Zong Jun said, “Kill him, and I’ll forgive you.” 

Dazed, Ye Ming looked at Zong Jun, slightly white with fear. He rigidly gripped the sword in his hand. He should be feeling happy because even though he’d failed…Master was still willing to give him another chance to remedy it.

He ought to be grateful for Master’s charity.

But why…couldn’t he move?

Zong Jun glanced down at Ye Ming, his gaze growing increasingly cold. His voice was low and grim and dangerous. “What? You can’t bring yourself to do it?” 

Ye Ming’s lip trembled. When that ruthless, ice-cold voice reached his ears, it seemed to bring him back to that endless abyss of pain…What was he thinking? He was actually trying to disobey Master’s orders for the sake of a total stranger, a righteous cultivator.

He wouldn’t be able to bear the consequences of that.

Slowly, Ye Ming stood up straight, propping himself up with his longsword. He lowered his head in deference. “Yes.” Then he turned around and walked toward Mu Yuanqing.

Mu Yuanqing’s shoulder was bleeding profusely. From the moment Zong Jun had arrived, he felt all the cultivation in his body being sealed. The huge disparity between them made him practically unable to fight back.

He could only stare at him hatefully.

Then he saw that devil giving shixiong an order.

Mu Yuanqing looked away from Zong Jun and at Ye Ming, who was walking toward him. A sorrowful look appeared in his eyes. Despite everything he’d said, shixiong still hadn’t remembered anything…?

And now, he was going to obey his orders to kill Mu Yuanqing. 

Those few meager steps were extremely difficult for Ye Ming to take, but he also felt they were too short. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of Mu Yuanqing. He couldn’t even escape.

A torn look flitted through Ye Ming’s eyes. Finally, he slowly raised his hands and pointed the tip of his sword at Mu Yuanqing’s throat.

Now, this powerful Xuanguang Sect cultivator was completely powerless to resist. He was stuck there, waiting for Ye Ming to take his life. With just a gentle touch of his sword, he could kill this person, redeem Master’s positive regard, and free himself from that torment that was worse than death.

His rationality told him that that was what he should do. 

But his instincts protested. What appeared in his mind was the deeply loving, complicated gaze this person had directed at him…The way he had withdrawn his sword, even if it meant reversing his blood flow, for fear that he would hurt Ye Ming. The way he was willing to use his own body to cushion the impact of their fall, the way he wrapped his arms around him to protect him—all these actions.

This person probably genuinely knew him…Maybe everything he said was true.

But Ye Ming’s love for Master wasn’t fake, either. So who was telling the truth and who was lying, in the end? Why were things this way?

Ye Ming couldn’t understand it. 

Mu Yuanqing stared fixedly into Ye Ming’s eyes. He could see that he was torn because of the hesitation and pain. Finally, he suddenly hooked the corners of his lips upward into a smile, and said, “Kill me.”

In the end, he’d been just a little too late. It would’ve been best if he could have brought Ye Ming back to the Xuanguang Sect. He was certain that at the Xuanguang Sect, a place familiar to Ye Ming, and where shifu and everyone else were, Ye Ming would definitely be able to recover his memories.

What a pity that he was too late.

Now, they were both caught in this devil’s grasp, and he could only resign himself to being at his mercy. Even if Ye Ming didn’t kill him, that devil wouldn’t let him go, either. He just wanted to test Ye Ming’s loyalty, that was all. 

If he was bound to die, what need was there to make Ye Ming suffer that devil’s wrath and cruel torment for Mu Yuanqing’s sake?

He just felt a bit regretful.

They had only just met again, and now they had to part. And he failed to rescue Ye Ming. Even after he died, his heart would still be unresigned.

Mu Yuanqing closed his eyes. 

