Ye Ming stood right next to Cossen and stared at the enormous mech that had dropped out of the sky in a daze.

[Ye Ming: Ah, what a beautiful woman. This figure, this face, this temperament…truly worthy of being Her Highness the princess.] 

[888: …] Yep, this spicy chicken was always focusing on the wrong things.

[Ye Ming: And those pretty purple eyes immediately remind me of myself. My only gripe with Xicks is that it actually ruined my extraordinary appearance! Seriously intolerable!]

[888: …Looks like you already know who Harvey originally was?]

[Ye Ming: Ge, you should’ve figured out something this obvious a long time ago. Right now my little sister is already right in front of me. Quick, check if our genes match up. After all, it’s better to be a little more certain about something so sensational ^_^] 

[888: Wait one moment.]

A few minutes later:

[888: Checked and confirmed. Harvey was originally Saen.]

[Ye Ming: Were you just not gonna tell me if I didn’t ask? Wronged.jpg]

[888: I wasn’t sure either, hehe. After all, Veronica was far away on the capital star, and I hadn’t checked her genes on site. Everything was risky and uncertain. I’m only a system. I assist you in accomplishing your missions, but I have no obligation to give you suggestions.]

[Ye Ming: …] He always felt like 888 was doing this on purpose…Was that a delusion?

The more Ye Ming looked at this convenient little sister of his, the more he became fond of her. He liked pretty, bold beauties! Actually, Ye Ming had begun having suspicions about Harvey’s original identity a long time ago. What about Harvey was so special that would make Xicks repeatedly make exceptions for him, even fusing part of its own body with him?

Of course, there was another crucial point: Xicks had said on more than one occasion that he was its most perfect creation. What kind of human was worthy of being called perfect by Xicks? 

Something created from the fusion of the noble blood of the royal human family and Xicks’s own body would naturally be different from those low-level infected. Add Saen’s charisma on top of that, and it was no surprise Xicks was so obsessed with him…This tentacle monster had pretty good taste.

Originally, it would’ve been a little bit tricky for Ye Ming to clear his name completely, but with this identity, it would simply be too easy.

[Ye Ming: How embarrassing, I have a feeling those keyboard warriors are about to get their faces slapped o(∩_∩)o~]

[888: You’re that confident? Don’t forget that your current appearance is completely different from your previous one. You also no longer have your previous memories. How do you plan on letting others find out your identity?] 

[Ye Ming: Since Keke’s already invited my little sister here, it’ll be an insult to my IQ if I still can’t expose my identity.]

[888: Hehe.]

Brody stood there dumbly. “H-her Highness Veronica…Why is she here?”

Ye Ming looked confused too. He turned to Cossen and asked, “Did you know she would come?” 

Cossen lowered his head and looked at Ye Ming warmly, offering him a reassuring glance. His voice deep and low, he said, “I knew. I asked her to come.”

Ye Ming looked astonished.

Jbrrfc qjalfcais fzqijlcfv, “P cffvfv rbwfbcf qbkfgoei fcbeut jcv gfiljyif fcbeut ab qgbafma sbe. P mjc’a tjcv sbe bnfg ab Jjrrler bg atf qjgiljwfca, yea lo P xffq sbe tfgf, la’ii bcis jiibk atfw ab wbcbqbilhf qeyilm bqlclbc ab jaajmx wf. Vb P’w ublcu ab qgfafcv ab tjcv sbe bnfg, jcv atf qfgrbc P’w tjcvlcu sbe bnfg ab wera mbwqifafis mbcnlcmf fnfgsbcf firf jcv ifjnf atfw ecjyif ab bypfma. Lfg Llutcfrr Nfgbclmj lr j nfgs relajyif mtblmf. Vtf’r atf qglcmfrr jcv tjr jikjsr yffc nfgs eqrajcvlcu…P mjc beakjgvis rjs atja P’nf jigfjvs tjcvfv sbe bnfg ab atf qglcmfrr ab jkjla gfaglji. Ktlr kjs, cb bcf klii mbwqijlc jcswbgf.”

Cossen wrapped an arm around Ye Ming’s shoulder and gazed down at his eyes. A little bit reluctantly, he said, “Sorry, I’ll have to trouble you by asking you to stay with her for the time being. I’ll figure out a way to clear the charges against you as quickly as possible and then bring you back honorably and openly.” 

Ye Ming understood what Cossen was trying to say. He smiled a little and said, “You’ve already done a lot for me. This isn’t any trouble.”

