Ye Ming slightly raised his head, and looked at the man in front of him. The man’s jawline was firm and harsh. Within his dark eyes, his cold line of sight mercilessly fell upon him. There seemed to be contempt in his eyes, as though he was merely an insignificant ant, or something base and filthy.

Yang Qian was very seriously saying these words, and was not joking.

There was a burning pain coming from the abrasions on Ye Ming’s neck, while the chill from the ground invaded his body. His fingers clawed at the ground. After a while, his pale face revealed a forced smile, “It’s me, ah… did you forget about me…” 

Don’t you recognize me anymore?

Yang Qian looked fixedly at Ye Ming, saw the fragile and hopeful light in his eyes, and the corners of his lips slightly lifted.

How pitiful, ah. Huo Yi isn’t here anymore. Now that your backer is gone, you’re starting to act weak in front of me? Then, when you betrayed me so heartlessly before, and when you sent me to my death alone, why didn’t you make this kind of face then? How come I didn’t notice before that you actually had this kind of ability.

Yang Qian opened his lips slightly, an undercurrent of laughter in his voice, “Of course I remember you.”

Even if I can’t remember anyone else in this entire world, I would never forget about you, never forget the humiliation and betrayal you brought me.

Ye Ming’s eyes brightened for a moment. He was visibly moved as he said, “I’ve always been very worried about you…”

Yang Qian couldn’t help but laugh. This was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard before.

How can you have the face to say this to me? Oh… right, you don’t know that I was next door that night, tied up over there, hopelessly and helplessly listening to everything… you think I don’t know about what you’ve done, so you dare to so unabashedly pretend now that you were worried about me. 

Yang Qian raised his right hand. Shi Yang froze for a bit, then immediately passed the chain in his hands over to Yang Qian’s hands.

Yang Qian reached out and pulled, directly yanking Ye Ming up from the ground!

Ye Ming didn’t expect that Yang Qian would do this without any warning. He grabbed onto the chain with both hands, and was almost strangled to death. He had a panicked look in his eyes, and a bewildered and sad expression. He would never forget what a gentle and considerate person Yang Qian had been before, and how good he’d been to him.

And now, this heartless and ruthless man who was standing in front of him was just like a devil draped in his lover’s body, capricious, violent, and frightening. 

Yang Qian grasped the chain with a strong grip, then turned around and went back to his spot to take a seat. Ye Ming was completely unable to resist, and was dragged along like this behind him. Because he lost his footing, he stumbled and fell at Yang Qian’s feet.

Tjcu Hljc’r ilqr megnfv lcab j mbiv jgm. Qlatbea atf rilutafra qlas, tf vlgfmais kbecv atf mtjlc jgbecv atf jgw bo tlr mtjlg. Ktf mtjlc ribkis alutafcfv, jcv lar ifcuat ifoa Tf Zlcu mbwqifafis ecjyif ab ufa yjmx eq, rb tf mbeiv bcis rabbq vbkc jcv xcffi atfgf.

Tf Zlcu ofia fzagfwfis ecmbwobgajyif, jcv atf ibbxr ogbw jii jgbecv tlw wjvf tlw offi fcvifrris jrtjwfv jcv lcvlucjca, tlr fcalgf ybvs ojlcais agfwyilcu.

Yang Qian reached over and stroked Ye Ming’s face, his coarse fingertips bringing about a burst of knife-like, slicing pain. He faintly smiled, “Instead of wasting your energy on useless things, why don’t you think up ways to please your new master instead, so you can live on, ah.” 

When Ye Ming heard these words, the last sliver of hope in his heart was dashed to pieces.

Yang Qian had come back alive, and he hadn’t forgotten him. But, he hadn’t come here to rescue him… this knowledge made Ye Ming’s blood run cold.

Shi Yang saw this scene, and had a straightforward personality, so he couldn’t help but ask at the top of his voice, “Boss, did you know him from before?”

Yang Qian raised his head, and said with a slight smile, “Yes. We used to be together, but later he thought that being with Huo Yi had better prospects, so he broke up with me.” 

