When Ye Ming returned to the system space, he was so moved that tears streamed down his cheeks. Only after losing the light did he realize its beauty. Not being able to see for a day was terrifying.

Thinking back to that short period of a few days, his mind played through all the horror movies he had watched in his lifetime and he simply could not recover. 

Ye Ming croaked weakly, “I want to watch a movie.”

888 asked, “What kind do you want to watch?”

Ye Ming said, “The funnier, more moronic, and brainless, the better. In any case, if it isn’t a horror movie, it’s fine.”

888 calmly said, “Actually I think as long as your conscience isn’t being haunted, watching horror films is no big deal.” 

Ye Ming: “…” Why did he feel that 888’s words had another meaning?

Even so, 888 played Ye Ming a slapstick, brainless movie that he wanted to see.

Then, Ye Ming sat down and watched the movie. After watching for a while, his sides were splitting, and he was rolling on the floor laughing, completely lacking manners. 888 simply wanted to rush up and stomp on him a few times—if only he had feet.

After a day had passed, 888 couldn’t help but ask, “Are you still going to complete your mission?”

Ye Ming was startled and got up in high spirits and a state brimming full of health. “Yes yes yes, I’ve already gotten this far, how could I quit halfway? Teleport us.”

888: “…” And he thought this spicy chicken really had a guilty conscience; clearly he was mistaken.

[Ding! Transmigration complete.]

Ye Ming experienced a spell of dizziness as the rushing forth of memories in his head ensued. When he finished reading the memories, he let out a giddy laugh. This world… Finally he arrived at an easy world! Hooray! 

This time, it was a modern world. His name was Gu Ran. As for his relationship with the mission target, it was a long story.

This world’s mission target was Lu Xiuwen. He had an adoptive sister called Gu Xueya, who happened to be Gu Ran’s mother.

Gu Xueya was an orphan left behind by a close friend of Lu Xiuwen’s father and taken in by the Lu family. Gu Xueya was gentle, beautiful, and self-reliant, an extremely charming woman. She was more than five years older than Lu Xiuwen and cared for him like an older sister throughout the years.

Gu Xueya’s tender beauty fulfilled a young man’s every fantasy. The young Lu Xiuwen developed a crush on Gu Xueya, which led him to have unclear feelings for her. 

But Gu Xueya had no trace of feelings for him outside of their sibling relationship. Soon, she had her own boyfriend, and they quickly reached the stage of discussing their wedding.

The Lu Xiuwen from then still had his youthful impulsiveness. He was unhappy that Gu Xueya was marrying another man and made a huge scene at her wedding. This matter naturally caused his parents to punish him. It was also due to this event that Gu Xueya, in order to avoid Lu Xiuwen, drew a clear line separating the two of them and left the city with her husband.

Lu Xiuwen later calmed down and realized that his behaviour was extremely inappropriate. Gu Xueya already had her own family, and it was wrong to have taken such actions that could destroy another person’s family. To make things less difficult for Gu Xueya and to ease her husband’s suspicions, he gradually began to distance himself from her.

Gu Xueya and her husband now lived in another city. After two years, they had their own child, Gu Ran, and practically never returned to visit the Lu family other than for the New Year. 

Six years passed like this, until an accident happened, causing Gu Xueya and her husband to both die, leaving behind only the orphaned Gu Ran.

Gu Xueya had no other close relatives, while her husband only had a few distant family members. Each and every one of them behaved repulsively, willing to scheme against a child of less than six years and seize the assets he inherited from his parents. In a fury, Lu Xiuwen took in Gu Ran to be cared for by his side.

In fact, Lu Xiuwen partially blamed himself for the death of Gu Xueya’s husband. If he had not been young and foolish back then, Gu Xueya would not have been forced to leave. They were once close family members, but ultimately became estranged and had not even seen each other before Gu Xueya’s death. This matter always caused Lu Xiuwen to harbor regret and guilt in his heart.

Thanks to his guilt intertwined with affection, Lu Xiuwen treated Gu Ran extremely well, practically as if he were his own child. 

When Ye Ming transmigrated, Gu Ran was only twelve years old. By then, the already almost 30 years old Lu Xiuwen had long taken charge of the Lu family. The years had sharpened him into a mature and stable man who handled his affairs firmly and objectively, an influential figure in the business world. He was no longer that impulsive young man from back then, but rather a respected Mr. Lu.

