The event was a great success.

The reputation of Amane-chan’s “Ama-nyan dance” spread quickly on social networking sites. The comments were, “She’s so adorable! All mankind should know about it,” “It’s precious beyond description,” “Princess Rua, compelling role,” and so many other rave comments flowed through my phone at a furious pace. The happy loop of people who secretly filmed the video uploaded it, and those who saw it were fascinated by it again. The future great voice actor had done more than I had expected.

On the other hand, the reaction of the media was the exact opposite.

The major news sites were all ” Princess Rua makes her impressive CD debut! The audience was intoxicated by the singing voice of a JK idol voice actress,” etc., all over the major news sites were writing up articles praising the pig. The office must have laid the groundwork in advance. Not a single mention of Amane-chan in the article. The fact that the pig fell down on stage was not mentioned either. It was pretended to have never happened. It was a perfect manipulation of information.

But that was naive.

In this age of social networking, do they really think that will work?

All the guests who came to see the event knew who shined the brightest at the event. I don’t need to spread the word this time. People who saw Amane-chan’s brilliance are spreading the word on their own.

It is not a fake created by adults.

That’s what “real” brilliance is all about.

The next day, Monday morning.

When I arrived at school at the usual time, I found a crowd of people at the entrance.

Surrounded by many students was Amane-chan.

“I saw the video of the event!”

“I was really surprised at how cute your nekomimi was.”

“Did you come up with that choreography by yourself?”

“I didn’t know you were a voice actress! I didn’t know that!”

All the boys and girls were praising her.

When it came to Amane-chan, her face turned bright red and all she could say was, “Um, well…”

She became a big star overnight, but I guess her personality doesn’t change so much. Her bangs are back to normal.

Surrounding her, of course, were the members of the “hot group.”

They are a different group from the pig army.

By the way, the pig army was watching the commotion from afar. Some of them are trying to talk to Amane-chan. One of them is Asano of the baseball club. With an eager gaze, he stares intently at Amane-chan……That one, he was in love with her.

And the pig herself, or rather, the real pig.

She was staring at Amane-chan with a terrible expression on her face. Even from my position, I could see that her mouth was trembling. She must have been really pissed off. But she didn’t touch her, probably because she thought it would be a repeat of yesterday.

No matter how much influence she may have as the daughter of the Takayashiki family, there was no way she could get her hands on Amane-chan again.

She has been exposed in such an ugly manner and spread on social networking sites. If she were to touch Amane-chan, she would be the first to be suspected. Even the most popular person would want to avoid any more ugliness.

(Good for you, Amane-chan!)

I said to her in my mind and quietly left the place.

Now she is a member of the “hot group.” She won’t be able to join the pig’s group, but another faction will surely invite her. There was no way they would leave such a cute girl alone. She will probably have a boyfriend in the near future.

If that happens, my presence will be a hindrance.

As I am an enemy of Rua Takayashiki, the ruler of the school. The right thing to do is to disappear in silence. When I isolated myself from that pig, I have already made up my mind. I am prepared to spend my high school life alone.

(If you are chosen to appear in an anime, I’ll definitely watch it.)

After calling out once more in my mind, I changed into my inner shoes.

Just as I was about to walk to the classroom, I heard a voice—–


A loud voice called out to me.

When I turned around, I saw Amane-chan running toward me with great speed.

“Kazu-kun, good morning.”

“……Aahm good morning.”

I wasn’t sure how to react.

I thought about pretending not to notice, but I had no choice when called so loudly.

The cool group of people who had been left behind stared at me with a blank stare. “Who is he?” The pig’s army also popped. The head pig widens his bloodshot eyes, and Asano opens his big, gaping mouth.

“Kazu-kun. Please stay with me for practice after school today, too.”

“Eh? The event is over and the unit is broken up, right?

She shakes her head.

“In fact, I’ve been invited to audition for a new animated film. A different agency called me.”

“…… Really?”

“I think I’m going to move to a new office.”

Her voice was bouncy.

Although her expression is hidden by her bangs, I can’t see much of her face, but I think confidence appears to be floating around her mouth.

“So I want to practice. …… with Kazu-kun.”

Of course, the people standing blankly in the back couldn’t see it.

She showed them only to me.

“No, but you know. Amane-chan.”

“I don’t like it when you call me that.”

She shook her head.

“I want only Kazu-kun to call me ‘Ama-nyan’ . ……”


It’s a foul, this.



“…… Ama-nyan. lifting up your bangs, will change your personality?”

“Fufu. I wonder”

She laughed. It’s the smile of a little devil.

“if it’s the case …… it’s your fault. Because you lifted my bangs.”


“Please take it. Okay?”

She took my arm and started to walk away. In this way, when it comes to close contact, I can feel the fullness of her ample bre*sts and …… above all, she smells good. Perfume? Or maybe she changed her shampoo. For whom?

I can feel the gaze of the hot group piercing my back.

I glance over and see Asano kneeling on the ground, covering his face with his hands. I wonder if he is that frustrated that I, whom he recognized as a small fry, took her away from him.

Incidentally, next to him, someone else had collapsed.

The group of people around him said, “Are you all right!?” “I’m going to the infirmary!” “You’re bubbling! What’s wrong with your eyes?!” They were calling out to each other in fear. What’s going on?

I don’t know who it is, but I feel sorry for them.

“Let’s go. Kazu-kun.”


Yare yare. (Good grief)

It doesn’t look like it’s going to be quiet around me for a while.

Then, one week later–.

At a school assembly, the school president made the following announcement.

“We will be handing out ‘special student badges’ to encourage students to be more aware of the importance of being a special student and to further inspire them.”

Little did I know that this badge would be the trigger for the next uproar.