Ktf alq bo Tf Zlcu’r rkbgv ufcais wbnfv obgkjgv. C aglmxif bo yibbv rffqfv vbkc tlr cfmx…

Cii tf tjv ab vb kjr xlii atlr wjc, jcv tf kbeiv yf jyif ab jnblv atja qjlc jcv abgwfca jcv klc yjmx Zjrafg’r ojnbg. Bliilcu atlr qfgrbc…kjr ktja tf rtbeiv vb.

Mu Yuanqing closed his eyes and waited for death. He didn’t say anything, nor did he try to sway Ye Ming again. Since he couldn’t save Ye Ming, then there was no need to encumber him anymore.

Ye Ming looked at Mu Yuanqing’s unfettered smile. The hand holding his sword wouldn’t budge. 

Life and death were only a hair’s breadth apart. A strong voice suddenly piped up within him. An immensely oppressive pain, as if accompanying something that had been lost, engulfed him completely.

His heart told him, You will regret it.

You were just like this in the past. Pitilessly, ruthlessly killing someone who loved you. At the time…that person was also looking at you adoringly. He didn’t care about dying. His disappointment and sorrow stemmed only from the fact that the one wielding a sword against him was you.

You’ve already made one mistake and paid a disastrous price. Do you want to make a second mistake? 

Will you let your instinct take over you again, let a facade deceive you and hurt your loved ones again? Will you do something that you’ll regret again?

No…no, why would I have these memories? 

A look of fierce struggle appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes again. The jade between his eyebrows was burning hot. It seemed as if something was sealed deep down in his heart and was now frantically trying to break free!

He didn’t want them. He didn’t want those painful memories… 

That was why he forgot them?

Ye Ming suddenly shut his eyes tight. He pursed his lips so tightly they went white.

Zong Jun stood next to them, grimly watching everything unfold. The heavy darkness in his eyes kept getting thicker. Little by little, his expression grew colder.

You’re hesitating. Why are you hesitating? 

Back when you killed me, you never hesitated…There wasn’t such a torn look in your eyes, and your expression wasn’t so pained. I will never forget your unfeeling determination in that moment. That scene followed me to hell…

So why are you hesitating now, contrary to expectations? 

Or is it that this person is more important to you…

Ye Ming abruptly opened his eyes. In that split second, his black jade-like eyes flashed with a dazzling, piercing light—completely different from before! 

Zong Jun’s expression flickered. All of a sudden, he had an ominous premonition. In the next moment, he saw Ye Ming cut the icicle impaling Mu Yuanqing. The spiritual power in his hands was like wind; it swept him out of the cave! He yelled, “Run!”

Mu Yuanqing had originally thought that he was bound to die. He had no idea that this would happen all of a sudden. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Ming in disbelief, and met a pair of black eyes, which contained a hidden tenderness behind its indifference.

Even though Ye Ming didn’t say anything, he promptly understood.

Shixiong remembered! 

Mu Yuanqing was overjoyed. He immediately said, “Let’s leave together!” Shixiong remembered and had disobeyed that devil’s orders. If he were left behind alone, he would certainly face a fate worse than death. How could Mu Yuanqing abandon him and escape?

Ye Ming gave a bitter laugh. He had taken the opportunity to fling Mu Yuanqing outside while Zong Jun hadn’t had the chance to react. This was Mu Yuanqing’s sole chance to escape for his life, but Mu Yuanqing gave it up. He didn’t want to leave Ye Ming behind…

Why? He should have died long ago. Everything at present was the cursed consequences that resulted from his own actions.

In the split second that his memories came back, he understood everything. 

An overwhelming wave of oppressiveness surged at him. That tremendous, terrible pressure felt like the entire sky was pressing down on him. Ye Ming tenaciously braced himself with his sword, but still he was gradually forced into kneeling, every last one of his bones groaning.

He lifted his head and saw Zong Jun walking toward him. In those dark blue eyes was an incomparably terrifying look.

But he wasn’t afraid. He was only sad.

Zong Jun’s appearance was different from before. Back when Ye Ming had killed him, his physical body was completely destroyed, so of course this wasn’t his original body. In addition, after rebuilding his body, he altered his appearance, so Mu Yuanqing didn’t recognize him. 

