Ye Ming opened his eyes, a bit disoriented. After a long moment, he finally realized that the person in front of him was Cossen, and the expression in his eyes immediately became uneasy. He’d passed out during training, and Cossen had witnessed it. Would he think Ye Ming was slacking off?

Ye Ming quickly struggled to get up, but when he moved, he couldn’t keep his expression from twisting in pain. 

An awkward look flashed momentarily in Cossen’s eyes before disappearing. He hadn’t expected Ye Ming to suddenly wake up or to actually be caught holding him…but he soon noticed Ye Ming’s movement and expression. Clearly, he hadn’t noticed Cossen’s brief moment of softheartedness.

Cossen calmed down and schooled his features once more. He pressed Ye Ming back down and said, his voice deep, “Don’t move.”

So Ye Ming didn’t dare move anymore. His shoulder was pressed against Cossen’s chest. Even though their uniforms, he seemed to be able to feel this person’s steady, strong heartbeat and warmth. He couldn’t help but recall how gentle this person used to be, and his heart hurt even more.

His lips moved. His voice was low and hoarse. “I-I haven’t finished training yet.” 

Cossen sighed internally, though his gaze and expression remained unfeeling. Indifferently, he said, “Today’s training is over.”

Ye Ming was a bit taken aback, but he didn’t ask why. As a soldier, he only needed to obey orders.

Cossen picked Ye Ming up and strode to a lounge next to the training ground. He set Ye Ming down on the metal seat and commanded, “Let me see the results of your training.”

Ye Ming eyes flashed with doubt. This was a lounge. There were no testing devices—how could he show Cossen his training results? For a moment, he stayed there a little helplessly.

Cossen saw the way Ye Ming looked like he was in a bind, and his gaze became distracted for a split second.

The young man was pale-faced. He was clearly completely worn out, but he still persevered. Sweat dripped down his slender neck and along his meticulously buttoned collar before disappearing somewhere out of sight. Modest yet alluring.

He didn’t even know how enticing he was, just as he didn’t even know how many people used to be crazy about him…

No, that wasn’t right…Cossen’s eyes darkened. He must have known very early on, so he deliberately enticed them, lured them in, and made them most happy to serve him. Even if he’d changed his appearance, everything he did still plucked at one’s heartstrings all the same. 

He’d always been very good at making use of his assets.

Cossen’s gaze slowly shifted down. His thin lips parted slightly, his voice cold. “Corporal Kevin, let me see if you’ve prepared adequately to service me.”

When Ye Ming heard this, his face turned white and then red. His ears were burning up. Only now did he understand what Cossen had meant. He actually wanted to see these “training results”!

He met Cossen’s cold, unfeeling, dark red eyes. He bit his lip, stiffening. A look of embarrassment appeared in his eyes, but still he took off his pants and turned his back toward Cossen. 

Just then, Cossen spoke once more. “Face me.”

Ye Ming froze. He could only turn around again and face Cossen straight on…Like lingchi, the gaze of the person in front of him sliced his dignity into countless tatters.

His hands trembled slightly. But what was even more flustering and unbearable was that he didn’t even know how he should exhibit himself to Cossen. After a long while, he finally reacted and sat on the cold metal chair…putting himself fully on display for Cossen to see.

Cossen’s gaze was dark. The young man was wearing a black military uniform on his upper body, with not one thread loose. His head was turned, his eyes downcast. His long, curved eyelashes fluttered gently. On his face was an expression of pain and silent endurance; his lips were pursed so tightly they turned white. His frail chest moved up and down with his breaths… 

While the lower half of his body was completely bared for him to see.

It made one want to torment him even more, yet it also made one want to feel tenderness toward him. These conflicting feelings intertwined in him.

Cossen’s gaze lowered, and his brows furrowed slightly. After several consecutive days of high-intensity wrestling, running, and other forms of training, that place had already been rubbed raw and bleeding, and there were also dried bloodstains on his black pants. It was clear what kind of torment he’d suffered during training.

But even still, this person didn’t have the slightest intention of giving up or begging for mercy. Instead, he kept doing his best to bear with it. He never said anything improper or complained. 

Cossen’s heart suddenly ached terribly. He’d once resolved to make this traitor taste the consequences of evil and to make him understand the cost of betrayal. He believed he absolutely wouldn’t become softhearted.

