Yang Qian gently held the person in his arms, putting his chin on top of his head, feeling his warmth.

This person’s heart was still beating, his blood was still flowing, and his body was still warm… but, his soul had already been destroyed by this cruel world.

I didn’t know you’d still been waiting for me…

I originally still had time to save you, still had time to bring you back to my side. Now, I finally have the ability to protect you, and give you the world that you want… but, just because of a single mistake, it’s already far too late. 

I originally still had time, ah…

I killed you with my own two hands.

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -4. Current Blackening Value: 6】

Yang Qian closed his eyes. He could feel Ye Ming trembling. He still remembered how it hadn’t been this way before… when they’d hugged each other in the past, the warmth of soulmates coming together, and the interdependence underlying their mutual trust had been utterly beautiful.

And it was precisely because he’d once possessed it, that he could truly understand the pain of losing it. It was like carving his most precious treasure out from his flesh a second time, leaving him with nothing left.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you anymore.” Yang Qian’s voice was hoarse.

He knew that his words were weak and powerless, but he also couldn’t act indifferently. Even though he knew it was useless, he could only repeat them meaninglessly.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Ye Ming had felt back then. At first, Ye Ming had also tried to explain, but he hadn’t believed him. The Ye Ming back then… had probably also felt just as powerless and desperate as he was feeling right now, ba. It was useless no matter what he said… 

I finally understand just how sad you were.

Yang Qian lowered his head, and kissed Ye Ming’s forehead. Then, he turned around and went out.

He’d been full of hope when he’d planned on explaining this matter to Ye Ming openly and honestly, thinking that it’d be able to clear the misunderstanding between them, and change something… but, the result was no different from not saying anything at all.

Dea, atlr kjr jmaejiis nfgs ojlg. Tf Zlcu kjrc’a byilujafv ab yfilfnf tlw. Ca atf yfulcclcu, tjvc’a tf gfoerfv ab yfilfnf tlw jr kfii? 


Ciatbeut Tf Zlcu vlvc’a yfilfnf tlw jcswbgf, Tjcu Hljc ralii vlv fnfgsatlcu tf mbeiv ab ajxf mjgf bo tlw, jcv pera vlvc’a jqqfjg lc ogbca bo tlw abb boafc.

Ye Ming looked at the food on the table every day, always having to pretend to have no appetite. Although the things were pretty ordinary, they weren’t lacking in any way. In this post-apocalyptic world, this could already be considered a most luxurious lifestyle. When someone was hungry, everything tasted delicious, much less something that hadn’t been unpalatable to begin with?

If it hadn’t been for 888’s hunger shield, Ye Ming would’ve never been able to act this out! Even missing a single meal was basically the same as killing him, ah. 

On this day, Ye Ming was holding onto his rice bowl with his usual morose appearance.

【Ye Ming: Speaking of… back when I was starving, ge, why didn’t you shield my hunger for me? You actually didn’t tell me about such a useful function!】He thought back to those tragic memories of pretending to be on a hunger strike, and an accusatory tone couldn’t help but seep into his voice, like a resentful wife who’d been mercilessly abandoned by a scumbag.

【888: You didn’t ask before.】

【Ye Ming: You could’ve taken the initiative to remind me, ah!】 

【888: Wu… do you have some kind of misunderstanding about the relationship between us?】

【Ye Ming: ???】

【888: To date, I’ve still conscientiously finished my work with due diligence, haven’t declined any of your requests with half-baked excuses, and haven’t sent you to your death. This is already the very embodiment of my extremely high level of professionalism. Do you actually think we have such a good relationship that I still need to provide you with 360° of comprehensive VIP services?】

【Ye Ming: Ge, QAQ】 

【888: Once you can actually gain experience points by yourself and don’t need me to pay upfront for you first, then we can discuss your VIP services, he he.】

【Ye Ming: …】

Ye Ming had been roasted into losing his temper, and turned his grief and indignation into motivation by advancing with the spirit of not sparing a thought for food because of anxiety to the end.

