Shen Ye returned to the operating room and sat there without leaving.

Time passed slowly. It was only over ten hours later did the lights in the operating room go out. 

When the doctor walked out from the inside, he was surprised to see that Shen Ye was still waiting outside. He said, “We’ve managed to rescue the patient, but he hasn’t woken up yet. His life won’t be in danger for the time being.”

When Shen Ye heard these words, his eyes turned hazy. He had prepared himself for the worst, so when he suddenly got news as surprisingly as this, he couldn’t bear it.

His lips trembled, “Thank you…”

The doctor smiled and said you’re welcome. He was a little surprised and wondered just what relationship the person inside must have had with Shen Ye for him to worry so much. He must be very important. 

Shen Ye stood up from the chair. He felt a bout of dizziness, causing him to stumble a little before finally getting up.

Ye Ming was transferred into a ward. His head was wrapped in white gauze, his eyes were closed though he was breathing softly, indicating that he was still alive…

Shen Ye wanted to get close, but he was also afraid. He didn’t dare to get close.

He thought he was strong, strong enough to face any difficulties. He had once faced the betrayal of his beloved… Thinking that nothing else in the world could bring him down, but he underestimated everything.

He had overestimated himself.

The cruelty, coldness, and impermanence of the world were far beyond his imagination.

In the end, Shen Ye walked over anyway. He gently stroked Ye Ming’s cheek, kissed his lips with affection, and softly placed his hand over his. Ye Ming’s fingers were a little cold, Shen Ye wanted to warm him up.

He thought that if Ye Ming woke up, he probably wouldn’t want him to touch him. How much he must hate him… 

“You must be disappointed in me, aren’t you? I only figured everything out right now…” Shen Ye’s eyes were full of pain and sorrow, and his voice was hoarse, “I found out too late…”

I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.

I should’ve.

【Ding, Shen Ye’s blackening value -5. Current blackening value 10】 

Shen Ye didn’t go home, falling asleep next to Ye Ming, awoken by the phone’s ringtone.

It was his assistant, calling to tell him that Han Xu’s body had been found, asking him how to deal with it.

Shen Ye glanced at Ye Ming on the hospital bed, then back at his phone. He stood up and gazed at the sleeping Ye Ming gently, “I’m going out to do something, and I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t worry… I’ll do it well.”

Qlat atlr, tf uba eq jcv ifoa. 

Vtfc Tf vgbnf lc atf mjg obg rfnfgji tbegr, jgglnfv lc jcbatfg mlas, jcv olcjiis mjwf ab j nliijuf.

Ktf jrrlrajca abbx Vtfc Tf ab j qglnjaf tberf. Vfflcu Vtfc Tf’r jqqfjgjcmf, tf atbeuta Vtfc Tf wera tjnf reoofgfv jc fcbgwber yibk. Qtfc tf atbeuta bo atf rmfcf Vtfc Tf kbeiv rff ijafg, tf tfrlajafv, “Ugfrlvfca Vtfc, sbe vbc’a cffv ab mbwf lc qfgrbc, pera ulnf wf atf lcragemalbcr bc ktja ab vb.”

Shen Ye shook his head. He had to face this matter himself. Besides… he couldn’t keep running away.

If someone had to choose to bear this pain, he hoped that it was himself, that he would make this decision himself… Instead of the cowardly choice of escaping again. 

Shen Ye walked into the private house. There was a black bag inside, which seemed to hold something.

He walked over and opened it, revealing a corpse… No, strictly speaking, it was just a pile of bones stained with dirt. There was no way of recognising it… There weren’t even clothes or other items beside it.

Just looking at these… Who could tell who it was?

But Shen Ye knew… This was the person he had been strenuously searching and waiting for about ten years. 

He hated him, resented him. His hatred blinded him and knew nothing of the truth. He didn’t know that person he hated… had become like this, never coming back.

His hatred had become a joke.

But at this moment, the reborn man he couldn’t stop thinking about was once again in a situation where his survival was uncertain. He was still lying in the hospital, asleep.

And all of this happened because of his father. 

Shen Ye grimaced, shutting his eyes. After a long time, he opened them again. All that remained was a look of indifference and determination left in his eyes. As if it were a barren land with no vitality.

He emphasised word by word, “Bring this corpse and Liu Pingde to the police.”

The assistant’s face paled, “President Shen! You can’t do this!”

This was a case from ten years ago. If no one said anything, no one found anything out, then no one would continue investigating, it could even be considered a death without evidence. But if the witness and material evidence were sent to the police, it would be equivalent to handing over Shen Dayao. This was betraying his father! 

And if this happened, if everything got involved, the entire company would suffer a big hit.

Is Shen Ye crazy? Shouldn’t normal people be in a hurry to destroy the body?

Shen Ye turned to him, staring coldly, “I can.”

