Shen Ye faintly glanced at Ye Ming. He knew exactly what was bothering Ye Ming, but he really didn’t care at all.

Seeing the unconcerned look in Shen Ye’s eyes, he realized that Shen Ye wouldn’t change his plans because of him. Although he was keeping him by his side using such despicable means, how could he ever take him seriously? After all, he was just a plaything.

Ye Ming clenched his fists. Acting headstrong would only make everything more unsightly, so he finally responded in a soft, hoarse voice, “Okay.”

Shen Ye smiled for a bit, then turned around and proceeded to walk out. 

The company canteen had a private room prepared just for Shen Ye. Although Ye Ming would’ve preferred to eat outside in the canteen rather than stick with Shen Ye, before he could even speak up to refuse, Shen Ye had grabbed ahold of his wrist, dragging him inside!

A sullen expression flashed across Ye Ming’s face.

Shen Ye looked at the side of Ye Ming’s face, an uncontrollable smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It appears he really dislikes me… but, no matter. You’ll get used to it eventually. 

“Is there anything you want to eat or that you can’t eat?” Shen Ye asked Ye Ming cheerily.

Ye Ming coldly responded, “No.”

Shen Ye stopped asking questions, throwing an occasional glance at Ye Ming every now and then. Soon, their meal was served, encompassing various types of food.

Looking at the dishes on the table, a complicated look finally surfaced in Ye Ming’s eyes. After so many years, Shen Ye’s tastes hadn’t changed all that much. He exerted a little more force on his chopsticks.

He despised Shen Ye’s current conduct, but if it hadn’t been for that shot he’d fired, then he probably wouldn’t have turned out this way ba… in the end, this was all his fault. 

Ye Ming became a little absent-minded. He was sitting next to the person he deeply loved, but was unable to face, so he could only feign ignorance. The food in front of him seemed to carry him back to the past, and he suddenly found that swallowing his food had become somewhat difficult.

Shen Ye casually unbuttoned his shirt, lifting his gaze to peer at Ye Ming’s face.

The young man had a good-looking face, his movements deliberate, his brow slightly furrowed, as if… Han Xu was still sitting right in front of him.

Each and every one of this person’s moves, expressions, and gestures reminded him of Han Xu… it felt like he’d aged, and with the passage of time, his love and hatred had slowly settled to the bottom of an ocean. But, with this person, time seemed to have come to a standstill as he maintained the same appearance from beginning to end, ever unchanging. 

The torment he’d suffered from his unresolved emotions those countless days and nights came billowing up. Why was he keeping such a person by his side? The pain he’d just managed to forget on occasion began to overwhelm him once again.

But, like some sort of masochist, he still couldn’t let this person go.

He’d probably never see Han Xu ever again. And if he allowed this person to leave, he’d never be able to find a person who looked this similar to him ever again… it didn’t matter how clearly he understood that this person wasn’t him in his heart.

Shen Ye put down his chopsticks after taking no more than a few bites. He stood up, giving Ye Ming a faint glance, before he said, “I’ll be leaving first.” 

Ye Ming didn’t reply, and only watched on as Shen Ye left.

He was the only person left inside the room. It felt empty like something was missing, yet the atmosphere also felt more relaxed. But actually… he’d been hoping they could just sit down and have a meal together while chatting a bit. It was a pity it had become nothing more than a pipedream now.


Qtfc Tf Zlcu gfaegcfv ab atf boolmf joafg tlr wfji, tf obecv atja atfgf kjr j vlralcma vloofgfcmf lc atf kjs fnfgsbcf kjr ibbxlcu ja tlw. 

“Xiao Tao ah, do you know President Shen very well?” One of his seniors asked him smilingly in a cautious tone.