Seeing how well Ye Ming understood him, the profound emotions in Cossen’s heart became even harder to repress…Truthfully, when he was with him, he never had to explain himself that much—that was how well they understood each other, as if they’d known each other for a long, long time.

They were friends, and they were also comrades in arms and lovers…He was very glad to have met him.

To have met such a kindred spirit. 

Ye Ming’s expression was blank, but on the inside, he was a little bit excited.

[Ye Ming: This…really is a case of having a pillow sent to you right when you’re nodding off. I don’t even have to think of ways to get close to my sister anymore ^_^]

[888: …]


Veronica strode towards them from the center of the plaza. Everyone near her rushed to bow in salute.

In the Human Federation, the royal family didn’t have the supreme power that they would’ve had in ancient feudal societies, but they still had the noblest blood and power, and they were a symbol of strength…The royal family had the right to intervene in any decisions made by the Human Federation, and they had equal power to the parliament and military.

But the people respected the royal family so much not merely because of their noble blood and power. More importantly, they were genuinely worthy of respect—from generation to generation, they had been the true protectors of humanity.

Prince Saen, as a noble member of the royal family and the only son of the emperor, personally fought the alien beasts at the frontlines. He’d even offered up his own life for the sake of humanity. All his life, he fought to protect. 

His character was worthy of everyone’s reverence. And his younger sister Veronica was also a valiant warrior, who now carried on his determination.

So everyone’s salutes and respectful expressions at this moment were heartfelt.

Lieutenant General Cassius and Representative Lindt had halted in their movements the moment the enormous mech landed. They met each other’s eyes defeatedly.

Now that Her Highness Veronica had arrived, if they dared to forcefully snatch people or start a revolt, they wouldn’t be able to complain even if they were stomped to death…And it was also said that Cossen had always had a very good relationship with the royal family. Most likely, Veronica had come here at his behest as reinforcement. 

The most important thing to do right now was to think of a way to make themselves seem innocent.

Representative Lindt immediately took a step forward to greet Her Highness Veronica.

He was an ordinary looking brown-haired, brown-eyed middle aged man, and seemed very amiable. But in fact he was a scheming, cunning politician. He smiled respectfully at Veronica. “Why has Your Highness come here all of a sudden?”

Veronica had already walked up to them. She was very tall, an entire half a head taller than Representative Lindt. She raised an eyebrow and said, “If I hadn’t come, would you have revolted? Representative, sir?” 

Lindt laughed. “How could that be? It was just a little disagreement. Marshal Cossen isn’t willing to hand over that traitorous infected. People will be uneasy if he continues to harbor him. I have orders from the highest level of government requesting him to hand over the traitor…We’re only acting under orders too, aren’t we, Lieutenant General Cassius?”

Cassius had gone a bit foolish staring at Veronica. No one knew that the boorish Lieutenant General Cassius was actually secretly one of Veronica’s fanboys. He stammered, “Y-yes, we’re only acting under orders.”

Veronica’s expression did not turn disdainful or angry. Calmly, dimly, she said, “Then it must be a misunderstanding. To tell the truth, I came here under orders to take in the infected too. His identity is very sensitive, and it’s very likely that he knows secrets about Xicks, so my father asked me to come here and assist in Marshal Cossen’s investigation. From now on, Harvey will be under my supervision. Do you have any objections?”

Internally, Representative Lindt was extremely resentful; they were only missing the final step. But now Veronica had arrived with the emperor’s orders, rendering his own provisional orders useless. And he couldn’t say he didn’t trust the royal family. So pretending to be very happy, he said, “Since Your Highness has come, it would of course be most appropriate for Your Highness to take him in. Surely no one would object, and now I can be at ease.” 

Veronica nodded. She didn’t intend to exchange any superficial pleasantries with them. Instead, she walked right past the two of them.

Cassius’s gaze followed Veronica’s elegant departing figure, and he suddenly wondered if it was appropriate to ask for an autograph right now…

Lindt glanced at Cassius and nearly died from anger! This pig-brained muscle head! He still had the heart to chase after women even now?! He should be thinking about what to do! He’d offended Cossen immensely; Cossen might make him pay with his life!

Veronica was dressed in a close-fitting combat uniform. As she walked, the sound of her silver-white alloy boots stepping on the ground rang clear. 

