Because Ye Ming had leapt to block Zong Jun, revealing his face, the atmosphere went still for a moment.

Especially amongst the Xuanguang disciples. Every one of them was very excited. Bai shixiong was still alive! Didn’t he die three thousand years ago? But very quickly, their expressions became complicated, because they hadn’t forgotten that Bai shixiong had come out alongside that devil…but judging by his current actions, perhaps he wasn’t on his side, but had been captured? 

How could someone like Bai shixiong willingly fall into the demonic path?

Yuan Ming shangren snapped out of it and gazed at Ye Ming affectionately. In his old, aged voice, he said, “Hong-er, step aside.”

Ye Ming wasn’t any match for the Demonic Lord. Finally he was able to see his dear disciple alive again; how could he let him stand in front of him and throw away his life? Yuan Ming shangren had always cherished his disciples, and he was definitely not someone who feared death.

But Ye Ming didn’t step aside. As he listened to his shifu’s voice, tears glistened in his eyes. He absolutely wouldn’t let Zong Jun kill any more of the Xuanguang disciples today! He absolutely wouldn’t step aside because he knew Zong Jun wouldn’t kill him. 

Zong Jun’s expression was frosty. There was bloodthirst and killing intent in his deep blue eyes. He thought of the way Ye Ming had flown out in front of him with zero hesitation, ready to risk his life to save Yuan Ming shangren. What if Zong Jun hadn’t been able to stop in time?

You truly are a good disciple and shixiong, devoted to your sect and protective of your fellow sect members. You look so cold and lofty, but in fact your nature is resolute.

Yet only toward me are you a bad cultivation partner.

Because you would hurt me without the slightest reservation.

Why don’t you sink into depravity with me? Renounce everything and love only me, then maybe I won’t hate you so much…We could still happily be together.

The hatred in Zong Jun’s eyes began to increase again.

Ye Ming raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at Zong Jun. He told Yuan Ming shangren, “Shifu, all of you leave, quickly. He won’t kill me.”

Now that the righteous sects’ tremendous momentum had faltered, there was no way they would win against Zong Jun and Ye Yin’s joint forces. Whoever could escape should escape. Ye Ming was limited in what he could do alone, but at the very least he would cover his sect members’ retreat! 

Yuan Ming shangren hesitated for a moment, thinking about the way Zong Jun had stopped his sword at the very last moment. Even now, Zong Jun still hadn’t attacked. Though he wasn’t sure what his relationship with Ye Ming was, Ye Ming was probably speaking the truth…

If he were the only one here today, there was no way he would ever let his disciple block a sword for him, but there were dozens of other Xuanguang disciples behind him…

Many of the disciples he’d brought along had perished. Now, these disciples were the only ones left. If they, too, all died here, it would be difficult for the Xuanguang Sect to pull itself back up again. Finally, Yuan Ming shangren nodded, though it was difficult, and shouted, “Follow me!”

The Xuanguang disciples quickly flocked together and flew out the gates. 

Ye Ming’s lone figure shielded them, wielding his sword. His gaze was chilling, and his sword glowed brightly!

His thin, frail body seemed to have the power to stop ten thousand enemies!

As expected, Zong Jun didn’t attack. He simply leveled his ice-cold gaze at Ye Ming. The other demonic cultivators saw that Zong Jun wasn’t attacking, so they were even less willing to attack and allowed Ye Ming to escape with the Xuanguang disciples!

“My Lord, are you really letting them go?” one of the demonic cultivators asked hesitantly. This was such a good opportunity—what a waste to let the Xuanguang disciples escape. 

Zong Jun was silent for a long moment, before spitting out three words: “Let him go.”

You’ll come back anyway.

You can’t be apart from me, nor can you bear to give up on Mu Yuanqing. It’s pointless for you to escape…Since you care so deeply about your sect members, just as you left for them, you’ll also come back for them.

It’s not that I can’t make you stay. I just want to watch you voluntarily return to me.  

To come back and beg me.

You’ll regret your actions.

Ktbeut tf ifa atf Wejcuejcu vlrmlqifr ub, Ibcu Aec kjr cba jr mtjglajyif abkjgv atf batfg gfwjlclcu rfmar. Po atfs vjgfv rabgw atf Gfnli’r Ujijmf, atfs’v yfaafg yf qgfqjgfv ab qjs klat atflg ilnfr.