Snfgsbcf qfgxfv eq atflg fjgr, tbqlcu ab mjamt klcv bo j yla bo lcrlvfg lcobgwjalbc. Dfobgf atlr, fnfgsbcf tjv jrrewfv atja Tf Zlcu kjr pera rbwf bgvlcjgs lcafgc. Ca wbra, tf wluta yf gfijafv ab j tlutfg-eq rbwfktfgf lc atf mbwqjcs, jcv tjv ubaafc lc atgbeut atf yjmx vbbg. Qtb xcfk tf kjr jmaejiis jmdejlcafv klat Ugfrlvfca Vtfc! Ktja kjr gfjiis abb YU!

Ye Ming pursed his lips slightly. Although he was unhappy with Shen Ye’s behaviour on the inside, he was experienced enough to not let such a petty matter throw him into disarray. He just smiled casually, “We’re not especially familiar with each other or anything. We’ve only met once before.”

Only once? Then, they really couldn’t be considered too familiar with each other. 

After hearing this, everyone gave it some thought. Maybe Ye Ming really had gotten in because of his connections. But, as for Shen Ye, he probably really didn’t have much to do with him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been assigned to do some miscellaneous work over here. Perhaps an elder in his family knew Shen Ye and had asked him to take care of him? The more they thought about it, the more they felt this was probably the case.

In that case, with Shen Ye’s personality, it’d be impossible for him to always take the time to concern himself over Ye Ming. President Shen, the cold-faced King of Hell, wasn’t the type of person who’d care about protecting his own.

It seemed that they didn’t need to be too worried, it really only had been a coincidence today.

Everyone gave Ye Ming a friendly smile, then went back to doing their own work. Moreover, judging by Ye Ming’s temperament, he wasn’t the irritating kind of person who liked making trouble, and President Shen probably wouldn’t meet with him all that much. 

Ye Ming inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he’d wanted to come work here, he didn’t want the whole company to know about the kind of relationship he had with Shen Ye.

Just that, his relief was premature.

After around four o’clock in the afternoon, Guan Yuyang walked out of the office with a complicated look on his face, then whispered to Ye Ming, “President Shen wants you in his office.”

Although Guan Yuyang had already lowered his voice, the people next to them still heard him. 

Ye Ming’s movements stopped. Without asking anything else, he only replied, “Okay.”

He’d been in the company for more than a week now. Shen Ye hadn’t thought to look for him even once before, but today, wanted to meet with him twice in a row.


Shen Ye was sitting on the swivel chair in his office, pinching his glabella with his thumb and index finger. Ye Ming’s calm appearance during lunch at noon kept appearing at the forefront of his mind… he’d somewhat underestimated his concern for this person, so much so that all afternoon, he’d been preoccupied with him. 

But, unlike Han Xu, he could have him anytime and anywhere he wanted him.

Ye Ming took the elevator upstairs, and finally arrived at the door to Shen Ye’s office. The nearby secretary smiled and led him in, saying, “President Shen is waiting for you inside.”

After she finished, she watched as Ye Ming entered the room, her eyes sparkling with a desire for gossip. After so many years, this was the first time she’d ever seen Shen Ye directly summon an ordinary employee who had nothing to do with him to his office. Who knew what kind of relationship they had?

Shen Ye’s office had hardwood floors and elegant decorations with a lounge in the front. When Ye Ming walked inside, he saw Shen Ye standing in front of a large, transparent window with his hands behind his back. 

Ye Ming didn’t know why Shen Ye had suddenly called him over during work hours, so he asked, “You were looking for me?”

Shen Ye turned his head, staring stonily at the young man in front of him, before he murmured, “Come here.”

Ye Ming frowned slightly, but still walked over.

Shen Ye looked down at the person in front of him, suddenly reaching out to caress Ye Ming’s cheek. 

He stroked the skin on his face with his warm fingers, gently brushing past his lips. Ye Ming instinctively wanted to avoid him, but it wouldn’t be wise for him to irritate Shen Ye right now, so he barely managed to resist the urge to do so.

