Ye Ming blinked, and then found himself back in the system space. He sighed, “My son is going to have a psychological shadow.”

888 said coldly, “Everything would’ve been fine if he didn’t come up.” 

Ye Ming said, “…This isn’t like you, ge.”

888 asked, “Then what am I like?”

Ye Ming really wanted to say, You’re a defender of the three views, a melancholy and righteous master. I thought you were going to criticize me.

But he was afraid that if he said that, 888 would make things difficult for him in future worlds, so he quietly coughed and said, “I think you’re pretty sympathetic.” 

888 said, “I’m just rationally analyzing things. Although coming up and seeing that with his own eyes made his psychological shadows worse, the probability of his coming up was hard to control. It’s not something you caused. In these sorts of random, unforeseen situations, there’s no point feeling sympathetic.”

“…What you said seems to make a lot of sense,” Ye Ming said.

He understood his family’s system now. The innate nature of data would always be data. A system couldn’t possess all the emotions humans did. He’d probably ridiculed him before because he didn’t approve of his superfluous, trouble-seeking methods yesterday…not because he really felt all that bad for his targets.

Ye Ming decided not to invite more ridicule from 888. He laughed, “What’s the next world?”

The data stream on the walls ran for a couple of minutes. 888 said, “I’ve picked one. We can now commence input.”

Ye Ming stood up at once. “Let’s go!”

[Ding, transmission complete.]

Ye Ming felt for a moment like his soul was falling, and he knew the transmission was over. 

But when he wanted to check out his current situation, he found, to his surprise, that he couldn’t open his eyes. He seemed to find himself in a very strange state. Aside from being conscious, he couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, couldn’t open his eyes, and even couldn’t breathe…like he was within the ice-cold, deathly still body of a primordial mass of chaos.

Wait, if he couldn’t breathe, how was he alive?

Ye Ming felt that he was not in a great situation. He decided to first look over his memories and figure out which world he’d returned to.

This was a futuristic interstellar world. It was enormous, consisting of countless star fields and countless races. Humanity was this world’s largest race, and apart from humans, there were also many other peace-loving races. Together, they established the Human Federation, governing countless territories. 

The imperial family, parliament, and military acted as a system of checks and balances for each other, and were the ones who truly controlled the Human Federation. Theoretically, the Human Federation was such a large, formidable powerhouse in the universe that only a civil war would keep it occupied. But this world was not divided like that. In short, humanity could still be considered united, thanks to a terrible common enemy—alien beasts.

In this near-infinite universe, aside from humans, there were also many savage, beast-like lifeforms. They were strong, blood-thirsty, and vicious, consuming humans, planets, and minerals. They destroyed everything, almost like locusts, and there was no way to tame them. They had always tried to take over more and more of humanity’s fertile territory. They treated humans as food, disregarded all regulations, and imposed a primitive, bloodstained rule.

They were humanity’s greatest enemy. In order to stop these alien beasts’ invasion, the Human Federation established an immense battlefront! Although the alien beasts were strong individually, their race was enormous, and they were very unorganized. They did not know how to create and use high-tech weapons, and they reproduced like primitive animals…Because of all of this, they were not truly undefeatable. The Human Federation had always suppressed them. Although they were fierce, the danger they posed to humans was still at a controllable level—up until the most powerful alien creature emerged, changing everything.

They called it—Lord Xicks. 

Lord Xicks was a unique, unrivalled existence, born naturally from the universe. No one knew where its physical body was, and no one knew exactly what it looked like. But its powerful ability to control minds allowed it to command practically the entire race of alien beasts. The overwhelming majority of alien beasts all began to fall under its control. They no longer fought randomly. Instead, they learned to work together and started to devise intelligent strategies.

Thus, they suddenly became very troublesome.

Under Lord Xicks’s command, alien beasts began launching large-scale attacks on the Human Federation’s battlefront. Furthermore, they successfully defeated many of the bases where human soldiers were stationed, up until one day, in a situation outside of everyone’s expectations, they took over the Federation’s outermost steel fortress—Fort Laris!

The Human Federation suffered extremely heavy losses. In this battle, people finally realized that Xicks had the frightening ability to capture and transform humans into offspring under its control, and then release them back into the Human Federation as spies. This way, it could coordinate internal and external offensives. 

