“I was going to kill you ah!” Liu Wenguang’s eyes glinted with profound hostility. He seemed to want to say something else, but was unable to speak.

His throat had been ripped out by a zombie, and blood was spewing out wildly, making gurgling sounds, while the flesh on his face had also been torn off. Finally, he was engulfed by the horde of zombies, and no longer made any more sounds.

In the quiet night, only the dense sounds of chewing were left.

Yang Qian stood there motionless, slightly clenching his hands that were holding onto Ye Ming, his gaze faintly sinking. 

No traces of Liu Wenguang could be seen in the pit. He’d already been overwhelmed by the zombies, but his last words still reverberated in Yang Qian’s ears.

Had Liu Wenguang originally planned on directly killing him? Yang Qian’s thin lips were pressed together tightly. He recalled that dark night, the murderous look that had been in Liu Wenguang’s eyes, and all of his ruthless actions…

In that desperate situation, if he hadn’t awakened his ability, then he would’ve already died long ago.

Therefore, Yang Qian didn’t doubt what Liu Wenguang had said just now, because his hatred and resentment were all real, which meant that… he’d really wanted to kill him at the time, and had only cast him out due to Ye Ming’s request. But, despite this, he’d still cruelly cut off any possible escape routes.

Although they’d wanted him to die either way… this method had given him the opportunity to awaken his ability and escape. And if he’d been thrown in here on Liu Wenguang’s watch, even if he’d awakened his ability, he wouldn’t have escaped Liu Wenguang and Huo Yi killing him. That would’ve truly spelled certain death.

So… Ye Ming asking Huo Yi to drive him out had, in fact, left him with a slim chance of survival by mistake, then?

Yang Qian looked down at the person in his arms, an immeasurably complicated look surfacing in his eyes.

He’d always hated Ye Ming, believing that it was only because of Ye Ming’s request that Huo Yi and Liu Wenguang had treated him in such a cruel manner, banishing him and sending him to his death… believing that Ye Ming had been the chief culprit who’d caused him to experience all of that. He’d not only betrayed him, but had also wanted to kill him. 

But if Huo Yi had originally planned on killing him, then wouldn’t Ye Ming’s actions be regarded as having saved him then?

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -20. Current Blackening Value: 60】

Ye Ming was in Yang Qian’s arms, the scene of Yang Qian cruelly ordering his subordinates to chop off Liu Wenguang’s legs, and throw him into the dirt pit to be eaten alive by zombies still replaying in front of him. His eyes were filled with horror, and his body was slightly shivering.

No… this wasn’t the person that he knew. This was a demon, a demon more terrible than Huo Yi. 

Why had he brought him here to watch this scene? Was it to warn him?

Yang Qian had said that he wouldn’t let off anyone who’d hurt or betrayed him before, so wasn’t he one of the targets of his revenge as well? Would he end up like Liu Wenguang? And his little sister… would she be implicated?

Ye Ming’s lips were deathly pale. When he saw Yang Qian abruptly look down at him, he was startled, and didn’t dare to move in the slightest.

Yang Qian peered into Ye Ming’s eyes. Those eyes of his were brimming with fear. 

Lf kjr jogjlv bo tlw.

Why are you this afraid… isn’t it because you know that you’ve also betrayed and hurt me before, so you’re afraid of my revenge?

The corner of Yang Qian’s lips hooked up into a self-deprecating smile. Right, ah… you may have helped me by accident, but those weren’t your original intentions. An unforeseen event with a very low probability of occurring was the only thing that allowed me to survive. No one knew that I’d be able to awaken my powers in that kind of situation and escape by the skin of my teeth.

You hadn’t known about Huo Yi’s original plans, let alone had any intention of helping me, and had simply just wanted to drive me away… perhaps you hadn’t wanted to kill me, but you hadn’t cared at all about my fate. 

There was no doubt about that.

So, what was the point of learning about all of this anyway.

Tjcu Hljc lcvloofgfcais uijcmfv ja atf vffq qla oeii bo hbwylfr, atfc ygbeuta Tf Zlcu yjmx ab atf mjg, jcv vgbnf yjmx ab atf yjrf.


