Ye Ming’s body slightly trembled, and the look in his eyes was desperate beyond compare.

Yang Qian wasn’t in a hurry, and didn’t press Ye Ming. He didn’t seem to be worried at all about what he’d decide.

There were already the sounds of bids being called out below. Several people had taken a fancy to Xu Xiaoyue, and scrambled to raise the bid one after the other. There was a complete racket outside, while there was a blanket of silence inside.

Ye Ming looked at Yang Qian with a sorrowful expression. We’ve known each other for more than twenty years. You were not only my lover, but also my little sister’s big brother… we grew up together, and we were so close, but, to the person you are right now, these sentiments aren’t important anymore. 

You can be ruthless and cruel to me, and you can also watch her go to her death so indifferently.

And you also know, that I’ll definitely beg you…

Ye Ming lowered his gaze, and uttered in a hoarse voice, “Please, help her…”

A faint smile finally appeared on Yang Qian’s lips. A sharp gaze like that of an eagle fell on Ye Ming’s face. The corners of his mouth were lifted as he spoke each word, “You’re asking me for help with this kind of attitude?”

Ye Ming closed his eyes in pain. He took a deep breath, and seemed to discard all of the persistence and pride he’d finally managed to muster up before. He knew that from now on, he’d longer have any right to resist in front of Yang Qian, and even his life and death would no longer belong to him.

He lowered his head and in a voice filled with embarrassment, as if he’d lowered himself into dust, he uttered, “…I’m begging you.”

Yang Qian patted Ye Ming’s hair with gentle movements, staring at him with a gloomy gaze. He began to speak, his tone light, “So you’ll be obediently eating your meals, then?”

Ye Ming bit his lip as he nodded. 

Yang Qian let out a chuckle, and looked meaningfully into Ye Ming’s eyes. But, the dark, twisted mass in his heart hadn’t decreased in the slightest.

Really jealous ah… there’s someone you love and care about like this. But, I’m very self-aware, and know that Xu Xiaoyue and I are not comparable at all.

She’s a relative that you can’t abandon, while, after the apocalypse, I’m nothing more than a nuisance that can be thrown away at any time, once there’s nothing left to take advantage of.

But, that’s okay, because there’s no way you can get rid of me now, anyway. You’ll be obediently staying by my side, unable to go anywhere at all, to pay the price for your actions back then. 

Tjcu Hljc iloafv j tjcv jcv qgfrrfv j yeaabc bc atf ajyif. Vbbc, rbwfbcf qertfv bqfc atf vbbg jcv kjixfv lc, atfc jrxfv gfrqfmaoeiis, “Zjs P jrx ktja lcragemalbcr sbe tjnf?”

Tjcu Hljc rjlv, “Ktja kbwjc vbkc atfgf lr wlcf cbk.”

Ktf jaafcvjca vlvc’a jrx jcsatlcu fzagj, jcv kfca vbkc joafg gfrqbcvlcu joolgwjalnfis.

In this base, Yang Qian’s words were equivalent to an imperial edict. If he wanted a slave, then no one would try to fight over one with him. There was completely no need to say anything more. 

When Ye Ming saw this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the look in his eyes hadn’t relaxed at all. Even if Xu Xiaoyue had temporarily been saved from being sold as a slave, would Yang Qian take good care of her? Ye Ming couldn’t be sure of this.

Downstairs, Xu Xiaoyue was dressed in dirty long sleeves and pants. Her long hair was tied simply behind her head, but her face had been thoroughly washed clean, just to allow others to see her appearance clearly.

Her expression was full of fear, anger, and hatred. She’d come here together with her boyfriend. She’d originally thought she’d be safe at last, but not even two days later, she was actually secretly sold by that beast.

She hadn’t met her boyfriend until after the apocalypse. At the time, she’d lost contact with Xu Xiaofei. In order to go to her big brother’s city to find him, she’d joined a team of survivors along the way, and also had met her current boyfriend in that team. The two of them had more or less experienced a lot of wind and rain together. After the apocalypse, in this dark and terrible world, people had become even more eager for warmth and someone to rely on, and wanted someone so they could protect each other, and love each other… she didn’t know whether she loved or depended on her boyfriend, but she’d trusted him very much, and had treated him sincerely. 

