgiveness and shouldn’t be greedy for more. 

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 2]

Jiang Ci smiled slowly, though it was difficult to hide the anguish in his eyes. He softly said, “Then I’m leaving.”

From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other.

I want to tell myself to never come disturb you again. 

It’s just that I’m very sad inside, but I have no one to tell it to. All I can do is bury the pain deep down inside.

Ye Ming didn’t say anything. He just quietly watched as Jiang Ci left, and then looked away.

[888: This time he really left. You won’t have another chance to interact. Why did you have to say all that so resolutely?]

[Ye Ming: Not necessarily. I was just saying that casually. When I really want to see him again, will there really be anyone who can stop me? It’s just that I’ll have to find myself a good opportunity later, heehee.] 

[888: …] This person’s face was quite thick.

[Ye Ming: Anyway, even if I can’t find an opportunity, it’s not like there’s no other way to see him. Just watch me ^_^]

Outwardly, Ye Ming acted totally indifferent about Jiang Ci’s departure, but Li Xu’an still noticed the occasional dimness in his eyes, and he felt a slight sense of loss. Despite the grievances between those two, Jiang Ci was still very important to Ye Ming.

To be hurt by the person one cared about and then be let go seemingly effortlessly, how could one not feel sad? He didn’t want it to become this way either… 

After some time, Ye Ming told Li Xu’an that he couldn’t continue to be in his care forever—it made him feel very guilty. He wanted to go out and find a job.

At first, Li Xu’an didn’t want to agree; he was worried Ye Ming’s mental state wasn’t stable. But the doctor stated that he should let Ye Ming leave and once again assimilate into society, which would be of much more benefit to his recovery.

Li Xu’an thought it over and agreed. He arranged a relatively undemanding job for Ye Ming, which made Ye Ming feel very embarrassed, though in the end, he couldn’t change Li Xu’an’s mind and could only agree to it.

The two of them returned to the way they used to be, completely harmonious. 


Jiang Ci returned home at night. Mrs. Jiang had not yet gone to bed and was waiting for him at home.

She apprehended Jiang Ci and dismissed the servants. The house was very quiet and calm. Jiang Ci suddenly felt a bit guilty. His mother had probably guessed that he had gone to visit Ye Ming.

But Mrs. Jiang didn’t say anything about it and simply pretended she didn’t know. Softly, she said to Jiang Ci, “You must be tired coming back so late. I made you some soup; it’s still warm. Have a bowl of it before you go to bed.” 

Obediently, Jiang Ci sat and drank the soup. This was the soup his mother had personally made for him. He’d drunk it for many years now and knew its taste very well already. But he suddenly thought of Ye Ming again. The taste of Ye Ming’s soup…Once, he could also recognize it with just one sip, but now he’d forgotten it.

It had been too long. He couldn’t recall some of the memories of the past, nor could he find some of the people of the past.

Only he, foolishly, couldn’t let go.

Jiang Ci slowly grew busier. Perhaps keeping busy could keep him from thinking about things that he shouldn’t. 

One day, over a month later, Jiang Ci was working overtime and only headed home very late at night. He checked the time on his phone, and his gaze suddenly landed on the date at the top. He couldn’t help but stare blankly, before his eyes filled with pain.

Today was his “birthday” again.

Today wasn’t the true date of his birth. Back then, Ye Ming didn’t know his real birthday either, but how could a child not even have a birthday? So Ye Ming chose a date for him to set as his birthday, and every year, they’d celebrate his growing another year older.

Time flew by so quickly. In the blink of an eye, another year had passed. 

Nine years ago today, he’d vowed to stay together with Ye Ming forever. But that day was also the day they separated. In the end, he hadn’t taken a single bite of his cake. He hadn’t even blown out the candles…No wonder his wishes hadn’t come true.

Because the heavens hadn’t heard his wishes.

Jiang Ci gripped the steering wheel and suddenly made a U-turn.

