Xu Xiaoyue stared at everything in front of her, her eyes totally red. Suddenly, she charged over, grabbed a nearby chair, then flung it towards Yang Qian! Then, she picked up the clothes on the ground and covered Ye Ming’s body with them, her voice choked with emotion as she said, “Let’s go!”

Ye Ming’s entire face was dreadfully pale, his lips quivering, “Xiaoyue…”

Why… why did his little sister have to see this scene…

Xu Xiaoyue looked at Ye Ming with red eyes, as she held onto his wrist, tears glistening in her eyes, “Ge, let’s leave this place!” 

Yang Qian leaned aside and dodged the chair Xu Xiaoyue had chucked his way, his expression sinking at once, and he spoke up in a cold voice, “Who gave you guys permission to leave?”

His subordinate standing at the doorway finally regained his senses, and trembled with fright. He dashed over, grabbed Xu Xiaoyue, then said to Yang Qian, “Sorry, I’m sorry, Boss. She said she made an appointment with you… that’s why I…”

He looked at Xu Xiaoyue with a gleam of sinister resentment in his eyes. This woman actually dared to make a fool out of him, and dared to make a move against the boss. Later, he absolutely had to make her understand what a fate worse than death was really like! What world did she think she was in right now? Did she really think that they wouldn’t dare to touch her?

Ye Ming dropped to the ground. He was wrapped in a coat that just barely concealed his body, but his straight, slender, and long legs were still exposed outside, covered in the traces from their earlier affair. The chain clattered as he fell, and there was a look of despair in his eyes.

He paused for about a second, then crawled towards Yang Qian, and pleaded, “I’m sorry, Xiaoyue didn’t mean to, don’t blame her, I’m begging you…”

Xu Xiaoyue had been restrained by that man, and was desperately struggling. Seeing Ye Ming kneeling on the ground for her and pleading with Yang Qian, her eyes filled with unparalleled fury and agony, and she shouted loudly, “Don’t beg him! You mustn’t beg him! Ge, don’t worry about me!”

She didn’t want her big brother to pay such a high price on her behalf… she didn’t want this…

Ye Ming turned back, and looked at Xu Xiaoyue’s tearstained face, a look of sorrow appearing in his eyes. It’d still been discovered in the end… 

He knew that in this base, Xu Xiaoyue was probably going to catch wind of it sooner or later, but he kept on lying to himself, thinking that he would just fool her for as long as he could, that he would just hide it from her for as long as he could… as long as Xu Xiaoyue didn’t see their relationship with her own eyes, as long as he didn’t expose any signs, he’d still be able to hide it from her for just a while longer.

Dea tbk wemt alwf tjv fnfc qjrrfv? Ktf mgefi ageat kjr fzqbrfv pera ilxf atlr klatbea jcs kjgclcu.

Tf Zlcu’r fcalgf ybvs agfwyifv ogbw atf fcbgwber rtjwf, tlr fsfijrtfr vbaafv klat afjgvgbqr, yea tf vlvc’a fnfc tjnf atf iezegs bo mjglcu jybea tbk fwyjggjrrfv tf kjr gluta cbk. Lf bcis xcfk atja tf tjv ab rjnf Wljbsef.

Yang Qian looked down at Ye Ming, then took a look at Xu Xiaoyue, looking into Xu Xiaoyue’s eyes that were full of resentment. Suddenly, the corners of his lips lifted and he chuckled. 

“So, you still found out,” Yang Qian said indifferently, not seeming especially angry or surprised. He only calmly watched Xu Xiaoyue as though she was an ant that wouldn’t be able to shake him in the slightest, even if she fought tooth and nail.

Xu Xiaoyue thought of the words Ye Ming had said when he was lying to her before, and thought of how Yang Qian had put on a show. While she still hadn’t known anything, how many grievances and humiliating things had her big brother suffered through in exchange for her current freedom? And she hadn’t known a single thing…

Instead, she’d been complacently rejoicing over her own luck. Ridiculous… where was there any luck.

Xu Xiaoyue looked at Yang Qian resentfully, the rims of her eyes red, and interrogated, “Why are you doing this? How has gege let you down, he trusted you so much… is this how you’re going to treat him? I was wrong about you!” 