But, he’d abandoned her.

Once she thought about how she’d be sold as a slave to those terrible people, Xu Xiaoyue’s heart was filled with incomparable hopelessness. She hadn’t found her big brother yet, but was probably about to die. Where was her big brother… was he still alive somewhere?

Maybe he’d already died one step ahead of her. She couldn’t say for sure.

At this time, a staff member came out from the side, lowered his head, and said a few words to the person in charge of the auction. The person in charge immediately announced in a loud voice, “The bidding has been suspended, this slave has already been claimed by someone.” 

The ability-users who’d been bidding weren’t pleased. It was rare for there to be such a decent female slave, and they all wanted to get their hands on her. Among them, a large ability-user said in a deep, gruff voice, “Owner, we’re all bidding over here. Suspending it just because you say so, are there even any rules left then?”

Another ability-user also agreed in a sarcastic tone, “Yes ah, for this kind of unruly shop, I think we might as well smash it. By the way… in the end, who exactly is it that has such great authority, to not even show their face while snatching away a person halfway through.”

The person in charge snickered twice, but there wasn’t the slightest bit of timidness on his face. Forget that the person who’d spoken up to ask for a person today was Yang Qian, even if Yang Qian hadn’t been here, he still wouldn’t be afraid of other people making trouble. The ability-users behind him were also very powerful.

He said, “Excuse me, my sincerest apologies to you all, but this female slave today indeed has a master already. Boss Yang specifically asked for this person, so it’s not like I can just refuse, ba?” 

As soon as these words came out, the hall instantly quieted down.

Very quickly, the two people who’d spoken up just now stood up, and awkwardly smiled as they said, “Of course, of course, who’d dare to compete with Boss Yang over someone he set his sights on, please don’t take what we said just now to heart. We still have something else to do, so we’ll be leaving first, and won’t disturb the owner doing business any longer.”

As soon as they finished, they quickly retreated with a look of lingering fear hidden in their eyes. They hadn’t imagined that Yang Qian would be here too.

They were both ability-users that’d been in the base ever since Huo Yi was still there. Later, they’d casted their lot with Yang Qian and had joined that way. They wouldn’t forget how brutally the people who’d rebelled against Yang Qian back then had been killed. Plus, Yang Qian had always had his doubts about their group of people. 

In order to protect their lives, they’d always remained very low-key, and absolutely hadn’t had any conflicts with Yang Qian’s people, all in order to live safely until now… if they’d known earlier that Yang Qian would also be present today, they wouldn’t have dared to take a single step in even if they were beaten to death.

The person in charge contemptuously glanced at the two people who were leaving, then said to the staff nearby, “What’re you all still standing around dumbly for, are you all not going to quickly send this female slave over to Boss Yang.”

Xu Xiaoyue was brought away. She had no idea who she’d been sold to, but it probably had to be someone with a lot of power in this base to have the ability to scare those people away. She was directly taken away by the staff, and then was passed over to someone else. Finally, she was locked inside a room. From the beginning till the end, the buyer didn’t show up at all.


After Yang Qian gave his orders, he didn’t stay there any longer. He directly went home with Ye Ming in his arms.

He put Ye Ming on the sofa, then got someone to bring some food in. He put it in front of Ye Ming, then looked at him without saying a word.

Ye Ming stared blankly at the food in front of him. He was actually rather hungry, but he also didn’t have much of an appetite… not too long ago, he’d made up his mind to get away from all of this with his death. But how long had it even been? He’d already returned to this situation.

Fate was a cruel and heartless thing, and now even something like death wouldn’t allow you to get what you wanted. 

But Ye Ming also thought that fate would always leave you with a sliver of hope, so that no matter how hopeless or painful things got, you’d still be willing to accept it all.

