By the time Ye Ming woke up, he was still a little hungover and his head was throbbing in pain. He moved slightly and found that he was in a man’s arms. He quivered and was immediately wide awake. He was sore all over, as if he’d been steamrolled. It reminded him of what happened yesterday night. Although…it was a scattered and vague memory, he was very certain that…

He did it with Lu Xiuwen! 

Ye Ming immediately sat upright and the pain caused him to draw back the corner of his mouth. His face was flushed and he looked at the man beside him with whom he had mutually opened up. He shifted his body shyly and he was embarrassed. He wanted to escape discreetly. Suddenly, a powerful arm extended from the side and seized him. He was once again pulled into that powerful and scalding embrace, wiping out his sprouting idea of escaping.

“U-uncle…” Ye Ming stammered. He didn’t even dare to look into Lu Xiuwen’s eyes.

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming’s panicked expression. He couldn’t hold back the faint smile at the corner of his lips. He lowered his head and leaned close to him, whispering beside his ear, “What’s wrong?”

Ye Ming bit his lips, not knowing what to say. 

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes were filled with tenderness. He gently hugged Ye Ming and said in a gentle and deep voice, “Do you feel unwell?”

Ye Ming was indeed a little uncomfortable now. But what was worse was that when he recalled the choppy memories from last night, he didn’t feel that it was scary but instead…instead, it was a wonderful feeling that he had never imagined. He also recalled his expression after he stopped holding back…Ye Ming’s face suddenly became redder. He was unable to face Lu Xiuwen and said, “I’m going to go to school.”

Lu Xiuwen couldn’t help but sigh. He touched his hair affectionately and said, “I’ve already requested an absence for you. Today you’ll stay at home to rest.”

Ye Ming felt that his legs were still weak and his back was still sore. But taking a day off because they’d made love until he couldn’t get off the bed was simply too embarrassing!

Lu Xiuwen had been worried about hurting Ye Ming yesterday and he was already very careful. But in the end, he was unable to control himself and he still did it a little longer. He couldn’t bear to let Ye Ming rush to school in such a condition. But with Ye Ming being thin-skinned, he would definitely be unwilling to cut classes for this reason, so it would be better if he decided on this sort of thing for him.

Lu Xiuwen pressed Ye Ming on the bed. He then stood up and said, “I’ll prepare breakfast for you.”

Ye Ming was indeed very exhausted and did not want to go to school. Since Lu Xiuwen had already said this, he eventually did not persist…furthermore, nobody would tell him off anyway for not going to school. He continued to nest in the bed like an ostrich. But he felt a little guilty and uneasy for letting himself be undisciplined.

Lu Xiuwen picked up his shirt and put it on in front of Ye Ming. He had a good build with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Usually, he looked a little slim when he was wearing a shirt, but in fact, his muscles were buff and powerful. He was very strong…Ye Ming flushed with excitement and decided he would rather shut his eyes, pretending to be asleep. 

Lu Xiuwen gazed at Ye Ming and let out a delighted smile. He turned around and went out.

Ye Ming lay there and very quickly, he picked up the blanket and pulled it over his head. He was trembling from excitement and he simply felt like shedding emotional tears.

[Ye Ming: This world had really put my willpower to the test. It taught me how to sit still and not be confused. I almost became Liu Xiahui. It was really not easy getting to this step.] (T/N: Liu Xiahui was an ancient Chinese politician. He was a man of eminent virtue and is said on one occasion to have held a lady in his lap without the slightest imputation on his moral character. When he died, his wife insisted on pronouncing a funeral oration over his body, urging that none knew his great merits so well as her.)

[Ye Ming: Uncle is really impressive. I really did not misjudge him!] 

[Ye Ming: And he even helped me to apply for a leave of absence, knowing that I don’t want to go to school. I am really unable to return this favor. QAQ]

[Ye Ming:…]

[Ye Ming: Bro? Bro? Are you there? Bro, are you listening?]

[888: Sorry, the system that you are calling is currently out of service. For emergencies, please press 1; for everyday affairs, please press 2; for roasting and gossip, please press 3; for a loan, please press 0. Operator service is temporarily unavailable.] 