Yang Qian seemed to have heard an extremely funny joke, and his profound gaze fell upon Ye Ming, an upward quirk at the corner of his lips, “How he’s let me down? Why don’t you go ahead and ask him that question?”

Ye Ming’s gaze was sorrowful. What was the point of talking about these things right now?

He slowly turned his head. His eyes seemed to have a deep helplessness towards this world in them, and he said to Xu Xiaoyue in a low voice, “I’m the one who let him down, just leave it.” He shook his head at Xu Xiaoyue, motioning for her to not go against Yang Qian anymore.

Xu Xiaoyue looked at Ye Ming’s helpless and mournful appearance, not believing for a second that Ye Ming would let Yang Qian down. He clearly still cared a lot about Yang Qian! And she already knew before the apocalypse just how much her big brother liked Yang Qian! Yang Qian must have been the one who’d coerced her brother and hurt him, so now her brother didn’t dare to tell the truth. 

She knew that the apocalypse had changed many people, but she hadn’t imagined that even Yang Qian would change. They clearly had such a good relationship before, they clearly used to be like family before…

Xu Xiaoyue gritted her teeth, then said, “I don’t believe it!”

Ye Ming saw Xu Xiaoyue’s stubborn appearance, then took a look at Yang Qian’s increasingly cold gaze. He incessantly worried on the inside as he held onto Yang Qian’s arm and anxiously pleaded, “Don’t mind her, just let her go, okay, it’s all my fault, it’s enough for you to retaliate against me… she, she doesn’t mean it, don’t, don’t quarrel with her.”

Yang Qian actually wasn’t planning to do anything to Xu Xiaoyue at all, like a lion disdainful of a sheep baring its teeth at him. And this matter with Xu Xiayue breaking in, clearly hurt Ye Ming much more… from the very start, he’d never cared whether or not this lie would be exposed. Acting along with Ye Ming before was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. 

Besides, Xu Xiaoyue was an important tool for him to suppress Ye Ming with.

But at this moment, watching Ye Ming lower himself to such a state to beg him on Xu Xiaoyue’s behalf, an unsurpassable envy suddenly arose in his heart.

Yang Qian couldn’t help but think back to two years ago.

Two years ago, he was also this weak and small, and had recklessly rushed in front of Huo Yi, all in order to save his most beloved person… 

He was so desperate and powerless at that time, almost like Xu Xiaoyue at this moment. In order to protect him, Ye Ming had also rushed out bravely, and stood in front of Huo Yi to shield him.

At that moment, he’d felt as though even if they’d died together just like that, he wouldn’t have any regrets.

Yang Qian closed his eyes. At that time, he’d thought that their love was just that sincere and touching. But no matter how touching the feelings, they still couldn’t overcome reality after all… today, he was standing here, replacing Huo Yi’s position back then, while he’d also become someone just like Huo Yi.

So, Ye Ming was right. The current person he was right now was no different from Huo Yi. But, what of it, only the people who discarded their bottom lines could survive in this world. 

Kindness and virtue were nothing more than burdens.

The corner of Yang Qian’s lips was raised in a self-mocking arc, and he yanked the chain to drag Ye Ming into his arms, and hugged him as he chuckled into his ear, “Truly touching, but I just so happen to like it when you’re like this.”

Although Yang Qian was saying these kinds of words, Ye Ming saw that his eyes were frosty without the slightest bit of warmth, and felt cold all over.

Yang Qian kissed Ye Ming on the lips right in front of Xu Xiaoyue, imprisoning him in his arms. He treated Ye Ming like one of his pets, frivolously and wantonly kissing him until he was panting with tears in his eyes, before he lifted his chin, looked into his eyes, then teasingly said, “It’s not that I can’t let her go. But this time, what are you willing to pay for her?” 

Xu Xiaoyue was randomly kicking about, and yelled angrily, “Let go of my brother, you bastard! Beast!”