Because… he wanted his little sister to live.

Ye Ming picked up the bowl and started eating slowly. He didn’t dare to play any tricks anymore. If he died, Yang Qian definitely wouldn’t protect Xu Xiaoyue anymore. Even if it was just for his little sister’s sake, he absolutely had to live on.

Yang Qian stood in front of Ye Ming, and expressionlessly watched him obediently eat his food, an icy air about him. 

Ye Ming put down the bowl after he finished eating, lifted his gaze, then gave Yang Qian a complicated and helpless look.

Yang Qian reached out and pinched his chin, a corner of his lips lifting, “If you’d listened to me earlier, wouldn’t nothing have happened then?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with pain, and his lips slightly trembled.

With satisfaction, Yang Qian appreciated Ye Ming’s expression, choking with silent fury, forbearing despite the suffering. So what if you think of leaving me again? In the end, don’t you still have to obediently stay by my side. You’re destined to not be able to go anywhere. 

He released his hand, then said coldly, “Go on the bed.”

Ye Ming’s entire body quivered. His hands were clenched tightly, but he didn’t say anything in the end. He got up and went back inside the room, then lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

Yang Qian’s footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Ye Ming felt the area on the bed beside him sink down a bit, like someone had gotten on. Next, he ended up in someone’s embrace, and he readied himself to face everything. But, to his surprise… after a long time, Yang Qian still hadn’t done anything else.

Yang Qian brushed his finger along Ye Ming’s lips that had whitened because of fear, the corners of his lips pulling up in self-mockery. Do you think that I’m really that insatiable? That I won’t let you off even though you’ve gotten this skinny? 

Only when Ye Ming couldn’t see it, would he reveal a weary look.

You feel like this kind of life is painful and meaningless, but, when is it not the same for me. Even so, what about it? In the end, we still have to go on.

The translator has something to say: by the powers of the combined fury vested in all of us readers against Yang Qian, I summon thee… Huo Yi! we implore you, bestoweth upon us a face-slapping, nay, face-thrashing, the likes of which this world has yet to see… (pls, i’ll sacrifice 10 cows to you)

The translator has a long unrelated rant to give: so ur telling me he knew she was just rotting in that place waiting to be sold and let it all happen just so he could dramatically throw it in Ye Ming’s face and have him beg him nicely first… look, if he wanted someone to threaten him with, he still could’ve just fished her out from there first and then told him “eat otherwise I won’t take care of her”, like idk, there’s lots of options here. esp since Ye Ming revealed that they all practically grew up together and l m a o let’s not even mention how he’s long since gone waaaay too far with his “revenge” but what did his little sister do? she’s not even a stranger that he’s under “no obligation to lend a helping hand to” anymore like that’s just cold she was probably really scared, mistreated, and traumatized for life back there, and for what, his 5 lil seconds of petty table-turning? 

Ye Ming had finally eaten a warm, satisfying meal, then was securely embraced by someone while he slept, recovering a lot of his HP all at once.

【Ye Ming: Ah… my happy life is about to begin. This is how things ought to be. You ought to eat, ought to drink, ought to sleep, and especially after the apocalypse, you ought to make merry while you can. Too refreshing!】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: I have to quickly recuperate, ah.】 

【888: What’s the rush, it’s not like you’ll die.】

【Ye Ming: If I don’t recover, how could Yang Qian bear to hei hei hei with me?”

【888: …】mmp, why hadn’t this thoroughly dirty-minded spicy chicken been f*cked to death yet.

Although Ye Ming knew that Xu Xiaoyue was perfectly fine right now, in order to express his worries, he still had to act like he was concerned about his sister.

As soon as he woke up the next day, Yang Qian wasn’t at home, so Ye Ming could be more unrestrained. After all, there was someone who’d prepare food and drink for him. After the apocalypse, he was probably the only one who could live such a worry-free life! He was almost too comfortable!

So, Ye Ming closed the door and slept very well at home. Those who weren’t aware, would probably believe that he was too depressed to even go out the door, and was inside feeling upset.