Shen Ye traced the contours of Ye Ming’s face, slowly closing his eyes, as though… the person he was touching was the one he loved, yet hated the most… and was now standing right in front of him.

Letting him do whatever he wanted.

A crazed, possessive look came into Shen Ye’s eyes as he opened them. Then, he pressed Ye Ming down onto the office desk! 

Ye Ming was stunned, his eyes gleaming with fury. He clenched his fists, but didn’t push him away in the end. He didn’t like doing such meaningless things. Since he’d agreed to Shen Ye’s demands, he ought to try and obtain as many benefits as possible instead of pointlessly going against him out of sheer stubbornness.

Shen Ye noticed Ye Ming’s expression, a cold, teasing look dancing in his eyes. He’d thought that Ye Ming would balk at this treatment, but he hadn’t. Ye Ming quickly shut his eyes, assuming a submissive role.

The endurance and shrewdness in this young man were far beyond his imagination. It seemed a little different from the results of his investigation…

But, it doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, I’ll figure out what kind of person you are. The corners of Shen Ye’s mouth quirked up, and he landed a kiss right on Ye Ming’s neck. 

Ye Ming’s eyelashes quivered, a prickle of pain radiating from his neck from where he’d actually bitten down. He felt his clothes being tugged off as the cold air touched his skin.

An ambiguous atmosphere suddenly arose within the office.

Then, an abrupt ringing sound interrupted them. The lively, loud ringtone kept going off. Ye Ming’s expression suddenly changed. He took out his phone and saw that it was actually Zhou Jiaping! Why was he calling him right at this time!

Shen Ye saw who it was, and chuckled into Ye Ming’s ear, “It looks like he’s run out of things to do recently, and has the time to look for you again.” 

He sounded light-hearted, but still emanated an indistinct sense of danger.

Ye Ming’s gaze froze. Without any hesitation, he rejected the call, and said to Shen Ye, “We should’ve broken up long ago.”

Shen Ye looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, grabbing onto his chin, as he slowly said, “Is that so?”

“Really,” Ye Ming directly turned off the phone, tossed it aside, then raised an eyebrow at Shen Ye, “President Shen, shall we continue?” 

Shen Ye stared at Ye Ming. He wouldn’t forget about Ye Ming’s initial disgust and unwillingness. But now, he was uncharacteristically taking the initiative to extend him an invitation. Of course— not because he liked him.

He was just afraid of him going back on his word and doing something to Zhou Jiaping again.

He really valued his relationships and morals ah. How great would it have been if you’d liked me like this back then…

Why did you have to do something like that to me? 

Shen Ye’s gaze darkened, his pain and hatred mixing with other complicated emotions, nearly tearing apart his sanity and ripping his heart to shreds. It was almost impossible for him to distinguish who was actually standing in front of him anymore. He clutched Ye Ming’s neck, and forced his face down against the table. He let out a chuckle next to his ear, “Of course.”


Ye Ming could still grit his teeth and endure it at the beginning, but towards the end, couldn’t help making a few sounds. He felt like his bones were about to break, and there was a look of pain on his face.

By the time they were finally done, he could barely stand up. 

Shen Ye let go of Ye Ming, and glanced over him indifferently. Since he was already his man, naturally he ought to be more obedient.

Ye Ming clenched his teeth and got up, trembling as he proceeded to get dressed. He cast his eyes down to hide his sorrow, and said to Shen Ye, “Can I go now?”

Shen Ye glanced at him, and said impassively, “Leave ba.”

Ye Ming pulled his collar up to hide the hickey on his neck. He turned around and walked out. 

The idle secretary outside was pretty much about to doze off when she finally saw the person inside come out, her eyes almost popping out of her head at the sight. Heavens! What juicy gossip! What had happened inside just now?!

The female secretary’s heart thumped. Had President Shen always been gay? President Shen had remained single all this time, looking unapproachable like an iceberg. She’d thought that it was just his natural disposition, but who knew that he actually liked men!

This was really too exciting!