It didn’t take long for him to drop a size once again. 

Yang Qian watched all of this, his heart becoming heavier and more desperate by the day.

He’d exhausted all his methods to take care of this person, trying to fix things, but it hadn’t worked… Ye Ming wouldn’t believe him anymore, and didn’t believe that he wouldn’t hurt him anymore. Although he was obedient, he was still slowly leaving him day by day.

On this day, Yang Qian was standing outside the door, waiting for his subordinate to clean everything up as usual. His gaze fell on the plate in his hand. He’d only eaten less than a fifth of all the food.

The subordinate said to Yang Qian cautiously, “Boss, he also didn’t eat much today.” 

This subordinate felt that he was rather unlucky, basically finding himself in dire straits every day. Having to take care of the little ancestor Ye Ming was more than enough… the crux of the matter was having to report to Yang Qian every time Ye Ming ate a few bites less. The subtle pressure around Yang Qian always gave him the feeling that he was likely to be killed by mistake. After all, the boss’s ability was too powerful… in the case he was unhappy, and didn’t control himself well, wouldn’t his little life be gone just like that if he was standing by his side then?

Seeing the boss look more and more solemn by the day, he really wished he could squeeze open Ye Ming’s mouth and pour some food down his throat, but he didn’t actually dare to do so. Originally, he might’ve only been killed by mistake… but, if he did that, then it’d spell certain death for him.

He decided to find an opportunity to make a request to the boss for him to go outside and kill zombies instead. This place really wasn’t suitable for humans.

Yang Qian looked at the leftover food, and didn’t say anything before turning around and walking inside. The subordinate who’d stayed outside looked at Yang Qian’s back, thinking about how he’d made it through yet another day, feeling very sorry for himself. 

When Yang Qian walked in, Ye Ming was sitting by the window in the living room, staring outside, a nearly undetectable sense of loneliness in his eyes.

A wall was blocking the way in that direction, so he couldn’t actually see anything. Nevertheless, Ye Ming just liked to look in that direction, as though that bare, mottled wall had something that really appealed to him.

However, Yang Qian knew exactly what Ye Ming was looking at. That was Xu Xiaoyue’s direction.

He knew what had happened the day Ye Ming had gone to visit Xu Xiaoyue. He also knew what Xu Xiaoyue had shouted at him. At the time, he hadn’t cared at all, and had even been happy to see Ye Ming fall to such a state. And now, as soon as he thought back to his feelings at the time… he really couldn’t even understand, how had he let himself become so cold-blooded and cruel? 

Had he gone crazy?

How important was Xu Xiaoyue to Ye Ming, ah, she was his younger sister who he’d practically kept in the palm of his hands, caring for her ever since he was young. After his parents passed away, she was the only relative he had left in this world. After he’d hurt him and trampled all over him… she became his final hope.

But, this final hope had also rejected him because of all this.

Faced with such a cruel outcome, it probably already hadn’t been very easy for Ye Ming to hold on until now, ba? If things went on like this, he’d die… Yang Qian had no choice but to acknowledge this point. 

His fists were tightly clenched, his fingers piercing the palms of his hands, pain surfacing in his eyes. Finally, he pushed the door open and stepped in.

Ye Ming turned around suddenly when he heard the sounds of movement. A look of panic and fear flashed in his eyes. He was like a frightened bird, cautiously living here, filled with trepidation. As long as he was here… he’d never be at ease, and never be happy.

Yang Qian took a deep breath, then said, “You can go and see her.”

Ye Ming was stunned for a while. It seemed to take a long time before he could grasp the meaning behind Yang Qian’s words. He lowered his gaze, and whispered, “No, no need… it’s okay…” 

He didn’t have the face to go back to where Xu Xiaoyue was. Xiaoyue wouldn’t forgive him. She didn’t want him to sacrifice himself for her like this… Ye Ming would never forget how he’d been shut out that day… and the pain he’d felt from Xiaoyue’s rejection.