She came after receiving Cossen’s request. She and Cossen weren’t very close, but her big brother Saen was good friends with Cossen.

Back when her brother covered the retreat at Fort Laris all by himself, surrounded by countless alien beasts…Everyone was escaping in a panic, and the army was defeated. The entire star field was enshrouded in the fear of destruction…Back then, she was far away on the capital star watching on powerlessly.

She wanted to go rescue her brother, but she couldn’t go, nor could she have gotten there in time. No one else could go help, either. Reinforcements were delayed. No one dared go forth and face danger; everyone was fleeing…In the middle of this chaotic crisis, only Cossen bravely stepped forward.

Cossen brought with him the troops under his command and attacked the group of alien beasts like a sharp blade carving against the currents. He’d risked his life to try and save her brother. 

Although he was just a little too late to save her brother’s life in the end, Veronica was still grateful to him, grateful that he’d offered a helping hand in a time of calamity.

So three years ago, when Cossen faced the immense pressure and countless criticism for his defeat, the royal family chose to stand with Cossen…They couldn’t deny all that this person had done for humanity and his sincerely devoted heart just because of one mistake. He was without a doubt a heroic warrior and deserved respect just like Saen.

This time, Cossen had landed in hot water because of Harvey again, but Veronica trusted that he wasn’t the type of person to shield a traitor. She wouldn’t forget how Cossen had personally gone to help rescue her brother, so she trusted him and was willing to come and help him.

Cossen, along with Ye Ming and Brody, stepped forward to greet her. He placed his hand on his chest and bent slightly at the waist in a salute. He said, “Your Highness.” 

Veronica gave him a slight smile. Nodding, she said, “Cossen, sir.”

Solemnly, Cossen said, “I’ve troubled you.”

He wasn’t someone whose expressions were written across his face, but Veronica’s decisive assistance made him very grateful. Though he’d gone to rescue Saen back then, he didn’t succeed in the end…He’d always been very guilty that he couldn’t manage to save Saen. It gnawed at his heart. And the later loss of Fort Frederick pained him even more.

But despite that…Veronica still chose to help him. 

Veronica only nodded and didn’t say anything more. She had only come here because of her trust in and gratitude to Cossen and was not actually that fond of Harvey, this controversial infected. She came here this time to help Cossen stabilize the situation for the time being…if Cossen couldn’t find sufficient evidence to clear the charges against Harvey, she couldn’t protect him forever, either.

She turned to look at Ye Ming, standing next to Cossen. She’d previously already seen pictures of this person, who was only a young man with a very ordinary appearance. But the strange thing was that as she looked at him face to face and met those purple eyes, Veronica felt an ineffable sense of familiarity.

Ye Ming also saw Veronica and smiled warmly at her. In any case, Veronica came to help him, so he ought to maintain courtesy. Only, he didn’t know why…but he kept having the feeling that Veronica seemed a bit familiar…

As he thought about it, he felt that was a little bit ridiculous. This was his first time meeting this noble princess. How could she possibly seem familiar? It was probably just because he’d seen her too many times in videos and on TV. 

Veronica also found this feeling of familiarity to be very mysterious. She shook her head, getting rid of this strange feeling.

Cossen grabbed Ye Ming’s hand. He turned his head, lowered his eyes, and said warmly, “You leave with Her Highness first. I have to stay and handle some affairs. I’ll come visit you tonight.”

Ye Ming nodded. “Okay.”

Veronica was daring and adept. When she heard that, she smiled brightly at Ye Ming. “Come with me.” 


Because of Veronica’s arrival, base star A001 specially made their largest manor available for her to stay in temporarily, while that enormous mech stayed in the courtyard.

Veronica stretched. She turned around casually and told Ye Ming, “There are plenty of empty rooms here. You can pick any to stay in. You’re also free to move around, but I suggest you not leave this manor because there are many people keeping close watch of this place to find something to hold against you.”

Ye Ming nodded and gratefully said, “Thank you.” 

Veronica didn’t keep tabs on Ye Ming after that. Despite that odd feeling earlier, Ye Ming was nevertheless an infected. Her brother had died because of the alien beasts, so she had no favorable impression of the infected. It was already quite incredible that she didn’t loathe Ye Ming; she had no intention of becoming close to him.

When Cossen found the time to settle the issue, she would leave.

Ye Ming took a look around. Indeed, there were many rooms—very nice rooms. After all, they had been prepared for Veronica and her chasseurs. But Veronica hadn’t actually brought many people with her, so many rooms were left empty.