Ye Ming got off the elevator, but didn’t go straight back to his office. Instead, he snuck off to the restroom first. No one else happened to be inside the restroom at this time. He took a look in the mirror. Either Shen Ye didn’t care much about Ye Ming’s reputation, or maybe it was intentional, but the hickey on his neck was so conspicuous that he couldn’t cover it up at all. 

Ye Ming let out a sigh.

【Ye Ming: This really is…】

【888: Now, do you feel things are troublesome?】

【Ye Ming: This really is such a wonderful surprise! Let’s see who won’t know about the relationship between me and my clever little brother, let’s see who dares to give me any work to do! Hahahahahahahaha!】 

【888: ……】

Ye Ming carefully tidied up his clothes and washed his face before returning to his office.

It’d been more than an hour since he left, and many people were discussing this rather animatedly. So when he came back, he received a lot of attention as everyone’s gazes fell on Ye Ming. The entire office was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

There was a look of embarrassment on Ye Ming’s face. He paled and clenched his fists. 

“Xiao Tao, you’re back…” a senior who’d looked after him before this said awkwardly, “I have something else to do, so I’ll go do that now…”

The crowd dispersed without anyone asking anything.

Fair enough. Things were very clear now, what else could they say? It turned out this was the real reason behind Shen Ye “caring for” Ye Ming!

There were basically only straight men here. Although there were some people who didn’t harbor much disgust for gay people, they wouldn’t associate themselves with them either, much less with someone who had a relationship with President Shen. It was best for them to just stay far away from him ba. 

And this was really much too shocking!

A self-deprecating smile played on Ye Ming’s lips. Oh well. If they knew, then they knew ba. After all, he wasn’t planning on staying in this place for a long time, and it wasn’t like he’d never gone through hardships before. Although he’d prefer if others didn’t learn of his relationship with Shen Ye, he wouldn’t let what others thought of him drag him down either. After adjusting his state of mind, he was now calm and composed.

When it was finally time to get off work, Ye Ming hurried home.

【Ye Ming: I think my blissful life is about to begin!】

【888: …oh, indifferent.jpg】

【Ye Ming: By the way, how’s Zhou Jiaping doing now?】

【888: Fantastic.】 

【Ye Ming: What about my family? Now that they have some money, they should be doing okay, ba? Hahahaha, I look just like the type of person who can make a lot of money ma!】

【888: …】 No, he didn’t want to talk to this spicy chicken anymore.

Ye Ming had a good night’s sleep, brimming with wonderful dreams for the future.

When he arrived at the company the next day, it was apparent that things had changed.

The older men who used to be rude to Ye Ming were now much more polite, and told him good morning. Not only that, but at work, when another department called with a computer that needed repairs, before Ye Ming could even get up, a person pressed him back down and said, “I’ll do it, I can do it!”

Ye Ming: “… ”

Next, no matter what he did, someone else would snatch up anything hard or tiring. In the past, Ye Ming would have to buy coffee for the others. Now, other people were serving it up to him, so he was no longer too busy to eat at noon.

During their lunch break, someone even asked Ye Ming politely, “Xiao Tao, will you be eating with us?” 

Ye Ming thought for a while, but still declined in the end. He was afraid that the others would be uncomfortable eating with him. It was obvious they were just asking him out of courtesy.

Because of this, he had nothing to do all morning, sitting in front of his computer and minding his own business. If he had a newspaper and drank some tea, he’d practically be like every other civil servant in their 40s or 50s.

Ever since the last time, Shen Ye had lived up to his expectations. During this period of time, he’d remember to call Ye Ming over. Although he didn’t call for him that much, it was still enough to attract everyone’s attention.

Ye Ming lived a relaxed life lazing around the company, doing nothing but fulfilling the special needs of his boss. 

Everyone was very cordial to him, but remained a little distant. Even the other department directors didn’t put on any airs when they ran into Ye Ming, instead acting very warm. Although it looked like he was only a plaything Shen Ye was keeping for now, the point was… Shen Ye had only ever kept this one before!