[Ye Ming:…]

Coafg j ktlif, Oe Wlekfc mjwf yjmx lc alwf ab rjnf Tf Zlcu ogbw tlr jkxkjgvcfrr.

Oe Wlekfc qijmfv atf vlclcu agjs bc atf yfvrlvf jcv tfiqfv Tf Zlcu ab rla eqgluta. Lf qijmfv j qliibk yftlcv tlr yjmx jcv tlr mbcrlvfgjaf jmalbcr kfgf jr lo tf kjr ajxlcu mjgf bo j mglalmjiis lii qjalfca. Ktlr tjv wjvf Tf Zlcu nfgs ecmbwobgajyif. Aera jr Oe Wlekfc kjr jybea ab offv tlw, tf mbeiv cba yfjg la jcswbgf. Lf gfjmtfv bea tlr tjcv jcv rjlv, “P’ii vb la wsrfio.”

Lu Xiuwen smiled as he looked at him. Seeing that Ye Ming was really embarrassed, he did not force him. He placed the bowl in Ye Ming’s hands and said, “Careful, it’s hot.” 

Ye Ming was indeed a little hungry and so he began eating very quickly. Even though Lu Xiuwen kept reminding him, he still ate quickly. After all, it wasn’t even that hot.

Lu Xiuwen was sitting beside him, watching. When he saw that Ye Ming was finished eating, he put the bowl outside and walked toward Ye Ming. He lifted the blanket and carried Ye Ming out.

Ye Ming was still naked. He was panicked by Lu Xiuwen’s action. Is Uncle Lu thinking of doing something again? He shifted his body in unease.

Lu Xiuwen made Ye Ming lie on his stomach on the bed. He helplessly smiled and said, “Don’t move. I’m just putting some ointment on you.” 

In the end, it was still a little injured, but it was not severe. However, Lu Xiuwen was very attentive. Furthermore, he didn’t want it to affect their happy life later on. So, he took some extra precautions.

The moment Ye Ming heard him, he stopped moving and buried his head in the bedsheet, extremely embarrassed.

Sure enough, Lu Xiuwen did not do anything else. The following days, he stayed home with Ye Ming and even worked from home. In terms of taking care of Ye Ming, he never sought help from others but attended to him personally.

Ever since that day, Ye Ming never left Lu Xiuwen’s bedroom. Basically, Lu Xiuwen never gave him any chance to mention returning to his own room and Ye Ming couldn’t find a suitable opportunity to. Thus, he stayed in his room. 

Two more days passed and Ye Ming felt that he couldn’t be any better. He was embarrassed about being absent from school continuously. Eventually, he told Lu Xiuwen, “Uncle, I’m going back to school tomorrow.”

Lu Xiuwen smiled tenderly without any intention of stopping him. “Alright, I’ll send you to school tomorrow.”

Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief. Although Uncle Lu was very considerate, he was still very nervous about being with him twenty-four hours a day. It was still better to be at school!

Who would have thought that as soon as Lu Xiuwen finished speaking, he pulled Ye Ming into his arms and held a smile at the corner of his lips. “It looks like your body has recovered, right?” 

Ye Ming’s eyes met with Lu Xiuwen’s deep gaze. He vaguely knew what he meant and he blushed.

Lu Xiuwen pinched Ye Ming’s chin as lowered his head and kissed him before taking off his shirt.

Ye Ming’s head was spinning from his kisses. He mumbled, “Uncle…”

Lu Xiuwen paused and his voice was a little hoarse. “Call my name.” 

Ye Ming was stunned. He…had never called Lu Xiuwen by name before. He found it hard to open his mouth. But Lu Xiuwen fixed his stare on him, waiting for him patiently.

Ye Ming pursed his lips and finally let out a very soft and weak sound, “Xiuwen…”

The moment these two words came out from his mouth, it was as if their relationship finally changed entirely, and it was also as if they had broken a certain taboo. It made him shiver from the bottom of his heart and even the air smelled different.

Lu Xiuwen smiled. But his expression was extremely dark and it carried a deep sentiment and lust. He pressed Ye Ming hard onto the bed. 