Like this, Ye Ming ate then slept, slept then ate, then slept all the way until nighttime. When he heard 888’s warning, he quickly got out of bed, then revealed a distressed expression, as though he’d been waiting for Yang Qian all day.

Fortunately, there was neither the internet nor any monitoring equipment after the apocalypse, otherwise his life wouldn’t have been so easy. 

When Yang Qian pushed open the door and entered, he saw Ye Ming standing over there obediently, like he’d been waiting for a long time.

Lf’v jigfjvs gfmflnfv j gfqbga ogbw tlr reybgvlcjafr. Kbvjs, jii bo atf obbv rfca ab Tf Zlcu tjv jii yffc byfvlfcais fjafc ys Tf Zlcu lc ogbca bo atfw, jcv atfc tf’v rajsfv lc atf gbbw atf fcalgf alwf. Lf tjvc’a ubcf jcsktfgf, jcv tjvc’a fnfc mbwf bea atf vbbg.

Ye Ming stood there for a while, giving Yang Qian a complicated look. He seemed to have finally plucked up the courage to walk over to Yang Qian, then said in a low voice, “I… want to go see her. Can I?”

A corner of Yang Qian’s mouth twitched with ridicule. He seemed to not be the tiniest bit surprised by this, but he didn’t answer this question, and said instead, “Eat first.” 

Ye Ming didn’t dare to press him. He sat down in front of the dining table absent-mindedly. Not too long after, dinner was served. There weren’t too many dishes, but it was more than enough for two people, and they could eat until they were full without wasting anything.

Ye Ming looked at the food in front of him, and took a bite. As a matter of fact, the flavor was pretty good, yet he actually felt like it was tasteless.

While he was sitting in a luxurious room eating his meal, where was Xu Xiaoyue? Had she been bullied, had she had enough to eat, and how had Yang Qian been treating her, he didn’t even know anything at all about any of these things…

Yet Yang Qian didn’t seem to notice Ye Ming’s worries at all, leisurely finishing his meal, then going to take a bath. 

By the time he came out, Ye Ming was still waiting in the same spot.

Yang Qian’s gaze darkened. These days, he’d embraced Ye Ming every day, but had been reluctant to actually do anything to him. He was still a bit hot-tempered after all, so he walked over, pulled Ye Ming into his arms, and kissed him on the lips.

Ye Ming’s body stiffened, then immediately, he submissively opened his mouth, letting Yang Qian kiss him wantonly.

The kiss lasted for such a long time that he almost suffocated. He couldn’t help but let out whimpering sounds, while his eyes were also covered in a film of tears, but he still didn’t dare to move in the slightest. Whenever he thought about how his younger sister was still in Yang Qian’s hands, he didn’t dare to do anything that might provoke his anger. 

After all, the things he’d said and done before had probably made him very angry, ba… but at the time, there’d already been nothing left worth him caring about.

If he’d known that fate would make such a fool of him like this, then why would he have bothered with such senseless resistance?

Yang Qian was kissing Ye Ming, and could feel the submissiveness of the person in his arms. He pressed him against the wall, and deepened the kiss once again. Then, this kiss slowly moved downwards… the thin body of the person underneath him was trembling, but still didn’t move at all.

Yang Qian took a deep breath, suddenly stopped his movements, then raised his head, and spoke into Ye Ming’s ear with the shadow of a smile on his lips, “What’s the hurry, could it be that you want her to see you like this?” 

Ye Ming knew that his current appearance didn’t look too good. He was very thin, like he was still recovering from a serious bout of illness, but he really couldn’t stop worrying about Xiaoyue…

Yang Qian’s tone was light as a feather, yet carried heavy implications, “Don’t worry, as long as you’re obedient, nothing will happen to her.”

What he didn’t say was, if you don’t listen, then something will happen to her.