Shi Yang’s eyes widened. Everyone else was also extremely shocked. They didn’t expect that Yang Qian would actually directly say these words out loud. Although Yang Qian’s expression was calm, and he spoke casually and lightly, at the time it had probably been a very powerless and painful experience, ba. His boyfriend had run away with someone else, and he’d also fallen into such a state. No wonder he hated Huo Yi so much.

Yes, the amount of people who knew what had befallen Yang Qian back then wasn’t few. There was enmity between many of the people present and Huo Yi. This was also how Yang Qian had been able to win them over for his own uses, because they all wanted revenge.

Sharing the same enemy and purpose, they would never rest until Huo Yi was dead.

After hearing Yang Qian’s words, no one looked down on Yang Qian, or felt that he was useless before because of this. After all, there was fundamentally a large gap between ordinary humans and ability-users. No matter what Yang Qian used to be like before, he was sufficiently powerful now. Being able to defeat Huo Yi was enough… on the contrary, his bitter experiences and plight back then made them admire him even more for being able to reverse a desperate situation. 

In contrast, everyone directed looks of utter contempt at Ye Ming. So, he was only just a slave after all. They’d even wondered if he was some important figure, but it turned out he was just a piece of trash that had abandoned his boyfriend for a good life.

Although there were many people like this post-apocalypse, and even lovers could each fly off on their own in the face of imminent danger, it didn’t prevent them from looking down on these people anyway.

Shi Yang was the bluntest. He looked at Ye Ming with disgust and said, “What’s the point of putting up with this kind of trash, just drag him out to feed the zombies. Then, I’ll go find a few beauties for you, Boss.”

Yang Qian couldn’t resist and laughed loudly, seemingly in a good mood. He looked down at Ye Ming, raised an eyebrow, and said, “It looks like my people don’t like you very much. Tell me, should I do as they said or not?” 

Ye Ming’s face was deathly pale. His lips were trembling and he couldn’t say a word.

Yang Qian saw that he’d been frightened into this state, and coldly laughed. How could he possibly let him off the hook this easily?

Since you like to cling to the strong and sell yourself, doing anything for the sake of living without any dignity or a bottom line, then I’ll let you understand the price you’ll have to pay for this. This is the path you chose, ah.

Yang Qian responded to Shi Yang with a smile, “Thank you for your kind intentions, but let’s not talk about these things first today. This kind of person isn’t worth wasting time over discussing him. We have more important business to attend to. How’s the clean-up going with the remainder of Huo Yi’s people in this base?” 

Shi Yang said, “Huo Yi and his confidants have already fled, but there are still many other ability-users in this base who sought refuge under him. At most, they only had relationships based on self-interests, so some people haven’t left yet and are watching from the sidelines.”

Yang Qian said indifferently, “Have a talk with them. Those willing to take refuge under me can stay. For those who are unwilling or those harboring ambitions, kill them all.”

Shi Yang responded affirmatively.

Yang Qian then turned to Zhao Jin and said, “Although some of the people in this base can be used, for key locations like the hospital or the armory, our trustworthy people should be arranged to manage them. All the outposts should also be replaced with our people to monitor the situation outside 24 hours a day. Huo Yi definitely won’t be reconciled, and will try to make a comeback. 

Zhao Jin nodded and said seriously, “I’ll arrange it well.”

Yang Qian then asked, “What’s the attitude of the ordinary people outside right now?”

One of his subordinates responded, “They’re very unsettled. They’re hiding inside their homes, afraid to come out. They’re afraid that we’ll kill them, rob them, and then leave.” This was a common occurrence after the apocalypse. Among the bases themselves, there were a lot of clashes and robbing of resources. Even in such a cruel world after the apocalypse, there would never be a shortage of struggles between human beings. On the contrary, the evil and cruel aspects of human nature were exposed to a greater degree.

Sometimes, humans were more difficult to deal with than zombies. It was normal for them to be afraid. 

Yang Qian said with a smile, “Go outside and placate them a bit. These people are all fence-sitters, and have no loyalty to speak of for Huo Yi. Staying here was just a way for them to survive at most. Tell them that nothing will change. Since we want to take control of this base, they’re all still useful.”