From now on, this person was his. His body and soul belonged to him.

He finally had him.

[Ding. Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 35]

The next day, Ye Ming was still unable to go to school. But this time, he got more used to it. Moreover, Lu Xiuwen was still restraining himself, so it wasn’t too bad. He finally went back to school on the third day. 

Since they started doing it, Lu Xiuwen wanted him every night.

Ye Ming was a little scared in the beginning. He felt that Lu Xiuwen was too big. But everytime after they started doing it, he experienced a lot of pleasure. After experiencing Lu Xiuwen’s techniques and teasing, Ye Ming was completely captivated.

Lu Xiuwen had a lot of different tricks, but he was very considerate. He really cared for Ye Ming’s feelings. He helped him to clean up every time after they did it.

Ye Ming felt that Lu Xiuwen was the most considerate person in the world. He was the most important person in his life…He really loved him. And so he slowly became more open and was no longer as shy as he was in the very beginning. In fact, he liked getting along with Lu Xiuwen now. 

He liked the things that lovers did.

He stayed in Lu Xiuwen’s room and never mentioned returning to his own room anymore.

Although Lu Xiuwen had been treating him very well without anything to pick on, he felt that one day he would need to leave this house and leave Lu Xiuwen. It made him feel uneasy. But now…he suddenly realized that he would never need to leave anymore. The best part was not leaving the person that he cared about the most, and he became the owner of this house.

In another way, he could be with the person that he loved forever. 

This sort of happiness left Ye Ming with no hesitation. Instead, he made a firm decision that he wanted to love Lu Xiuwen with all his heart and to be with him.

Perhaps the only challenge would be that he was still a little scared of how others would judge him. He was unwilling to let others know that his relationship with Uncle Lu had become this way. Not only was he with a man, he was with a man who had raised him…

This had always made him feel ashamed.

Today, Ye Ming was having lunch with Zhang Hongzhi at the cafeteria. Zhang Hongzhi, who sat across him, suddenly widened his eyes and said nervously, “Master Gu, Master Gu, Lu Xiuwen is here looking for you.”

Ye Ming was stunned. He turned his head around and saw Lu Xiuwen walking toward him.

Lu Xiuwen was dressed in a decent low profile suit. He walked steadily in their direction. Even without doing anything, his mature, deep-set and charming face, his slender, perfect body figure, and his aura had captured the attention of countless people. 

Ye Ming was shocked. Even when Lu Xiuwen was already in front of him, he was still unable to react. Why did Lu Xiuwen come to school?

Lu Xiuwen walked up to Ye Ming and politely nodded to Zhang Mingzhi. He then said to Ye Ming, “I’ll be out on a business trip for a few days. I’m here to tell you that before I leave.”

Ye Ming was so nervous that he was almost speechless, “You, you can tell me over the phone.”

He was really scared of Lu Xiuwen coming over. Usually, Lu Xiuwen always kissed him at home, and they were very intimate. But they were at school now. He was very reluctant to let others find out about his relationship with Lu Xiuwen. 

Lu Xiuwen noticed that Ye Ming was nervous. He didn’t do anything inappropriate. He lowered his gaze and glanced at the food on his table, frowning, “The quality of food in the cafeteria is still a bit low. Why don’t you come home for lunch?”

This is too troublesome! Ye Ming immediately said, “No worries, I think it’s fine!”

Lu Xiuwen did not say anything else. His plan was to come over to see Ye Ming before he went on his business trip. Afterall, he would not be home for several days…But seeing that he was here, Ye Ming probably didn’t even dare to eat. His expression darkened as he finally nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll get going. Although I’m not home, remember to go home early at night, understand?”

Ye Ming nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Lu Xiuwen turned around and left.

After Lu Xiuwen left, the heavy atmosphere suddenly became relaxed again. Just now, Zhang Hongzhi and the rest did not even dare to make a single noise.

When Ye Ming got out of the afternoon class, a group of curious female students came over to ask Ye Ming who that man was just now. He was so handsome that even by taking a glance, their hearts were already racing wildly as if a few fawns in their hearts had died from hitting their heads.