His Highness Saen of humanity’s imperial family also sacrificed his life the day Fort Laris was destroyed. The Human Federation’s frontlines had nearly been completely defeated, and countless humans became food. People finally began to realize the horror of Lord Xicks. Alien beasts were no longer just unintelligent, savage beasts; they were powerful and all-pervasive.

That desperate battle was ultimately dubbed—the Fall of Laris.

After His Highness Saen sacrificed himself, the military’s Marshal Cossen fought desperately to turn the tides. He fought at the head of the troops and finally beat back Xicks’s attack, stopping it at the second defensive line.

Cossen was the military’s number one war god. He killed thousands of alien beasts by himself and was practically invincible. After that desperate struggle, he revived humanity’s hope and helped people realize that those frightening alien beasts could be repelled, that the human military was still powerful. 

Cossen manned the frontmost lines of defense. He issued a series of regulations, shaping up the human military until its defense was watertight. They strictly investigated all sorts of spies, put every single soldier under rigorous inspection, and carried out a string of confidential measures.

If they wanted to ward off Xicks, they first could not allow him any other opportunities to have its minions infiltrate the human military.

The humans who fell under Xicks’s control later came to be called—the infected.

Although the infected were originally humans, after their transformation, they no longer had any memories of being human. Even their physical appearances and bodies might change. They were already completely under Xicks’s control. They didn’t possess the strong physique of those alien beasts; their bodies looked just like humans’. Their sole purpose was to be used by Xicks as spies. 

As far as humans were concerned, the infected could no longer be considered human, physically or mentally. This terrible consequence made humans hate it bitterly.

As soon as an infected person was discovered, they were killed on the spot!

And the body Ye Ming transmigrated into was called Harvey. He was precisely one of the infected.

He himself was human, but after he was transformed and controlled by Xicks, he no longer had memories of his time as a human. Then he was given a new identity and released as a minor soldier of the human military. 

Xicks commanded Harvey to infiltrate the human military, acquire as much information as possible, and climb up the ranks in order to prepare for its next attack.

This body of Ye Ming’s was controlled by Xicks to a certain extent, and he really didn’t have much choice otherwise. He decided to act chummy with Xicks on one hand, while completing his mission on the other. After all, Xicks had created so many offspring that it was unlikely it had the time to keep a vigilant eye on him.

But after some time, when he’d gotten a good grasp on his circumstances, Ye Ming discovered that this identity wasn’t completely without its merits. On the contrary, it was very useful. He quickly came up with a fabulous plan for himself.

Ye Ming’s target was humanity’s war god, the military marshal—Cossen. 

Cr j nfgs wlcbg rbivlfg, la kjr cba ja jii fjrs ab ufa Jbrrfc’r jaafcalbc. Dea atja kbeivc’a yf atf mjrf klat Wlmxr’r tfiq. Ugfrewjyis, Wlmxr kbeiv jirb yf nfgs qifjrfv klat atf lvfj bo tlr ufaalcu mibrf ab Jbrrfc jcv ujlclcu tlr joofmalbc. Ktja kjs, tf mbeiv yfaafg tfiq Wlmxr, jcv tf kbeiv qbrrfrr ugfjafg ealilas. Tf Zlcu qijccfv bc wjxlcu erf bo atlr wfcajilas bo Wlmxr’r.

Each with their own goals in mind, the human and the alien monster reached a consensus, just like that.

The infected people that Xicks created were many. Each one was of a different quality. Many would reveal their true appearance midway and become a half human and half animal monster. After their identities were exposed, they were killed. Another large percentage could not pass the testing and screening, and were then killed. In the end, only a small number of them could successfully infiltrate. But under Cossen’s iron rule, it was difficult to reach a higher rank.

Because humans had learned their lesson and had an extremely strict and infallible screening mechanism, Xicks’s plan did not commence very smoothly. 

But it was clear that Ye Ming’s body was a rare, successful one. He had a perfectly human form, and his gene sequence was very stable, so he was never discovered. He even passed strict testing many times. Finally, he gained a foothold in the human military, and he even achieved the rank of major.

Xicks had very high hopes for him.