If he was destined to be unable to break away from all of this, why bother going back just to make Xiaoyue sad? This was enough, ba… knowing that she was still doing well was good enough.

Yang Qian stood in front of Ye Ming, and looked into his eyes.

He understood this person very, very well. There had been a period of time when he’d thought that Ye Ming had changed. At the time, he’d only been able to see the illusion that he’d single-mindedly believed in, and had ignored the reality at his fingertips… but now, it looked like there was no one more stupid and laughable than him. 

Ye Ming’s feelings, and Ye Ming’s thoughts, had always been written all over his face, and reflected in his eyes.

They’d been that familiar with each other, familiar with each other’s families, familiar with each other’s habits, and even familiar with each other’s every little action… Yang Qian knew what it was he cared about.

What he was agonizing over.

It was exactly because he knew, that he had to make such a difficult and painful decision right now. Because, this was the only way to give Ye Ming a chance at life. The price was to let him bear the pain himself. 

He had to let the person he loved the most leave him.

Although making this decision might be difficult, there was no need to hesitate, because he already had no other choice.

Yang Qian looked down at Ye Ming, then said indifferently, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to go see her. I actually came here today to tell you that you can leave now.”

Ye Ming’s expression finally changed. There was a fleeting, fragile hope in his eyes, before it soon turned into disbelief and apprehension. Was he having auditory hallucinations? Yang Qian had actually said that he could leave. Was he willing to let him off at last?

Yang Qian saw the delight in Ye Ming’s eyes, a hint of bitterness appearing at the corner of his lips. Ah… I know just how much you want to leave me.

When he’d said that, he’d almost exhausted all of his strength, practically emptying himself. But, he still had to pretend to be apathetic, because he didn’t want to scare Ye Ming into overthinking things.

“Yes, leave ba.” Yang Qian uttered these words airily, as though what he was letting go of wasn’t the deepest obsession in his heart, but rather, just an insignificant person. 

No one knew what kind of agonizing despair was buried in these simple, few words, and he didn’t need others to know anyway.

Ye Ming had imagined once in a dream, that one day when Yang Qian had finished taking his revenge, he’d nonchalantly say these words to him, saying, leave ba.

These paltry, three words represented him letting go, wiping their slate clean.

But, in reality, he hadn’t dared to hope that Yang Qian would say these words. He’d never forget the bitter hatred in Yang Qian’s eyes back then, and how unscrupulously he’d acted in order to keep him here.

It was like a person who hated you to death, determined to perish together with you… suddenly telling you one day, forget it.

No, there would never be any pies in the sky. Especially after the apocalypse, where you had to pay a price for each and every thing, no such thing like this would ever happen.

How could Yang Qian just let him go? He was merely sounding him out and playing with him. If he really left, he would take the opportunity to humiliate him and make fun of him, and even threaten and torment him with his little sister. He couldn’t take this kind of risk.

Ye Ming’s face promptly revealed a cautious expression. He gave Yang Qian a stiff and ugly smile, appearing lowly and humble, “I, I won’t leave. I won’t go anywhere. Really… I promise I won’t run away. You can rest assured…” 

Yang Qian watched Ye Ming fixedly. He looked at the cowering expression of fear on his face, and listened to his meek words, suddenly feeling that the rims of his eyes were hot and sore.

I’m letting you leave! Why won’t you leave, ah? Are you no longer willing to believe it even when freedom is right before your very eyes?!

Yang Qian stepped forward abruptly.

Ye Ming looked at the terrible expression on his face, and couldn’t help but stagger back, tripping, then falling to the ground. 

Obbxlcu ja Tf Zlcu, Tjcu Hljc ifa bea j rfio-vfqgfmjalcu ijeut, atf rbecv lwyefv klat j ojlca yifjxcfrr.