Ye Ming briefly explained that he was his distant uncle. 

After that, a lot of girls asked if Uncle was still single. If it were before, Ye Ming would have definitely said that he was single. But now, when he thought about how popular Lu Xiuwen was, he felt a little jealous and said that Uncle was already in a relationship. The girls walked away in disappointment.

That evening, when he returned home, Lu Xiuwen was indeed not around. Ye Ming, who was bored, could only play games to pass time.

It’d already been many days since 888 last bothered with him. But Ye Ming, who was indulging in happiness from being in a relationship, didn’t really mind it. Today, Uncle Lu was not around and it seemed that he wouldn’t have any night life.

Aera jr Tf Zlcu kjr tjqqlis qijslcu tlr ujwf, 888, ktb’v yffc ibcu ubcf, revvfcis jqqfjgfv. 

[888: You’re not bad at playing this game. The way you are playing was quite coquettish. Your reaction was not slow either.]

[Ye Ming: Hehe. That’s right. You should take a look at who I am.]

[888: Then why did you suck so much when I first brought you to play this game?] The more stable 888 voice was, the more anger there was in his heart. At that time, he must have been mad to bring this spicy chicken to play this game! Aside from being mocked by 666, he was even being ridiculed by that moron 444! Sigh! Were they blaming him for getting stuck with a spicy chicken as a host? It was simply a humiliation! Just take a look at other hosts! Look at how 444 cheerfully lay there like a corpse!

[Ye Ming:…] Damn, it had been so long ago and he had forgotten about that… 

Lf kjr wbra jogjlv bo atf jawbrqtfgf revvfcis yfmbwlcu delfa.

[Ye Ming: Bro! Listen to me! Back then my skill really sucked. I only managed to get better recently! Crying in a thunderstorm!]

[888: Lalala.]

[Ye Ming: Not only that, your glorious image was too outstanding. When I’m with you, I have no chance to exhibit my abilities at all. I wholeheartedly wanted to follow in your footsteps and worship your heroism. I’m the stepping stone and backdrop to set off your extraordinary abilities. Without me, how can you show off your extraordinary abilities? QAQ] 

[888: Lalala.]

[Ye Ming: Really, listen to me. Give me another chance QAQ]

Dea cb wjaafg ktja, 888 kbeivc’a jcrkfg tlw.

Tf Zlcu yfja tlr mtfra jcv rajwqfv tlr offa. Lf gfjiis gfugfaafv la jcv tf rfcrfv atja tf kjr vbbwfv. 

Just as Ye Ming had spent a few days trembling in fear, Lu Xiuwen was finally back from his business trip. The enriching night life had slightly eased Ye Ming’s worries. However, he had never given up on patching things up with 888!

Because of 888, Ye Ming looked a little worried.

Lu Xiuwen could see that Ye Ming was not in a good mood. He thought that he’d met with something unhappy at school. However, he heard from Zhang Hongzhi that nothing unusual had happened at school. This had made Lu Xiuwen a little puzzled. In the end, he felt that perhaps Ye Ming was still a little bothered by their relationship.

These days, he could see that Ye Ming had already completely accepted him. But with this child’s shy and honest nature, he still cared about how others might judge him. He could already tell based on how nervous Ye Ming was when he appeared at school the other day. 

Ye Ming sighed. He really wanted to openly tell the world about his relationship with Ye Ming. But he shouldn’t rush on this matter.

Lu Xiuwen had invested a lot of effort in courting Ye Ming. Tonight, he went to fetch Ye Ming from school as usual.

After school, Ye Ming saw Lu Xiuwen’s car parked at the place where he usually parked. He quickly walked over and got in the car. It seemed that he was afraid that others would notice him. Although it had been so long, he was still not really used to it. He was still unwilling to attract too much attention.

Lu Xiuwen turned his head to the side and smiled at him. He said in a teasing manner, “You’re acting as if I am your underground lover who should not be exposed.” 

Ye Ming quickly shook his head. “Of course not!”

Ye Ming felt a little guilty. He didn’t mean that; it was just that he still could not really accept the strange looks from others.