From an outsider’s perspective, Lu Xiuwen was always cold and detached, as well as hard to get close to. Only towards Gu Ran would he reveal a different side of himself. Ye Ming benefited from the favor the original Gu Ran held and lived the life of a young master in the lap of luxury; he simply could not be happier.

At this time, Lu Xiuwen did not have an ounce of improper thoughts towards Ye Ming (Gu Ran). He would not have such sick and deranged thoughts towards a child. If Ye Ming had not transmigrated, the story would roughly have continued with Lu Xiuwen raising Gu Ran to adulthood and giving him company shares so he could live without ever worrying about food and clothing. Then, he would watch him get married and start a family, and that would be it.

Yet, since Ye Ming came here, he certainly could not let the plot follow this direction. What he needed was Lu Xiuwen’s affection points. Thus, after he grew up, he began to ponder how to shift Lu Xiuwen’s affection towards him. 

Because he had friends in high places and could enjoy exceptional privileges, grinding for affection points couldn’t possibly be any easier. There were only two critical points.

The first was to let Lu Xiuwen know that his feelings for Gu Xueya in the past were, in fact, merely a youth’s momentary longing for a beautiful object and not necessarily true love. This point did not actually require any action from Ye Ming. Lu Xiuwen should have already realized it early on; otherwise, at that time, he would not have decisively given up. After ten years had passed, with his temperament, he would have at least thought this bit through. So, the remaining difficulties lay in the second point: how to get Lu Xiuwen to love him.

Since Ye Ming had always maintained the image of an innocent, untaintable, and well-behaved darling, it was inconvenient for him to take initiative to pounce on Lu Xiuwen. He could only continuously influence Lu Xiuwen’s perception of him from behind the scenes.

Lu Xiuwen had originally treated Ye Ming very well. Under his unceasing guidance and provocation, Lu Xiuwen’s emotions, sure enough, underwent a change and he gradually began to like him. 

This love was no longer only a familial love. Rather, another type of love, like a strong longing, would emerge. When Lu Xiuwen became aware of his unusual feelings, he went through a struggle.

He went as far as to like Gu Xueya’s son. This was something that should not, could not happen.

To be honest, after that time he wreaked havoc at her wedding, Lu Xiuwen had already realized his own impulsiveness and understood that his liking for Gu Xueya was not true love. If he really loved someone, he would not let go so easily. For the same reason, Lu Xiuwen had since then avoided Gu Xueya, unwilling to be a disturbance or inconvenience to her. Yet, despite not loving her, he still regarded her as his older sister. This was the reason that after Gu Xueya’s death, he was heartbroken and anguished, the reason he took care of Gu Ran so well.

Falling in love with Gu Ran made Lu Xiuwen totally blame himself in his heart. He felt that he could not face the deceased Gu Xueya and consequently tried hard to suppress his emotions. 

But as time slowly trickled by, Ye Ming continued to grow up, graduated high school, went to university… Lu Xiuwen had no choice but to admit that he had completely fallen for this child.

At this point, he had long passed his youth and could clearly distinguish between a momentary impulse and sincere love.

His love for Ye Ming (Gu Ran) was completely different from his past love for Gu Xueya. His feelings were stronger and ran deeper. As long as he thought about how Ye Ming might marry another person, fall in love with another person, and leave him… he would be in so much pain that he wouldn’t want to live. He would have absolutely no way to let go, unlike when he got over it without difficulty back then.

After confirming his tender feelings, Lu Xiuwen was even better to Ye Ming. Yet, all along, his behavior did not expose any flaws whatsoever. His current level of shrewdness was enough for him to conceal his emotions. 

Kb tlw, Tf Zlcu pera rjk tlw jr j ojatfg oluegf atja tf gfrqfmafv jcv vfqfcvfv bc. Po Tf Zlcu vlrmbnfgfv tlr atbeutar, tf wluta yfmbwf rmjgfv jcv vlruerafv… ab ageis, vffqis ibnf j qfgrbc wfjca yflcu ecjyif ab yfjg ifaalcu tlw fzqfglfcmf atf rilutafra yla bo uglfnjcmfr bg qjlc, rb Oe Wlekfc kbeiv gjatfg reoofg tlwrfio atjc wjxf atlcur vloolmeia obg Tf Zlcu jcv mbcalcefv ab ibbx joafg tlw ilxf yfobgf.