This was the first time they’d ever seen someone who could enter this kind of relationship with Shen Ye. Who was to say what might happen in the future? If by some chance, he was promoted, then wouldn’t they have to fawn over him all the same?

At least before Shen Ye tired of him, they couldn’t get on Ye Ming’s bad side.

Guan Yuyang had a lot on his mind these days. Ye Ming and Han Xu’s similar appearance always reminded him of the Han Xu of the past, putting him in a complicated mood. In fact… at the time, he’d been relatively close to Han Xu. Although Han Xu had deliberately concealed it, he still had a vague idea of Han Xu’s relationship with Shen Ye… 

And now that Shen Ye was keeping someone so similar to Han Xu by his side, it seemed to confirm the situation from back then. Shen Ye must have liked Han Xu in the past.

But the person Shen Ye liked was Han Xu, and not Ye Ming. For Shen Ye, Ye Ming was just a substitute, and… also a substitute for someone he now deeply hated.

Xejc Tesjcu mbeivc’a rajcv la jcswbgf, ofjglcu atja Tf Zlcu xcfk cbatlcu jcv kbeiv ufa tega lc atf fcv. Lf ralii ilxfv atlr sbecu wjc nfgs wemt, jcv vlvc’a kjca ab rff tlw qiecuf lcab j ybaabwifrr jysrr.

Tf Zlcu tjv rajsfv lc atf boolmf jibcf ja cbbc atja vjs. Lf vlvc’a kjca ab ojmf atbrf qfbqif’r lcnjrlnf, meglber ujhfr, rb tf tjvc’a ifoa ab fja klat fnfgsbcf firf. Xejc Tesjcu kjr pera qjrrfv ys, yea joafg atlcxlcu obg j ktlif, tf aegcfv yjmx, jcv rjlv ab Tf Zlcu, “Qts jgfc’a sbe fjalcu?” 

Ye Ming smiled, “I’m not hungry.”

Guan Yuyang let out an oh, hesitating for a while, before he finally said, “Xiao Tao… do you like President Shen?”

Ye Ming shifted his gaze. He hadn’t expected Guan Yuyang to ask this so directly. He still nodded after a moment of silence. It was best if other people didn’t find out about him being coerced.

Guan Yuyang sighed, and said in all earnestness, “President Shen is rich and handsome, so many people like him… but, please don’t let yourself get in too deep.” 

“Some people look good on the outside, but aren’t necessarily the one meant for you,” Guan Yuyang paused here, “You’re still young, so you should consider the long-term.”

Ye Ming looked at Guan Yuyang fixedly.

Being stared at by Ye Ming made Guan Yuyang a little uncomfortable. He also knew that it was very risky for him to say these things, since he didn’t have a good understanding of Ye Ming’s personality, after all. He was afraid that saying such things out of the blue might not be received too well, and his efforts might even be scorned… but he really couldn’t stand by anymore without doing anything. He was afraid that this young man who resembled Han Xu would be ruined just like that. Shen Ye was too dangerous and not suitable for him.

Just because of his looks, he had no chance with Shen Ye at all. 

“Forget it…” Guan Yuyang shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, “I’m leaving.”

But before he’d even taken two steps, he suddenly heard Ye Ming say, “Thank you.”

Guan Yuyang stopped in place, and turned back to meet Ye Ming’s gaze. A faint glimmer of happiness sparkled in his eyes, gentle and profound, and he seemed to actually be grateful to him.

Ye Ming said, “I’ll think about it.” 

Guan Yuyang scratched his head. Ye Ming had unexpectedly listened to him. Seeing that Ye Ming had reacted like this, he felt even more sorry for him. What a good person ah… but, he just had to run into someone like Shen Ye. He smiled and said, “En.”

Then, he returned to his office.