Tf Zlcu kjr atf bcf gfagfjalcu, yea atf qfgrbc ktb’v ibra kjr tlw, tf’v jigfjvs reoofgfv jc bnfgktfiwlcu vfofja. Snfgs fzqgfrrlbc jcv fnfgs kbgv ogbw atlr qfgrbc lc ogbca bo tlw kjr j mbcrajca gfwlcvfg bo atf wlrajxfr tf’v wjvf.

The pain pulverized his heart, the despair surpassing death. He was like a trapped beast driven into a corner. No matter what he did, he’d only remained trapped in a cage with no way out. He’d tried everything he could, leaving his head battered and bleeding, but still couldn’t get out…

Yang Qian’s hands trembled slightly. He shut his eyes, then reopened them once again. He looked at Ye Ming with a cold expression, then laughed sardonically, “Don’t think too highly of yourself. Do you think I’m willing to keep on raising you? Do you think food here after the apocalypse is cheap? That it can be used to raise a useless piece of trash like you?” 

“I’m— telling you to get the hell out, ah.” Yang Qian’s eyes were completely red, his hoarse voice seemingly forced out word by word through his teeth, “I’m telling you to get the hell out, I’ve already taken my revenge on you, you understand?”

It took everything he had to say this sentence, before he slammed the door behind him and strode away. He couldn’t stay here any longer, he couldn’t stay for even a second longer. Saying such heartless and cruel words, each word was like a knife gouging out his heart.

And how many times had he said these kinds of things to Ye Ming before this, how many times had he gouged out his heart? He had no choice but to acquiesce to Huo Yi’s demands for his sake, had no choice but to be humiliated by another man. And what he’d given him in return, had been heartless and cruel words, contemptuous and disdainful glances.

I know now just how miserable you must’ve felt. 

Ye Ming stared at Yang Qian’s back as he suddenly left, seemingly in a state of contemplation, appearing as though he wanted to believe it, but also didn’t dare to.

【888: Stop acting, he’s already gone.】

【Ye Ming: He’s really left? He won’t come back all of a sudden?】

【888: He he, whether or not he’ll come back, aren’t you very clear on this in your heart? Isn’t all of this going according to your plans?】 

【Ye Ming: I’m checking just in case, ma O(∩_∩)O】

【888: He he he he.】

Ye Ming ‘brooded’ for several days. He’d finally waited until Yang Qian was letting him leave and was incredibly happy. After all, he’d been staying here all this time, and there was no way he could forgive or believe Yang Qian, so he hadn’t been able to progress any further. He had to go out for a bit of a walk to break this current deadlock, plus his baby sister still needed him!

But, Ye Ming wasn’t in a hurry to leave, and kept on pretending to be hesitating over leaving, yet not daring to actually leave. Yang Qian also never came back. On the third day, the subordinate who usually brought him his food came over and directly chased him out. 

Ye Ming wasn’t allowed to bring anything with him, and was driven out all by his lonesome. The gates were slammed shut in front of him, the guard sneering, “Leave, ba.”

Ye Ming stood outside the gate, in a trance, as though he was dreaming.

Seeing him like this, the guard gave him another push, and snapped in a cold voice, “Get the hell away from here! Don’t block the gate, do you want to die, ah.”

Ye Ming staggered back from this push, slowly coming to his senses, a glimmer of light finally appearing in his eyes… so, it turned out what Yang Qian had said was actually true? He’d really gotten tired of taking revenge on him, and was kicking him out? Had he actually managed to make it to this day? 

Ye Ming almost couldn’t believe it. There was some hesitation and fear on his face, but his desire to leave finally prevailed. He gazed at the long-lost street and vast sky, swiftly turning around to leave this place. His pace became faster and faster, as though he was afraid that Yang Qian might go back on his word.

Yang Qian was standing outside the tallest building in the villa, where he had a clear view and could see everything that was happening outside. Until Ye Ming’s figure passed around the corner, disappearing into the distance, until he could no longer see him… he remained standing there, motionless.

In this whole entire world, he was the one person who wanted nothing more than to have Ye Ming stay, yet he had to ruthlessly drive him away instead.