How could Ye Ming not understand Lu Xiuwen’s feelings for him, when the affection meter was displayed right before his eyes? However, he very considerately pretended to be unaware, continuing to happily act the role of an innocent airhead.

Lu Xiuwen loved Ye Ming deeply. He endured and restrained himself the whole time, but his feelings would deepen every year. Finally, when Ye Ming was in his second year of university, Lu Xiuwen’s affection meter was completely filled up.

After filling up his affection level, Ye Ming had to leave. He was still figuring out a way to make trouble for himself, when someone delivered it right to his door. 

The person who came was Lu Xiuwen’s business rival, Song Qin. Song Qin was Lu Xiuwen’s competitor in an important bidding. His strength couldn’t match Lu Xiuwen’s, so his crooked thoughts turned toward Ye Ming.

Everyone knew that Ye Ming was Lu Xiuwen’s only weak spot. For many years, Lu Xiuwen didn’t keep any unreliable lovers or fuck buddies by his side. He was single the whole time, without feelings or entanglements, and invulnerable. Only Ye Ming was the closest person at his side: he was not his own son but was treated better than a biological son, pampered and indulged almost to the heavens. As a result, there were even some outside rumors that Ye Ming was his and Gu Xueya’s illegitimate child.

Song Qin attempted to contact Ye Ming. After all, Ye Ming was always naive and pure, having been protected all too well by Lu Xiuwen. He certainly would not be well versed in the ways of the world. This type of youth was the easiest to deceive.

So, Song Qin found Ye Ming and duped him, half lying and half telling the truth, “In fact, Lu Xiuwen has always deeply loved your mother, Gu Xueya. At that time, it was exactly because he crashed your mother’s wedding that she had to leave her hometown. Later, he still refused to let go, and his hatred born of love caused him to force your parents to death. In reality, Lu Xiuwen is the murderer who killed your parents! He treated you well because of his guilty thoughts toward Gu Xueya and affections shifted on to you. Otherwise, he has no relation with you, no reason to do so. Gu Xueya was not a real member of the Lu household, so why else would he treat you so well? Speaking of which, you’re even his love rival’s child.” 

Ye Ming thought to himself, Who would believe your nonsense, are these words supposed to fool a three year old? No, even a three year old could tell who would sincerely treat them well, more like an idiot. But he was going to burn the bridge anyway and didn’t care, so he pretended to be stupefied. He was also “convinced” by the so-called “proof” that Song Qin took out. “Wounded and angry”, he believed that Lu Xiuwen had always been deceiving him.

Prompted by Song Qin, Ye Ming went to steal classified information from Lu Xiuwen’s company. Lu Xiuwen had unconditional trust in Ye Ming. Only towards him would he show an indulgent side. As a result, Ye Ming effortlessly entered Lu Xiuwen’s office and left with the materials that Song Qin asked for.

Due to Ye Ming’s betrayal, Lu Xiuwen was defeated in the bidding, losing to Song Qin. The results of an investigation into the leaking of corporate secrets came out swiftly. Or rather… there was hardly any need to investigate, because the video footage was right there.

The airheaded Ye Ming didn’t hide himself at all, rummaging through Lu Xiuwen’s office and leaving the place with his things in broad daylight. This footage made Lu Xiuwen feel both disbelief and suffering. 

Lu Xiuwen was unwilling to believe that the person who was always dearest to him would actually betray him. With pain in his heart, he interrogated Ye Ming to no end. But Ye Ming said to him with a face full of disgust and loathing, “You liar, it was really you who got my parents killed, wasn’t it? You were good to me because you loved my mother, right? I don’t need your fake caring! You disgust me!”

Lu Xiuwen experienced the full blow and devastatedly demanded why Ye Ming would rather believe Song Qin instead of him. If Ye Ming had any doubts, why not just ask him?

Yet, all Ye Ming said was, “I won’t believe a liar like you, Song Qin will take care of me. Don’t bother me in the future.”

When he was finished, he left with Song Qin right in front of Lu Xiuwen. 

Then, Ye Ming had separated himself from him.

Ye Ming recalled up to here and let out a breath of air. Even though what he did back then was extremely inappropriate, as long as he properly went back and acknowledged his mistake, admitting that Song Qin had tricked him, according to Lu Xiuwen’s feelings, all should be forgiven.