A smile hung on Ye Ming’s lips, while his gaze had softened. Guan Yuyang was still such a kind-hearted person. While the others were either waiting for Ye Ming to make a fool out of himself, treating him like a freak, keeping their distance, or trying to ingratiate themselves, only Guan Yuyang had taken the risk to tell him his actual thoughts.

Advising him not to sink in too deep. 

【Ye Ming: Xiao Guan is a good kid, and a kind person.】

【888: Then he’d better stay far away from you.】

【Ye Ming: Why???】

【888: You enjoy bullying kind and honest people the most.】 

【Ye Ming: Is that really the kind of person you think I am? QAQ】

【888: Without a doubt.】

【Ye Ming: …】

Ye Ming expressed his indignation over this matter. When did he ever bully honest and kind people? 

Another day was spent with Ye Ming doing his own thing. Getting a salary after doing nothing at work was really too cool. If he hadn’t been afraid of collapsing his own character settings, he felt that he could totally play some games and surf Taobao during the day to make time pass by even faster!

When it was time for him to get off work, Ye Ming was just about to make his quick escape when he was suddenly summoned by Shen Ye, who wanted him to wait for him so they could leave together at night. Ye Ming had no choice but to stay. After all, he was now under his wing, and had to meet the demands of his Lord Sugar Daddy anytime and anywhere!

【888: Speaking of, are you still planning on taking revenge?】

【Ye Ming: Yes ah, yes ah, of course I’m thinking about it. After all, this is the key to our whitewashing plans this time around! But we’re not in a hurry for the time being. I have to find a way to let Shen Ye discover my identity first. It’s impossible for a mere substitute to eliminate his blackening value.】 

【888: Is that so, he he.】

【Ye Ming: Of course, when has this one not worked hard, aggrieved.jpg】

【888: …】

Ye Ming let out a lazy yawn, then went up to Shen Ye’s office. 

Shen Ye had never brought Ye Ming to his home before, nor had he ever been to Ye Ming’s dorm room. Sometimes, he didn’t even bother with reserving a hotel room. Whenever he wanted to, he’d just directly call Ye Ming up to his office and they’d do it in the lounge, since it wasn’t inferior to a five-star hotel anyway.

However, when Ye Ming arrived this time, Shen Ye was still working. He disregarded Ye Ming, and directly asked him to wait on the side.

Ye Ming didn’t speak either. He sat on the side nonchalantly, then after waiting and waiting, he fell asleep on the sofa.

By the time Shen Ye finished his work, it was already eleven o’clock at night. He rolled his shoulders a bit, then turned his head to find that Ye Ming was lying on the sofa and had fallen asleep at some point. 

When the young man was asleep, his face looked gentle and peaceful, untouched by worries, rather than being colored with the occasional glints of anger that’d appear in his eyes, as he repressed his feelings to put up an obedient front. He looked innocent and gentle, just like…

Shen Ye had originally wanted to just wake him up, but at this moment, somehow, a part of him was reluctant to do so. This was the first time he’d ever seen Ye Ming asleep.

He bent over slightly, his fingers lightly brushing past Ye Ming’s eyelashes. He then retracted his hand like he’d received an electric shock, a look of yearning and pain intermingling in his gaze. He raised a hand and covered his chest with it. That wound had healed a long time ago, but the pain still had yet to dissipate, as though it’d been engraved into his very being, and would accompany him forever.

Shen Ye’s face was drawn taut. After a long while, he reached out and picked up Ye Ming, his movements done with rare caution. 

Then, he carried Ye Ming to his car.

Ye Ming had fallen asleep in a daze. The sofa had been too soft and comfortable, and the temperature on the air conditioner had been set just right so he hadn’t been able to prevent himself from falling asleep. When he woke up, he found himself lying in the back seat of a car, on the way back to his dorm room.

Shen Ye hadn’t actually done anything, and hadn’t woken him up, but was sending him straight back like this?