Qtfc atf batfg rfmar rjk atf Wejcuejcu Vfma frmjqf, atfs jirb obiibkfv yftlcv atfw lc j qjclm. Dea, ilxf gjylv vbur atja tjv mjeuta rluta bo wfja, atf vfwbclm meialnjabgr rkjgwfv atfw wjvis. Mbg j wbwfca, la kjr mjgcjuf; oifrt jcv yibbv rqijaafgfv fnfgsktfgf. 

Behind, the demonic cultivators pursued them; in front, the Tianhai Palace blocked them. The righteous sects’ joint effort to crush the demonic domain was an utter crushing defeat. Each of the great sects had suffered heavy casualties. Apart from the Xuanguang Sect, the other two great sects only escaped with a fifth of their numbers, while in the smaller sects, not even one person remained out of ten, and some were even completely wiped out.

After it was all over, the demonic domain’s brown earth was dyed red with dried blood. The stench of blood made clear the tragedy of this battle. The demonic cultivators began to clean up the battlefield, getting rid of the dead bodies and collecting their escaping nascent souls. For demonic cultivators, these were very useful for their cultivation practice.

Even though these cultivators were dead and their bodies refined, it was better that their spirits were destroyed as well; it would only be worse if they remained alive and were used for the demonic cultivators’ tool-refining, forever unable to be reincarnated.

Ye Yin didn’t actually do much during the battle. He only killed a couple of the great sects’ top masters in passing; the rest of the time, he only watched. He had subordinates to fight for him. 

The giant sea turtle carrying the shell palace slowly made its way forward, finally coming to a stop in front of the Devil’s Palace.

Ye Yin leisurely emerged. His white hair swayed with the wind. He lifted his head, revealed a face so handsome it was unrivaled, and gave Zong Jun a faint smile. “Seeing someone in the flesh is better than hearing about them a hundred times. My Lord indeed possesses extraordinary cultivation. I am in admiration.”

Though they had been in contact previously, this was the first time they were meeting face to face.

Zong Jun’s expression was cold. He nodded. “I’ve troubled Palace Master today.” 

Ye Yin didn’t mind Zong Jun’s indifference. His phoenix eyes gleamed, and he chuckled. “Each takes what they need, that’s all. No need to be courteous, my Lord. This is my first time coming to the demonic domain. The scenery here is very unique; I’d quite like to stay here for a little while. I wonder if it’d be convenient for me to borrow my Lord’s lodging for a short time.”

Zong Jun originally didn’t have any intention of keeping Ye Yin here. But Ye Yin mentioned it himself, and he’d helped him greatly, and the two of them could now be considered allies, so there was no harm in having him stay. He nodded and said, “It’s rare for Palace Master to make a trip to the demonic domain. Naturally, I would love to host you—there’s nothing inconvenient about it.”

Ye Yin smiled slightly and seemed to be very pleased. “Many thanks, then.”

This time, he’d come onto dry land with no intention of going back. Naturally, he wanted to seize this opportunity to crush those righteous sects all in one go and then establish himself here. Initially, though, he hadn’t planned on stopping over at the Devil’s Palace; he had arranged to stay somewhere else. 

Bai Qianhong made him change his mind.

Ye Yin’s eyes flashed with interest. For three thousand years, he had never forgotten the first person he’d laid eyes on since waking from his deep slumber. He was the most innately gifted cultivator he’d ever come across, and he was also the one who surpassed his expectations the most…Back then, he was very sorry that Bai Qianhong died. Now that he was alive again, how could he not care at all?

And he had also discovered a very fascinating secret. If Bai Qianhong was still alive and had been brought back to life by the Demonic Lord, then the Demonic Lord’s identity was well worth contemplating.

Was the cultivation partner that Bai Qianhong killed really dead? Or was he standing right in front of Ye Yin? 


After Ye Ming escorted Yuan Ming shangren and the other Xuanguang disciples out of the demonic domain, he stopped.

He told Yuan Ming shangren, “Shifu, you go ahead.”

Yuan Ming shangren grabbed his hand and looked him up and down, his gaze kind and moving. He had placed all of his love and care and his highest hopes on his disciple. Ye Ming’s death had caused him to grieve for a very long time and almost left a knot in his heart. Now, he said, “Come with us. The Xuanguang Sect will always be your home.” 