Although Veronica had told him that he had complete freedom here, Ye Ming knew full well that he must act appropriately as a guest. As an infected, it was not very appropriate for him to be too brash, so he stayed in his own room, well-behaved. 

At night, Cossen came to visit him, as promised.

Ye Ming let Cossen into his room. A little worried, he asked, “Did Lieutenant General Cassius give you a hard time after?”

Cossen stared at him, then suddenly chuckled gently. His stern expression, which always seemed to be frosted over by thousand-year-old ice, abruptly broke into a smile. Ye Ming was somewhat unused to it.

Cossen gazed deeply at the person in front of him, smiling. “You should be worried about whether I gave him a hard time.” 

As long as Ye Ming was settled down properly and there was nothing to worry about, not even ten more Lieutenant General Cassiuses could be a match for him. He didn’t need others to worry about him…but the heartfelt concern of the person in front of him made it difficult for him to press down his own emotions.

As long as it came from this person, all of his care and concern made him happy…

Cossen embraced Ye Ming tenderly. “Don’t worry. I’ll for sure find sufficient evidence as quickly as possible.”

Ye Ming smiled and said, “My situation doesn’t matter that much, honestly. I’ve been cursed at for so long now, anyway, I don’t care how others view me…As long as you can win over Xicks’s plot, I’ll be very happy. I don’t want to be a burden on you.” 

Cossen pressed a finger to his lips, his eyes serene. “Maybe you don’t care, but I care…I don’t want to witness others slander or vilify you. I don’t want to see you suffer all that. You deserve to have the respect that should’ve belonged to you in the first place.”

Ye Ming’s eyes went red all of a sudden. He always pretended not to care—because he was an infected and no one trusted him…it was only to be expected that people cursed him and hated him—but was he really not even the tiniest bit sad inside?

No…in fact, he didn’t like it either, but it wasn’t something he could decide.

But Cossen—he knew he cared…he cared for him. 

Cossen dipped his head and gently kissed Ye Ming’s eyelashes. His deep voice was laden with intense, passionate emotion. “I love you.”

Ye Ming could see the sincerity in this man’s eyes. Like an unchanging, burning hot star, it illuminated the dark cosmos Ye Ming was surrounded in. He quietly replied, “I love you too.”

Cossen held Ye Ming tightly. They stayed like that, unmoving.

He’d once thought he’d lost this person forever. He’d once thought his love had been betrayed…but that wasn’t the case. He’d never lost this person. He loved him just as before…Despite the fact that in Ye Ming’s most trying times, Cossen hadn’t trusted him and had made all the wrong choices, Ye Ming still didn’t blame him. 

He had always prioritized the safety of humanity before anything else. Though he was an infected, though he had a half-beast body, his heart was more dazzling and beautiful, more dedicated and staunch than any human’s.

It was this version of him that made Cossen so entranced.

But I hope you aren’t too exhausted, tired, or stubborn…Take a break once in a while. Let it be my turn to protect you.

[Ding, Cossen’s blackening value -15, current blackening value 5] 


At ease, Ye Ming continued to stay at Veronica’s manor. When he went online again, he found that the winds had already begun blowing in a very different direction.

The people who spoke up for Cossen all became assured and confident all of a sudden. How had Cossen shielded a traitorous infected? they asked. He was only acting impartially, and didn’t want to wrongly accuse a good person. Didn’t he hand Harvey over to the royal family’s personal care?

Her Highness Veronica was definitely just. She and her brother loved and protected humanity the most. They definitely would never shield a true traitor.

Others said that the infected were also human beings originally. If they wanted to become humans again, why kill them all? That was the policy previously because there had been no saving them then. But if they can be saved, then they must still be saved, right? Weren’t those who called for total extermination too cold-blooded?

Some people said that they should trust the marshall. He and Her Highness would definitely give them a satisfactory answer.

[Ye Ming: Our Keke can raise a water army too…Who can’t? Heehee.]

[888: …] 

[Ye Ming: Ge, set up a dozen puppet accounts for me! I’m gonna personally join the battle and stand by our Cossen’s side! Show lots and lots of support!]

[888: …] Really want to beat him to death!

[888: So have you thought of how to reveal your identity?]