Because of the late hour, all of the cake shops had closed. After searching around for a long time, he couldn’t find a single open cake shop. Finally, he could only go to a coffee shop and purchase their last slice of cake. 

Jiang Ci put the cake box on the passenger seat. He felt so stupid. Why didn’t he think of buying a cake earlier? Now he couldn’t even buy a whole cake, only what no one else wanted…just like himself. It was actually very fitting.

Today was just like nine years ago; it soon began to rain. Jiang Ci didn’t want to return home today. He was going to go to his separate apartment and spend the rest of his birthday there. It didn’t matter that he was alone.

He had never celebrated this birthday after returning to the Jiang family. He hated the person that had abandoned him, along with everything that person had given him.

This day was the greatest shame and deepest wound in his heart, so he’d always avoided it. 

But now he knew that at least that person hadn’t really wanted to abandon him. At least he cared about him. And all of a sudden, he wasn’t so afraid of this day anymore. He wanted to fulfill this wish of his—he pretended that person was here to finish celebrating his birthday with him, and he took a bite of the cake.

It was raining rather heavily, and it was difficult to see. Jiang Ci’s mind was wandering a bit; he kept feeling as if he’d returned to the rainy night of his past. Only, back then, he hadn’t been driving but walking under the rain all by himself, as helpless as if the entire world had abandoned him…

Suddenly, Jiang Ci saw someone rush out from a blind spot off the roadside.

The person had been standing off to the side, taking shelter from the rain under a billboard. There were very few people on this road at night, so there wasn’t a sidewalk or traffic lights. Having seen no cars, the person had wanted to take the opportunity to dash across the road. He ran very quickly, wanting to escape the rain. By the time he finally saw a car coming toward him, he was already completely stunned, and he stood foolishly stuck in place, his mind empty. 

Jiang Ci’s expression quickly changed. He used all of his strength to jerk the steering wheel!

Right at the moment of imminent disaster, his car swerved past that person and rammed heavily into the guardrails to the side! It spun around many times and made a loud crashing sound before finally coming to a stop.

The pedestrian had already been scared completely silly. After a while, he finally fished out his phone and called the emergency number, trembling.

Jiang Ci’s world was spinning round and round. There seemed to be blood running down his forehead and into his eyes, and he hurt all over. But what he thought was: Luckily I didn’t hit anyone… 

He turned his head a little bit and saw that the lid of the cake box had been flung open, and that miserable little slice of cake had fallen out and gotten ruined. Cream was splattered everywhere. Jiang Ci suddenly felt very sad.

In the end, he didn’t get to finish celebrating this birthday. He didn’t get to eat this slice of cake.

And if he died this time, he didn’t know if that person would feel sad for him.


Ye Ming had already fallen asleep by now, but he was suddenly forced awake by the sound of 888 talking in his ears.

[Ye Ming: Ge, even if you’re my brother, I won’t forgive you for doing something as inhumane as disrupting my sleep!]

888 didn’t say anything and just projected the entirety of Jiang Ci’s car accident for him to see. Even that tiny slice of cake got its own close-up shot.

Suddenly, Ye Ming was like a duck whose tongue had been cut out. He couldn’t speak. 

[888: I think your opportunity to get close to him again has arrived, jiayou! There are 2 blackening points left.]

[Ye Ming: Why are you so cold-hearted…]

[888: You misunderstand me. I’m just helping you verbalize the thoughts you’re too embarrassed to say aloud yourself. Am I considerate? Are you moved? Hehe.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

[888: This time you don’t have to worry about waiting for the right opportunity, congratulations.]

[Ye Ming: …] He felt like he was being ridiculed…

[Ye Ming: But I’m very happy.]

[888: ???] Was he ridiculing him the wrong way? 