As long as you’re doing well, there’s nothing I can’t do. 

Yang Qian turned around, and left the balcony. The back of his tall figure seemed to be cloaked in a layer of dismal lifelessness. At the spot where he’d been standing before, there was a pool of blood on the ground. It turned out the back of his hand was already a bloody mess.


Ye Ming went through the streets, leaving Yang Qian’s villa far behind. He didn’t have anything with him. Now, even having a meal had become an issue, so he could only depend on his lovely little sister.

【Ye Ming: Ai, acting isn’t easy, ah. My luxurious lifestyle has ended just like that, and I have to be self-sufficient now. In order to act realistically, my family’s Yang Qian didn’t even dare to give me anything to take away with me. It’s really been hard on him.】 

【888: En, it has been rather hard on him. I saw him hesitate for several days, practically about to empty the entire warehouse for you, before he finally held himself back.】

【Ye Ming: It also hasn’t been easy for me either, ah. They say it’s easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it’s difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. And, in order to eliminate his blackening value, I’d rather abandon my luxurious life to go live a tough life. If you rate me as a model worker or role model or whatever, is there some kind of reward?】

【888 was silent for a while: No such thing exists in our transmigration world, but I can make an exception to give you a “Host with the Thickest Skin Achievement Award”. You want it?】

【Ye Ming: …】 

Ye Ming had left Yang Qian’s place, but because he’d always maintained a half-starved state, he feebly and listlessly dragged himself over to his little sister’s place downstairs. Then, he revealed a look as though he was agonizing over something, before finally going upstairs with the aura of someone who was embarking on a journey, never to return!

Xu Xiaoyue had reluctantly chased Ye Ming out that day, but not a single day had gone by without her thinking about him. She was worried about her brother being mistreated by Yang Qian, so even while she was at work, she was absent-minded and made several mistakes. If it hadn’t been for Nurse Xu speaking up on her behalf, she probably would’ve been fired already.

When she came back home and saw her empty kitchen, she was ready to go to bed hungry, when she suddenly heard knocking at her door.

Xu Xiaoyue walked to the door in her slippers, then casually opened the door. When she looked up, she saw Ye Ming standing at the door, and her face immediately froze, as concern, yearning, pain, and surprise emerged in her eyes. 

Gege… had lost weight again…

Xu Xiaoyue just wanted to rush over and hug him, then ask him how he’d been doing recently, she’d really missed him to death! But, she forced herself to stay put. If she appeared vulnerable like she wanted her big brother’s help, her big brother would beg Yang Qian and do anything for her, so she could only feign indifference and ask, “What are you doing here?”

Ye Ming looked at the strained look on Xu Xiaoyue’s face, and said in a low voice, “Yang Qian kicked me out.”

Xu Xiaoyue was stunned, and a long time seemed to pass by without her reacting to the meaning behind these words. 

The corners of Ye Ming’s lips slightly lifted, revealing a very shallow, long-lost smile. He looked at Xu Xiaoyue, his eyes a little wet, “I didn’t bring anything with me. Yang Qian kicked me out…”

Xu Xiaoyue raised a hand to cover her mouth in disbelief, afraid that she’d burst out crying from being overly excited.

Gege… was free…

Yang Qian had finally let him go, then? 

It wasn’t that Xu Xiaoyue didn’t understand Yang Qian’s might, and his absolute authority in this base. She knew about her big brother’s dilemma. So, when she’d proposed to escape, she’d been prepared for failure and death. She knew it wasn’t a rational decision, but what she really couldn’t tolerate was her big brother enduring such suffering, so she’d made such a difficult decision.

Being unable to rescue her big brother, and being unable to resist against Yang Qian had deeply tormented her on the inside, but now… just like that, hope had suddenly reappeared.

Xu Xiaoyue’s face was full of tears. She suddenly rushed over and hugged Ye Ming tightly, knocking him back several steps before he could regain his footing. She choked out, “You’re back, you’re back…”

Even in my dreams, I imagined you coming back. 