Ye Ming’s throat felt a little bit choked up. He had come out together with the Demonic Lord, yet shifu never questioned his identity or motives, never wondered if he’d changed. He still wanted him to go home. But unfortunately…he couldn’t.

If his body left Zong Jun, he would be in tremendous pain. If he went back, he would be doomed to die and suffer just the same. But that wasn’t important…What was important was that if he didn’t return, Mu Yuanqing would die, and Zong Jun would do something even worse.

Zong Jun was certain he couldn’t escape from him—that was why he let him go. If Ye Ming didn’t return, none of them would be able to go free. He really shouldn’t have too many wishful thoughts.

Ye Ming lowered his head and said, “Your disciple is unfilial and caused Mu shidi to be captured by the Demonic Lord, so he can’t leave.” 

Yuan Ming shangren’s heart ached terribly for Mu Yuanqing as well, but he couldn’t save him, so how could he let another one of his dear disciples return to that devil’s nest alone? Firmly, he said, “Stop arguing. Return to the Xuanguang Sect with this master!”

Ye Ming shook his head, pained. His voice was low and hoarse as he replied, “All of you, leave. If you don’t leave now, it’ll be too late.”

Sure enough, after he spoke, a group of demonic cultivators approached, bold and mighty, as if realizing a prophecy. Ye Ming knew shifu was softhearted and couldn’t bear to let him go back to that devil, so he suddenly flew back while they weren’t paying attention!

The group of demonic cultivators immediately took out a net-shaped treasure and cast it straight at Ye Ming! Then they began laughing cruelly and glanced at the group of Xuanguang disciples. “Are you still not leaving? Do you want to stay and accompany us?” 

Their orders were to bring Ye Ming back. If Ye Ming cooperated, they were to let these cultivators go. If he resisted, they were to kill them on the spot.

Just a little ways back was the demonic domain. Yuan Ming shangren didn’t expect Ye Ming to suddenly fly back. He saw that Ye Ming was already back in those demonic cultivators’ clutches and knew that it was too late so save him! He grit his teeth and spat out blood. Finally, looking pained, he quickly led the other Xuanguang disciples away.

Originally, he’d wanted to come save Mu Yuanqing. Who could’ve known that not only would he not manage to save Mu Yuanqing, they would also suffer many more casualties? And now he couldn’t even save his disciple that came back from the dead. On top of that, his body had suffered heavy injuries, and his soul was worn and spent. He instantly seemed to have aged quite a lot.

Ye Ming was caught in the net, unable to move, and was brought directly back to the Devil’s Palace by the demonic cultivators. 

Very quickly, they returned to the main hall of the Devil’s Palace. A demonic cultivator recited an incantation and released Ye Ming from the net, tossing him onto the black jade floor of the hall. Then he respectfully turned and left.

Ye Ming raised his head and saw Zong Jun and Ye Yin sitting across from each other. On a table were divine fruit and wine. The two of them were right in the middle of having a drink together.

Zong Jun turned a little bit, and his unfeeling, ice-cold gaze landed on Ye Ming. After a long moment, his lips curved into a mean smile. His voice was low and distant. “You’re back.”

Ye Ming stood up, pursing his lips. He knew Zong Jun wouldn’t easily forgive him, but he’d already gone through every kind of pain and torment and didn’t care what Zong Jun would do to him…He only hoped that Zong Jun would vent his fury on himself, instead of Mu Yuanqing or the Xuanguang Sect. 

He hoped he wouldn’t hurt others anymore.

Ye Yin gripped the wine cup in his hand and looked at Ye Ming with an insincere smile. His eyes flashed gold. Interesting, interesting…it really was that little guy.

A spiritual tool for a body, a jade to hold the soul together. Zong Jun had truly put in a significant amount of effort into bringing him back to life.

Deep in Ye Yin’s black eyes, a meaningful look appeared, and he told Zong Jun, “I didn’t realize that my Lord is a lovestruck man. You let those Xuanguang disciples go just for him, didn’t you?” 

Zong Jun’s expression was icy. He said insipidly, “Lovestruck? Palace Master’s wording doesn’t seem quite accurate.”

With feigned curiosity, Ye Yin said, “I can tell my Lord doesn’t want to hurt him at all. Even after he left with the Xuanguang disciples, my Lord would still spare his life. If that’s not being lovestruck, then could there be some other reason?”