Qtfc Tf Zlcu kbxf eq, Tjcu Hljc kjr jigfjvs cb ibcufg jgbecv, rb tf ifa bea j rlut.

【Ye Ming: Although that Liu Wenguang wasn’t a good person, and deserved to be killed, why did he have to make me watch ah. Now I won’t be able to eat for several days. My head is filled with the sounds and images of zombies eating a person ahhhh 555555】

【888: Vb sbe bcis mjgf jybea fjalcu?】

【Ye Ming: Then what else should I be caring about?】 

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: Well… although Yang Qian was a bit cold-blooded and cruel, it was nothing more than a tooth for a tooth, ah. If he hadn’t killed Liu Wenguang, then Liu Wenguang would’ve come to kill him. This is a post-apocalyptic world ah, can anyone really survive as a saint? Only a talent like me blessed with someone else’s protection can do it, xixixixi. That’s just how fickle things are.】

【888: I think you may have misunderstood.】

【Ye Ming: ?】 

【888: I didn’t think there were any problems with Yang Qian last night. Isn’t the problem with you?】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: You’ve misunderstood me! Of course, I’m not only concerned about eating, I’m also concerned about the blackening value ah! Before his death, Liu-tongxue, as a last hurrah, very cooperatively let Yang Qian learn a part of the truth, so he’ll keep this matter at the back of his mind. Now, we only need an opportunity to let Yang Qian find out that I only said those things because I knew Huo Yi was going to kill him, so I can whitewash it clean! o(∩_∩)o~】

【888: He he he.】 

【Ye Ming: Huo Yi definitely won’t give up. I think when he comes back again, it’ll be just about time~】

【888: It’s fine as long as you still remember the task at hand. In fact, if you hadn’t done such a superfluous thing at the time, just so determined to wait until Yang Qian had been captured before deliberately saying those things for him to overhear, then there wouldn’t have been any of these issues right now, nor would he have misunderstood you.】

【Ye Ming: …】Why did he have to remind him, he was already very regretful QAQ

Ye Ming indeed didn’t care much about Liu Wenguang’s fate. Although these worlds seemed very real, they weren’t actually real in the end. It also wasn’t a pity for someone like Liu Wenguang to die, and even Yang Qian who he was most intimate with, was nothing more than this, much less anyone else… but he still very conscientiously acted like he cared. 

He knew what Yang Qian had gone through back then, and what cruel things Liu Wenguang had done, but as Xu Xiaofei, he shouldn’t be aware of these things, and only knew that his lover who’d left and come back after two years had completely changed.

He’d seen his cruelty with his own eyes.

Ye Ming’s appetite really hadn’t been very good recently. He could only ask 888 to put on “A Bite of China” for him to help flush out his eyes. But, he regretted it soon after. He shouldn’t have watched a gourmet food program in a post-apocalyptic world. Although the zombies had finally faded from his mind, he’d only feel that much more depressed looking at the humble fare that belonged to a post-apocalyptic world.

Ever since the events of that day, Yang Qian had resumed his usual indifference. He didn’t deliberately humiliate Ye Ming, but he wasn’t friendly to him either, just like raising a dispensable slave. 

On this day, Ye Ming was sitting at home bored to death watching TV that 888 had put on for him. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of footsteps. He was already very familiar with the sounds of Yang Qian’s footsteps! Just like when he was younger, as an elementary school kid who’d been secretly playing video games at home, hearing the sounds of his parents’ footsteps as they returned home, he immediately dived into action, and made all his preparations to start working in a very short period of time.

Ye Ming immediately sat up, and wiped away the drool at the corner of his mouth, then put on a melancholic expression as he walked up to the doorway.

When Yang Qian pushed open the door and entered, he saw Ye Ming standing at the doorway. On his slightly wan and thin face, a pair of dark eyes were looking at him somewhat timidly. The clothes on his body were a bit loose. It was obvious that he’d lost some weight again recently.

Yang Qian slightly frowned. Although Ye Ming had behaved very submissively during this period of time, he still hadn’t eaten very much. 

