And with that, Ye Ming started living in Zheng Sen’s house. Ever since he and Zheng Sen had briefly talked about what had happened to himself, Zheng Sen began to feel a sense of abhorrence for Shen Ye. Thus, he was seriously thinking up a revenge plan towards Shen Ye.

It is not easy to find Shen Dayao’s weaknesses. The case 30 years ago was almost hopeless. But if Liu Pingde could be found and prove that Shen Dayao instigated him for murder, they could bring him to court. Unfortunately, Liu Pingde disappeared without a trace and couldn’t be found.

Ye Ming was less optimistic about this. Even if they found Liu Pingde, so long as he didn’t want to admit anything, adding to the fact that they had no evidence, they still had no way to take down Shen Dayao. It’s very difficult to defeat Shen Dayao. This was also why he would rather choose to die with him instead.

In addition to being blinded by hatred, it is also because of helplessness. 

【 Ye Ming: Ah, it’s so boring, how is my good little brother doing? 】

【 888: How do you think he’s doing? 】

【 Ye Ming: Lifeless. Living decadently. Heartbroken? 】

【 888: Pretty much. It seems that you do have some common sense. As expected of someone who’s lived with him for over 10 years.】

【 Ye Ming: … 】Why does it not feel like a compliment?

Ye Ming stroked his chin, thinking that since Shen Ye was hurt so badly this time, Shen Dayao should retaliate soon. Not to mention, he must have kept a note of him the last time they met at the company. Given his overprotective nature, he was 80% sure that he’ll cause trouble for him, so he had to cooperate with him!

Otherwise, how could Shen Ye be given a chance to perform?

Of course, Ye Ming wouldn’t just stay at Zheng Sen’s house, idling like a coward. He would occasionally go out to do errands out of guilt, not completely giving up on Tao Xu’s life. He even went to school a few times. 

When he came back from school that day, a stranger suddenly stopped him. The man called him politely, “Student Tao Xu.”

Ye Ming didn’t know him, so he asked doubtfully, “How may I help you?”

The man smiled, “My boss wishes to meet you for something, so he asked me to invite you. It won’t take too much of your time.”

Ye Ming froze, enunciating every word clearly, “Who is your boss? Do I know him?” 

The man smiled again, “You may not know him, but you must know his son, Shen Ye.”

C mbiv uilca oijrtfv qjra Tf Zlcu’r fsfr. Lf qea bcf tjcv lc tlr qbmxfa jcv rajgafv rtjxlcu, revvfcis gfnfjilcu j mjiw fzqgfrrlbc, “Yxjs, yea P ifoa rbwfatlcu lc ws vbgw gbbw. Jjc sbe kjla obg wf?”

Ktf wjc rwlifv jcv rjlv, “Yo mbegrf.”

Tf Zlcu gfaegcfv ab atf vbgw gbbw jcv ibbxfv ja atf qfgrbc yfibk atgbeut atf klcvbk. Llr ojmf kjr mbiv. Lf aegcfv ab bqfc atf vgjkfg, abbx bea j rtjgq qjqfg xclof jcv tlv la lc tlr qbmxfa. Llr yjmx kjr kfa klat mbiv rkfja. 

This will be… the closest he could get to Shen Dayao.

And he didn’t want to wait any longer. He had felt enough despair already.

Shen Ye stayed at home. He rubbed his forehead and got up from the bed. As soon as he walked out of the door, he kicked something. It was a wine bottle.

He glanced at it coldly and left it alone, walking over to pick up his phone. 

There were messages that his assistant sent to him every day. The investigation progress, search progress, and… Ye Ming’s every move.

Ye Ming stayed at Zheng Sen’s house and went in and out with him. He seemed to be doing fine… He went to school today, etc. etc… He wanted to see that person but didn’t dare to. Even if the reluctance and jealousy in his heart drown him, he couldn’t ever see him again.

Even if all the people in the world died, Ye Ming probably still wouldn’t want to see him one last time.

Every time Shen Ye read a message, he deleted the message, until he finally emptied everything. But although he could delete the messages on his phone, how could he clear up the things filling his heart? How could he forget the feelings that tormented him? 

He open his lip and let out a chuckle. What if he just returned the company to Ye Ming? It seems to be a good choice… but he didn’t know if Ye Ming would think that it was unnecessary. Would he think that he’s a hypocrite?

Maybe just living with us under the same sky would make you feel sick…

Shen Ye closed his eyes wearily, his fingers loosened, and his phone fell onto the sofa. At this moment, there was a ‘ding!’ and a new message came in.

Shen Ye didn’t rush to see it. He thought it was meaningless to go on like this. He was so tired… No matter how much he knew, he still couldn’t find that person. Compared to ten years ago, their distance was further than ever. 

Back then, there was still hatred holding him up, looking forward to the day when that person would reappear in his world, all, so he could keep him in the cage he had built.