“We can survive. As long as we’re together, everything will be fine,” Xu Xiaoyue was looking into Ye Ming’s eyes, as she slowly began to speak. Her beautiful face was currently distorted from weeping so hard, but a dazzling light had appeared in her dim eyes, just like the light shining through the oppressive, dark clouds, overcoming all obstacles to finally usher in a new dawn.

Ye Ming looked at his little sister’s face, and slowly revealed a smile. He said in a low voice, “En.”

Thank you for still being here.

Just like that, Ye Ming started living in Xu Xiaoyue’s house. The house wasn’t very big, and felt a bit cramped, but it was sufficient for this pair of siblings to live in.

Xu Xiaoyue’s job could barely make ends meet. Naturally, Ye Ming couldn’t bear to let his little sister go hungry while having to earn money to support him, plus as an older brother, he ought to protect his younger sister. So, he went out early the next morning to look for a job.

It wasn’t difficult to find a job after the apocalypse. The apocalypse wasn’t a place for idle people, and everyone was working hard to procure food. The only thing was, most of the jobs were exhausting and dangerous, and couldn’t be compared with the jobs back during more peaceful times.

Ye Ming wasn’t picky either. He soon found a job with a cleanup crew in the base. Compared to the ability-users who had to go out and hunt zombies, and compared to the base’s search party, working in the cleanup crew was much simpler and safer, the casualty rate very low. Of course— the gains were also low. But with Ye Ming’s physical qualities, it’d be difficult for him to cope with fighting for survival when the search party went outside on missions. Although the cleanup crew had low pay, among the jobs that didn’t require them to go too far from the base, it was still much better than planting vegetables and raising pigs. 

Their task was to clear out the scattered zombies around the base, get rid of corpses, and inspect and repair traps. Generally, they wouldn’t go any further than ten kilometers outside the base. Not long ago, a member of the cleanup crew had been bitten to death by a wandering zombie because of his carelessness, so Ye Ming had replaced him.

Ye Ming hadn’t really dealt with any zombies for more than two whole years. Ever since he’d arrived at this base, he’d practically never left it. Both Huo Yi and Yang Qian had protected him very closely, and he’d lived in the safest locations. He was still a little nervous about suddenly facing zombies again, but after doing it for a while, he got used to it again.

Although it was tiring, dirty work, and the amount of points he earned wasn’t much, only enough to purchase a bit of ordinary food that was barely enough for subsistence, he was already very satisfied.

At least he was no longer locked up like a slave inside that opulent cage, and could support himself and live with his sister. All of this caused him to gradually regain some of his lost hope.

He still had his little sister, ah…

Xu Xiaoyue’s complexion had also improved, and gradually, a smile could be found on her face. There was actually still a light at the end of the tunnel. Only after experiencing true hopelessness and powerlessness, could the rare warmth and peace right now be cherished to the fullest.

And Xu Xiaoyue felt that she was rather lucky. Maybe fortune was really smiling upon her at last!

Recently, the director of the Logistics Department in the hospital had taken a fancy to her and transferred her there to be her assistant. The director’s attitude gave off the feeling that she was very appreciative of her. Although Xu Xiaoyue couldn’t be rewarded with more points, since there were regulations in place, the logistics director was still in charge of many of the resources in the hospital, and was one of the few people living a rather cushy life in the base. From time to time, some of these benefits would even trickle down and make their way to Xu Xiaoyue, making Xu Xiaoyue’s quality of life much better as well. 

Initially, Xu Xiaoyue had felt uneasy and hadn’t dared to accept these things, but after experiencing it several times, she gradually let go of her scruples. She could tell that even the director would occasionally pocket some things from the hospital, so doing this was merely to bribe her over as a confidante.

If this had been before the apocalypse, Xu Xiaoyue would’ve never accepted such a bribe, but now… she’d accepted it. Although she had her own bottom line as a human being, under the circumstances where she wasn’t doing anything to harm the interests of a great number of people, and was merely pilfering minor benefits here and there, she was in no condition to act all hypocritical.