When he watched as Fort Frederick was destroyed before his very own eyes, when he watched as countless lives turned to dust among the universe, when he received all that blame on the capital star for their defeat, when he was in the interrogation rooms being tortured day and night and divulging everything that happened between himself and this person over and over again…when he faced the people’s disappointment…

He constantly told himself that he would never again be swayed by this person. But in reality…his heart had still softened. When he saw this person being tormented, he once again felt pained.

As he was punishing this evildoer, he was also punishing himself. 

[Ding, Cossen’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 90]

Cossen’s fingers curled slightly. It took all the strength he had to keep himself from acting abnormally in front of his person. He really wanted to take a step forward, to get closer to him…but, as if it were Star Aisin’s coldest frost, his rationality froze him in place.

Why aren’t you fighting back?

You’re definitely not this kind of person. You used to fight fearlessly in order to protect your homeland. You used to recklessly stand up against senior officers in order to protect the weak. You used to detest the evils in this world and lament the state of humanity…When you faced injustice, you’d bravely voice your opinions. 

These were all the things I loved about you…

But now, even when I treat you so unreasonably, you bear it silently from beginning to end. You can pretend to be anyone in order to achieve your goals.

So staying is that important to you? 

Jbrrfc rajgfv ja atf qfgrbc lc ogbca bo tlw. Vibkis, tf rjlv, “Tbe mjc ajxf la bea cbk.” 

Tf Zlcu tjv aegcfv tlr tfjv jkjs atf fcalgf alwf. Ktf tfjns rlifcmf wjvf tlw fzagfwfis jrtjwfv. Lf vlvc’a vjgf ojmf Jbrrfc, rb tf xfqa tlr ujhf jnfgafv. Po tf kjr vbbwfv ab yf gfvemfv ab atlr rajaf, tf vlv cba kjca atf bcf tf erfv ab ilxf ab ibbx ja tlw rb qlalifrris.

After receiving Cossen’s permission, Ye Ming abruptly heaved a sigh of relief. He’d done his utmost to bear it for the past few days, but he knew he was nearing his limit.

Cossen’s hands clenched into tight fists behind his back. He turned around to leave, but when he was almost at the door, he finally turned back and stared at Ye Ming, asking, “Do you think I’m being excessive? Is this hard to endure?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were downcast. Of course this was excessive and hard to endure. 

But he recalled Kevin’s original memories. He thought of Kevin’s despair when he was destitute and without a home, and he couldn’t help but feel pity. He didn’t want to see any humans die. He didn’t want to see their suffering, or mountains of corpses or seas of blood. He didn’t want to see any such tragedies happen again.

He wanted to protect them, like a true human soldier.

Ye Ming slowly looked up and said seriously, “It’s a soldier’s duty to obey orders. From the moment I decided to join the military, I dedicated my life to fighting the alien beasts! If it meant I could become stronger, strong enough to fight the alien beasts, I would endure anything.”

“I don’t have any way of bringing my parents or little sister back to life, but I can keep those who are still alive from experiencing the tragedy I went through.” 

Cossen’s pupils constricted slightly. He stared at Ye Ming.

When the young man said these words, he didn’t look away or hesitate. The sorrow, dedication, and determination in those eyes were so sincere they almost made one feel them as vividly as he did.

But Cossen knew this was all fake. The sliver of softheartedness that he had just experienced mocked him pitilessly, like a demon. It said, See, just a moment ago, you were sympathetic toward this person. You hesitated. And then he immediately lied to you once again. He’s not Kevin; he’s just relying on the memories he’s seen to put on such a realistic act. And you were still beguiled by him? He’s truly a powerful infected. He must certainly be Xicks’s darling.

Almost inaudibly, Cossen laughed at himself. He shot a mild glance at Ye Ming. His calm voice was tinged with an oppressive, heavy chill. “You’re still far from being able to fight against alien beasts.” 

When he was done speaking, he turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Ming waited for Cossen to leave before putting his clothes back on. He straightened them out, returned to his dorm, and took that thing that constantly tormented him out of his body.


[Ye Ming: Ah…I feel as lithe as a swallow, as if I’ve been freed. Amazing!] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: It finally went down ten points. But this is just a small fraction of the blackening value. The focus still has to be on Roy. Speaking of, how come he still hasn’t shown up yet? I’m itching to start a fight with that little spicy chicken!]