Ye Ming didn’t dare to look at Xu Xiaoyue. He knew that he looked extremely depraved and unsightly right now. He was afraid that if he looked at Xu Xiaoyue, he wouldn’t be able to hold on anymore and would just give up. He leaned into Yang Qian’s embrace, his voice hoarse and wooden, “Anything is okay.”

“What a good brother.” Yang Qian looked at him meaningfully. After a pause, he raised an eyebrow and began to laugh, before he said with a contemptuous tone, “But I’ve suddenly remembered that you’re my slave to begin with, and your life is already mine, so what do you even have left to exchange? It can’t be that you want to sell yourself a second time, right? Do you think you’re that valuable?”

A look of despair surfaced in Ye Ming’s eyes. Was Yang Qian making fun of him just now, then? 

Xu Xiaoyue watched all of this helplessly, anger filling her chest as she gnashed her teeth with hatred. She looked at Ye Ming sorrowfully, “Ge, I don’t need you to pay anything for me. Don’t listen to him! He’s lying to you!”

Yang Qian looked down at Ye Ming’s look of despair and panic, then looked back at the furious Xu Xiaoyue, and suddenly gave a light chuckle, “So noisy.”

That subordinate asked very cautiously, “Then shall I take her away?”

Yang Qian nodded, then said casually, “Drive her out ba, but don’t act on your own. Understand?” 

That subordinate froze for a bit, thinking how Yang Qian was unexpectedly not planning to do anything despite such an affront. He only wanted to kick this woman out, and that was it? He couldn’t have gotten himself mixed up in the love-hate affairs between Boss Yang and his slave’s family, ba?

Although Boss Yang seemed to disdain this woman, he obviously wasn’t permitting others to lay a hand on her either. This was Ye Ming’s biological younger sister after all. He hadn’t imagined that the boss really did treat this slave differently… the subordinate immediately put away any ideas he shouldn’t have. This woman wasn’t someone he could touch.

“Yes, I’ll get her out of here right now!” The subordinate immediately tugged Xu Xiaoyue out the door, then attentively shut the door again for Yang Qian.

Xu Xiaoyue scolded him as she struggled, but unfortunately, it was of no use at all. She could only helplessly watch as that door was closed again right in front of her. The last scene she saw was her brother being tossed onto the bed by Yang Qian… 

Tears rolled down Xu Xiaoyue’s face, and she struggled the entire way, before she was finally thrown outside the gates of the villa. As soon as she was free, she attempted to rush back in again, but she was mercilessly stopped. The guard coldly warned her, “Scram.”

Xu Xiaoyue looked at the gates that were tightly shut, her eyes bulging from extreme rage. Just inside, her own big brother was currently suffering from that kind of humiliation and torment, while she was powerless to do anything…

So what if she knew the truth? Wasn’t she still unable to do a single thing?

She couldn’t do a single thing. 

Ye Ming had lost and regained consciousness several times because of Yang Qian, and was laying there, practically on the verge of dying.

He felt a hand hold up his face. That grim and cruel face appeared in front of him, revealing a demon-like smile. Even his voice seemed to be coming from an underground chasm. Yang Qian smiled and said, “Wouldn’t you agree, that it would’ve been better to have been more straightforward from the start, directly telling her the truth, and saving us all this trouble.”

There was a blank look in Ye Ming’s eyes. Yes, ah… this was actually something that would’ve happened sooner or later, ba. There was no concealing the truth, it would’ve been found out sooner or later. But why, why did Xu Xiaoyue just have to see that side of him? There wasn’t even a tiny bit of room left for him to turn things around…

Sorry, big brother didn’t listen to you, but I have no other way... 

With a sneer, Yang Qian got up and walked out. It wasn’t until Ye Ming could no longer see him, that his face revealed a look of anguish.

What was he doing? It was like falling into a vicious cycle, not allowing this person to die, but also refusing to let go, trapping him by his side like this as they tormented each other.

What he hated most… Yang Qian suddenly realized at this moment, what he hated most might not actually be Ye Ming’s betrayal. What he hated most was that he’d lost the person that he’d loved so deeply. He’d never again be able to possess that person who’d once loved him.

Their current selves were both no longer their past selves.