The chef who’d worked for Huo Yi before had been killed in the chaos. Yang Qian didn’t care much about these things, just that he’d thought that it wouldn’t do to allow Ye Ming to continue to lose weight like this, so he’d chosen another chef on the base to come work here. Although the chef’s skill was pretty good, there was a lack of resources after the apocalypse, so the types of food he could make had become a bit monotonous.

Yang Qian gave Ye Ming a cold glance, and said, “Sit down.”

Ye Ming obediently sat down.

Yang Qian shut his eyes for a bit, lightly tapping his fingers on the table. The rays from the setting sun shone through the window, his face reflecting a faint golden sheen, causing his originally cold countenance to appear a bit softer. 

Yang Qian had been very busy recently. He’d killed Liu Wenguang, but Huo Yi still had yet to make a move, so he didn’t dare to let his guard down in the slightest.

This base had been built by Huo Yi. He still wasn’t exactly sure how Huo Yi had snuck in the last time, and following the principle of someone could remain a thief for a thousand days, but couldn’t guard against a thief for a thousand days, he had to strike at Huo Yi first to gain the advantage. Otherwise, he’d never know when Huo Yi might attack again, and deal a deadly blow.

Unfortunately, there hadn’t been any leads all this time. Yang Qian’s brow slightly furrowed. While he was thinking about this matter, his subordinates soon brought their dinner up to them.

Ye Ming kept his head lowered as he sat across from Yang Qian. He looked at the table of food, the rice and vegetables still very fresh. There were people in charge of planting crops in the base, and only here with Yang Qian, could he eat fresh vegetables every day. There was also some meat. Meat was even more of a luxury, and now that the outside was filled with zombies, there were fewer living animals, and it was difficult to hunt, while the supply of food in the base itself was already very tight, as there wasn’t much livestock. 

But even if it was such an object of luxury, Ye Ming still felt that he didn’t have much of an appetite.

He held his chopsticks blankly, and forced himself to eat something. He couldn’t let Yang Qian feel as though he was going against him again. Every day, he’d thought about why Yang Qian had deliberately taken him there to see such a scene. That was a warning for him, ah.

If he wasn’t obedient, what would happen to his little sister…

Ye Ming’s gaze was empty. The room was extremely quiet, and there were only soft eating sounds. It was at this moment, when out of the blue, Yang Qian called out, “Xu Xiaofei.” 

Ye Ming’s face turned white with terror. This sudden call had caught him off guard, and his arm jerked, dropping the bowl in his hands onto the ground. The bowl instantly shattered to pieces. Ye Ming’s body trembled slightly, despair and dread in his eyes.

That shattering sound seemed to strike right at his heart.

Ye Ming stared at the bowl on the ground for several seconds, then reached out to pick up the pieces on the ground, as he repeatedly murmured an apology, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…”

Watching this scene, Yang Qian’s jaw clenched, his hand holding onto his chopsticks slowly tightening, as he stared at Ye Ming who was on the ground. 

He’d actually just happened to remember that Ye Ming hadn’t asked to visit Xu Xiaoyue for a long time. Perhaps he was out of sorts because he was worrying about Xu Xiaoyue, so he’d just wanted to tell him that he could go, but…

He’d only called out his name, yet had scared him to such a degree.

Yang Qian looked at Ye Ming who was acting like a frightened bird. He could no longer see any warm laughter in the youth’s eyes, nor the sunny optimism he once had… even when he wasn’t there, he would no longer make any moves, and was absolutely obedient.

He already no longer cared about the torment, nor did he care about what kind of life he led. The only thing he cared about, that made him persist on, could only be Xu Xiaoyue ba. 

Despite this, he hadn’t brought up going to see Xu Xiaoyue again. Xu Xiaoyue was the last ray of light in his heart, but had also deeply wounded his heart, and he didn’t even dare to show up in front of her again. Just like a walking corpse that was merely existing, living a lowly and hollow life, losing all of the wonderful integrity of the past… death was preferable.

Yang Qian’s heart felt a little stuffy all of a sudden. The atmosphere inside the room was probably too depressing and had made him feel uncomfortable, ba. He put down his chopsticks and wanted to go outside.

There were many people in this world that had given up on themselves in order to survive. Hadn’t he done the same? But, he suddenly recalled that this used to be the person he’d cherished from the bottom of his heart. Taking revenge on him wasn’t something to be happy about. It was nothing more than his resentment at work.