Yang Qian asked more about the situation, and made arrangements for everything in an orderly fashion, before all of his subordinates went out to perform their duties. They had to take control and stabilize the situation within a very short period of time.

When there was no one else left in the room, Yang Qian finally turned his head and peered down at Ye Ming who was still at his feet.

Ye Ming had kneeled until his legs were trembling. His face was bloodless, his good-looking features were dripping with cold sweat, his black hair plastered onto his forehead… 

Yang Qian gazed at Ye Ming’s face. This was precisely the person who was on his mind day and night, ah, though it was not out of love, but hate.

Day and night, for the past two years, he’d hated him.

He vowed to kill Huo Yi and recapture Ye Ming, letting Huo Yi pay with his life, while letting Ye Ming pay the price.

He would let them know that he wasn’t a piece of trash that could be arbitrarily killed, but an existence that could make them tremble with fear and regret. 

Yang Qian suddenly stretched out a hand and reached into Ye Ming’s collar. Who knew what he’d done, but Ye Ming revealed a pained expression, his pale face dusted with a trace of red. He looked agonizingly at Yang Qian, bit his lip and said, “Stop…”

Stop? So now you don’t like me touching you? Or is that you like Huo Yi better? When he did those things to you, I didn’t see you tell him to stop then, ah…

There was a faint, frenzied look in the dark depths of Yang Qian’s eyes. When he thought about how, for the past two years, this person in front of him had been wantonly possessed and played with by another man who’d raised him like a pet beside him, not even knowing how many times he’d slept with someone else, the fury, jealousy, and dissatisfaction in his chest hissed like a venomous snake, seemingly ready to devour everything.

This originally was his person! Could only be his! 

Yang Qian unraveled the chain, then directly picked Ye Ming up all of a sudden.

Ye Ming struggled for a bit, but Yang Qian’s arms felt as though they’d been forged with steel. His strength was far greater than before. Not only had he changed and become strong, but the person himself had also changed.

Even if Yang Qian didn’t say a word, Ye Ming could feel Yang Qian’s fury, and terror emerged in his eyes.

Yang Qian carried Ye Ming in his arms and directly went to Huo Yi’s former residence. The inside of the luxurious villa was decorated in majestic splendor, just like a miniature palace, accentuating the identity and status of its owner. 

“Let go of me,” Ye Ming said, his voice quavering. The Yang Qian like this made him afraid.

Yang Qian completely didn’t react to this. He finally arrived at the bathroom in the master bedroom on the second floor, and directly flung Ye Ming onto the ground violently.

Ye Ming made a pained expression, and struggled to get back up, but Yang Qian directly stepped on his wrist. The clothes on his body were ruthlessly torn off, and immediately afterwards, cold water rained down all over his head and covered his face.

Ye Ming was cold and in pain. The humiliation and shame gave him no choice but to curl up into a ball as he was completely drenched. 

Yang Qian coldly watched the man on the floor. The man was curled up, the curve of his spine long and graceful, his legs straight and slender, his pale, fair skin like silk. His hand, his foot, and every part of him was delicate and pretty. As a man, he had a body and appearance that could move even men’s hearts.

There was nothing on his body, except a black, iron collar on his neck that clearly displayed his current identity, its contrast making his skin seem even paler, while cold water snaked down his cheeks and collarbone, making him seem fragile and enticing.

Once, they were a most loving couple. Yang Qian would never forget all the tiniest details from when they were together before the apocalypse arrived. He would never forget the smiles this person would reveal to him, or each word that came from his mouth… he would also never forget, when they had fled for their lives after the apocalypse had arrived, the looks they had exchanged during moments of life or death.

At that time, he’d naively believed that their feelings were the most indestructible thing in the entire world. Even if the world was this hopeless and dark, as long as he had this person, there would always be hope in his heart. Being alive wasn’t something meaningless at all. He worked hard for their future, dreaming that better days would come. 

But all of it turned out to be nothing more than a farce.