Ye Ming groggily fell asleep, and didn’t wake up until the next day.

【Ye Ming: Aiyo, my waist is sore and my back is aching. My family’s Yang Qian has too good a stamina. Speaking of, why haven’t I awakened some type of ability? Even in bed, I feel like my stamina can’t keep up.】

【888: You didn’t ask this question before in the past few years, but you’re just now thinking of this issue when your nightlife isn’t harmonious? He he.】 

【Ye Ming: …ke ke.】

【888: You actually did it on purpose yesterday, ba. I told you that Xu Xiaoyue had come over, and you took the initiative to take off your clothes and pretend you were about to service Yang Qian, just to let Xu Xiaoyue see this scene, not even afraid of searing the little girl’s eyes.】

【Ye Ming: …my figure’s this good, why would it be eye-searing?】

【888: I feel it’s eye-searing even after looking at it every day, so what about other people?】 

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: Ke… if I hadn’t done this, how could the conflict have been intensified? I’ve been laying the groundwork for this for such a long time, just waiting to find a way to soften Yang Qian’s heart. Watch me!】

【888: Cgf sbe cba jogjlv bo vgjuulcu vbkc sbeg ilaaif rlrafg, rtf jmaejiis rlcmfgfis mjgfr jybea sbe.】

【Ye Ming: It’s because I know that Yang Qian won’t really hurt her ah, the person he hates is me. Although he used Xu Xiaoyue to coerce me, it’s absolutely impossible for him to make a move on an innocent girl. There still must be some nostalgia at the depths of his heart. Look, isn’t everything okay, ma~】 

【888: He he he he he.】

Tf Zlcu reoofgfv j gbecv bo “Jbcafwqa ogbw 888”. Mbgaecjafis, tf kjr jigfjvs erfv ab 888’r mbcafwqa. Lf vlvc’a wlcv ja jii, ktbiftfjgafvis qbcvfglcu tbk tf’v olclrt eq atf rfmbcv tjio bo atlr qijs. Ktlr olgra qjga kjr wfgfis j kjgw-eq!

Ever since Xu Xiaoyue was kicked out that day, she still refused to give up, and tried to force her way in there several times, but the guards all recognized her now, and never gave her a chance to break in again. Luckily, because Yang Qian had sent his regards, those people only stopped her and chased her off, and didn’t really do anything. If anyone else had dared to do this, they would’ve lost their lives long ago.

Xu Xiaoyue came to force her way in every day, directly insulting Yang Qian outside, wanting to compel Yang Qian to come out, but Yang Qian completely ignored her. This kind of indifference made Xu Xiaoyue furious and desperate. 

Then several days later, Xu Xiaoyue finally stopped coming. She’d fallen ill.

Nurse Yin had a pretty good relationship with Xu Xiaoyue. Like a good friend, after seeing that Xu Xiaoyue hadn’t come to the hospital for several days in a row, she went to her home to pay her a visit. Only then, did she learn that Xu Xiaoyue was sick, and she worried incessantly as she said, “Xiaoyue, what’s the matter with you?”

Xu Xiaoyue was in low spirits, while her eyes were still faintly red, and she slowly said, “It’s nothing…” She didn’t want others to know about her big brother’s situation. Her brother was already suffering enough, if he was also talked about by those people, he’d definitely be even more upset, ba.

Seeing that Xu Xiaoyue was unwilling to explain, Nurse Yin didn’t force it, and only sighed, then said, “If you’re feeling better, then come back to the hospital soon, ba. After all, this job was also something you obtained with great difficulty.” 

This was the world after the apocalypse. There wasn’t anyone who didn’t have some sad things happen in their family, but life still had to go on. No one had the qualifications to be willful. Not doing anything would result in starving to death.

Xu Xiaoyue nodded, “I understand, thank you.”

After chatting with her for a while longer, Nurse Yin turned around and left.

Xu Xiaoyue took her medicine, then cooked the rest of the noodles at home, and ate them with a bottle of sauce. She’d almost eaten all of the food at home. She gazed dully at her bowl of noodles. It suddenly occurred to her that these had also been given to her by her brother… it already wasn’t very easy being able to eat things like this after the apocalypse… 

But now, she finally understood that her big brother had paid such a price in exchange for her to have these things. She no longer had an appetite, feeling uncomfortable from being suffocated on the inside.