[Ye Ming: That’s easy~ Don’t worry~] 

So several more days went by. One night, Xicks suddenly launched a huge attack on Fort Müller. Evidently, the situation’s gradual stabilization had gotten it impatient. It wouldn’t be able to get rid of Cossen this way. And if it waited any longer, it would only give Cossen time to further stabilize the situation. It had been silent for a long time now and didn’t want to wait anymore.

This time, the attack came in like a torrential rush. The beast army covered the skies like black cloud, enveloping the entirety of Fort Müller in the frightening shadow of war.

For the time being, no one had the heart to quibble online anymore, and not many people paid Ye Ming any attention anymore. Everyone’s attention was on the war. When all was said and done, they were a bit afraid…The previous two defeats had made them less confident.

If Fort Müller too was breached, humanity would truly face a terrible crisis. At a time like this, who still had the heart to argue? 

The past three years of peace had nearly caused them to forget their past fear.

No one had expected Xicks to arrive so suddenly or for a crisis to come so abruptly.

In the midst of the people’s alarm, the troops that Cossen led were like a sharp, hot knife slicing through butter, throwing the beast army into chaos…After that came frequent, unceasing fighting. And in each battle, the most eye-catching of all, aside from Cossen’s black combat suit, was Her Highness Veronica’s silvery white mech.

Some of the battles were posted online. 

The most classic of them depicted a black and a white mech joining forces to kill a huge sky beast. The huge beast was as big as a small base; it was one of the largest types of beasts in Xicks’s army, like a cosmic fortress. But even a monster this large had been killed.

The comments under the video numbered in the millions. Those who watched it felt their emotions surge.

Tf Zlcu rmgbiifv vbkc jcv ibbxfv.

Frfg 1: Obcu ilnf atf wjgrtji! Obcu ilnf Lfg Llutcfrr Nfgbclmj! 

Frfg 2: Gbc’a obgufa Llr Llutcfrr Vjfc!

Frfg 345: Obcu ilnf Llr Llutcfrr Vjfc! Llr Llutcfrr Vjfc’r ygjnf rqlgla klii jikjsr yf klat er!

Frfg 867: Iteglj erfv ab yf Llr Llutcfrr Vjfc’r wfmt. Qtfc Llr Llutcfrr obeuta Wlmxr’r yfjra jgws jii jibcf ab jiibk fnfgsbcf firf ab frmjqf, tf vlfv…yea tlr wfmt kjr ygbeuta yjmx ys atf wjgrtji. Coafg Lfg Llutcfrr Nfgbclmj olzfv la, rtf erfv la jr tfg bkc, lcvlmjalcu tfg lcafcalbc ab mjggs bc tfg ygbatfg’r klii jcv mbcalcef olutalcu atf jilfc yfjrar. 

User 988: Yes yes yes, just like that! Her Highness Veronica is so amazing! I love her!

User 999: His Highness Saen is also very amazing! He’s my idol, and he’ll always live on in my heart! Yingyingying, a little sister fighting while carrying her big brother’s will, so touching.

User 12765: We’ll definitely defeat those damned alien beasts! His Highness Saen won’t have spilled his blood in vain! 

Ye Ming’s eyes glittered. He couldn’t resist smiling.

It could be said that the entire Human Federation knew of the origins of this silver-white mech. She was made from the most precious, rarest manshana alloy in the universe and possessed the greatest weapons and power. The royal family had spent huge sums to build it for His Highness Saen. She was called Zhuria.

But the day Fort Laris fell, the invincible Zhuria was nearly destroyed. The cockpit was clawed open by a huge beast, leaving behind a deep crack that stretched from its top to bottom.

That tragic sight had gone down in history. 

After Zhuria was retrieved, the royal family had initially planned to just preserve it as a memento. It was Veronica who’d insisted on repairing Zhuria and using it as her own mech. She wanted to fight, just like her brother had, and moreover, she wanted to be stationed at Fort Müller for a long time to fight the alien beasts herself.

The emperor had lost his only son and didn’t want to lose his only daughter as well. Though he knew how she felt, he still wished for her to stay on the capital star, where it was safer. So Veronica could only return.

In any case, during this large-scale attack, the soldiers, under Cossen’s leadership, fought desperately for over ten days and finally beat back the attack.

This battle also allowed many people to regain their confidence in Cossen. They stayed on peaceful planets, while Cossen was risking his life. They truly didn’t have much right to criticize him. 

As for Representative Lindt, he left with his tail between his legs as soon as the conflict broke out.