But he and Ye Ming were cultivation partners. Their souls were once intertwined; they were the most intimate of companions, which was why Ye Ming could sense that this aloof, frightening Demonic Lord standing in front of him had the same soul as the person who had once silently loved him.

So you’re still alive…

This is what I longed for, even in my dreams, but never thought I could have.

And now, in spite of everything, it’s come true. 

Unfortunately…what’s done is done and can’t be fixed.

Profound pain appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes.

Zong Jun waved his hand, and Mu Yuanqing was pulled toward him. With one hand, Zong Jun held him by the throat and raised him up in front of him.

Mu Yuanqing coughed up blood. He glared at Zong Jun intently, the hatred in his eyes palpable. 

Zong Jun’s lips curved faintly into a cruel, ice-cold arc, as if he were watching a ridiculous clown.

This was formerly Ye Ming’s most darling little shidi. Even back then, he would stick to Ye Ming, harboring shameful intentions. Zong Jun hadn’t known his heart also held a seed of infatuation. Even now, he was infatuated…Back at the Xuanguang Sect, there were many who admired Ye Ming, but Ye Ming never treated others with sweet words and a pleasant countenance. He was as indifferent as a frozen spring at the summit of a snowy mountain; he was only ever warm to him alone…so he’d pretended he didn’t know.

He really didn’t care about those people, because as long as Ye Ming loved him and him alone, that was enough. Even if Ye Ming had never shown him a passionate side of himself, he believed that he loved him.

Thinking about it now, that was only his wishful thinking…Only in the moment of life and death could one see a person’s true heart. If he’d known earlier, he would’ve gotten rid of this stinking brat way back then. Why should he have let him get in the way? Though it wasn’t too late to take care of him now. 

Zong Jun looked at Mu Yuanqing’s hateful gaze and laughed softly. He liked to see others look at him like this—with hatred, but also helplessness.

Ye Ming watched as Zong Jun caught Mu Yuanqing. He thought of the drastic changes in his temperament. Now, he was ruthless and tyrannical, and he feared that he would take Mu Yuanqing’s life. Ye Ming couldn’t even spare a thought for his own pain. He grit his teeth and said, “Don’t kill him.”

Zong Jun slowly turned around, as if he had only now noticed Ye Ming. With a bone-deep loathing in his eyes, he rasped lowly, “You’re very worried about him.”

So worried that, in order to save him, you even recovered your memories under the stimulation. 

You’d think about saving him, even if it meant you’d die or have to endure that unbearable torment. So it turns out you’re not actually that heartless.

Only, right now, I actually wish you could be a little more heartless and obey my command to kill this person. That way, I can deceive myself into thinking that you’re equally heartless to everyone, instead of feeling the way I do right now…

I really want to torment you two, to see you two in pain. Only your pain can dull the hatred in me.

Zong Jun’s gaze was cruel. He suddenly flung his hand, hurling Mu Yuanqing straight into the cave. He spread his fingers, and four icicles impaled Mu Yuanqing’s four limbs, nailing him firmly to the stone wall! 

Mu Yuanqing let out a mournful yelp. He was deathly pale, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. And yet he bit down hard on his lip and refused to make any other sound; he didn’t want shixiong to feel sad for him.

As he watched the miserable scene before him, Ye Ming’s expression changed dramatically. But he was being pressed to the ground and couldn’t even budge.

He lifted his head. His lips quivered. He looked sorrowfully at Zong Jun and said intently, “Let him go…I’m the only one you hate.”

I will never ever be able to forget the look in your eyes right before you died. I know you hate me. 

My death wouldn’t be worth grieving, but Yuanqing is innocent.

Zong Jun smiled faintly. He walked to Ye Ming and looked at him both coldly and tenderly at the same time. He said, “Don’t worry. I won’t kill him…”

Ye Ming was stunned. He couldn’t seem to believe that Zong Jun had agreed to his plea so easily. After all, he was no longer that man who loved him so much he would’ve done anything for him.