[888: So this is the battle between a big spicy chicken and a little spicy chicken?]

[Ye Ming: …Ge, did you accidentally say your inner thoughts out loud just now?] 

[888: …Just pretend you didn’t hear that.]

[Ye Ming: I heard it!!! Do you curse me out internally a lot???]

[888 was silent for a while: Oh…so you heard it. Then so be it, spicy chicken.]

[Ye Ming: …] For the sake of the pain shield, he wouldn’t bicker with his system. 

It seemed Cossen was letting Ye Ming off this time, but Brody redoubled his efforts in tormenting Ye Ming. He just didn’t like Ye Ming at all.

On this day, Ye Ming came to the training grounds again. Brody asked him, “I heard your family also died at Fort Frederick?”

Ye Ming nodded, looking sad. “Yes.”

For the first time, a peculiar look appeared in Brody’s icy blue eyes, as if he were remembering something painful. Softly, he said, “My little brother also died that day.” 

Ye Ming thought of that boy and sadly lowered his head, silent.

Brody said, “So I vowed to kill every last alien beast, to kill Xicks, and to kill that traitor Harvey, even at the cost of my life!” He paused for a moment, then continued, “Since you have the same ideas, then you have to train even harder. Otherwise, with your current strength, you’d only be food for the alien beasts.”

“Yes!” Ye Ming said.

Brody patted Ye Ming’s shoulder and smiled encouragingly. There was a strange look to his eyes. “I’ll help you.” 

Then he straight up doubled the intensity of Ye Ming’s training program.

After two days of it, Ye Ming felt like he was about to become Superman. He really admired himself for being able to make it through. It wasn’t easy being a soldier!

[Ye Ming: I really admire these soldiers, really. They’re amazing people…but I’m very delicate, and I just need to be protected QAQ]

[888: If you want to be protected, then cry. Cry delicately and someone will come to protect you. Why would you needlessly act all tough when you’re not, you know? And now you’ve been struck by lightning.] 

[Ye Ming: Yingyingying, yingyingying…]

[888: What are you crying at me for? Do you want me to protect you?]

[Ye Ming: Can you protect me?]

[888: Hehe, stop dreaming. You still have one thousand pushups to do today. Jiayou, I’m cheering you on.] 

[Ye Ming: …]

Facing a system as coldhearted as his laogong, Ye Ming was submerged under a sea of pushups and unable to free himself from his terrible heartache.


Brody always put Ye Ming through the most rigorous training, but Ye Ming didn’t falter. The entire time, he was like a perfect, up-to-par soldier. Even when he was occasionally alone, Ye Ming still didn’t behave strangely. He didn’t make friends with anyone, nor did he ask around about anything. He couldn’t be more well-behaved. 

Finally, Brody couldn’t help it anymore and went to see Cossen. He asked Cossen, “I’ve been monitoring Harvey strictly this entire time, but he has never made any moves. Are you sure this method will be effective? What if he never contacts anyone?”

Cossen hesitated for a moment, then said, “There are definitely other traitors hidden in the military. He’s our only lead.”

It wasn’t that Brody didn’t understand that, but as the days went on, his patience was gradually wearing thin. He thought of his deceased family and friends…while Harvey, this traitor who deserved to die, still lived on, and he was nearly unable to suppress his pain and hatred any longer.

Brody grit his teeth. Suddenly, the look in his eyes became ruthless. He said, “Why do we need to go to so much trouble? Just arrest him and torture a confession out of him!” 

Cossen’s expression flickered slightly. He didn’t say anything.

Brody felt he’d come up with a terrific idea. He’d long since wanted to punish that damned traitor, and let him experience the utmost pain before dying! He suggested again, “What if he continues like this, never doing anything? We don’t have the time to dilly-dally waiting for him. It’d be better to just question him under torture! The interrogation department came up with a new method of interrogation specifically for the infected! Maybe this time it’ll work!”

The reason Brody only thought of this now was primarily because previous interrogation of the infected yielded very minimal results. It wasn’t like they hadn’t attempted to capture and torture any infected instead of killing them straight away, but they slowly realised that…each one of the infected had a very strong consciousness, and they were under Xicks’s complete control. As soon as they were captured, they would constantly attempt suicide. Not a single one gave in. They were like untameable wild animals—they were just like alien beasts.