Ye Ming was quite gratified watching everything. He was waiting for Veronica and Cossen to return. It was time to unveil his final identity.


Though everyone knew Cossen and Veronica were incredible, war was ruthless. No one knew who would die next or when, so before everyone knew they had returned home safe, their hearts were in their throats. Fortunately, they were both safe and sound. 

Ye Ming didn’t take a single step outside of Veronica’s manor. There was nothing he could do at a time like this. The only thing he could do was to not cause more trouble for Cossen and to allow him to be free from worries.

He was just as concerned for Her Highness Veronica. He didn’t want her to be hurt or killed.

For over ten days, he waited uneasily. Finally, early one morning, he heard an enormous rumbling and the sound of landing coming from outside. He hurriedly draped on a coat and walked outside to see Zhuria in the distance. Veronica leapt down from the cockpit, her silver hair sweeping through the air in a beautiful, shining arc.

Without a second thought, Ye Ming strode over, looking at her a little bit agitatedly. His lips trembled a little. 

He desperately wanted to concernedly ask how she was, but he suddenly remembered his own identity—perhaps it wasn’t very appropriate to ask such things. His expression immediately became a bit uncomfortable.

Veronica stared at Ye Ming fixedly and seemed to sense his embarrassment, bursting into laughter. Her eyes shining, she said, “Are you worried about me?”

Ye Ming hesitated a moment, then nodded.

A happy look appeared in Veronica’s eyes. She didn’t know why, but she was very happy…There were many people who were worried about her, and she didn’t know this infected well. Yet she didn’t scorn his concern, nor did she feel that he was annoying or deliberately trying to curry favor with her. 

She curved the corners of her lips up into a smile. “I’m fine, don’t worry. I’m a force to be reckoned with!”

Ye Ming studied her bold, confident expression and couldn’t help but smile. He said softly, “That’s good then.”

As he spoke, he reached out and ruffled Veronica’s hair.

Veronica was stunned. She stared dumbly at Ye Ming’s hand. 

Ye Ming realized his actions were improper only after he’d already reached his hand out. He froze, then quickly retracted his hand. He sighed and said, “Sorry…I…”

Veronica thought she might really have gone insane—she actually wasn’t angry! An unfamiliar infected had ruffled her hair, yet she actually wasn’t angry…This was seriously too embarrassing. She twisted her head to the side and gave a dry cough. She said, “I-I’m going to go and wash up first. I’m all sweaty…”

A little bit embarrassed, Ye Ming watched as Veronica hurried away. Then he turned back and looked at the enormous mech in front of him. After the battle, she was littered with some small scratches.

But one shouldn’t be fooled by how small the scratches were. To be able to leave marks on this mech, the battle must have been very difficult. Then the battle that left a crack straight through the cockpit, leading to Saen’s death…how awful and bitter must it have been? 

Ye Ming didn’t know why he’d become a little despondent. He stared at the mech in front of him. He couldn’t move away from her, almost. He faintly felt a sense of sorrow and helplessness, as well as despair and anger…These strange feelings seemed to make him experience the same emotions Saen felt in his final moments.

Veronica washed up, changed into a new set of clothes, and came out, only to discover that Ye Ming was still standing in the same place, staring blankly at the mech. She quietly walked over to him and said, “You’re still here?”

Ye Ming startled. He turned to her and said, “You came out.”

Veronica’s face was slightly flushed. She turned away a little bit and said softly, “You all probably know…this used to be my brother’s, but he died…only leaving this behind. When I pilot Zhuria, it’s like I can feel my brother’s conviction. It’s like he’s right next to me…I really miss him.” 

As she spoke, her purple eyes seemed to be covered in a wet sheen.

Veronica didn’t know she would be so melancholy. She never liked to reveal her weaknesses in front of others, but now as she looked at Ye Ming’s purple eye and his tender gaze, she couldn’t help but say all these things.

As if there were some kind of pull in her blood…

Ye Ming saw how sad Veronica looked, and he felt very indulgent. Quietly, he said, “I understand…” 

Veronica swung her hair and forced a smile. “I’ve made you witness something unseemly.”

Ye Ming’s heart ached desperately. He really wanted to comfort her, but he couldn’t speak. He could only feel his heart throb painfully. Suddenly, he thought that if his family were still alive, they would probably be just as sad to see him die…

It was too bad that he didn’t even know who he was, or whether or not he still had any family.