At this time, a knock sounded outside the door once again.

Xu Xiaoyue thought that it was Nurse Yin who had left and then turned back again. She opened the door hesitantly, but once she saw the person standing at the doorway, her expression froze.

Ye Ming was standing at the door, carrying a bag in his hands. His face was a little pale, with dark shadows underneath his eyes from fatigue. He gave Xu Xiaoyue a weak and uneasy smile as he said, “Xiaoyue…” 

Xu Xiaoyue’s eyes reddened again all of a sudden. Her gaze moved downwards and fell upon Ye Ming’s neck.

Although Ye Ming had already buttoned up his collar tightly, a red print, as well as other mottled bruises were still exposed… Xu Xiaoyue then recalled the scene of Ye Ming kneeling in front of Yang Qian with a chain around his neck.

She’d never be able to forget.

Ye Ming also hadn’t had it easy these days. Yang Qian seemed to be unhappy because of that matter, and had been even rougher with him than usual. He’d heard that Xu Xiaoyue hadn’t gone to work for several days, and had been really worried, so he’d finally managed to beg Yang Qian to allow him to make a trip outside. 

Ye Ming entered the house, looked at the empty kitchen, then put down the bag in his hands. Inside it were some rice noodles, bacon, and other food that he’d brought over.

Xu Xiaoyue absentmindedly looked at the food that Ye Ming put in the kitchen. In the past, Ye Ming had also done this. He’d visit her every few days, and would bring along some food that was less commonly seen with him each time. At that time, Ye Ming had told her that this was their allowance for working in the search party, and he had extra, so he’d brought some for her.

Now that she thought about it, those were all lies as well…

These were all things that her big brother had begged Yang Qian for. As for Yang Qian, he had all the resources in the base, and could live a life of luxury. What did this tiny bit of food count for? 

And what frame of mind was he in, when he humiliated her brother, yet still gave him these handouts.

But for the sake of these things, for her sake, her big brother had to endure being humiliated by that bastard, his dignity being trampled under his feet.

Xu Xiaoyue suddenly said with red eyes, “Ge, let’s run away ba, let’s leave here, okay?”

She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t shake Yang Qian at all, while in this base, Yang Qian had absolute power. She was becoming more and more desperate by the day. Although the outside world was much more cruel, she’d rather be outside with Ye Ming, depending on each other for survival. She’d rather die, than continue to stay here and watch her big brother live this kind of life, without a scrap of dignity! 

This apocalypse was already enough to make people desperate, why couldn’t they even preserve some of the only things that were left, what was the point of living like this.

Ye Ming looked at Xu Xiaoyue’s face, his heart warm, yet also aching. This was very much like his little sister ah… she’d rather give up her current, comfortable life and everything else, and run away with him from this place.

Perhaps he’d understood early on in his heart that Xu Xiaoyue wouldn’t accept his sacrifice, so he’d kept it from her all this time, afraid that this day would come.

The result of being headstrong was nothing more than death. 

Ye Ming shook his head slowly, “We can’t escape…”

Xu Xiaoyue gritted her teeth and said, “How do you know we can’t escape without trying? Are you willing to stay in that place, then?”

Ye Ming lowered his gaze and said, “Don’t worry about me. Yang Qian won’t kill me. You continue to live here, okay?” He knew very well that Yang Qian would never give him a chance to escape. Doing so would just enrage him, and put the two siblings in danger. It was meaningless.

Xu Xiaoyue looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, then suddenly said, word by word, “You really refuse to leave?” 

Ye Ming persuaded in a low voice, “It’s not that I refuse to leave, it’s just useless…”

Xu Xiaoyue stared at Ye Ming, then suddenly grabbed the bag Ye Ming had brought over, and directly threw it outside the door! The precious rice noodles and meat fell in the corridor just like that, as Xu Xiaoyue gave a cold laugh, “Since you refuse to leave, then just stay by Yang Qian’s side ba! But don’t ever come to see me again, and most of all, don’t ever bring these things of yours along with you, really too dirty!”