Ye Ming smiled happily as he opened his eyes, but after he took a glance at his surroundings and lifted his head to gaze at the calendar on the wall, he immediately displayed a lifeless expression.

[Ye Ming: Brother, help me check, am I delirious or are my eyes bad? How could time flow backwards?] 

[888: Your eyes are fine, this point in time is really half a year before you left.]

[Ye Ming: Haven’t I always returned to a time after I left? How come this time, I returned to a time before? There’s still this kind of move???]

[888: In the cycle of life, all is possible. Are you doubting the great main system?]

[Ye Ming: … ] 

Ye Ming was lifeless for a few seconds, after which his mouth stretched into a dark smile.

[Ye Ming: God has answered! Half a year ago, I still hadn’t done anything stupid! Not only was I not yet labelled as “naive and innocent, making loved ones sad and enemies happy, not knowing right and wrong, unable to read people, stupid and ignorant, biting the hand that feeds me”, but also in Uncle Lu’s eyes, I was still a clever, sensible, good kid! Hahaha hahaha, there shouldn’t be any blackening value at all!!!]

[888: En, looks like you know too, at this time, Lu Xiuwen shouldn’t have any blackening value.]

[Ye Ming: happytwirlingjumping.jpg] 

[888: So, what are you doing here if there’s no blackening value?]

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: Why does he have a blackening value? This is unscientific, ah, it’s impossible.]

[888: Of course it’s there, because he reincarnated.] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: It’s not nice to play me like this QAQ]

[888: Hehehe.]

888 was too lazy to say even another sentence to Ye Ming, directly flinging to him a whole pile of memories from after he left. 

After a look, Ye Ming had an incessantly guilty conscience.

When he betrayed Lu Xiuwen, after saying some more words that stabbed into his heart, he gently waved his sleeve and left, not taking away a single cloud.

Yet, despite such a betrayal, Lu Xiuwen was still worried about Gu Ran staying together with Song Qin, afraid that he would be deceived and hurt by him. He continued to try to get close to Gu Ran, but clearly, the Gu Ran that the system had taken control of would not meet Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen saw how the child he had cared about, cherished, loved with his heart and soul, for nearly twenty years, so easily believed words he heard from his rival, then betrayed and left him. To escape from him, he even cut off all correspondence… This affair made Lu Xiuwen take a heavy hit. Half a year later, Lu Xiuwen was on his way back from sweeping Gu Xueya’s tomb in an absent-minded state and died in a car accident. 

Ye Ming watched to this point. Having just come back from the last world, he suddenly had the feeling that he’d become a serial killer. Oh, this was somewhat inconsistent from his original intentions of valuing money over his life.

If he had known today would come, with how everything was originally just fine, why would he court death? A round of busying himself in vain ultimately ended up not making any difference. He even needed to come back to clean up the mess. Ye Ming heavy heartedly let out a sigh, feeling that he must have truly let water leak into his brains back then.

[888: After Lu Xiuwen died, he was reborn one year before, that is, today, half a year before you betrayed him.]

[Ye Ming with a hollow laugh: Oh…] 

[888: Let me give you a last friendly reminder: you’re waking up to go to an exam.]

[Ye Ming: Exam???]

[888: Yep, your higher level mathematics exam, you can do it.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

Ye Ming was speechless, with two streams of tears flowing down his cheeks. He’d left the world for so long, and he was greeted by an exam as soon as he got back. It even tested such a brutal and inhuman subject. Wasn’t this a bit too ruthless?

However, time didn’t wait for him to overthink, as his roommate, Hu Lei, had already come rushing out of the bathroom. This was an uninhibited bro who slapped his palm against Ye Ming’s bed and loudly said, “Gu Ran, why haven’t you gotten up yet? You’re going to be late for the exam! Hurry up!”

Ye Ming: “…”

Ye Ming hopped off the bed, randomly put on some clothes, and gave his face a wipe. Carrying his pencil case, he and Hu Lei barged into the exam room together. 

But as he was waiting to be seated in the exam room, Ye Ming stared at the test paper, eyes wide open, and felt like he was going to die.

Last time Ye Ming came to this world, he had always played the honor student and well-behaved kid types. His academic achievements were awesome in all areas, never causing Lu Xiuwen to worry about his studies… but if you thought Ye Ming was a real xueba, you would be gravely mistaken.

He thought about how, during those years, he was indeed a man who was rolling in wealth.