Veronica dabbed at the corners of her eyes, her expression becoming calm again. She smiled at Ye Ming and said, “Did you know? I didn’t really trust you before I arrived, either. It was Cossen I trusted. But after meeting you, I realized that…you’re different than the rumors say. I believe that you’re being wrongly accused.” 

Ye Ming was a little moved. The reason Cossen and Brody believed him so readily was because they used to be so close, and there were already deep emotional bonds between them, and they understood him enough…But to outsiders, Ye Ming wasn’t worthy of trust at all. It was only normal not to trust him.

It truly warmed his heart that Veronica could say these words.

Earnestly, Ye Ming said, “Thank you.”

“It’s intuition,” Veronica blinked and said, smiling, “Oh, right. Were you standing here this whole time because you were looking at this mech?” 

Ye Ming nodded, a little embarrassed.

Veronica didn’t look at all unhappy. Instead, she lifted her chin, like a little girl showing off her most prized possession, and said proudly, “This is the most expensive mech in the entire Human Federation. She’s a breakthrough in the history of humanity’s mechs. She’s made completely of manshana alloy and has the most advanced body imitation system. She’s powered by a nearly infinite new energy source. The cost of her construction is about as much as a fertile planet’s worth. Oh, right~ The identification system is also the most advanced gene identification system. Apart from me and my brother, no one can activate her.”

As Ye Ming looked at the mech before him, his gaze was a little fiery and a little admiring. Any of this information could be found online. The entire Human Federation knew it.

Veronica noticed the emotion in Ye Ming’s eyes and beamed. “Do you want to go up for a look?” 

Ye Ming looked astonished. “I can?”

Of course he wanted to go up for a look. This mech drew him in an unrivaled way, and he also felt a strange sense of familiarity…but he didn’t make such a rude request in the end. He didn’t expect, however, that Veronica would offer of her own initiative.

If it were anyone else, of course it wouldn’t be okay. Veronica wouldn’t let them so much as touch her. But Ye Ming…yep, she could reluctantly allow him to feel her.

Veronica shrugged, saying, “Yeah, you can go take a look. It’s not like you can pilot her away, anyway.” 

Ye Ming finally pressed his lips together into a smile. He thought that perhaps he was being too reserved. Clearly, Veronica wasn’t very uptight or easily offended. She was more laid back than he was. Since that was the case…of course Ye Ming would go up for a look! This mech was attractive enough to any soldier!

Ye Ming reached out and gently stroked the cold mech’s body. Then, he sucked in a deep breath, hoisted himself up the joints of the mech, and nimbly jumped up.

The seat of the cockpit was vacant. Ye Ming gripped the edge and landed in it with a gentle hop. The cockpit was very wide and just tall enough for him to stand. There weren’t too many complicated buttons everywhere, only a glass screen. This was the most advanced operating system, which would only light up when activated.

Ye Ming turned around in a circle, extremely content. This was the most expensive mech in the entire Federation, and he actually was lucky enough to get to come up and see it for himself. 

In front of him was a gear stick. If it were Veronica, the screens would light up as soon as she held the gear stick. Ye Ming was very curious and reached for the gear stick too, just to see what the mech felt like. Who could’ve known that as soon as he touched it, the screens all around him instantly lit up?

A very realistic female voice suddenly spoke in his ear. “Your Highness Saen, it has been a while. Welcome back. Zhuria is in your service.”

Veronica was standing underneath the mech. She was going to leave once Ye Ming came down. Surely Ye Ming wouldn’t stay up there for too long. Right as her mind began to wander, she suddenly heard the rumble of the mech’s engine coming to life. She immediately looked up in astonishment.

And saw Ye Ming standing there… 

What reached her ears were the words of Zhuria’s AI.

She stood there in a daze for a long time—no, it could’ve been a long time…or it could’ve been a very short time. Suddenly, she covered her mouth with her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Meanwhile, Cossen had just finished dealing with the tedious business at the base. He was in a hurry to come see Ye Ming after returning from the battlefield.

As a result, he witnessed the same scene as Veronica. 

His footsteps immediately halted and his hands went limp. The objects he was holding fell to the ground.

The author has something to say: Xiao Ye: I have so many different personas in this world O(∩_∩)O~

Cossen: I love my baby no matter which persona, muah muah

konswa: Ye Ming is such an onion 

beansprout: i’ve probably listened to like 20 hours of hozier’s cherry wine on loop while tl-ing and proofreading omlllll it’s fitting though i think :’c