Zong Jun toyed with a lock of black hair hanging next to Ye Ming’s ear. Smiling, he said, “Because all of a sudden I don’t want to let him off so lightly. Did you know? Sometimes, death is the simplest, easiest path. I gave you a chance to free him, but…you really let me down.” 

Ye Ming’s eyes looked sad, sorrowful.

These are your true thoughts, aren’t they…You think of death as freedom, while living is more painful, which is why you were dead set on resurrecting me. You wanted me alive to suffer the same pain you did… 

Hatred is the only thing that remains in your heart.

You have no idea how badly I wished I could see you again. Now, I finally got what I wished for: you, living and breathing, right in front of me. But what I saw, however, was a despairing soul that had sunk down to hell. That sorrow will ruin you, and everything else, too. 

This is all my fault.

Ye Ming closed his eyes, pained. He said, “I’m sorry.”

Zong Jun finally reached out a finger and gently pressed it to Ye Ming’s lip. “No need.”

I’ve never valued false apologies, because I always get revenge, twofold.  

He picked Ye Ming up and walked up to Mu Yuanqing. With a slight smile, he said, “Do you know what I like to do most?”

Mu Yuanqing’s face was twisted in pain, but still he glared at Zong Jun and said frostily, “A monster like you, condemned by all, certainly will not die a pleasant death!”

Zong Jun paused, then burst into sudden laughter. He looked at him meaningfully. “Many people say that to me, and yet here I am, alive and well. And not only that, I’ve made you all suffer.”

Mu Yuanqing was so incensed that his chest heaved and heaved. 

Zong Jun grabbed Ye Ming by the hair and forced his head up. Then, he met Mu Yuanqing’s eyes and kissed Ye Ming forcefully. That kiss was tinged with the intent to shame and humiliate. Where their lips and teeth met, there was the faint taste of blood…

A look of shame, indignance, and pain flashed in Ye Ming’s eyes.

Mu Yuanqing’s eyes were red. He began struggling madly. Blood seeped out of his wounds more rapidly now. His eyes were wide with rage. “You monster! Let go of my shixiong!”

Zong Jun held Ye Ming tightly against his chest, keeping him still. With a cold, mocking gleam in his eyes, he asked, “Why are you so riled up? Do you mean you’ve never thought about doing this to him before? You, too, want to kiss him, to take him, to have him sobbing and begging beneath you. Isn’t that right?” 

Mu Yuanqing flushed red, then went pale. Furious, he said, “You—you despicable, vulgar brute.”

“What a pity that he’s mine, and that I’ve never been in the habit of sharing with others. But…” Zong Jun’s dark blue eyes shone with a sly, cruel light. “I’m in a pretty good mood today, so I can let you watch. That should satisfy one of your desires.”

A tremor traveled down Ye Ming’s body. He realized, faintly, what Zong Jun was going to do, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes. No…

He shoved Zong Jun away. He knew there was no hope, but he wasn’t willing to just give up. 

In fact, Zong Jun wasn’t using much force, and he easily let Ye Ming shove him away. He was calm and unruffled, as if watching his dying prey make its final struggle. Only after Ye Ming had made it some distance away did he finally spit out an incantation.

Suddenly, Ye Ming was falling from midair. He curled up in the ground, cradling his head in his hands, and screamed. It hurt! It hurt like his soul was being ground to pieces, and in a flash, he lost control over his body.

Zong Jun walked toward Ye Ming, painfully slow. He looked down at him and smiled gently. “Do you like the body I created for you?”

Ye Ming eyes filled with despair. Countless dreadful, humiliating memories resurfaced in his mind. He remembered how he’d succumbed to the pain and what a lowly display he’d put on underneath Zong Jun after losing his memories. 

That wasn’t him…

That wasn’t him.

Zong Jun laughed derisively. He reached out and flung Ye Ming back to Mu Yuanqing’s feet.