Ye Ming thought he now had enough capital to negotiate. He began to ask Xicks to help him more and to allow him to get closer to Cossen and obtain his affection. Xicks agreed keenly.

It sent a group of alien beasts to attack a military base. This was because it was planned out in advance in order to help Ye Ming put on a performance…Ye Ming performed exceptionally during that surprise attack—he was the first to discover the enemy activities and saved many of his comrades. Because of his outstanding achievements, his military rank rose once more, and he caught Cossen’s attention for the first time. 

Two years passed that way. With Xicks’s secret aid and cooperation, Ye Ming embarked on a meteoric rise…Xicks did not hesitate to sacrifice great numbers of offspring in order to pave the way for Ye Ming, using them as stepping stones for him to attain outstanding military accomplishments. Little by little, he turned Ye Ming into the human military’s rising star.

He was smart, fearless, strong, daring, and handsome. He went from being a minor soldier to a senior ranking officer. He was the hottest topic in the military. Aside from Cossen, he was the officer who was most adored by young men and women. There were always many people expressing their love for him.

Cossen had met Ye Ming several times before and really admired his bravery and prowess. He offered generous support to this young and promising junior.

As Ye Ming’s rank kept climbing, so did Xicks’s investment in him. It believed he was its most perfect creation. 

Xicks was exceptionally fond of Ye Ming and ordered Ye Ming to continue getting closer to Cossen, to get closer to the heart of the Federation’s military.

It could be said that this demand was totally aligned with Ye Ming’s goals. He immediately expressed that he hoped Xicks could create more opportunities for him.

Thus, Xicks engineered another large-scale attack against the humans. This time, it was not a small affair. Not only did it dispatch great numbers of main forces, it even leaked the identities of several infected people who had previously infiltrated. The attack this time was extremely ruthless, and many military bases fell into desperate danger.

Meanwhile, Ye Ming performed very heroically in this battle, shining splendidly once again. He risked grave injury to provide assistance to Cossen’s troops, which were in critical danger. Though Cossen ultimately would’ve been able to break free without Ye Ming’s help, he would’ve definitely suffered heavy losses. It was Ye Ming who saved that military base…and saved their comrades and many innocent civilians. 

Although Cossen had taken notice of Ye Ming long before that, Ye Ming’s performance that time still stunned him.

Cossen brought the heavily injured Ye Ming back to his residence and put him through the best medical treatment. Moreover, he asked Ye Ming if he would be an officer for the troops under his personal command.

Ye Ming agreed, of course. With the spot-on semblance of a little fanboy, he said that Cossen was his idol, the goal that he strived for.

Cossen was very happy and thus kept Ye Ming at his side. 

By making use of his favorable situation, it was all too easy to to increase the favorability value. Now that he was at Cossen’s side, how could he still be worried that he couldn’t manage him?

Thus, over the next few years, they braved fire and water together. The two of them went from merely being superior and subordinate to being comrades-in-arms who could support and understand each other. And from there, they then secretly developed feelings for each other. Finally, because success comes naturally under the right conditions, Cossen confessed his feelings to him.

Ye Ming happily accepted his confession, and they established a relationship. Cossen’s favorability value subsequently filled completely.

Unfortunately, Ye Ming had to leave soon. Right when he had finally maxed out the favorability value and was considering how best to leave, he received an order from Xicks for the first time in a long time. 

Xicks believed that his current rank was already high enough. He was a major general of the military and the lover of the person truly in control of the military, Cossen. Finally, he could be of help to it.

Xicks ordered Ye Ming to steal important classified information, combat deployment plans, and blueprints from Fort Frederick. It also demanded he work with it from the inside during its surprise attack, opening side entrances and exits for its forces.

It would be best if he could also seize the opportunity to assassinate or stall Cossen.

Ye Ming then remembered that he’d been using this monster for a long time now. Now, the other party was going to collect interest. To gain something from someone else, one had to do something for them in return…but in any case, he was a human. Although he’d messed around a little bit before, he couldn’t go so far as to help these man-eating monsters fight his own people. 

He could overlook whether or not he betrayed Cossen, but to ask him to toss hundreds of millions of human lives into the flames of war and allow them to be massacred—even if he were playing a game, he couldn’t be so deranged.