Even if he didn’t say these words, Ye Ming still understood in his heart. Even if he was still thinking about Xu Xiaoyue, he could only patiently endure for now. If he kept on asking, would it make Yang Qian angry again? After all, he was this temperamental now, and indifferent to human life, so Ye Ming didn’t dare to take any risks. 

Because Ye Ming obediently ate his food and cooperated with his treatment, his body soon recovered. A few days later, although he still looked a little thin, his complexion had gotten much healthier.


【Ye Ming: I think it’s about time to bring up meeting my dear younger sister again! This matter still has to be put on the agenda.】

【888: …oh, turns out you still remember her, ah.】 

【Ye Ming: Of course I remember her. She was the one who brought about the first light of day in my life, letting me eat and sleep well. How could I possibly forget about her?!】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: I can only depend on her for my good life now, ying ying ying.】

【888: …】 

Ye Ming strolled around the room every day. It was honestly really boring not having the internet after the apocalypse. He felt like was about to turn moldy. This wouldn’t do, ah, he had to move around a bit.

Although Yang Qian had threatened Ye Ming with Xu Xiaoyue, he hadn’t done anything else to him besides forcing him to eat his meals. The things that’d happened before had probably made him unwilling to push Ye Ming too hard.

Moreover, he had such a large base he needed to manage, and oftentimes had to come out in person to maintain his prestige and dominance, thus, he couldn’t stare at Ye Ming all day at home.

The day before yesterday, Yang Qian had gone out with his subordinates again, only this time, he’d returned empty-handed, and things hadn’t gone too smoothly. When he got home, it was already very late. His entire body gave off the smell of blood and was tainted with grime from fighting zombies. He went to clean himself off before returning to the room. 

But Ye Ming hadn’t gone to sleep yet, and Yang Qian raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Ye Ming was sitting on the side of the bed. He’d actually just gotten up when he’d heard some sounds. It was very quiet here at night, and he slept very lightly. When there was some movement, he’d woken up, and knew that Yang Qian had returned.

He didn’t dare to make Yang Qian angry, and already hadn’t mentioned the matter with Xu Xiaoyue for a long time. But the longer it’d been, the more restless he felt.

From the beginning till the end, it seemed that Yang Qian had no intention of taking him to see Xu Xiaoyue, as if he’d completely forgotten about this matter. 

Ye Ming gritted his teeth, and seemed to be experiencing some kind of internal struggle. He watched as Yang Qian slowly walked past, then said in a low voice, “You’re back.”

Yang Qian indolently flicked a glance at him, completely too lazy to bother with him, and directly walked right past him towards the interior.

He’d always had this kind of attitude towards Ye Ming, and he was either cold, or he was indifferent, as though he was some sort of insignificant plaything.

Ye Ming’s hand trembled a bit. Looking at Yang Qian’s heartless back, he suddenly reached out and took off his clothes, then took a step forward and hugged Yang Qian from behind, his voice quavering as he said, “I… I…,” he’d only spoken two words, before he was too ashamed to continue on. 

Yang Qian looked down at Ye Ming’s hands holding on to him, his steps stopping as his eyes darkened.

Ye Ming looked ashamed and flustered. He wasn’t sure whether doing this was right or not, but… he didn’t know how else to break the status quo. He felt like Yang Qian would probably enjoy humiliating him like this. He’d thought about it for many days, before he’d come up with such a ridiculous and foolish method.

Just like a slave… attempting to please his master to achieve his goal… this was the first time he’d tried putting down his dignity and taking the initiative to please a person.

Ye Ming saw that Yang Qian hadn’t reacted at all. He finally gritted his teeth and said slowly, “I… you, you can, do anything, anything is fine…” 

Yang Qian stood there. After a long time, he scoffed, and it was unknown whether he was laughing at Ye Ming, or if he was laughing at something else.

Just when Ye Ming had waited until he had practically lost all hope, so ashamed he wished he could die on the spot, he felt his world spin as he was thrown onto the bed, followed by a heavy body pressing against him.

In a low and dangerous voice, Yang Qian said in his ear, “This is what you asked for.”