They only questioned them under torture for lack of a better option. So later, after getting nothing out of them, they would be directly killed off. 

Cossen pursed his lips together tightly. After a long moment he said, his voice deep, “Let’s wait a little longer.”

Brody was a bit unhappy. He blurted, “Are you reluctant to do it?”

Cossen’s expression became frosty. “Colonel Brody, please pay attention to your words. I just don’t think it’s time to resort to that yet. Don’t let hatred muddle your thoughts.”

Brody also knew that he had misspoken, but he just truly hated Harvey too much. Every day, he had to see him so lively and healthy, yet he couldn’t actually do anything fatal to him—this tested his willpower endlessly. 

Cossen said, “I’ll think of a way to test him. Go ahead and leave first.”

Brody saw that Cossen was truly displeased now, so he didn’t dare to go against him anymore. No matter how good their personal relationship was, there was still a disparity between their ranks. Plus, Brody was in the wrong for doubting Cossen’s motives over something so minor.

If Cossen truly wanted to shield Harvey, he wouldn’t have handed Harvey over to Brody.

Though Brody understood this, he was still sulky. He wondered what new methods he could come up with to deal with Harvey tomorrow. Let’s see just how long you can hold out. Why don’t you just show your true colors quickly? 

Cossen watched Brody leave. A look of struggle flashed in his eyes momentarily. Then he shut his eyes tiredly.


In this world, everything had to be seen relative to something else. Ye Ming used to be really unhappy during those miserable days when he couldn’t sleep in and had to report to Cossen every day.

But after a while, he realized…in contrast to Brody’s demonic training program, pouring tea and water for Cossen seemed like a fairytale life. What Ye Ming looked forward to most every way was staying with Cossen. He would rather wait upon his laogong than go to training! 

[Ye Ming: I think Keke ought to be making some moves now. He’ll definitely set up some opportunities to test me. Ah, so nervous…Speaking of, he’s been training me for so long but still hasn’t used me. Isn’t that kind of a waste? I’m very resilient, so I can try out all sorts of positions, and I’m also very soft there, heeheehee…]

[888: …] This was truly a case of forgetting how much something hurt once the injuries healed. What should he even say?

[888: Get lost.]

Recently, there had been several skirmishes on the borders of Fort Müller. The alien beasts had suddenly attacked an important base, and the fighting had led to heavy casualties among the people on that planet, because the severe damages to the planet had rendered it unable to sustain human habitation. 

Even though the military had already dispatched as many starships as it could to evacuate the native people of the planet, 99% of them still perished.

This was the cruelty and the cost of war. No matter how hard they fought, the flames of war would still spread uncontrollably, and the ferociousness of the alien beasts meant that casualties were unavoidable…Cossen didn’t want to watch another such tragedy occur. It reminded him of the pain he felt back when Fort Frederick was destroyed.

Today, Cossen was on his way back from the meeting room. His expression stoic, he connected to General Monroe’s communications device and said in a deep voice, “General Monroe, how goes your search for Xicks?”

General Monroe said, “Still working on it. I’m planning on launching an attack on Xicks soon. This is the deployment plan. Please take a look.” 

“Alright—” Cossen was just about to reply, but then he seemed to remember that Ye Ming was still present. He looked up at Ye Ming, who was standing by the door, and said instead, “Message it to me. I’ll look over it in a little while and give you my feedback.”

General Monroe agreed and transferred the data over.

Cossen took out an encrypted storage device, copied the data, concentratedly looked it over, and then carefully locked it in his drawer.

He didn’t seem to be in a very good mood. All morning, his expression was aloof, his brows were furrowed, and from time to time, he would drum his fingers on the table. 

When it was almost noon, Cossen finally finished his work. He raised his head and glanced at Ye Ming. A bit impatiently and in a commanding tone, he said, “Corporal Kevin.”

Ye Ming immediately walked to Cossen deferentially.

Cossen’s dark red eyes gazed at him. He said insipidly, “Take off your clothes.”

Ye Ming shuddered. He knew this meant Cossen wanted to use him now. Even though he knew this day would come sooner or later, even though he’d already gone through all that torment and violation…he still couldn’t get used to it. 

He couldn’t get used to the fact that someone he used to like with his whole heart had now become an unfeeling senior officer who could violate his innocent subordinates at will, that he could do this to someone without a care…He definitely wasn’t like this in the past. In the past, he only liked him.