Ye Ming’s face turned pale, and his body slightly shook.

Xu Xiaoyue directly pushed Ye Ming outside, slammed the door shut with a bang, and shouted, “Go away, ah!” 

As immeasurably heartless words came out of her mouth, tears rolled silently down her face.

She didn’t want her big brother to do this for her, she didn’t want the food, didn’t want Ye Ming to help her anymore. This way, Ye Ming would no longer have to beg Yang Qian because of her.

If she didn’t want these things, would her big brother be willing to escape?

She couldn’t do anything, but she could still refrain from being a burden on her big brother. 

Why won’t you run away with me? Actually, we can give it a try, ah… Xu Xiaoyue slowly squatted down, buried her face in her arms, and sobbed helplessly. Just now, she’d said too much to her brother, had she gone too far? But she’d really been too angry and too furious.

She couldn’t control herself.

Ye Ming was standing outside the door, Xu Xiaoyue’s words reverberating in his ear.

She told him to go away, thought that these things were too dirty, told him to never come back again… 

Ye Ming slowly stooped over, and gradually picked up the food scattered across the ground.

Things had still come to this point.

But the world was only so big. Where else could they go?

Yang Qian hadn’t gone out these past few days. He’d found plenty of supplies some time ago, and still had lots of subordinates, so it wasn’t like every issue demanded his personal attention.

Today, Ye Ming had brought up visiting Xu Xiaoyue once again, so Yang Qian had let him go. He wasn’t worried about Ye Ming escaping from the palm of his hands.

Sure enough, Ye Ming came back not long after. Only this time, he was still carrying that bag in his hands, and had brought back the things without a single item missing. He stood in front of Yang Qian, and said despondently in a low voice, “Xiaoyue refused to take them.”

Yang Qian’s lips twisted, “If she doesn’t want them then put them back, it’s not like my things can be casually wasted either.” He didn’t care at all whether Xu Xiaoyue understood this or not. 

Ye Ming nodded, “I understand.”

He went back to the storeroom, and put the food back in place.

In the evening, Yang Qian hugged Ye Ming to sleep as usual, but he woke up in the middle of the night, feeling that the shoulders of the person in his arms seemed to be slightly trembling, his breathing a bit harsh, as though he was taking great pains to suppress something.

With a frown, Yang Qian directly turned on the bedside lamp, then flipped Ye Ming around.

Ye Ming immediately lifted a hand to cover his eyes, but Yang Qian grabbed his wrist and pinioned it above his head, forcing him to show his face.

It turned out he was crying.

The helplessness, grief, and despair in his dark eyes were like a deep sea, capable of drowning a person… but even in such despair, he still didn’t dare to make a sound even when he was crying, afraid of being discovered.

Like a person up against the wall, who had no choice but to feign indifference to everything, yet was actually inconsolable. 

Yang Qian had seen Ye Ming suffering many times before. Ever since he’d come back, he’d constantly coerced him and hurt him. He thought that he’d hardened his heart, and would never feel softhearted or feel sorry for this man ever again.

But at this moment, as he looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, he wasn’t sure why, but he suddenly felt some regret.

Had he really been too cold-blooded?

Shame and uneasiness flitted through Ye Ming’s eyes. He hadn’t imagined that he’d still be discovered by Yang Qian in the end, but he was very tired, and had worked very hard to persist. He’d only wanted to help his little sister a bit, but his sister didn’t want his help. She’d said that the things he’d gotten in exchange this way were dirty. 

How could Ye Ming not understand this point, even he felt it was dirty himself, but people still had to live on ah.

Po wfgfis agslcu ab qgfrfgnf tlr lcafuglas kjr atlr qjlcoei, tf tjv tjio j wlcv ab pera ulnf eq… lo tf rlwqis yfmjwf j rtjwfifrr qfgrbc klat cb ybaabw ilcf, fzmtjculcu tlr ybvs obg obbv, jmalcu ecrmgeqeiberis lc bgvfg ab jmtlfnf tlr ubjir, atfc kbeiv tlr tfjga offi j yla ilutafg? Qbeiv tf cb ibcufg offi atlr eqrfa jcswbgf?