The omnipotent system’s shop provided high score mist sprays, high score candies, high score drinks, high score cookies, high score chocolates… There was but an unimaginable variety: anything could be sold! In addition, their price was not high; they could be considered hard to come by discounted goods. 

Whenever Ye Ming was faced with exams or homework, he would cycle through his high score drinks, high score candies, and high score sprays. Never before had he felt that studying could be such a simple thing!

For example, during this final exam, Ye Ming remembered that he had gotten a perfect score. Every time, he would even make a few mistakes on purpose. Maintaining his spot in the top ranks was enough. Whatever he’d been smoking back then, he forgot… Anyway, he had scored quite well.

But now, he didn’t have a single experience point on hand.

[Ye Ming: Brother, save me…] 

[888: Want to borrow money?]

[Ye Ming: Lend me some money… Lu Xiuwen reincarnated, and his memory is so good. If I score a zero this time, he’ll definitely discover a problem QAQ]

[Ye Ming: Before he does something to influence the course of history, I won’t be able to escape my previous life’s trajectory! Also, I can’t let my image completely fall apart. If he discovers that I have skeletons in the closet, he’s so smart I’ll have no way to lower the blackening value. Then, the theme of this world will change from reincarnation and face-slapping to paranormal urban mystery, and it’ll be even harder for me to operate QAQ]

[888: No problem, I’ll take a commission of twice the price of the goods, can you accept that?] 

[Ye Ming: …]

Ye Ming struggled on the inside for a while. Why did he have a sort of illusion that, after he’d tricked 888 into lending him money once, 888 had long waited for this day???

[Ye Ming: I’ll borrow…] Humiliated, he accepted reality and lowered his head: he couldn’t even comprehend the questions on the exam paper.

[888, rejuvenated, opened the system store’s interface and tenderly asked: Would you like to make a purchase?] 

[Ye Ming: …] No, this 888 who was like Taobao customer service made him feel terrified.

But after Ye Ming glanced down at the examination paper, he finally showed an expression like that of a hero making a brave sacrifice.

[Ye Ming: Give me a bag of high score candies!] The price was low while the utility was high. One bag contained many candies, enough to use for a very long time!

[888: No problem! What flavor would you like? Strawberry, blueberry, banana, lemon?] 

[Ye Ming: Strawberry milk flavor!]

[888: Ok.]

Ye Ming happily felt his pocket and sure enough, there was an extra bag of candy. He liked this type of high score candy’s strawberry milk flavor the best: you wouldn’t get tired after eating a hundred of them. They were the perfect companion for test taking! But just when he took out a piece and held it before his eyes, his face immediately turned green and his hands trembled.

[Ye Ming: Why is it durian flavored???] 

[888: Oh, my hand accidentally slipped, sorry.]

[Ye Ming: I want to return it! You can’t possibly buy the wrong thing and take my money, right?]

[888, his tone growing cold: The system store doesn’t allow returns. Or do you want to renege on your debt?]

[Ye Ming: But you bought the wrong one…] 

[888: No refunds, if you want to buy again, I’ll collect a tripled commission. At that time, I’ll deduct all of it from your unfrozen experience points. Eat it or leave it.]

[Ye Ming: How could you do this! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

[888: If you have the ability, leave me a negative review then?]

[Ye Ming: …] 

No, he didn’t dare QAQ.

Ye Ming tearfully unwrapped a candy, his tears nearly dripping onto the test paper. He felt like he’d already become a pathetic child, the sort who wasn’t doted on by his granddad nor loved by his grandma. 888, who was usually like a father, disliked him. The amiable, likeable Lu Xiuwen had also blackened, wuwuwu, how tragic…

Ye Ming ate a candy as he thought that, for this exam, he’d had to work very hard too.

As they walked out of the examination room, his roommate, Hu Lei, saw Ye Ming’s pair of tear-filled eyes and couldn’t help but ask, “Was it that hard? Your grades are pretty good in every subject. If I didn’t even cry, why are you crying?” 

Ye Ming looked at him with a profound gaze, and said in a depressed manner, “You don’t understand the loneliness at the top.”

Hu Lei thought in his heart, Fuck, are you looking down on us slackers?

However, Hu Lei thought of himself as a magnamious dude. Despite Ye Ming having just looked down on him and his dignity as a slacker, he still charitably forgave him. He patted Ye Ming’s shoulder and said, “Go go go, let’s have lunch. We’re done with the last exam for today. A few of our bros are going to eat out to celebrate.”