[Ye Ming: If you’re still in the mood to banter with me, that means my son’s life isn’t in danger ^_^]

[888: …]

Though this really was a great opportunity to get close to Jiang Ci, Ye Ming “didn’t know” Jiang Ci had gotten hurt, and it wasn’t convenient for him to take the initiative to ask how Jiang Ci had been doing recently, so he could only wait patiently.

A few days later, Li Xu’an came over to visit Ye Ming. 

Li Xu’an had actually gotten the news right after it happened, but he’d still hesitated for a few days before coming over because he didn’t know whether or not he’d made the right decision. With Ye Ming’s kind heart, there was no way he could remain unconcerned about the accident, but he’d already made up his mind to draw a clear-cut line between himself and Jiang Ci. If Li Xu’an told him…would it make things difficult for him?

But he still came in the end, because he thought that if Jiang Ci didn’t make it this time, while Ye Ming remained unaware of the situation all the way through, Ye Ming might blame him if he later found out.

When Ye Ming saw Li Xu’an arrive, he opened the door with a smile and was just about to invite him inside. But Li Xu’an didn’t come in. His expression grave, he said to Ye Ming, “I have something to tell you.”

Looking at Li Xu’an’s expression, Ye Ming was a little surprised. His smile receded, and he asked, “What happened?” 

Li Xu’an paused, then said, “Jiang Ci got into a car accident.”

Ye Ming paled. His body swayed. Without even thinking, he asked straight away, “H-how is he?”

Li Xu’an said, “The situation’s not too good; he’s not out of the danger zone yet. Do you want to go see him?”

Ye Ming turned around and pulled on a coat. He closed the door with a faintly trembling hand and walked straight out. 

Li Xu’an looked sad. You really do still care about him. Even though he hurt you so much, he’s still someone you think of as a dearly loved one, so no matter how much you pretend not to care, you can’t truly bring yourself to not care at all…

Li Xu’an shoved down the meager jealousy in his heart and drove Ye Ming over.


Ye Ming got out of the car and immediately rushed into the hospital, but he didn’t expect to see a woman at the door of the hospital room, and he suddenly came to an abrupt stop, unable to move another step. 

There was no way he’d forget this woman. The years had aged her quite a bit, and she was no longer as beautiful as she once was, but he still remembered her gentle eyes…This was Jiang Ci’s birth mother. But because she’d received a shock, her eyes were red, and it seemed she had recently been crying.

He hated Jiang Sheng, but toward this woman, he only felt guilty. In order to get back at Jiang Sheng, he’d hurt innocent people—and Jiang Ci wasn’t the only innocent one.

She must really hate him…a criminal who’d stolen her child and separated mother and son. With her here, what right did Ye Ming have to visit Jiang Ci? Perhaps she’d call the police over to arrest him.

Ye Ming thought of this, and his expression slowly became calm again. He didn’t run away, only bowed slightly in acknowledgement. 

Mrs. Jiang stared back at him. This was the person who’d practically ruined her entire life. If it were before, she wouldn’t hesitate to call the police on him, but now…she suddenly couldn’t bring herself to do it. Her eyes looked pained and torn.

Because it was her husband who hurt this person first, but in the end, this person had still returned her son back to her, and now he had rushed over here despite the risk of getting arrested. He must really care about Jiang Ci.

His care couldn’t be fake, because if it were fake, he wouldn’t have been able to trick a person for so long. There was no way Jiang Ci wouldn’t be able to give up on him.

A long time seemed to pass, yet it also felt like a mere blink of an eye. 

With a tone as if she were simply speaking to a normal visitor, Mrs. Jiang suddenly said to Ye Ming, “Go see him. He’s inside.” When she was finished, she walked past Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was stupefied for a long time before finally realizing Mrs. Jiang was giving him permission to go inside and see him.

He stood there in a daze. Mrs. Jiang’s generosity made him feel even more ashamed and unable to show his face. He should’ve stopped earlier; if he’d returned Jiang Ci earlier, none of this would’ve happened…And he wouldn’t have caused innocent people to get hurt.