Yang Qian reached a finger out, lightly brushing past Ye Ming’s eyelashes, as a single teardrop clung to it.

He dropped his hand, turned off the lights and lay down again, as though he hadn’t discovered anything just now. 

But he didn’t fall asleep again that night.

He felt it was pretty pointless. So be it, ba, tormenting this person was pretty pointless… no matter how much hatred or unwillingness he had, what of it, it wasn’t like he could go back to the past.

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -10. Current Blackening Value: 50】


【Ye Ming: This won’t do, if my assistant still won’t show up, I’ll really be at my wits’ end… the remaining knots in his heart have to do with Huo Yi, it’ll be useless to just depend on acting pitiful any longer, ah.】

【888: Weren’t you having a good time? So you’re actually still worried about the blackening value? Eating, drinking, and sleeping every day, and you don’t even have to work.】

【Ye Ming: Am I the kind of person who’s liable to slack off? I’ve been working very hard to eliminate the blackening value o(∩_∩)o~】

【888: …】 

【Ye Ming: So, when will my assistant arrive, ma QAQ】

【888: He he.】

888 was simply too lazy to deal with Ye Ming. It’d been pretty boring recently, and the number of times he’d appear had diminished. Every time Ye Ming had called for him, he’d been off enjoying life, making Ye Ming endlessly jealous.

Yang Qian had made a trip outside again the day before yesterday. Ye Ming stayed at home, and went to bed after eating and drinking his fill. Because of the lack of exercise, he felt like he was a bit fleshy now. Luckily, he hadn’t been fat to begin with, so although he was a tad fleshier, he was still in great shape. 

Due to the lack of adequate entertainment, Ye Ming had ended up developing a habit of going to bed early and getting up early, which made him unspeakably pleased.

On this night, after finishing dinner, with nothing to do, Ye Ming climbed into bed early and started dreaming, then was abruptly woken up by 888 in the middle of the night.

【Ye Ming: How could you do this? There’s nothing more important than sleep in this world! Don’t bother me! If you bother me again I’ll get angry ahhhhh! Disturbing someone’s sweet dreams is completely unforgivable! Are you abusing your authority for revenge! angryangryangry.jpg】

【888: I’ll talk with you once you’ve come to your senses.】 

Ye Ming’s opened eyes were dull. Several minutes passed by, before his gaze finally cleared up, and his tone suddenly changed.

【Ye Ming: Ge, don’t mind me QAQ that was just me waking up on the wrong side of the bed. In fact, I respect you very much. There’s no partner more reliable than you! Tell me, my dear assistant has arrived right, otherwise you wouldn’t have awoken me in the middle of the night o(∩_∩)o~】

【888: I’m abusing my authority for revenge?】

【Ye Ming: I’m just sleep talking, don’t take it seriously ah, tearful.gif】 

【888: He he he he…】

【888: It’s okay. Thank you for reminding me that I can still abuse my authority for revenge.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【888: Apparently, you also know that our partnership isn’t especially harmonious, how self-aware.】 

【Ye Ming: …】He felt like he was doomed.


Huo Yi and his subordinate, Liu Wenguang, had snuck into the base together. This base had been under his control in the past, and he’d also been responsible for overseeing its construction. Later, he’d fled with his confidants because he’d been no match for Yang Qian, but Huo Yi was more familiar with this place than Yang Qian was. After recuperating for a period of time, he covertly snuck in through a hidden sewer.

He was prepared to find an opportunity to attack several important warehouses from the inside, performing a pincer attack from the inside and outside to retake this place. But before that, he wanted to take one person away first. 

Liu Wenguang was following behind Huo Yi. He actually mildly disapproved of this, and had only come along because this was what Huo Yi wanted to do. “Huo-ge, why are you this unwilling to let go of that Xu Xiaofei? You don’t have a place in his heart at all. Didn’t you already treat him well enough during those two years? He’s always been lukewarm towards you. You may as well give him back to Yang Qian and forget it, it’s not like Yang Qian will kill him anyway.”