He had never made a choice before. He felt that the choice was too painful, too difficult, so even if he had to die, he was still unwilling to make it. But this couldn’t go on. 

Even if Ye Ming hated him, even if Ye Ming didn’t care at all…

He could no longer turn a blind eye to it, to be an accomplice.

The silence was just another way to help bad people do bad things.

The assistant was troubled. He had been with Shen Ye for years and had always done everything for them. But he didn’t dare to today. This was the first time he didn’t immediately follow Shen Ye’s orders. 

Shen Ye said indifferently, “Go ahead, this is what I asked you to do. No one will bother you. You have been in the company for many years… I won’t treat you unfairly.”

Seeing Shen Ye’s attitude, the assistant knew that he already made up his mind about this. He sighed.

Shen Ye returned to the hospital after giving his order.

Ye Ming was still in a coma. Although his life was temporarily out of danger, as long as he hadn’t woken up, there was always the chance of him being in an accident. Moreover, the doctor admitted that he didn’t know when Ye Ming would wake up. After all, he was shot in the head. Although the rescue was timely and his life was fortunately saved, it was the brain that was injured… there was also a chance that he would never wake up. 

Shen Ye accepted it very calmly. Instead of revealing a look of panic, he seemed to gradually recover the composure he had in the past.

He stayed in the hospital every day, hardly ever leaving unless he had important matters to attend to.

That day, Shen Ye sat on Ye Ming’s bed as usual and said, “Wake up early, okay? You haven’t gotten your revenge yet. There’s no way you’ll be satisfied with this, will you…”

As he spoke, his eyes were gentle and sentimental, painful and sad, “As long as you wake up… I do anything you want, okay…” 

Because I’m terrified, scared that you won’t wake up.

I can’t fall asleep every night. Whenever I think of those rotting bones, I always feel that everything I’m going through right now is a dream. It was only because I wanted you back so much, so I fantasized that you came back…

But you were never back. You died a long time ago. The person in this body isn’t you. It’s just my subjective imagination…

Shen Ye bent down and touched Ye Ming’s face with his forehead, closing his eyes. 

Wake up quickly and tell me that I’m not dreaming, that you have really come back… You still have to take revenge on us, don’t you? I finally understand how much you hate me. You can’t wait for me to die, but you also don’t want me to die so easily.

But I still love you.

Shen Ye clutched Ye Ming’s hand tightly. It felt like this was the only way he could make sure that this person still existed. He hoped that he would wake up, that he would open his eyes and look at him, even if it was with hateful eyes, at least he would know that the soul he loved was still there…

Not like what it was right now. 

Shen Ye didn’t know how he fell asleep. He didn’t change his clothes or wash his face. When he woke up the next day, he was just about to freshen up, when the police suddenly came to the hospital.

The young police officer said to Shen Ye, “President Shen, we found something when we were examining the body and its remains. I think you should know.”

Shen Ye didn’t ask anything and went to the police station with the police cooperatively.

Ever since he decided to hand all of the evidence over to the police, he had been prepared to face anything, no matter what happens, he’ll cooperate. 

The police told Shen Ye, “After our inspection, the identity of the deceased has been confirmed. It is Han Xu who disappeared after assaulting you ten years ago. The items on his body also prove these.”

Shen Ye said hoarsely, “I see.”

The police were silent for a moment before saying, “However, when we were checking the evidence, we accidentally found something.”

Shen Ye asked, “What?” 

The police said, “We recovered some information on the deceased’s mobile phone through technical means. We found that less than half an hour before his death, that is, after leaving the hotel where you met him that year, he dialed 110, at the exact same time as the person who called the police to give you first aid.”

Shen Ye’s expression finally revealed a crack, his lips trembled. “What did you say?”

The police took out the mobile phone in a plastic bag and said, “He should be the one who called the police to save you that year. But that doesn’t really make sense. If he wanted to kill you, why would he call 110 and save you? “

If he wanted to kill you, why would he call 110 and save you? 

Shen Ye suddenly felt unstable, his pupils shaking violently! He had tried to find the person who called the police, wishing to thank the passerby. He thought the only reason he could survive was because… It was God’s will, luck, an accident…

It was because of that man that he was able to live until this day.

And now the truth was to tell him that it wasn’t because of good luck that he survived, it wasn’t an accident… It was because Ye Ming never wanted him to die from the start?

He actually… didn’t want him to die? 

A/N: Fixed a bug. It’s possible to save the bullet if it hits the head as long as you’re lucky and it doesn’t hit any important areas. The power of a handgun generally isn’t very strong and it won’t explode the head even if it was from far away. Some lovelies reminded this idiot author that the possibility of surviving after being shot in the temple is extremely low, so the idiot author changed it a bit and didn’t make it hit there so that he could be saved