[Posted almost every day] Princess Rua cuts it down! ~Be aware~

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[Hello hello, Youtubes!]

[Voice-actor Tuber “Princess Rua” a.k.a. Rua!]

[Hmm. Today, let’s talk about that thing that pissed me off and that thing that made me happy.]

[What pisses me off is that my precious childhood—I mean, my friend who was being teased right in front of me.]

[Something like, ‘This isn’t teasing, it’s bullying!’]

[See, that person has a strong sense of justice, you know? Won’t tolerate that kind of thing.]

[“If you ever do that again, I’m not going to let you get away with it ♪ pun pun♥” The pressure was on, lol]

[The good thing is that I got to see my friend’s cool side instead of my favorite side.]

[Like giving my classmates who are riding train a big, loud “bash, bash!]

[……, that was really cool. ……]

[Ah! Let me tell you something! This is a conversation about a girl! Not a boy!]

[It’s called a girl falling for a girl! I’m so scared of boys that I haven’t even spoken to one since I started high school.]

[Lastly, business connection.]

[The live performance with Amene Minase, whom I told you about yesterday, has been decided.]

[The date is a bit sudden, but it’s on Sunday, May 20, 10 days from now!]

[The venue is at the Shine Mall 1st floor plaza. What a great opportunity to see the show!]

[I’ll let you know the details on this channel, so please come!]

[So, that’s it for Princess Rua ♪, see you later♪]

[Toroku Toroku ♪ Channel Toroku ♪]

[Comment section 1552

Sugar kelp, – 1 minute ago

I know how you feel. People who insist that it is teasing, not bullying. Can’t they see the pain of others?

Kurapikami milk tea, 1 minute ago

Bullying is uncool! As expected of Princess!

Suikaraku, – 2 minutes ago

That girl friend of yours is a wonderful person!

Drakonbar, – 2 minutes ago

I can feel the yuri vibes!

Princess Rua’s Retainer A, – 3 minutes ago

Minase or whatever her name is, she doesn’t have any main roles. Is she a pushover for Teikai?

Yoshida – 3 minutes ago

Minase, you’re a disgrace. The office should take better care of Princess.






It’s been a week since I started going along with Amane Minase’s practice —-

After school, we would gather together in the basement stacks and she would show me her singing and dancing every day.

To be honest, I can’t say that she is a good singer — but her dancing is quite good.

She has a surprisingly good sense of rhythm for someone who is so calm, and she dances quite nimbly. She looks as good as the idols on TV. She probably practices a lot at home. Her dancing shoes are falling apart.

The only drawback is that her posture is hunched and slumped.

I guess it all depends on her personality. Practice doesn’t make a difference.

After practicing a whole song x3, I said to her as she was wiping her sweat with a towel.

“I think you have done enough dancing.”

“R-really? This is still not enough for Rua-san. ……”

“I’ve never seen that thing dance, but if you can dance like that, I think you’re good enough. It’s more about the posture.”

She sighed.

“As I thought, I do have a hunched back, don’t I? My choreographer is always scolding me.”

“Then why don’t you make the most of your hunchback?”

“Hunchback??? Make use of it????”

She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, so I stood up and showed her a sample.

“Curl your hands like this, and nyan”


“Yes, yes.”

Bending forward, Minase-san made a cat’s hand with both hands and nyaned in a voice that sounded like a bell ringing. [TL: Is that even a word?]

…… No, it’s rather seriously cute.

This destructive power is not just a thing, while the bangs remain hidden.

“So, why don’t you try that dance you just did?”

“Y- yes, I’ll try!”

She started dancing again. “Nyan♪, nyan♪, nyan♪, nyan♪. Well, it wasn’t that she was purring, but I could naturally hear such voices in my ears. Her cat dance was so flippant and cute, and there was “something” about it that made the viewer feel relaxed and entertained.

Was she a cat in her previous life. ……

A unit of a pig and a cat. I think it would be quite popular, wouldn’t it? Of course, the pig is the more attractive one.

“Nyan nyan ♪ ama-nyan ♪ ama-nyan ♪ nyaan ♪”

Ama-nyan Ama-nyan♪

I couldn’t help but to sing along.

“Haa haa ……♪”

After the dance, she looked radiant. Like she had finally found her weapon. Apparently, she had a response.

“Maybe you should ask your costume maker to make you some cat ears and a tail.”


Minase’s smile burst out, but her shoulders immediately slumped.

“……,But it’s no good. This is not usable in the group.”

“Eh? Why not?”

“The reason is that it doesn’t harmonize with Rua’s voice. She is by far the best voice actress. I have to be a complement to Rua.”

“Oh, I see.”

I now understand why they chose her, who is shy and has long bangs. The office is not stupid. They have calculated that.

“Besides, singing and dancing aren’t my real job. I’m a voice actor. I want to voice a character in an anime!”

“You seem very lively.”

“I love anime! I would like Suzuki to watch me practice my acting, not this singing and dancing.”

What a little bit of aggressiveness.

She also makes this kind of face.

From the bottom of her heart, she loves anime. She must love her job as a voice actor.

……She’s a good girl, really.

She’s not an idol, she’s a great actor.

I wonder why this girl is unknown and that pig is famous. Is that how the voice acting industry works?

“By the way, Suzuki, there’s something that’s been bothering me.”


She fidgeted, as if she had difficulty saying it. When she did it that way, it emphasized the flabby thing that made her gym clothes look so puffed up, and it was a bit of a sight for sore eyes.

“I heard that Rua and Suzuki had a fight the other day. Could it be my fault?”

“Heh? No, it had nothing to do with you.”

“I heard that you and Rua have known each other since childhood. Are you sure I’m not putting you on the wrong side of the board?”

“Not at all.”

In the first place, that pig is no longer a childhood friend. Just a classmate. No, class pig?

“I don’t have anything to do with that thing anymore. I don’t think anything of it.”

“She’s such a beautiful girl.”


Ah, come to think of it, I’ve heard that pigs like to be clean.

“I don’t know if she’s beautiful or not, but I don’t really care.”

Then she patted her chest in relief.

“U-uhm, Suzu…… Kazu-kun!”


She suddenly brought her face closer.

The big eyes glimpsed through the bangs are wandering around. Sometimes it’s very destructive to see her eyes because I can’t see them all the time.

“I-If you don’t mind, I-I-I-I’d like to …….”

As if gathering her courage, she was about to say something.


The door to the basement stacks is kicked in.

A small figure appeared with a halo behind it.

Her long blonde hair shimmers in the dust.

Her well-shaped lips are pursed.

Standing with folded arms was a pig.

“The scene of the affair, Hackeso!” [TL: the eight early Japanese Buddhist sects. I’m not sure]

…………Ancient times