Huo Yi’s face hardened a bit. In fact, he also knew that Ye Ming’s life wouldn’t be in danger by Yang Qian’s side. Yang Qian was reluctant to kill him, but there was no way he’d miss out on torturing him to take his revenge. After all, Yang Qian had always believed that it was Ye Ming’s betrayal that had caused him to fall to such a state.

Huo Yi had always been a relatively indifferent and selfish person. Originally, he’d just wanted to steal away Xu Xiaofei just to have some fun with him for a bit. However, he’d never imagined that two years later, he’d actually be somewhat unable to let go of him. When the time came for him to actually open fire on Yang Qian, he’d inevitably be caught in the crossfire, so he wanted to snatch him away first, just in case.

Huo Yi said to Liu Wenguang, “Don’t waste your breath.” 

Although Liu Wenguang was dissatisfied, he’d been by Huo Yi’s side for many years, and was his number one confidant, so he moved on after silently cursing for a bit. Since this was the person that Huo-ge liked, what else could he do about it?

Ye Ming had been sleeping on the bed, then had woken up in the middle of the night to go use the restroom, when suddenly his mouth was covered by a person from behind, and he immediately revealed a terrified expression.

Just when he was in a panic, a tall man walked out like a thief in the night from beside him.

The man was dressed in all black, and had a handsome face, but because his facial features were relatively well-defined, he appeared a bit sinister under the cold moonlight. He looked at him with a sharp gaze, brimming with aggressiveness. 

Ye Ming suddenly froze in place, his body shivering. This was Huo Yi… how could Huo Yi appear here! How did he get in!

Huo Yi glanced at Ye Ming. Seeing Ye Ming’s expression of fear and disgust, his brow slightly furrowed. He’d heard that Yang Qian hadn’t treated Ye Ming too well after he’d come back, but… that didn’t mean that Ye Ming would necessarily like him because of this. He probably still hated him a bit more. If he asked Ye Ming to go with him, Ye Ming would most likely not agree.

Ye Ming let out some muffled sounds, as he continued to struggle. His little sister was still here. He couldn’t let himself be taken away by Huo Yi!

Huo Yi’s gaze chilled. The situation was urgent right now, not allowing him any time to slowly coax him. He said to Liu Wenguang in a deep voice, “Give him to me.” 

Liu Wenguang stuffed Ye Ming into Huo Yi’s arms. Huo Yi stared at his face, then chuckled, “Don’t fuss. If you call out, I’ll say that you were secretly sending information to me. If Yang Qian finds out that you betrayed him again and took refuge under me, he absolutely won’t let you off.”

Ye Ming was ashen-faced. He finally lowered his voice, his voice quavering as he said, “You, why are you here? I can’t leave…”

Huo Yi was jealous on the inside, and his gaze chilled further, “Oh? Do you still like Yang Qian? But I heard he doesn’t like you anymore.”

Ye Ming’s gaze was filled with sorrow, but he still said, “You, can you let me go?” 

Huo Yi’s expression cooled. He lowered his head and moved closer to Ye Ming’s face, stroked his cheek, then gave a low, dangerous laugh, “Do I not treat you well? I treat you much better than Yang Qian does. Is there a need for you to be this dead set on him? ”

Huo Yi didn’t understand how there could still be such a stubborn and inflexible person after the apocalypse.

Ye Ming’s heart wrenched when he thought of the current Yang Qian, but he was even less likely to leave with Huo Yi. Even if there wasn’t the situation with his little sister, he still didn’t like this demon!

Huo Yi saw that he couldn’t convince Ye Ming, so he directly carried him in his arms, holding on to him as he jumped out of the window. 

Liu Wenguang followed him closely, moving one after the other like two specters in the shadows. Just when they were about to climb over the wall, suddenly, a sharp blade of wind attacked from a distance! It directly cut into Liu Wenguang’s arm, while Huo Yi turned to the side in order to avoid it, then hurriedly came to a halt.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, then saw Yang Qian walking over from a distance. That gaze filled with ice-cold hatred fell directly upon them!