Ye Ming pushed aside his hurt and did his best to hide it. According to his orders, he took off his clothes, piece by piece, and stood before Cossen with his head turned to the side so as to avoid his gaze.


In a small break room next to the command room, Cossen took this person once more. He grabbed Ye Ming’s hair, his gaze falling onto his pale neck. That delicate, slender neck was like that of a beautiful swan, bared in preparation for execution. Its tragic beauty drew Cossen in unwittingly. 

Cossen had never kissed Ye Ming. He only ruthlessly took and plundered, because he believed that kissing was something between lovers—it was obviously not fitting to kiss this despicable, heartless traitor…so he made Ye Ming turn his back toward him and didn’t look at his face or those eyes…This made it easier to keep himself under control and make sure he wouldn’t impulsively show any emotions he shouldn’t, which would allow this infected to discover his true feelings.

But in this moment, Cossen’s gaze fell onto Ye Ming’s slender, smooth neck, and a certain urge surged up violently in his chest once more. He really wanted to kiss him, to taste him…Cossen lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s neck.

At first, this kiss was very gentle, but gradually, it became more forceful. Finally, it turned into biting, as if he wanted to vengefully drink his blood and bite his throat open.

Ye Ming bit his lip in pain. He didn’t let himself make a sound, silently bearing this person’s assault, his mind blank…At this moment, he thought, It would be better if I really were an emotionless beast, so I wouldn’t feel hurt or sad about being treated this way by the person I like. 

Despite going through intense training, it was still very difficult for him to receive Cossen. This time, it was clear that Cossen wasn’t exhibiting any restraint and was much rougher than last time.

In the end, Ye Ming finally fainted.

Cossen looked at the unconscious youth on the bed and paused for a moment before turning around and walking out.

Ye Ming slept in a daze. About half an hour later, his eyelashes fluttered gently. 

[Ye Ming: How long did I sleep?]

[888: Just half an hour.]

[Ye Ming: Keke left?]

[888: Yes, he left you here by yourself.] 

[Ye Ming: Tsk tsk tsk, in order to test me, he put in a lot of effort to do me unconscious. It’s really not easy for him. After all, my physical aptitude is the real deal. He’s worked hard.]

[888: …]

[888: Oh, right, I’ll share some good news with you for free as a gift. Roy, who you’ve been waiting for, finally came. He’s on the way to see Cossen right now.]

Ye Ming slowly opened his eyes and found himself still lying in the bed in the break room. This was the break room right next to Cossen’s command room and was directly connected to the place where he did his daily work. 

Ye Ming sat up on the bed. He wrinkled his brows and seemed to be silently enduring some pain. He picked his clothes up off the floor and carefully put them back on. Then he finally pushed the door open and went out.

Unexpectedly, Cossen wasn’t there. Ye Ming revealed a look of surprise and stood there somewhat hesitantly.

Currently, it was nearly two in the afternoon. Soon he would have to go over to Brody for training, but Cossen had left him here alone. Should he report to him first before leaving?

Ye Ming hesitated a little, watching as the time passed, but Cossen didn’t seem to have any intention of returning. Ye Ming became increasingly uneasy. 

This was Cossen’s command room, and he was here alone. If people found out, they might start suspecting something. After all, there was too much confidential information stored here. It definitely wasn’t someplace a junior officer like him could just access at will.

Out of fear of being misunderstood, Ye Ming didn’t even dare look around too much. Despite being completely alone, he behaved extremely cautiously. When he saw that it was only ten minutes until two o’clock, he finally grit his teeth and decided to leave first.

If he was late, Brody would definitely punish him again.

Ye Ming walked to the door and pushed it open to leave, but when he looked up, he suddenly saw a familiar black-haired, black-eyed face. His expression changed abruptly. 

Roy’s face also fell in an instant. Then his gaze traveled downward, landing on the hickeys on Ye Ming’s neck. The jealousy within him reared its head and hissed like a viper, causing him to nearly lose control of his expression.

Recently, he’d been in charge of combat at a different base. It wasn’t easy for him to finally return to base star A001. He was itching to come and report back to Cossen, but what did he see instead? He actually saw this damned filthy infected come out of Cossen’s command room, and he even had hickeys on his neck!