Ye Ming didn’t plan on cooperating with Xicks from the start. After he maxed out the favorability value, he could burn the bridge after crossing it! It’s not like you can do anything to me.

But this matter suddenly inspired Ye Ming. He decided to beat it at its own game! Although he wouldn’t actually steal classified information, he could let Cossen know that he was infected. This way, he would stop loving him.

To kill every single infected person was Cossen’s very own command! 

It was also meant to protect the integrity of the human military. It was at the core of resisting Xicks. It was the bottom line that could not be crossed!

The second night after Ye Ming received his orders, he made copies of backup files of military secrets and quietly escaped. This way, Cossen would discover that he and the military secrets had disappeared together and quickly come to realize that he was a spy sent by Xicks.

But just as he fled to an uninhabited star field, he was intercepted by a group of people.

The one who had intercepted him wasn’t one of Cossen’s people, but they too were from the human military and were one hundred percent human—Major Roy. 

Roy was a human, but he had been bewitched and betrayed humanity with Xicks’s help.

He had always looked up to Cossen. He was jealous that Ye Ming could win over Cossen’s complete and utter admiration and love, and that he had Xick’s trust and favor…The jealousy twisted his heart.

Xicks realized that Ye Ming actually did not intend to listen to its demands and was escaping in the opposite direction. Thus, it immediately ordered people to go and intercept him. Because of his hatred and jealousy for Ye Ming, Roy volunteered to go and capture Ye Ming.

Ye Ming actually dared to betray Master Xicks! He would lose everything! Roy simply wanted to lift his head toward the skies and laugh. Ye Ming was seriously digging his own grave. 

Ordinarily, would Ye Ming be afraid of the insignificant Roy? But now, he was about to leave. It didn’t really matter what happened to this body. It was fine if he got caught.

Thus, his last memory before he left was being captured by Roy and handed over to Xicks.

[Ye Ming: …I feel like Xicks probably won’t let me off easily.] That frightening monster was not easy to fool. He’d used and betrayed it, so it definitely wouldn’t let him go. But what was with this current situation?

[Ye Ming: How come I haven’t died yet? It didn’t skin me alive?] 

[888: Xicks is probably still a little bit reluctant to kill you. After all, it created tens of thousands of infected people, but only you could successfully become a major general and trick Cossen into being wholly devoted to you. Put yourself in its shoes: you’ve raised ten thousand sons, put your blood, sweat, and tears into nurturing them, and finally, there’s one that’s the most promising and capable. But in the end, he suddenly becomes disobedient. Do you kill him straight up or teach him to listen to you obediently?]

[Ye Ming: That’s still wasted effort…]

[888: That’s right. After you were caught, Xicks commenced punishment for you. I would like to kindly remind you that getting skinned is nothing compared to this.]

After speaking, 888 input images directly into Ye Ming’s brain. They were of Ye Ming’s body in this world, Harvey. He was completely naked, his eyes were closed as if he were in a deep sleep, and numerous vein-like threads, as thin as pores, pierced his skin. It was as if his entire person were run through with countless threads of blood. He was surrounded in darkness, which seemed to be some mixture of cloudy liquid and flesh. 

Ye Ming found it horrible and disgusting…He wasn’t inside of the monster’s body, was he ahhhh?!

[Ye Ming: It looks really awful…but what kind of punishment is this? It’s not painful or itchy. It’s like hibernation.]

[888: Hehehehe…]

[Ye Ming: What are you laughing about?] 

[888: If I weren’t afraid that you’d be in so much pain that your soul would fly straight back to the system space, I’d take down the pain shield so you can experience this nice sour taste.]

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: If a woman giving birth is a ten, then this would at least be a hundred. Those threads of blood are all Xicks’s neurons, which can make you sink into an endless nightmare and go through eternal torture. It’s already been about three years. For all three years, you’ve been suffering through pain and torture in this nightmare. I’d say it’s really angry you aren’t obedient, hehehehe.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

[Ye Ming: Ge, you have to stay steady! You absolutely can’t take down the pain shield by accident!]

[888: Beg me, beg me, and my hands won’t be shaky.]

[Ye Ming: I’m begging you!!! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ]

Forget it. 888 didn’t feel the slightest bit of accomplishment from threatening this spicy chicken. 