When he looked at Ye Ming’s heartless countenance, and listened to his heartless words… finally, in the dark forest flooded with zombies, when he dragged his broken legs behind him, his hands dripping with blood as he crawled inch by inch away from that place exuding the stench of rotting chunks of flesh…

When he was huddled inside a dark cave, his whole body so filthy there was no difference between him and those corpses, and when he was determined to live on even if he had to gnaw on mice as sustenance…

He found that he had lost everything. Persistence. Hope. Love. 

There was nothing left in this world worth his sentiment… the only thing that kept him alive, was nothing more than hatred.

Yang Qian bent down, grabbed Ye Ming’s hair and lifted his head up, revealing a cruel smile, “How exactly do you usually please Huo Yi? Is he satisfied with your body? Does he know you as well as I do?”

Ye Ming tightly shut his eyes, his eyelashes quivering. His lips were pressed together, paling. He seemed to want to refute something, but couldn’t say a single thing in the end.

Yang Qian let go, picked up Ye Ming, and threw him on top of the bed. Ye Ming realized what Yang Qian was doing, and gritted his teeth, about to escape, but his ankle was grabbed and he was mercilessly yanked back. 

Yang Qian lowered his head and laughed beside his ear, “But, since you’re with me now, it’d be best if you forgot about him quickly.”

This round of ruthless plundering lasted a very long time. Yang Qian seemed to want to use this kind of method to mark his own prey, to brand his body with his own traces, and to fiercely obliterate and cover up the scent of others.

It was unknown whether it was because of the pain in his body or the sadness in his heart that Ye Ming’s tears flowed on without stopping.

The person who was tormenting him right now was the person he loved the most, ah. They’d met back when they were still very, very young… he’d loved him for several years, and what had made him grateful was, this person also loved him back. They originally had such a beautiful future.

But, the transformation of this world turned everything to dust in an instant. 

Just because he didn’t have enough strength, he wasn’t able to protect the person he loved. They were forced to separate, and to hurt each other.

When he said those words to make Yang Qian leave this place, no one knew how painful and hopeless he felt inside. If sacrificing himself would let Yang Qian live on, then he would do so without a shred of hesitation. Unfortunately, it was of no use. If Huo Yi wanted to kill Yang Qian, the only thing he could do was pretend he didn’t know anything, then let Huo Yi drive him away from here.

Far, far away from here…

If he left this place, there would still be a ray of hope for survival…

Even in his dreams, he fantasized about the day of their reunion. He lived like a walking corpse in this place, imagining how this person would descend from the sky, returning to rescue him from this hell.

He finally waited until this person returned, but it wasn’t to save him, but rather to trample him in even deeper.

Ultimately, he sank deeper into hell.

Not even the little fantasy hidden in the depths of his heart, his extravagant hopes, were left for him. 

Ye Ming fainted and then woke up again. He opened his eyes dully, and looked up. He’d thought that he could already endure anything, but once the person inflicting harm became the person that he loved, he finally knew how difficult it was to bear.

Compared to before, it was infinitely more difficult to bear.

Yang Qian clutched Ye Ming’s neck, licked away the blood on his wounds, and let out a deep laugh, “You don’t like it? Aren’t you okay with doing anything for the sake of a good life? Or do you feel like I can’t give you what you want?”

Ye Ming shut his eyes in misery. 

When Yang Qian saw him like this, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his gaze chilled again. Really irritating, ah… you could choose Huo Yi, so why won’t you even try to please me a little bit.

Do you think I’m inferior to Huo Yi? Then, I’ll kill him for you to see!

Yang Qian clenched his fists. After a long time, he said in an ice-cold, piercing voice, “Get off.”

He paused a bit, then added, “As a slave, you’re not qualified to be on the bed. When we’re done, scram.” 

Tf Zlcu’r mtfra offyis gbrf eq jcv ofii jujlc. Lf vlvc’a tjnf atf rilutafra lcafcalbc bo gfrlralcu. Lf rageuuifv ab ufa eq klat ugfja vloolmeias. Ktf qjlc lc tlr ybvs jcv atf ralmxlcfrr yfakffc tlr ifur wjvf tlr ygbkr oeggbk, yea tf ralii uba boo atf yfv, kjcalcu ab ibbx obg mibatfr ab kfjg.