There was fundamentally nothing to be happy about. 

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -10. Current Blackening Value: 50】

Ye Ming heard the sound of Yang Qian’s chopsticks slapping against the table, and in his panic, unexpectedly used too much force when picking up a piece as it jabbed into his finger, blood promptly flowing out.

Yang Qian’s gaze sank, and he got up and strode over to Ye Ming’s side. He grabbed his hand and pulled him up, then said in a deep voice, “Enough. Someone will come clean up.”

Ye Ming gave him an alarmed look, and weakly said, “But… I haven’t finished eating yet…” If he didn’t eat properly, would Yang Qian get angry? 

Yang Qian looked at Ye Ming fixedly, and saw the apprehension and alienation in the depths of his eyes. There was an oppressive feeling in his heart, and he suddenly sneered, “If you don’t want to eat, then don’t eat. Do you think…” I still care about you?

He’d initially wanted to blurt out this sentence, but took it back again halfway through. Of course Ye Ming didn’t think that he still cared about him. He only felt that he hated him, and wanted revenge, so forcing him to eat was for the sake of tormenting him.

The corner of Yang Qian’s lips slightly twitched, and he released his hand and directly walked out.

Ye Ming stared at Yang Qian’s back as he left, standing there with a bewildered expression. Was Yang Qian angry again? But why hadn’t he done anything then, and had just left like that? 

When Yang Qian walked outside, it was already getting dark. A faint light was shining through the clouds in the distance. The sun was still there, but where exactly was the dawn for this world.

He took in a breath of cool air, and some of the painful emotions inside his chest seemed to subside a bit.

He felt some regret now.

Even until nighttime, Yang Qian never came back again.

Ye Ming turned around and went back to bed to catch up on sleep, but was actually woken up by Yang Qian the next day, and almost couldn’t maintain his expression.

Yang Qian was dressed smartly, and said to Ye Ming, “Put on your clothes, you’re going out with me today. I’ll wait for you outside.”

Ye Ming looked at the clothes Yang Qian had tossed to him, appearing dumbfounded. 

【Ye Ming: Why is he suddenly letting me go outside? Hasn’t he always left me inside the base? What happened?】

【888: Yang Qian decided to make a trip outside with the others. He’s taking the initiative to lure Huo Yi out.】

【Ye Ming: Oh! So it’s like that. That’s not too surprising, it’s not his style to keep passively waiting around for someone else to act first. If he stays in the base, Huo Yi will remain very cautious, but if he goes out, the probability of him making a move is much higher.】

【888: Exactly.】

【Ye Ming: But I don’t want to go out, ah. I’d much rather stay inside the base. It’s so warm and comfortable here, ah! QAQ】

【888: He he he.】

Yang Qian was standing right outside the door, his slim-fitting clothes outlining his tall and powerful figure as he leaned against the wall. His side-profile was stern, and his body was slender. He turned his head and glanced at Ye Ming. There wasn’t a word of explanation, just an indifferent command, “Get in the car with me.”

Ye Ming also didn’t dare to ask too much, his gaze lowered as he walked over. He got in the car and sat beside Yang Qian. 

Yang Qian instructed his subordinates to drive out, and didn’t give Ye Ming a second glance. He hadn’t brought many people along with him on this trip. He’d only brought along Shi Yang and a few other confidants. A bit over ten people in four cars departed.

But actually, this was only on the surface. After they went out, there were others who’d secretly catch up with them at night by following the marks they’d leave behind. This daytime trip was just for the sake of giving off the false impression that they didn’t have much manpower. Only then, would there be a possibility of Huo Yi attacking them.

As for bringing Ye Ming along… he still didn’t feel reassured leaving him alone inside the base in the end.

Without even mentioning how this time, practically all of his own men had come out in full force, leaving the base lacking in protection, even last time, Huo Yi had still gotten close to Ye Ming and had almost taken him away. Although there were still risks when going out, the safest place was still right by his side, and Yang Qian would absolutely not give Huo Yi any more opportunities to take advantage of! 