This was all his fault. 

With heavy steps, Ye Ming slowly opened the door and walked into the hospital room.

Jiang Ci lay quietly on the bed. His forehead was wrapped in gauze, and there was a ventilator strapped to his face. He was still unconscious.

[Ye Ming: He doesn’t look so good. Didn’t you say he was fine?]

[888: When did I say he was fine? Didn’t you come to that conclusion yourself?] 

[Ye Ming: …] That’s because I didn’t think you were that kind of cold-hearted system…I know you’re soft on the inside, even if you’re tough on the outside!

[888: Do you still have something to say or not?]

[Ye Ming: You don’t seem to want to pay attention to me anymore. Wronged.jpg]

[888: Hehe, you’re mistaken.] He thought he really fucking was an extremely dedicated system. Even if his host was such a spicy chicken, he still acknowledged him and didn’t leave him to fend for himself. 

[Ye Ming: How about this? Why don’t you help him wake up first before we leave? If he really dies, all our experience points from this world will disappear, and we would’ve done all this work for nothing.]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: Hello, hello hello hello, hello hello hello hello hello?]

888 ignored him. 

Ye Ming felt relieved. It looked like he really wouldn’t die this time. Thus, he patiently stayed somewhere close to the hospital.

Mrs. Jiang was neither cold nor warm to him. She neither obstructed him nor welcomed him. It was as if he didn’t exist, only, whenever he arrived, Mrs. Jiang would avoid him and leave, as if she didn’t want to be in the same room as him.

Ye Ming came to visit Jiang Ci every day. He didn’t stay for long; he’d just sit for half an hour and then leave. Eventually, even the nurses came to know his routine. This person came by every day. He must be someone very close to Young Master Jiang, though his interactions with Mrs. Jiang were always so strange. They didn’t seem to be friends.

Today Ye Ming was sitting by the hospital bed again, staring at Jiang Ci’s face and saying in his heart, My good son, why aren’t you awake yet? You shouldn’t have turned into a vegetable, right? He sighed. To tell the truth, he was a bit impatient about carrying on like this. Maybe he’d have to ask 888 to do something after all. 

Jiang Ci still did not wake up. Mrs. Jiang was so haggard it was like she’d aged ten years. It was a bit difficult for Ye Ming to continue seeing her like this.

The nearby nurse watched Ye Ming sitting there and sighing sadly. Internally, she was continuously speculating about this person’s identity. Suddenly, her gaze swept over the machine next to Jiang Ci, and she yelled, “He woke up!”

Her yelling made Ye Ming jump. He hurriedly raised his head and looked toward the bed, and saw Jiang Ci slowly opening his eyes.

Ye Ming quickly stood up, his body trembling slightly, and stared intently at Jiang Ci. 

Jiang Ci’s eyesight was a bit blurry, and he could only faintly discern that someone was standing in front of him. After a long time, the fogginess before his eyes finally seemed to disperse, layer by layer, and he could gradually see more clearly. The person in front of him…was Ye Ming.

At that moment, he figured he was probably dreaming. How could this be real? How could Ye Ming have come to visit him? But in these eight years, even in his dreams, this person still did not come back. How could he be willing to come back now?

For a short while, he couldn’t tell if this was his dream or reality.

The feeble hope in Jiang Ci’s eyes was so fragile it might have been blown away with a single gust of wind. His voice hoarse, he carefully said, “Did you come back to celebrate my birthday with me…?” 

I was waiting this whole time for you to come back and finish celebrating my birthday with me.

My exams are finally over! I hope everyone else did well too if you had any ^_^ also now my summer research is mostly cancelled bc the bulk of it involves multiple people being in close proximity to one another, and on top of that I didn’t get the remote research position I really wanted, so…I now have a lot of spare time, which means I’ll be uploading more frequently, though it’ll be on an irregular schedule!