Zong Jun gave Ye Yin a profound look. There was an unfeeling smile in his deep blue eyes. Suddenly, he waved his right hand, and a bone-piercing spike that glowed menacingly shot out from the sleeve of his robe and pierced right through Ye Ming’s shoulder, nailing him to a stone pillar in the main hall!

Ye Ming screamed. He trembled all over, his face deathly pale from the pain. 

Only then did Zong Jun down the wine in his cup. He raised an eyebrow, smiled, and said to Ye Yin, “I spared his life simply because it would be letting him off too easy otherwise. Naturally, such a disobedient person ought to be properly tortured.”

Something flickered in Ye Yin’s eyes. He looked at Ye Ming’s miserable state and suddenly sighed. “My Lord clearly isn’t someone who has tender feelings for the fairer sex.”

Back when he was attached to Ye Ming’s body, he saw with his own eyes how well Zong Jun treated Ye Ming. Even if he died, he couldn’t bear for him to get hurt…It made one want to sigh now that he’d become this way.

Though Ye Yin didn’t really care whether Zong Jun had fallen into the demonic path or what he’d become. 

What he cared about was the little guy, the one who made the fastest progress cultivating his Unified Path in ten thousand years, and the only one who was able to break free from his fetters and find himself again…Ye Yin was very curious as to how he managed it. Was there some flaw to his cultivation method?

What exactly was wrong?

Zong Jun didn’t spare Ye Ming another glance. He and Ye Yin drank and chatted, and soon Ye Yin took his leave. Before he left, he looked at Ye Ming intently.

Only then did Zong Jun slowly walk down the stairs, arriving in front of Ye Ming. He looked at him gloomily and said with a smile, “You knew before you came back that you would be punished, didn’t you?” 

Because of his pain, Ye Ming’s clothes were soaked with sweat, mixed with blood. The black hair at his temples stuck to his face. In a pained, rough voice, he said, “I knew.”

Zong Jun gently caressed his face and kissed his lips. He let out a low laugh. “You’ve always been very self-aware. Then you should also know why I’m angry, right?”

Ye Ming closed his eyes.

As Zong Jun looked at Ye Ming, bone-deep hatred tinged his gaze, but then he forced it back down. In the end, he waved his arm and left. 

Ye Ming was left alone in the main hall with his head hanging low.

[888: Ye Yin has arrived now, but I don’t think he’s the type to obediently carry the pot.]

[Ye Ming: That’ll depend on whether or not I’m important and useful to him. If I’m uninteresting and useless, there’s no way he would carry the pot for me, even if he really was the one who forced me to kill. After all, he’s a cautious, cunning, calculative person. He wouldn’t offend Zong Jun over something small.]

[888: Looks like you’re very clear on that.] 

[Ye Ming: That’s why I have to make sure to prescribe the right medicine for this illness! What does Ye Yin care about most? What does he want most?]

[888: To achieve the Dao?]

[Ye Ming: Exactly! He’s bent on achieving the Dao and becoming a sage! Ten thousand years ago, he gave himself the title of Master Sage, but even until he died he was only a false sage. Also, you can understand his nature by his devising the Unified Path—ruthless, renouncing love, and devoted to seeking the Dao. He slept for ten thousand years, took over someone’s body, and came back to life, just for another chance to achieve the great Dao. Nothing’s more attractive to him than that. He’s already reached the peak of his cultivation and only needs to take that one final step.]

[888: Hehe…so how are you going to convince him that you’ll be helpful to his breakthrough?] 

[Ye Ming: Ge, you golden finger, that’ll be your contribution, heehee. Back then, when he latched onto my body, recuperated his soul through me, and silently watched as I practiced his cultivation method, maybe he unwittingly affected me? You helped block the effects for me, but he doesn’t know that. He thinks I was influenced by him and his cultivation method and thus killed Zong Jun heartlessly. But in the end, I still managed to break free from his control. Naturally, I must be an extraordinary, strong-willed person…When he looked at me just now, he seemed very intrigued. This is a great start. As for how to rope him in even more later, I’ll work on it when the time comes o(∩_∩)o~]

[888: …] He sure was someone who had a strong will and really valued affection and loyalty…

[Ye Ming: So he’ll only go against my Zong Jun if I’m beneficial enough to him. Then, it won’t even matter that he wasn’t the one who forced me to kill. Since he’ll have to make an enemy out of Zong Jun anyway, he won’t mind if I toss him a pot on top of that. Maybe he’ll even be happy to take it.]