But Yang Qian suddenly pulled on the chain, and directly attached one end to the bedpost.

Ye Ming’s expression finally shifted, and he uttered in a hoarse and pained voice, “Didn’t you… want me to get off…”

Yang Qian’s lips curled up, his gaze frigid, “Haven’t you already gotten off?” 

Too many things had happened today, and the torment from before made Ye Ming’s reactions a bit slow. It took a good period of time before he understood what Yang Qian meant. His face revealed a look of extreme shame and indignation, and his lips trembled.

But Yang Qian didn’t pay any more attention to him. He directly turned off the light, and lay on the bed.

Ye Ming had been violated just now. It already hadn’t been easy for him to exert himself and stand up, but he saw that Yang Qian was just going to leave him hanging like this. Not long after, he couldn’t stand straight anymore. He gritted his teeth and desperately persisted, but his mind was foggy and his entire body ached. Finally, he swayed and fell to the ground, bringing the chain on his neck along with a clattering sound.

Ye Ming had fallen onto the ground. Because of the cold, he could only shrink into a ball. His fingers grasped the chain, a dismal look in his eyes. 

You’ve come back to take revenge on me… haven’t you…

You blame me for choosing Huo Yi back then and leaving you. I never imagined that you would hate me this much…

Yang Qian was breathing evenly, and seemed to have fallen asleep very quickly. But actually, he wasn’t sleeping at all. From beginning to end, his attention had always been focused on the person on the ground next to him. He was worried about whether Ye Ming’s body could stand it or not, worried about whether or not he would get sick. After all, Ye Ming wasn’t an ability-user, and was just an ordinary human being.

But Yang Qian couldn’t forget about everything that had happened two years ago, nor could he forget this person’s betrayal. 

Or was he supposed to still coax him and flatter him like he’d done in the past after he came back? He couldn’t do it.

No matter how painful it was or how reluctant he was, he still had to let him have a taste of the suffering he’d endured! Even though he probably wouldn’t understand it at all… not even one ten-thousandth of what he’d had to endure…

You don’t even know what I’ve been through, but even if you did, you probably wouldn’t care, ba.

You only care about yourself. 

Ever since he awakened his abilities, Yang Qian’s five senses had become much sharper. He could hear the sounds of Ye Ming breathing, and could see clearly in the dark. He sensed that Ye Ming should already be asleep. Only then, did he sit up softly, turn his head, and look at the man at the foot of the bed.

After struggling for a long time, Yang Qian revealed an anguished and depressed expression. He finally took out a blanket, and gently covered Ye Ming’s body with it.

After a while, he forced himself to retract his hand that was suspended in mid-air.


Although there was a very thick carpet on the ground, Ye Ming still maintained that he hadn’t slept too comfortably that night. When he woke up and found the blanket on him, he thought in his heart that Yang Qian was a lot more soft-hearted than he’d predicted.

【Ye Ming: Am I sick? Why don’t I feel like it, ah?】

【888: You’re not sick. You’re doing splendidly.】

【Ye Ming: Still not sick after all this! Am I not an ordinary human being?】 

【888: You’re an ordinary man, not a delicate young maiden who can be knocked over with a gust of wind. Who says you have to be sick?】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: Then, how can I get sick? Some people don’t want to sleep on the carpet anymore QAQ】

【888: Then good luck getting tormented, ah. I believe in you.】 

【Ye Ming: …】

Ye Ming’s stomach grumbled with hunger, so he opened his eyes.

But, there actually wasn’t anyone else in the room. Yang Qian had left in the morning. Ye Ming thought in his heart that this was too much, he actually left him at home by himself. He could only wrap himself up inside his blanket and assume a mournful state.

When Yang Qian came back, it was almost noon. There was still a thick scent of blood coming from his body, as though he had walked back from a Shura Field, and it was unknown how much blood his hands were stained with. 

Ye Ming lifted his gaze to glance at him, then slightly turned his head to the side, looking away.