Ye Ming sincerely looked at him. “You aren’t saving some money to pay for the makeup exam and course repeat fees?” 

Hu Lei: “…” He couldn’t continue this conversation at all!

Ye Ming was happy at last. “Today, I’ll treat you. I have money.”

By relying on shameless cheating methods, he lived up to the pride of a xueba and unleashed ruthless attacks to crush his roommate’s morale. After receiving satisfaction, Ye Ming generously decided to treat him to dinner. After all, he had lots of money!

Hearing that Ye Ming was treating him, the grieving and indignant Hu Lei called over their two other roommates, Wei Weicai and Zhao Xing, and they went to have a big meal. 

Even though it was a big meal, how much could a few university students eat? In fact, they didn’t spend much money. These roommates, despite all being born into ordinary families, weren’t really people who were hung up over small benefits. After they finished eating, they returned to their dorm together.

The moment they were about to enter the campus, Ye Ming suddenly noticed that under the shade of the tree beside the entrance, a black limousine was parked. A middle-aged man wearing a black suit stood in front of the car. His complexion involuntarily fluctuated.

Apparently, the changes brought about by Lu Xiuwen’s rebirth have already shown up. Lu Xiuwen from his last life, at this time, had never sent people to his school to pick him up.

Ye Ming was unwilling to let Hu Lei and the others discover his identity and smilingly said to them, “You guys go back first. My uncle gave me a call today telling me to take a trip home, so I won’t be returning to our dorm tonight.” 

Hu Lei and the others didn’t think twice at all, chuckled, and said, “Alright, then we’ll go back first.”

Finished talking, they went in first. When they passed through the campus gate, they glanced at the black limousine parked within the shade of the ordinary-looking tree on the side, they clicked their tongues in admiration. The vast majority of boys loved cars, especially these college students. Coming across such a rare luxury car, of course they couldn’t help but make a few comments. They didn’t know if their university had some lowkey children from rich and powerful families or the car was here to pick up a sugar baby.

Ye Ming saw that all of them had gone inside, and only then, he walked towards the limo. Fortunately, it was nighttime and there weren’t many people.

The middle-aged man waiting at the car was Lu Xiuwen’s chauffeur—Ye Ming always called him Uncle Li. He respectfully bowed towards Ye Ming and said, “Young Master Gu, Master Lu asked me to take you for a trip back home.” 

Ye Ming moved naturally and climbed into the car through the door that Uncle Li opened. Only when the engine started did Ye Ming doubtfully ask, “What does Uncle want to see me for? Why did he have me return home all of a sudden?”

Uncle Li expressionlessly drove and said in a steady voice, “Master didn’t tell me, when Young Master Gu returns, you should know.”

Ye Ming didn’t say anything more and quietly sat in the back of the car.

The drive was very smooth. It would take approximately an hour to arrive at the Lu residence. This was a place where Ye Ming had lived for many years, up until he went to university. He’d just moved to his dorm, but in spite of this, his room here was always maintained. It could be said that this place was equivalent to his home in this world. 

Uncle Li opened the car door for Ye Ming, watched Ye Ming get off, then went to park the car in the garage.

Ye Ming directly walked home. Just as he arrived at the entrance, a servant, Zheng Sao, held the door for him. He smiled as he placed a pair of slippers next to his feet and said, “Young Master Gu, Master is waiting for you in the second floor study. You may go up right now.”

Ye Ming showed Zheng Sao a shy expression and said, “Thank you, I got it.”

He changed his shoes as he was speaking, then went up to the second floor. 

The door to the second floor study was hidden. Ye Ming opened it with a light push, then saw a man sitting on the sofa. Even though he was sitting, he still possessed an air that was as steady as a mountain. The man was dressed in a dark colored full suit. The outline of his side profile was sharp. When he heard the sound of entering, he slowly turned his head over, revealing a mature and handsome face with cut features, deep-set eyes, and slightly thin lips. When he wasn’t smiling, he would seem somewhat cold. Moreover, his meticulously buttoned collar and cuffs gave him a slight sense of abstinence.

Lu Xiuwen looked deeply at Ye Ming. A short while passed, then he parted his lips and said in a low voice, “You’re back.”

[Ye Ming: So how much is Uncle Lu’s blackening value?]

[888: Not too high, just 70.] 

[Ye Ming: …]