Of course, Lu Xiuwen would not keep pressing, since he was not such an impatient person. Since Ye Ming was already his, he naturally had ways to let him slowly open up his heart. Their progress now was already going very well. They could slow down a little, there was no need to hurry.

Lu Xiuwen gently hugged Ye Ming and let him lean into his arms. He smiled as he whispered in his ear, “Shall we watch a movie tonight?” 

Ye Ming felt Lu Xiuwen’s warm breath land on the back of his sensitive ear. His face blushed. He nodded and said yes. Recently, the cinema was showing a movie that he had long anticipated. He had once mentioned it previously and he didn’t think that Lu Xiuwen still remembered it all along.

He did not even expect that Lu Xiuwen would take the initiative to accompany him to watch it. After all, he thought that with Lu Xiuwen’s character, he probably had no patience to watch this sort of movie for youngsters.

But Lu Xiuwen still accompanied him.

After they had dinner, Lu Xiuwen noticed Ye Ming’s gaze land on the popcorn for two seconds when they were entering the cinema. Without changing his expression, he went over to buy a big bucket of popcorn and a cup of coke. He allowed Ye Ming to eat junk food occasionally. 

Ye Ming was absolutely moved beyond words. He watched the movie while nibbling on popcorn. He did not mind even when Lu Xiuwen occasionally held his hand and touched his face in the dark.

It was a comedy movie that cheered people up.

Ye Ming was obviously in a good mood when he came out from the cinema. He was talking to Lu Xiuwen about the plot of the movie in high spirits.

Actually, Lu Xiuwen did not find the movie that good at all. The production was a little rough and the punchlines did not land with him at all. In the end, there was still some generation gap between him and Ye Ming. He could not respond to most of the conversation…but he was very good at listening. He would show decent smiles when Ye Ming was speaking and he would show an attentive look as he was listening as if he agreed with Ye Ming’s words. He simply would not let people feel left out or despised. 

It was to the extent that Ye Ming could even carry on a one-sided conversation with keen interest.

Lu Xiuwen held onto Ye Ming’s hand and saw him chatter continuously with his youthful face brimming with splendid smiles. He felt his own mood also becoming better.

Because when you were in love with a person, no matter what he said, you would not get sick of it. You would feel happy just by looking at him.

Perhaps he was a little enthralled from looking at him, because Lu Xiuwen felt that he was unable to restrain his emotions. They were walking through the underground parking lot. When he saw there was no one nearby, Lu Xiuwen pulled Ye Ming into his arms and teased, “Let’s kiss for a while before going home?” 

Ye Ming choked on his words. But they were still outside!

Seeing that Ye Ming was still in shock, a smile flashed across Lu Xiuwen’s eyes. He lowered his head and kissed him, gently licking the popcorn that was sticking to the corner of Ye Ming’s lips.

He didn’t even eat one just now. Usually, he never ate such a thing, but now that he ate it, it actually tasted better than he’d expected. Perhaps it was mixed with Ye Ming’s scent, making that milky flavour somehow taste richer, to the extent that he uncontrollably lowered his head to deepen this kiss.

Ye Ming was blushing. He was very embarrassed, but he was addicted to Lu Xiuwen’s kiss and started to long for Uncle’s intoxicating scent, which he had once thought was too aggressive but now made him feel loved and submissive. 

At this time, a couple ahead of them suddenly made a turn and walked toward them. They probably had just come out from the movie too.

The girl saw them and was about to walk over, unconcerned. When she suddenly saw Ye Ming’s face clearly, she stood still in shock, showing a look of disbelief.

And Ye Ming also clearly saw the other party. He was also shocked and his whole body stiffened. Their eyes met.

The girl turned out to be An Xiaoqi, who had once chased him! 

[Ye Ming: Bro!!! Bro! Did Uncle plan this too?]

[888 said impatiently: No, this is purely a coincidence. Didn’t you notice that there were a lot of young people when you came? Are you guys really scared of letting others know, when you’re always sticking together sweetly?] This dog male-male pair with no sense of shame.

[Ye Ming:…]