Plus, her brother also needed the added nutrition. He really was too thin. Who knew how Yang Qian had tormented him. Presumably, he hadn’t even given him any food? To torment him to such a state!

Xu Xiaoyue couldn’t wait to get something good to help nourish her brother’s health. 

Pc atf fnfclcu, We Wljbsef kjlafv obg wbra bo atf qfbqif ab ifjnf, yfobgf yglculcu atf atlcur atf ibulralmr vlgfmabg tjv ulnfc tfg yjmx tbwf klat tfg. Ktfgf kjr j ifu bo ijwy, j mea bo yffo, jcv rbwf ijgv, gfjiis rbwf ubbv atlcur atja kfgf rfivbw rffc! Rbk atfs mbeiv tjnf rbwf wfja obg vlccfg.

When Ye Ming came home all dirty that night, he could smell the aroma as soon as he walked through the door. When he went into the kitchen to take a look, he said with surprise, “Where did these things come from?” They couldn’t afford these kinds of things with their income! And she’d bought so much at once.

Xu Xiaoyue didn’t want her brother to worry too much. She said with a grin, “This was given to me by the director. She thought I did an outstanding job and gave me these as a reward.”

Ye Ming frowned a bit, then asked, “All of this as a reward?” 

Xu Xiaoyue acted casual as she responded, “It’s like this for everyone, ah, the hospital treats us pretty well. Ai, quit nitpicking so much, go wash up, the food’s almost ready.”

Ye Ming didn’t see anything off with Xu Xiaoyue’s expression, so he slowly relaxed, then left to take a bath.

By the time he came back out, Xu Xiaoyue had already finished cooking all the food. It was very fragrant, and really whetted their appetites.

Ye Ming ate a lot. 

【Ye Ming: Ah, wonderful, it’s so wonderful having a little sister with excellent culinary skills! These days, there aren’t that many women left who know how to cook.】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: And my family’s Yang Qian is too considerate. He didn’t dare to directly send anything over to me, and went out of his way to do all of this instead! He’s really put a lot of effort into this, burp. Sure enough, he still understands me best, knowing that I haven’t been eating well or sleeping soundly, really so touched 5555.】

【888: It seems you already know everything, and don’t need me to say much.】 

【Ye Ming: o(∩_∩)o】

Xu Xiaoyue started bringing back things every two to three days, and all of a sudden, their living standards had improved by a lot! Ye Ming’s face regained some of its fleshiness again. Xu Xiaoyue was very happy to see that she’d managed to fatten her brother up.

Ye Ming had also made out the general pattern of Xu Xiaoyue bringing things back. After about a month, before he left for work one morning, Ye Ming finally said to Xu Xiaoyue, “Xiaoyue, your director is pretty good to you. I… want to thank her in person, is that okay?”

Xu Xiaoyue saw the faint look of concern in Ye Ming’s eyes, and realized that Ye Ming must have still become suspicious in the end. After all, this was after the apocalypse, so a person treating another person so well for no apparent reason did come off somewhat abnormal. So, she thought for a bit, then readily agreed, “Alright, then you can drop by this afternoon, ba.” 

If she didn’t let her big brother come visit, then he’d definitely become worried and suspicious, so it’d be best to assuage his worries first.

Ye Ming followed up with, “Is three o’clock this afternoon okay?”

Xu Xiaoyue thought about it, then said with a smile, “Sure, I’ll pick you up at the entrance then, in case you can’t find our office.”

The two of them made their arrangements, then each left for work. 

【888: What are you planning on doing?】

【Ye Ming: I miss my family’s Yang Qian, so I’m going to go see him!】

【888: Are you sure you miss him?】

【Ye Ming: Of course, this one misses him so much. Besides… I don’t actually want us to remain far apart from each other forever, xixixi.】 

【888: …】


Ye Ming knew that the logistics director would give Xu Xiaoyue her things at 3:00 PM on this day every week. These things weren’t from the hospital at all, but were things delivered by people on Yang Qian’s orders. He’d deliberately made their appointment at exactly this time.