A look of astonishment appeared on Ye Ming’s face, and he sat up. At this moment, Shen Ye had just parked his car in front of his dormitory downstairs. Since it was already late at night, there weren’t many people around anymore, so it was extremely deserted and quiet. 

There were some clouds in the night sky. The hazy moonlight sprinked down on them, slightly softening the handsome, stern face of the man, and the whole world seemed very peaceful. Ignoring the hatred between them and their current relationship… it’d probably look just like a scene straight out of his dreams ba…

A complicated look appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes, and he opened the car door, just about to get off.

Shen Ye suddenly called out to him, “Wait.”

He switched off the engine, pulled out his key, got out, and walked up to Ye Ming, staring down at him with a slightly complicated look. 

Ye Ming felt a little uncomfortable being stared at. He turned his head to the side, and said, “I’m going to go up.”

It was just clearly just a normal sentence, but Shen Ye suddenly let out a chuckle, and seemed to be in a good mood. He found it all very interesting. At first, he’d only regarded Ye Ming as a pastime, but unknowingly, he’d found himself gradually wanting more.

If it was this ‘Han Xu’, he could let him stay by his side. He’d be able to control everything around him so that he wouldn’t be able to betray him or hurt him.

And this time, he wouldn’t give his heart away. He wouldn’t stupidly place his trust in another person, and there wouldn’t be any talk of love. It was nothing more than an empty and lonely soul trying to seek a bit of comfort. 

And there was nothing wrong with that.

Shen Ye suddenly held Ye Ming by his waist and pulled him into his arms. He grabbed onto Ye Ming’s chin and kissed him, prying open his lips, wantonly plundering everything he wanted from this man.

After a long time, he let out a deep laugh next to Ye Ming’s ear, “I’ll let you go for today.”

Ye Ming was still trying to catch his breath after being kissed, gasping for air a few times, so his voice was hoarse and distant, “The dormitory is about to close. Please head back first ba, President Shen.” 

A playful look danced in Shen Ye’s eyes, and he held onto Ye Ming’s hand a bit harder. It seems that I’m really unwelcome, ah… but, Shen Ye didn’t plan on pushing him too far all at one time. Although he hated Han Xu, Ye Ming wasn’t Han Xu… he wanted him, but he wouldn’t vent his anger on an irrelevant person.

On the contrary, as long as Ye Ming remained obedient, he could still treat him very well.

A smile flickering in Shen Ye’s eyes, he was just about to let go of his hand… when suddenly, a sharp shout came from the side, making him look back. In his arms, Ye Ming had turned stiff, as the look on his face became ugly in an instant!

Zhou Jiaping had been unable to reach Ye Ming by phone these past few days, and had even been blacklisted in the end. He really had no choice but to wait outside Ye Ming’s dormitory. He’d waited until midnight when the dormitory was about to close, only to see a luxurious, low-profile black car slowly approach. 

Zhou Jiaping had never thought that Ye Ming would be inside that car at first, so he hadn’t minded it too much. But to his shock, the car door had opened… and getting off was the person he hadn’t been able to contact at all the last few days as though he’d gone missing, Ye Ming!

And the one who’d come out afterwards was actually the man he’d met last time.

The man hugged Ye Ming’s waist affectionately, and kissed Ye Ming, but Ye Ming hadn’t even resisted in the slightest! The two of them hugged, kissed, and whispered to each other, the entire intimate and beautiful scene occurring under the moonlight… Zhou Jiaping watched on as his eyes turned red!

He’d been incredibly miserable this entire time, and had finally settled his issues after much trouble. He couldn’t wait to see Ye Ming, but had come across such a scene instead! 

So, this is the reason you wanted to break up with me?!

Grief and indignation flooded his heart at once, and Zhou Jiaping rushed over with reddened eyes! He grabbed ahold of Ye Ming’s wrist, and tugged him away from Shen Ye’s arms! There was incomparable fury in his voice, “Who is he?!”