Ye Ming’s hands were clasped together, and he was feeling ill at ease. Yang Qian hadn’t brought him outside in a long time. He didn’t know why Yang Qian had brought him out, but he didn’t have the luxury of resisting or expressing his doubts, so he didn’t ask or say anything.

At noon, the convoy stopped at an abandoned gas station to take a break.

Zhao Jin walked over with the map, and loudly said to Yang Qian, “Boss, there’s a prison two kilometers ahead. We can go take a look. Maybe there’s something left.”

Yang Qian’s face had hardened, but no particular expression could be seen on it. He only nodded, and said, “Okay.” 

Ktf ofk bo atfw jaf rbwfatlcu rlwqif, atfc tla atf gbjv bcmf wbgf.

Ktfgf kfgf cb jmmlvfcar jibcu atf kjs. Tjcu Hljc jirb kjrc’a mfgajlc lo Leb Tl kbeiv vfolclafis wjxf j wbnf. Leb Tl kjr mjealber ys cjaegf, rb la kjr jirb nfgs qbrrlyif tf wluta cba rtbk eq. Cr obg rfjgmtlcu atf qglrbc, la kjr jirb pera atfw qeaalcu bc j rtbk. Ktflg batfg afjw kjr jigfjvs tlvlcu atfgf, kjlalcu ab wffa eq.

By the time Yang Qian and the others arrived at the outskirts of the prison, it was already nighttime.

It was extremely quiet at night, and there weren’t many living creatures. There were only the sounds of the wind blowing against the rustling leaves, creating a somewhat chilling effect. Yang Qian commanded, “Our vision isn’t good at night, so it’s too dangerous to go straight in. We’ll just rest here for the night, then go in tomorrow to scout it out.” 

His subordinates set up the tents, and left two of them on night watch, while the others fell asleep one after the other.

Yang Qian watched Ye Ming go inside a tent to rest. He was silent for a moment, but didn’t follow him in. Instead, he went to the periphery. After a long while, he seemed to faintly hear something. Ability-users had much sharper senses. He recognized that it was the sound of a zombie. He drew a dagger at his waist, and walked in that direction.

It was probably a single zombie, it was enough to just silently kill it.

A few minutes after Yang Qian left, a dark shadow quietly appeared on a nearby tree. 

At this time, one of the men on night watch just happened to walk under the tree. He took out a cigarette, and was just about to light it, when a look of horror appeared on his face. In the next second, his throat was cut, and his corpse was dragged into the woods.

The shadows approached like ghosts, and the other was also killed in a single shot.

At this time, everyone else was still asleep, and had not reacted at all.

Huo Yi walked out from the darkness, his gaze frosty. He raised a hand, just about to kill everyone who was asleep, when suddenly, a sharp gust of wind came his way, and the muzzle of his gun was directly sliced off! 

Yang Qian was slowly walking back from the woods with a cold expression. When he’d heard the sounds of the zombie just now, he’d already suspected that this was a trap from Huo Yi, with the purpose of drawing him away to divide and conquer. So, he hadn’t kept going forward at all, but had stayed outside for a while instead, then came back the same way. Sure enough, he saw Huo Yi appear!

That strong gust of wind woke all his subordinates up, and in an instant, both sides fell into battle!

Ye Ming was pretending to be asleep inside the tent, but no matter how accommodating he was, he couldn’t fall asleep, because 888 had told him that Huo Yi had arrived! Although he knew that neither of them would kill him, the fighting was chaotic, plus the subordinates on both sides wouldn’t care about his life, so there was still some danger. Swords and spears were blind, and if he was accidentally hit by a stray bullet, he’d undoubtedly die… Ye Ming still hadn’t completely walked out from the shadow of being smashed to death by a billboard, and was hiding inside the tent, shivering.

【Ye Ming: Ge, do you think I should go outside, or not go outside?】 

【888: Go outside, ba. It’s already this noisy, it’s too fake to pretend to be asleep any longer.】

【Ye Ming: But, isn’t it more dangerous if I go out, should I just hide here, then? QAQ】

【888: …】He’d never met such a cowardly host before!

【888: You’re free to do what you’d like. After all, I’m just making a suggestion, not forcing the host to do anything.】 

【Ye Ming: …】

Forget it, it was better to go outside, ba.