Yang Qian didn’t usually show up in person. Delivering things and digging for information had all been left to his subordinates. But today, he’d just so happened to return from the outside, and didn’t want to stay in that lonely villa full of painful memories, so he’d personally gone along with his subordinate to the hospital. 

When the logistics director saw that Yang Qian had also come along, she was incredibly nervous, nodding and bowing while fawning over him. This was a living King of Hell that she couldn’t afford to offend.

Yang Qian tossed her an indifferent glance. He was sitting on the sofa, his long and powerful legs casually resting on the ground, one knee slightly bent. His eyes were impassive and gloomy, his handsome face subtly tilted to the side as he looked out the window, looking as though he wasn’t interested in paying any attention to her.

He was still thinking about Ye Ming. He’d heard that he’d gotten a bit better recently…

As expected, as long as he left him, he’d recover, ba. 

The depths of Yang Qian’s eyes were pitch-black, the pain he could barely suppress scrambling to burst forth again, tearing away at his heart.

Seeing Yang Qian’s grim face, the director became even more nervous, and her legs began to shake. She continued to cautiously make her report to his subordinate.


When Xu Xiaoyue arrived at the hospital, her face was nowhere near as relaxed as it had been in front of Ye Ming. On the contrary, she was a little nervous and preoccupied, still thinking about how she’d bring this up to the director… but today, they were very busy all day, and soon, it was already the afternoon. When she thought about how Ye Ming would arrive soon, Xu Xiaoyue snuck off for a bit, deciding to talk with the director ahead of time to ask for her help putting up an act in front of Ye Ming, so as to not worry him. 

Consequently, Xu Xiaoyue arrived at the director’s office before three o’clock this time. Before this, she’d usually come over here after six o’clock in the evening.

The door to the director’s office was closed, so Xu Xiaoyue went over and knocked on it.

While the director was making her report over here, Yang Qian was sitting on the side like a murderous deity, making her exceedingly nervous. When she suddenly heard knocking on the door, she was frightened out of her wits, and said loudly, “Who is it?”

Xu Xiaoyue hadn’t noticed that something was wrong with the director’s tone. During this period of time, they’d already become very familiar with each other, just like good friends or even best friends, extremely close. She opened the door with a smile, and said, “It’s me.” 

Xu Xiaoyue had walked in with a smile, but once she saw the man sitting on the sofa, an incomparably furious look instantly appeared in her eyes.

The director secretly thought, this was bad! Xu Xiaoyue had come in before she could stop her in time!


Ye Ming figured it was about time, and watched 888’s live broadcast of events, as he approached the hospital. 

When he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, as expected, Xu Xiaoyue wasn’t around to receive him as promised. He wore an anxious expression, as he grabbed ahold of a hospital nurse and asked, “Do you know where Xu Xiaoyue is?”

The nurse thought for a moment, then said, “Go to the building in the back and check there. She works over there.”

Ye Ming was very worried. Xu Xiaoyue often brought so many things back with her. He’d finally managed to set a time to meet up with her today, but she hadn’t appeared. Something couldn’t have gone wrong, ba? There was a bad feeling in his heart. He immediately went to the building in the back and went from floor to floor looking for her. He asked anyone he came across, before there was finally someone who mentioned that they seemed to have seen Xu Xiaoyue head for the director’s office, and kindly pointed out the way for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming walked up the stairs, then finally saw the doorplate number for the director’s office. But, before he could get close, he heard a furious shout from Xu Xiaoyue coming from inside that seemed to be accompanied by the sound of something smashing on the ground, “Get the hell out! Who wants your things!” 

Ye Ming immediately sped up his pace and rushed over. As soon as he looked up and took in the situation inside the room, his face turned pale, as a look of horror appeared in his eyes.