[888: You’re stuck here with no memory anyway, so I’ll package up all the outside news from the past three years and send it to you. Take a good look at it.]

Ye Ming looked at it and turned pale with fright.

Soon after he was captured by Xicks, Xicks still launched its attack according to its original plan.

Though he’d destroyed the data he copied when he fled, Roy still betrayed the Human Federation, using Ye Ming’s iris and fingerprints to steal the confidential information and handing it over to Xicks. 

With Roy’s betrayal, Xicks’s attack defeated over a thousand human bases at once. The entirety of the great Fort Frederick was occupied by Xicks, and the humans’ line of defense was pushed back a hundred thousand lightyears. Three hundred million civilians and sixty million soldiers perished in that battle.

Its degree of tragedy did not lose to that of the Fall of Laris in the slightest.

After eight years, Fort Frederick was left behind and disappeared into the dust of the cosmos, along with Fort Laris.

Whereas Ye Ming (Harvey) became infamous throughout the interstellar world. 

Ye Ming’s (Harvey’s) identity as an infected person was verified. He escaped right before Xicks launched its attack. In addition, he used his authority to steal military secrets. This was conclusive evidence that he was the traitor!

The renowned Major General Harvey, Cossen’s most trusted subordinate, comrade-in-arms, and lover had betrayed him.

Betrayed humanity.

Harvey’s name went down in history, just like His Highness Saen’s. But His Highness Saen was a prince who’d sacrificed himself for humanity, and was admired by all…whereas he was the most infamous, most despicable spy and traitor in history, and was despised. Moreover, because of him, people hated and feared the infected even more. 

It was because of those traitorous monsters under Xicks’s control that humans paid a tremendous price once more.

They all had to die! The human military underwent another huge purge. They would rather kill an innocent than to let an infected slip away. For a time, everyone was on high alert, and people even killed each other solely out of suspicion.

Finally, it was Cossen who once again ordered a stop to this absurd behavior.

If they allowed panic to continue spreading, they would destroy themselves before Xicks even got the chance to attack again. 

In this desperate situation, Cossen didn’t have the chance to deal with the pain and sadness of his lover’s betrayal. He withstood the pressure and led the troops to combat, and with great difficulty, stabilized humanity’s last remaining battlefront, stopping Xicks’s army outside. Then, he returned to the capital star to receive interrogation. Because Ye Ming had implicated him, some people proposed to remove him from his post and investe him.

Thus, he underwent a string of rigorous questioning under torture targeted at high-ranking officers and daily and nightly interrogations meant to extort a confession.

Finally, it was the imperial family that came out and backed Cossen, saying that he had only been deceived, and that Cossen would definitely never betray humankind. Finally, he was released.

But power struggles did not discriminate between good and bad timing. There were always people who didn’t like Cossen and wanted to weaken his military power. They unceasingly used Ye Ming’s (Harvey’s) betrayal to attack him and smear his name. 

The huge casualties led much of the people to be immensely dissatisfied with Cossen. He was the true commander of the military, yet he fell in love with an infected person. One after another, they questioned his ability, and some even suspected that he too was an infected who had betrayed humanity. All sorts of baseless, ridiculous speculations bubbled up from the masses. Each rumor had someone encouraging it from behind.

Despite ultimately preserving his rank with the imperial family’s support, this was still a blow that was hard for him to recover from. He was clearly a courageous hero of humanity, yet he was mocked and ridiculed because he had fallen in love with someone he shouldn’t have loved.

Cossen didn’t care about his opponents’ attacks, nor did he care about other people’s derision.

What hurt him was the fact that the person he loved most had betrayed him, and the price was the lives of those three hundred million innocent civilians and sixty million soldiers. Their blood would always be spilled across the depths of the cosmos. 

Fused together with Fort Frederick, which was now already part of the dark world.

Regret and pain tormented him at all times.

In order to make up for his mistakes, Cossen personally issued a reward for Ye Ming’s (Harvey’s) death. As long as he was still alive in any corner of this universe, every single human should kill him!

[Ye Ming: QAQ] 

[888: What’s wrong?]

[Ye Ming: If I go back like this, I’ll be drowned in everyone’s spit…so scared, I’d better stay here for now.]