Ye Ming came out from the tent looking like he’d just woken up in a panic, and saw Huo Yi and Yang Qian’s men fighting each other. Some of them used their abilities, most of them used their guns, and some were even unarmed using hand-to-hand combat…

Ye Ming seemed to be shocked. He was standing there, not knowing which way he should go, his face turning pale. Someone happened to fire a shot near his feet, so he ran the other way in a panic, seemingly unaware that Huo Yi was in that direction! 

Yang Qian’s expression instantly darkened!

Huo Yi’s reaction was even faster. He’d also been paying attention to Ye Ming, and yanked him over in one go. Ye Ming hadn’t expected that he’d actually bump right into Huo Yi, and struggled like his life depended on it. Huo Yi felt that he was being too restless, and directly knocked him unconscious with a single palm strike. Then, he lifted Ye Ming up and briskly backed away!

Yang Qian chased after him without a second thought!

A sneer hung on Huo Yi’s lips. He knew that Yang Qian wouldn’t give up. His dark figure was like an agile cheetah in the night, swiftly weaving his way through the thicket, entering the dense forest. 

At night, the forest was full of danger, especially under these circumstances where it was laden with traps. Huo Yi knew that it’d be difficult for him to defeat Yang Qian by himself, so he’d laid down traps ahead of time, just waiting for a chance to lead Yang Qian over here to kill him with his geographical advantage.

Yang Qian wasn’t familiar with this forest. Suddenly, he seemed to have stumbled over something. Countless sharp arrows shot at him, and he quickly dodged sideways. In the blink of an eye, Huo Yi had run further away with Ye Ming again.

Huo Yi’s figure moved quickly, and placed the unconscious Ye Ming in a safe spot, then turned back to fight with Yang Qian once again!

There were traps placed everywhere in this forest. Yang Qian not only had to block Huo Yi’s attacks, but also had to evade the concealed arrows in the dark. Huo Yi’s other subordinates also faintly seemed to be approaching this area. He suddenly found himself in a critical situation! 

An arrow grazed Yang Qian’s shoulder, scraping off some flesh, bringing with it a burning pain.

And at this moment, Yang Qian suddenly missed a step, and couldn’t avoid Huo Yi’s attack in time, so his arm was hit by his flames, giving off the smell of something burning. Huo Yi rushed over with a smirk.

Yang Qian watched as Huo Yi approached. When he was less than a meter away from him, a dangerous gleam flashed in his dark eyes. Just now, he’d chosen to act vulnerable and risk an injury in order to draw Huo Yi over. At this moment, he abruptly grabbed Huo Yi’s arm, and broke it with a kacha, then flung Huo Yi away!

Huo Yi was caught off guard, and his face turned pale from the pain, as he clenched his teeth. He took several steps back before he was able to stand firm. He hadn’t imagined that Yang Qian could still have such high combat power even after being injured. He’d already used his best moves, but he still hadn’t been able to take Yang Qian down… once he thought about how he might not be able to kill Yang Qian today, and how his xiongdi Liu Wenguang had also been fed to the zombies by Yang Qian, he became endlessly infuriated, the look in his eyes cold to the extreme. 

Liu Wenguang had been dragged down by him. If he hadn’t insisted on snatching Ye Ming away, they wouldn’t have been stopped by Yang Qian.

“You know what? I rarely regret anything in my life…” Huo Yi looked at Yang Qian with an icy gaze, then said slowly, “But I do have some regrets… about not directly killing you back then.”

He regretted not taking Yang Qian’s life because of his contempt back then, leaving himself with such a deadly menace.

Yang Qian’s expression shifted minutely, and his footsteps paused. He initially hadn’t intended on saying much to Huo Yi at all, but Huo Yi just had to say this sentence… and Yang Qian couldn’t help but remember Liu Wenguang’s shout of resentment before he’d died. He’d also said that he regretted not killing him before. 

Had Huo Yi actually planned on directly killing him back then? Then, why had he said those things to him?

Yang Qian slightly clenched his fists, his sharp gaze falling on Huo Yi’s face. A trace of a deep, probing look rapidly flashed across his eyes, but a scornful smile was plastered on his face instead, “Is that so? That’s not what you told me back then… and now it’s too late for regrets.”