But now that the person is back, he had no choice but to leave voluntarily, even looking at him was an impossible wish.

Even that tiny sliver of hope was gone.

The pain in Shen Ye’s chest felt like an icy river flowing throughout his body. He knew he should give up, but the unread message on the phone kept tempting his heart, making him unable to give up. Even just a shred of news… he couldn’t leave alone. 

Just one look, one more look… then I’ll stop.

Shen Ye slowly opened his eyes, the hand holding his phone trembled slightly before he finally opened the message.

Shen Dayao’s men picked up Ye Ming.

This line of words fell into Shen Ye’s eyes and made his pupils shrink. He suddenly sat up straight, the next moment… he grabbed his coat and rushed out! 

Ye Ming sat in the car with a calm expression, so much so that he looked like a well-behaved, fledgling college student.

The man in front glanced at Ye Ming as if it was meant to be deliberate yet also seemed to be casual. So this was Young Master Shen’s sugar baby. Just because he looked like the adopted son of President Shen, Young Master had been seduced to the point of ignoring the company. They had no way of knowing what happened either… Young Master Shen had become self-indulgent because of him. It seems that Young Master Shen fell in love.

And President Shen also paid so much attention to him that he even wished to see him in person.

The man knew how to do more and talk less. He didn’t ask Ye Ming anything. He just took him to a holiday villa, a property of the Shen family, respectfully. It was quiet and had few people around. 

Ye Ming followed the server in the villa to a pavilion by the lake. Shen Dayao, dressed in Tang Dynasty clothes, sat there drinking tea, while his bodyguard stood not far away, looking serious as ever.

He turned his head, the two people’s gaze connected even from a distance, it felt like the entire world was quiet for a moment.

Ye Ming walked slowly, step by step. He tried his best to suppress the hatred in his heart and said in a calm voice, “Were you looking for me?”

Shen Dayao looked at Ye Ming. At this moment, he had no choice but to acknowledge that this man really was like Han Xu. It’s probably why Shen Ye was so enthralled with him. This son of his… It seems that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of Han Xu’s shadow in this life. 

To bring Han Xu home because of a moment of weakness was the worst decision of his life.

Although he wouldn’t casually kill a poor student, Shen Dayao’s eyes were cold. There was no need for killing. Problems that could be solved with money and means are not a problem.

“Do you want to study abroad?” Shen Dayao opened his mouth and got straight to the point.

Ye Ming looked at him and thought it ridiculous. That year, this man had killed him mercilessly, yet now for Shen Ye’s sake, he’ll send him abroad. He is like a parent who wants to separate his children from their lover. If he didn’t know the entire story, he’d even mistake himself for being in some ridiculous romance idol drama! 

Ye Ming lowered his head slightly. They were only less than two steps apart. At such a close distance, there really was no need to think of anything else.

“Are you paying?” Ye Ming blinked his eyes, seeming a little uneasy. He looked like those children who had never seen the world, worrying only about whether or not Shen Dayao would keep his promise. Money was his biggest problem.

Shen Dayao chuckled and nodded.

“But… President Shen might not let me go.” Ye Ming revealed a look of distress and fear. 

Shen Dayao said, “You don’t have to worry about him. He won’t appear in front of you again.”

Ye Ming suddenly raised his eyes and was pleasantly surprised, “Really?” He seemed too happy, taking a step forward. In the next instant, the surprise in his eyes faded, leaving only a deep-rooted hatred!

The knife in his hand glinted in the cold light as he violently stabbed towards Shen Dayao’s throat!

When Shen Ye saw the news, his heart kept falling. His fear and uneasiness made him cold all over, and he drove madly towards the villa. He just wanted to be faster, just a tiny bit faster… He can’t let them meet! Absolutely can’t! 

He didn’t even have time to think about why he was so afraid. He was afraid that he couldn’t bear to see the consequences. Whether it was the loss of both sides or the death of one, he couldn’t accept either… He had to be faster!

Shen Ye’s car smashed into the door of the villa. He pushed the car door open and rushed down even before the car stopped. He grabbed one of the staff, his eyes fierce, and shouted with an ugly expression, “Where’s my father?!”

The staff had never seen Shen Ye look so terrible, and trembled, “At Heyue Pavilion…”

Before he finished his sentence, he saw Shen Ye run out. 

Shen Ye ripped open the collar of his shirt. His body was covered in a layer of sweat as he ran toward Heyue Pavilion. But before he got close, he suddenly heard a gunshot. He couldn’t help but raise his eyes to look in the direction of the gunshot, full of horror.

Ye Ming’s thin body was right in front of his eyes, as if in slow motion, Ye Ming fell.


This is not happening! 

The translator wants to say something: Things are really about to go down now mmmmm. Lemme get some popcorn because I’m hungry. (*´﹃`) Also another update will come tomorrow! I’ll try to finish it as fast as I can!