Yang Qian came up to him, then condescendingly looked down at him from above. He took out a piece of clothing and tossed it in front of him. He unfastened the chain and said, “Dirty as hell, go wash up.”

Ye Ming listened to Yang Qian’s degrading words. His pallid face first flushed, before paling again. In the end, he still picked up the clothes in mortification. Compared to Yang Qian’s humiliation, what he couldn’t stand even more was not having a single piece of clothing to cover his body with.

By the time Ye Ming finished cleaning up and putting on the clothes before coming out, Yang Qian was sitting at the dining table. The table was set with a sumptuous meal. 

Ye Ming had been starved for almost an entire day and night. Looking at the food, he felt an instinctual craving, but he didn’t go over there immediately, because the current Yang Qian felt unfamiliar and made him uneasy. He didn’t know what kinds of things he would do.

He hated him this much.

Yang Qian’s dark eyes gazed at Ye Ming deeply. He lightly chuckled, “Come here.”

Originally, Ye Ming didn’t want to go over, but after hesitating a bit, he still walked over in the end. 

Yang Qian lightly tapped his finger on the table, a playful smile on his lips, “Hungry yet?”

Ye Ming swallowed, but he didn’t answer.

Although there wasn’t particularly that much food on the table, and they were all more common ingredients, after the apocalypse, it was already most extravagant. While countless people ate simple and crude meals in order to fill their stomachs, this table of food was something many people wouldn’t dare to think of even in their wildest dreams. There was even a bottle of red wine placed on the side.

Yang Qian laughed, and said slowly, “At the time, you told me that you could have a better life if you went with Huo Yi. Look… in fact, being with me is the same. Whatever he could give you, I can also give to you now.” 

Ye Ming’s gaze was complicated and pained. He thought of Yang Qian’s ruthlessness yesterday, and also looked at his current countenance. After a long silence, he finally mustered up the courage to say, “Back then when I said those things, I also had no other choice…”

Yang Qian didn’t appear to be angry, and only lightly said, “I understand. After all, many people are like this now. As long as they can live well, what’s wrong with choosing a better way out?”

As soon as Ye Ming heard this, he knew that Yang Qian didn’t believe him. He still thought that he chose Huo Yi for a better life. But, how could he prove himself? He really did abandon Yang Qian, and gave up everything in order to follow Huo Yi. The facts were laid before them… a verbal explanation seemed pale and weak in comparison.

And with some things, even if he said them out loud, would Yang Qian believe them? 

Yang Qian picked up a ham and vegetable sandwich and held it in front of Ye Ming. There seemed to be a flash of fleeting tenderness in his eyes. “Since you’re my person now, I won’t treat you poorly.”

Ye Ming looked at Yang Qian. He was a bit baffled, and a bit on guard. Didn’t Yang Qian hate him? Why was he suddenly treating him well? What was the meaning of this?

Ye Ming suffered and struggled in his heart. He felt he shouldn’t accept Yang Qian’s advances. After all, he had just humiliated and hurt him like that. But Yang Qian hated him for a reason. He was the one who betrayed him first… and this was the cruel world after the apocalypse. This was already no longer the world they once knew… here everyone did whatever they could, by fair means or foul, to survive. Humans had already lost the capital to affect a proud demeanor.

If you wanted to live, you had to give up many things. 

Finally, his instinct to satisfy his hunger prevailed, and Ye Ming slowly reached out, about to accept the sandwich from Yang Qian’s hands. But before he could touch it, Yang Qian suddenly loosened his grip, and the sandwich fell to the ground, while the ham and vegetables inside were scattered around and covered in dust.

After the apocalypse, food had become the most valuable commodity. People could even kill others for a slice of bread, yet Yang Qian had actually chucked it away like this.

With a strange smile on his lips, Yang Qian slowly said, “Eat up. I was very satisfied last night. This is the precious food you got in exchange for your body. Best not waste it.”

By the time he reached the last part, the tone of his voice had become dangerous and cold. 

Ye Ming’s expression changed, and his body slightly swayed.

【Ye Ming: What a waste, what a waste! Anything else is fine, but wasting food is intolerable! My meat, ahhhhh】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: I’m going to starve to death la la la la】