[888: Now you know fear? Did I or did I not stop you at the time? Why would you pretend to be some traitor? Now you’ve really become a traitor. If you’d stayed there and were discovered and killed, it’d still be better than the way things are now. At least Roy wouldn’t have had the opportunity to use you.]

[Ye Ming: Yingyingying, I’m wrong…] 

[Ye Ming: If I knew it’d turn out this way earlier, I would’ve kicked Roy to death back then, that trash. Ultimately, I’m just playing with emotions. He betrayed his own people! And he fucking put the blame on me!]

[888: Yep, he’s worse than you.]

[Ye Ming: …] 888 actually didn’t ridicule him and said someone is worse than he is! Sure enough, if there was no comparison, there was no harm. As long as he had this kind of garbage to contrast himself with, 888 would think he’s good! This was called picking the lesser of two evils…

[888: But I’m absolutely not saying that you’re good.] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: Let’s not talk about all that for now. This world’s mission is hard to carry out…Right now, I have a notoriously bad reputation. Anyone who sees me is going to want to kill me. There’s no way I can go back and eliminate the blackening value. I bet as soon as I enter the Human Federation, I’ll be chopped up into mincemeat. I won’t even be able to see Cossen, and even if I do, he might also put righteousness before his loved ones QAQ…Plus, I’m currently trapped here, and I can’t leave at all.]

[888: It’s not completely impossible. It depends on whether or not you can adapt to your circumstances.]

[Ye Ming: Do you mean how Xicks is planning on using me again?] 

[888: If it thought you were completely useless, what would it keep you for? It’s torturing you like this because it hopes you’ll swear loyalty to it.]

[Ye Ming: But that’s easier said than done…]

Ye Ming thought it over for a bit. Xicks was stopped after it captured Fort Frederick.

Cossen had always personally defended the first battlefront and was very difficult to deal with. Xicks simply had no way to defeat him. Their fight was once again stuck in a deadlock. 

But because of him, the human military’s interrogation of the infected became even stricter, which made it very hard for Xicks to infiltrate again. Those they had sent previously were killed before they could enter the army. After all, offspring like Harvey were very difficult to create.

If it weren’t for his high value, Xicks would definitely have killed him straight away.

[Ye Ming: I have an idea!]

[888: Oh?] 

[Ye Ming: I’m going to pretend to surrender! I need to first think of a way to get out of here, and then we’ll see from there! (⊙v⊙)]

Ye Ming began to say to himself everyday, So painful, so uncomfortable, don’t want to keep going, want to give up, going insane…And he asked 888 to transmit his feelings to Xicks through the nerves it had implanted in his body. 888 saw how hard he was pretending and finally brought himself to cooperate.

Like this, a month passed. Suddenly, one day, Ye Ming felt a wriggling sensation all around him, and with a vomiting sound, he was spat out like throw up.

888 immediately reminded him in his ear to immediately scream! Scream with as much misery as he felt, and don’t hold back. 

So as soon as Ye Ming discovered he could scream, he began to scream mournfully. His cowering body knelt there, his voice hoarse. He couldn’t open his eyes for a long time, and he was covered in a sticky, disgusting mucus. He seemed to be on some meaty cushioning, and he blearily opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by enormous tentacle-like things, folded together to form a tightly closed cage. The suction pads on them were bigger than his head.

It was very hard for Ye Ming to keep himself from vomiting. His entire body was trembling, not because it hurt…but because he felt it was so horrible and gross ahhhhh!

[Ye Ming: What the fuck is this thing? The universe’s super tentacle monster???]

[888: This is Xicks’s body.] 

[Ye Ming: Where was I spat out from just now…Never mind, don’t tell me!]

[888: Okay, it was from inside of that suction pad right above your head. Previously, you were inside of one of its tentacles.]

[Ye Ming: …] Holy fuck, he lost his appetite ahhhh!

Just as Ye Ming was shivering, he saw the huge tentacle in front of him begin to slowly split into two, revealing a small gap. Then, a huge, golden eyeball appeared in front of it. That yellow eyeball had vertical slitted pupils. It was so big its veins could be seen distinctly. It was absolutely terrifying. 

A deep, resounding, incorporeal voice emerged in Ye Ming’s mind. “My child, have you thought it through?”