“Xu Xiaofei, Liu Wenguang… and also you. I won’t let any of you go,” Yang Qian’s voice was cold, carrying with it a boundless chill.

Huo Yi had only sneered when he was listening to the beginning, but once Yang Qian said Xu Xiaofei’s name, he was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing! It was as though he’d discovered his enemy’s weakness at last, an incomparably wonderful feeling, and even the resentment in his heart had been mollified quite a bit. 

Yang Qian frowned, and said in a cold voice, “What’re you laughing at?”

Huo Yi’s thin lips were slightly raised, his narrow eyes looking at Yang Qian, a strange cheer in his voice, “I’m laughing, because, so what if you returned alive, didn’t you still end up losing to me.”

Yang Qian’s gaze was dim, “Is that so?”

Huo Yi chuckled, “You can’t even figure out who the targets of your revenge should be. You can even harm the person who loves you the most. Can this be called winning, then?” 

“If this is all you wanted to say, then you’re about to be disappointed,” Yang Qian revealed a sardonic smile, “He doesn’t love me.”

“Because he betrayed you, right?” Huo Yi looked at Yang Qian, the corners of his lips curving up as he said word by word, “Ah… I really feel like it wasn’t worth it for him. In order to give you a way to survive, he didn’t hesitate to throw himself at me. But in the end, you actually repaid him in this way, torturing him, hurting him… and even believing that he doesn’t love you.”

“Do you still remember what I told you back then? I said that I’d originally planned on letting you go, but since Xu Xiaofei wanted you to leave, then I’d drive you away, so you’d never show up in front of him again… hahahaha, I can still remember the look in your eyes at that time, the despair and pain… truly a pathetic and pitiful ant, you actually believed me just like that,” Huo Yi watched as Yang Qian’s expression abruptly changed, and said clearly and slowly, “I didn’t intend on letting you go at all. Anyone who dares to disrespect me has to die, but Xu Xiaofei overheard me instructing Liu Wenguang to kill you, so he foolishly ran over to beg me, even saying stupid things like how he didn’t want to see you ever again. He had no idea you were next door, and had no idea that I’d already seen through him a long time ago…”

“He thought that he’d be able to save you like this, allowing you to get away from me. Really silly and kind-hearted. The thing I like the most is watching ants like you struggle in the palm of my hands.” Huo Yi’s ruthless and derisive gaze was filled with glee, “Of course, I had to promise him. For you, he was willing to obediently stay by my side. He even believed that he’d helped you, and held onto a glimmer of hope that you were still alive… he had no idea that even if I’d driven you out, I could still send you to your death all the same. I could even make you believe up until your death, that it was him who’d wanted you to go die. Breaking you guys apart was actually very easy. Don’t you think it’s funny?” 

Yang Qian’s tightly clenched fists slightly trembled, “What did you say?”

It couldn’t be. Things couldn’t be like this.

“The only thing I didn’t expect was that he stayed by my side for two years, still thinking about you in his heart, still waiting for you to come back…” Huo Yi saw that Yang Qian was shaken, and cruelly added fuel to the fire, “I didn’t expect that he’d actually manage to wait until you came back, but… I think right now, he probably feels like it would’ve been better if you hadn’t come back, ba.”

“Shut up!” Yang Qian’s eyes were bloodshot, and he glared at Huo Yi furiously! 

Things couldn’t be like this!

“What? You finally got your revenge on him, aren’t you happy? You’re not regretting it now, ba? But… he probably won’t forgive you,” Huo Yi laughed, his gaze sinister, “Don’t forget, if it hadn’t been for him, you would’ve already died two years ago—”

When the last word left Huo Yi’s lips, he pulled a dagger out from his boot, and charged at Yang Qian again like a flash of lightning! There was a ruthless glint in his eyes!

Yang Qian stared at Huo Yi’s suddenly approaching face, as well as the cold gleam in his hands, but his gaze couldn’t help but fall on Ye Ming who was on the ground in the distance, and he momentarily fell into a trance. 

It couldn’t be like this…

It couldn’t be!